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Thread: Will America Break Up?

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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    What is the government doing? Creating disasters like the BP oil spill as some kind of diversionary tactic! (Ok, I threw that in there for the Conspiracy theorists!)
    ***warning....thread derail ahead****

    i read some of my ex's intel school book on misinformation . i cannot remember the title. i cannot remember if the subject of the book was on misinformation. but it did say that misinformation can be a crucial tool in containing top secret intel. nothing like having something pegged as "conspiracy" to get people to immediately look the other way. it's also a well known tactic to mix truth and lies to confuse the enemy (foreign or domestic). this is what i think MOST conspiracy naysayers do, confuse the truth with lies and half truths.

    i think i've said this before, but conspiracies happen every day. fake moon landings, aliens on earth, illuminatti coverup of planet x and ancient knowledge, those are all good sci-fi action movie conspiracy theories.

    i'd actually like to start a thread on "what i call conspiracy" but i know rick doesn't like that sort of thing. it's almost like someone took the word conspiracy, made it a dirty word so that no one could ever stand up and blow the whistle about certain things. i always keep an open mind to such things (that doesn't mean i have to agree on them). it's like the word progressive. literally, it's a good thing. politically, it's been bastardized to mean socialist/communist/leftist. i hate that. it's a damn good word.

    ****back to original thread****

    i haven't been around long enough to comment on whether or not america will fall apart. looking back and certain things, i can say we as a society have taken two steps forward in technology and two steps back in values. if we don't correct the values part, i feel some other society is going to step in and be the leader of freedom. i think maybe it's the underlying disrespect that seems to permeate from "America" towards other countries that I'm hinting about. at one point, America was superior. In a lot of ways, we still are. Without a good set of values, that could change really fast. And I think we are seeing that change right now.
    Last edited by zenbudda; May 25th, 2010 at 00:06.

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