And it's time once again for an exciting season of Football.

This off season has been interesting to say the least. Jay Cutler going to the Bears while Denver continues it's own quest for the perfect 0-16 season out of possible jealousy of Detroit is mind blowing. Gotta wonder if the Cheatriot's Coordinator that is now Denver's HC is maybe helping out his old mentor in these latest moves. I mean I've seen some boneheaded moves over the four decades I've followed this sport but this new Head Coach is a head scratcher.

Let's see now... We also have CJ from the Bengals saying he will be living with Carson Palmer who rightfully suggests this is would only happen if CJ pays his mortgage each month. CJ always was more mouth than brains, but then they didn't hire him for his lack luster IQ. His going back to his roots in training for the upcoming season however is a positive note and if he can just keep his mouth in neutral we might see good numbers from him this season. The Bengals also allowed TJ to leave for the west coast and that too was a smart move. I've always said that the CJ - TJ duo needed split up before the Bengals would have a chance.

Dallas Parted ways with NFL Crybaby extrodinare T.O. in favor of Romo having a a chance at reaching the Super Bowl instead of getting constant headaches on the sidelines. Maybe Jerry Jones, the team owner has figured out that throwing money at these malcontent babies, no matter how talented, is a bad idea. I look for dallas to certainly compete in their division this season.

On the other side of that Coin, WTF Buffalo? T.O.? Seriously? Well it will get that team some news coverage if nothing else.

My Beloved Steelers kept the main part of their team intact in hopes of making another Super Bowl Bid. I'm doubtful they get a seventh ring but then I doubted they'd get the sixth last season. Arizona on the flip of that issue also could prove dominating in their division especially when you consider the other teams they share their division with. It honestly wouldn't surprise me to see another Steelers-Arizona Super Bowl this year.

The Cheatriots (Patriots for you fans), Got rid of Cassell in their bid to make everyone understand that Tom Brady is still their QB. While Brady has certainly proven his merit over the years by a wide margin I'm not sure that was the best move they could make. I feel badly for Cassell though going to the Chiefs. It takes more than a good QB to make a team competitive. But at least they're working at making their team better and it does all start with the QB. We'll see is my stance there.

How about them Browns? Donte Stallworth in a hit and run DUI gets a slap on the wrist but the NFL suspends him indefinately. That DUI thing seems to be a big past time in Ohio. I knew the state sucked even though two of our more active members are from there. But seriously... Is the state really so boring that drinking is the only real viable hobby for people living there? Yes I know that other players around the league have DUI's on their records, but Ohio teams seem to be looking to be tops in something so why not drunk driving?

I was watching the NFL network the other day when one of their Players-turned-broadcaster mentioned that they think the Seahawks will be a dominating force this year in the NFC... Perhaps the drug testing should extend beyond their announcement of retirement. The Seahawks had their last chance in 2005 and now have entered a major rebuild time. It'll be 3 to 5 years before they can truely be considered competitive in the NFC... But considering their division mates in all fairness, I'd say their a chance they could take their division a couple times in that period if Arizona doesn't dominate it.

Vikings are signing Farve, No they're not interested... Wait... He's talking about playing for the Vikes... No he's retired... Wait... There's talk of a contract... No nothing is filed... Brett Farve should have retired from the Packers and called it a great Hall of Fame career, but now he's starting to be the butt of a lot of jokes around the league. Personally I think he plays one more lack luster year for the Vikings before finally hanging it up. Either way I've read and seen enough news about Brett Farve to last me a lifetime. Besides... That division will likely be owned by the Bears this year. Great moves and a solid draft in the offseason will see that bear fruit.

The Question of Atlanta and Baltimore... Two rookie coaches with rookie QBs that dominated in game time last year. Will they repeat? No one really expected them to have the year they had. It's a hard one to say. Both have the basic cores of their teams intact and could easily make their way deep into playoff territory again this season. I tend to lean more towards so-so sophmore seasons though. But in all fairness, I believe I said the Ravens had no chance to raise above the bottom of their division last season. Boy was I wrong.

How will Detroit make sure everyone knows they are the absolute worst team in the history of the sport this year? After going 0-16 they must be frantic to find another way to fail even bigger. Perhaps they will ask the Obamanites for a Bailout with more of our tax monies so they can stay afloat since I don't exactly imagine many jerseys are selling at this point. If the NFL is still looking at moving a team to L.A. then they have to seriously consider this one.

Will Tennessee repeat this year as the most dominate of the teams? No. Pretty simple answer there. Things just happen to work out for them last year, but in truth they're a so-so team with a couple of very talent players. They've a lot of in house problems to deal with on top of that. I believe the division will go back to Indy this season even without Tony Dungy at the helm. Manning can pretty much run that offense in his sleep.

So my choice for the Super Bowl early on this year is Pittsburgh Vs. Arizona in a repeat. Had they had significant changes to their teams in the offseason I probably wouldn't have went with one or both. Teams from the AFC I see that could supplant Pittsburgh are the Cheatriots, Colts, or maybe even the Ravens. Teams in the NFC that could supplant the Cards are Dallas, Chicago, or possibly the Giants.

Those are my picks before the season starts and I reserve the right to change my mind as the season progresses and I'm proven grossly wrong. However, should I be proven right, then it's just pure genius on my part.

Lets get the Season under way.