It might explain why this is happening now...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Breaking: Moskva Scrambles Back to Sea - Updated

Interesting breaking news coming from Russia. Apparently after returning to port on August 23rd, the Moskva went back to sea today sailing from Sevastopol to Novorossiisk. Why? The article details some new events off the coast of Georgia. (translation mine)

Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn told reporters that there are nine NATO ships off the coast of Georgia. Among them, two U.S. ships, one Spanish, German, and Polish ship, and four Turkish ships. "This increases the degree of tension in the region," - the General stressed.
So much for NATO exercises, looks like NATO has other plans first. This is the first report we have seen regarding the Turkish Navy acting in response to the conflict.

There are no details regarding which four Turkish warships are there, but the other ships would be the SPS Juan de Borbon (F102), the Polish frigate ORP General K. Pulaski (272), the German frigate FGS Lubeck (F214), the US Navy destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74), and the USCGC Dallas (WHBC 716).

Will be interesting to see if this is just Russian crap media reporting, of which I have read a lot this month, or confirmed by other western media reporting.

Updated: Confirmed, Reuters is also reporting that the Moskva will conduct weapon testing.
Posted by Galrahn at 12:18 PM
Labels: Black Sea, Georgia, NATO, Russia