Quote Originally Posted by Beetle View Post
More role playing:

I dug my third out house now. It is not covered, so you still go where God and everybody can see you. I do keep the hole covered though. I don' want flies getting in it and then landing on my food or something. I still have plenty of toilet paper. Every place I go rummage through, I nab all the TP I can. I store the roles in my PVC pipe. The PVC keeps my roles dry. (Hey Rick will PVC work as a storage unit? I think it will keep stuff dry.)
Yes, you can use PVC pipe, sealed as a storage container, and bury it. It's actually a recommended way to do long term storage for items you want to cache away.

I finally took the wagan into town. I was thinking that I would be able to pick up some supplies there. I hadn't been to town in over four years. I don't know how long I should stay where I am before it is safe to go out. So, I have stayed away from town thinking the virus may be active there. But I need more tools and lumber to build my bunker with.
The virus, whatever it was... killed most people. but not you? Perhaps you were immune to it? Perhaps you got it and you lived and are NOW immune to it? Perhaps you're a carrier....

Well, the town is a ghost town and the shelves are emptied. So, I went from house to house for a while. I found some tin foil, plastic bags, trash bags, toilet paper, duct tape, wd40, books, some bandages and other first aid items, rope, chains, tools, axes, shovels, and some lumber to help build my bunker.
All good items to have. And you're at the point where you're now living. There's nothing in the way of civilization left, so you're using the materials from those long-gone to stay alive.....

I found some clothes, sock hats, and blankets but I did not take them. I didn't know if someone had the virus and was using the blanket or clothes, if the virus would still be in the blanket. (Is this the right thing to do, or can you use these kinds of items? On a can of Lysol, it says it can be used on soft surfaces now. So, does that mean a blanket could hold a virus or germ? I don't know, and since I don't know I wouldn't gather items like clothes and blankets. I would mend my own. I think I would still use a bandage if it was wrapped in something and toilet paper and other items if it were wrapped. So, this little exercise is good because it may answer questions I have or correct me when I am wrong).
Again, you might be immune. As most of you are aware some of the first types of biological warfare was to pass smallpox infected blankets to the Indians. Before that, launching plague victims' bodies using catapults over the walls of a city.

So - yes, you can disinfect (at the risk of getting infected of course) but you could also find non-infected items in, say a store, assuming there's anything left there....

Well, on my way back to my camp, I took a different route. I knew of some Amish in the area. I wanted to go by there and see if they made it. I found them surviving just fine. I traded some items with them. I received some preserves and other edibles. I need to make good friends with them; and maybe I can learn some things that will help make life easier. I may go rummage through town with the wagon more often. Then I can go trade with the Amish. Maybe if I become good friends with them they will help me build my bunker. If the Amish help build my bunker, it will be safe. ;-)
Two things... 1) Taking a different route back (good and bad). Good in that people aren't tracking you perhaps, bad in that if you don't know the area you might get into trouble. Then again, this is "survival mode" so you can make it through.

2) Making friends with the locals. ABSOLUTELY. Humans, ultimately are social creatures and being alone for a long time is probably not as healthy as you might think. I know spending weeks in the woods alone is not fun. I've done it before. It's... disconcerting to run across other people when you THINK you're alone and after a time you become suspicious of everything and everyone. Making friends is a GOOD thing.

(What do you think live stock would be worth in a trade at this time? If the Amish had it, I would want some chickens, sheep, pigs, cows and bulls, actually almost anything! What do you think one would have to trade for a rooster and a hen? And would this be legal in our survival role play here and would the Amish be survivors? IMHO, I think the Amish have the best chance at survival and they are around my area. So, I would try to look them up. If they didn't make it, they may have some tools and stuff I could scrounge.)
In survival, all creatures, great and small are fair game.