Arab world nervous about Barack Obama's pro-Israeli chief of staff

The Arab world has voiced concerns about Barack Obama appointing an Israeli as his chief of staff.

By Tim Butcher in Jerusalem
Last Updated: 10:27PM GMT 13 Nov 2008

Mr Emanuel's appointment as White House chief of staff prompted initial dismay among some in the Arab world Photo: AP

The notoriously pugnacious Rahm 'Rahmbo' Emanuel, a 48-year-old congressman from Chicago, makes no secret of his support for Israel.

He holds both an American and an Israeli passport, spent regular summer holidays in Tel Aviv and joined the Israeli army reserve during the first Gulf War in the early 1990s.

But while the appointment prompted initial dismay among some in the Arab world, governments in the Middle East are being cautious before passing judgement.

They are waiting to see whether Mr Emanuel's strong Jewish credentials might not be crucial persuading Israel to accept the two-state solution backed in principle by President-elect Obama and the Arab League.

When Mr Emanuel's appointment was announced, commentators across the Muslim world voiced their concerns.

He was denounced as a "pro-Israeli hardliner" by Ali Abunimah from the Electronic Intifada.

"There could not be a more provocative appointment than Rahm Emanuel, if he wanted to send a signal that he is going to stick by a quite hard-line pro-Israel policy," he wrote.

Internet blogger Zahed Amanullah, wrote that Mr Emanuel's appointment gave "Muslims pause for thought".

Writing in Saudi Arabia's Arab News, Osama al-Sharif said Mr Emanuel's new position ended any euphoria felt at the end of the Republican hold on the White House.

"For millions of Arabs who expressed jubilance at the monumental victory of Obama, [Emanuel's] appointment has put a damper on a short-lived fiesta," he wrote.

Morocco's leading Arabic-language newspaper al Massa said Emanuel's powerful new job indicated the "lengthy arm of Israeli clout inside the Obama administration".

And among many on the Palestinian Street the knee jerk reaction to his appointment was largely negative.

This was not helped by the tone of a prominent Israeli newspaper, Maariv, when it described Mr Emanuel as "our man in the White House".

Mr Emanuel's father, Benjamin, who served with Zionist militants during the British mandate over Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s, stirred things when asked if his son would have an impact on Mr Obama's team.

"What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the White House," the older Mr Emanuel said.

But the fact that Mr Emanuel is both Jewish and committed to Israel could also be a deciding factor in persuading Israel to accept a future peace deal with the Palestinians.

And when it comes to Mr Emanuel persuading high-level Israeli government officials they will never be able to accuse him of not having the interest of Israel at heart.

Jeffery Goldberg, writing in the Atlantic, said Mr Emanuel's excellent Jewish credentials means he will be able to call the bluff of any Israeli leader.

"Rahm will call out such nonsense, and it will be very hard for right-wing Israelis to come back and accuse him of being a self-hating Jew," he wrote.

President George W Bush only came to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the last year of his presidency when he hosted the Annapolis summit to try to initiate a dialogue that would reach a peace deal.

If President-Elect Obama grasps the issue early on his presidency, Mr Emanuel could play a key role in reaching an agreement.