Quote Originally Posted by Beetle View Post
Yes, I would think solar panels would work well with deep cell batteries because they are recharchable. I don't think car batteries are recharchable.

How do you make Field expediate solar panels?

I guess, what I would do in this role play scenerio, I would recon houses for the solar panels. Once I found some, I would take the wagon to the houses and aquire them and the wireing.
Car batteries will recharge just fine... IF they haven't sat there too long and the cells fail. But remember in our scenario there are cars sitting all over the place, you're likely (with some work) to find one or two good or at least decent batteries.

Remember a lot of folks have spare batteries aboard their motor homes and believe it or not, many of them will be deep cycle batteries. Another place to locate batteries (though most will be 6V instead of 12, so you might have to get some and put them in series) are golf carts. Those too, are generally deep cycle batteries.

Marinas with boats. Those should be marine/deep cycle batteries

Field expedient solar panel? You're not going to do that most likely. Find an existing solar panel and just use that to charge your batteries. Remember you will need to disconnect them at night (yes some have diodes to prevent discharge back through the panel from the battery, but don't count on that).