Report: China Claims Its Tech Can Detect U.S. Stealth Jets
China’s military claims it has developed technology to detect U.S. F-22 jet fighters.

The F-22 is the newest Air Force jetfighter equipped with radar-evading stealth characteristics. The first jets entered service last year.

According to a report from a weapons research institute in China, the Chinese military has developed “a number” of technologies that can be used to detect and attack stealth jets. The U.S. military pioneered the use of stealth jets with the F-117 fighter-bomber, the B-2 strategic bomber and the new F-22. The jets use composite material and unique shapes to reduce radar signatures.

"Owing to the fact that some technologies and means of stealth planes were developed in light of current air defense system, we totally can, through analyzing their technologies and facts, weaken or eliminate their stealth capability," a Chinese expert was quoted as saying in the PRC-owned Ta Kung Pao newspaper. The effort involves the use of multiple sensors to measure reflected radar beams from targets. The new system permits locating and locking on to the targets.

The Chinese expert claimed the technology has been “mastered.”