Indian Air Force plans to hit targets in 24 hours

The Nation (Pakistan) ^

LAHORE-Indian government’s continued threats to Pakistan during the last few days, now seem to be taking practical shape and the presence of two high-level US army officers in Pakistan is being viewed from a different angle. The Nawa-i-Waqt/The Nation has learnt through very reliable sources that US Admiral Michael Mullen, while negotiating with Pak military brass at the GHQ, is pressing hard upon them not to retaliate in case of expected Indian airstrikes.

Indian Air Force intends to hit certain target in Lahore and Azad Kashmir during the next 24 hours in the same way as the US Air Force is doing in the tribal areas of Pakistan, the sources confided. As per source Pakistan military leadership has refused to accept US pressure and deployed F-7 fighter jets at Lahore Air-base which are fully capable of not only intercepting Indian strikes but also counter-attacking effectively. All the air-force stations have been put on high alert and military leadership has made it clear on the US that in case of Indian attack, Pakistan will at once discontinue logistic support to US and shift it army from the western front to the eastern.ral said.

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