It seems to me that both Demoncrat and Republicon parties are more interested in "winning" the Presidential race than they are for the "common good" of this country. Maybe that is the way it has always been and I am just now awakening to this concept.

So with that being said, and bearing in mind that I still have political ambitions,lol,

If I were President of this land my cabinet from this board would look something like this....

Sec. of State.........Ryan Ruck...5503 post, fella likes to communicate
Sec. of Defense......Rick Donaldson..most likely to scare the hell out of someone
Sec. of Interior......Brian Baldwin..Usually has good advice..
Sec. of Education...PsycoJoe...He was able to help an old hillbilly like me with IRC chat

Other positions are still open, but they are filling fast! Is everyone entertained?

Oh I almost forgot, in keeping with the current trend my VP would have to be my black female poodle, Lacey. Notice I was the only candidate to pick a VP outside of my species!