Also posted on ARFCOM: I Was Just Out Skated By A Woman - OR - Am I Too Old To Start Playing Hockey Again?

Been working my butt off for almost 2 years.

Last week I worked 76 hrs in 6 days.

Exercise of any sort has been about non-existent the last 2 years, and I can't stand it any more. I NEED to play sports.

Can't play baseball anymore due to a trashed shoulder, so decided to start playing hockey again - my second favorite sport.

So went to the local rink, and got kitted up. Darn stuff is expensive these days.

Haven't skated since 88 or 89. Damn, the gear sure has changed. Many more choices, and stuff is a lot lighter.

They didn't have my size skate, so had to order them. I had the bug to skate, so he handed me a pair of no-freaking-edge-whatsoever rentals, and off I went.

Man, I'm getting old; I'll be 53 soon.

The brain was willing, but the body wasn't.

Didn't come any where near falling, and certainly didn't hug the edge, but I suck.

Anyway, there was this young lady wearing hockey skates there.

So I skate around a few times, and tried some cross overs, but the skates had no edge at all, and I couldn't hold it.

She this lady blasts around me, circles the blue line, turns around, and skates lines...backwards.

She skated very well. May have to check the schedule and see when the women play.

So anyway, I'm thinking, "Show off!"

So then she comes up behind me, spins around, and skates backwards with me.

She asks how long had it been, and I said more than 20 yrs.

She said she could see that I had played, and to keep at it - it would all come back.

And I'm thinking, "Yeah, in about 10 years."

We chatted a bit, then she went back to her drills.

Sure felt good to get back on the ice.

They have a couple of skating classes at the rink, from beginner, intermediate, and senior hockey. Guy told me to show up for the intermediate hockey classes on Wed.

I'll probably spend more time on my ass than the skates. Maybe I should play goalie.

So whaddya think - am I too old?