
This weekend a bunch of us from WHCA got together. Several came from out of town, and some of us live here in the Colorado Springs area, and some in Denver.

This is my old "gaming group". We've been friends since the early 1980s. The conversation eventually degenerated into politics. I made a couple of sideways comments about the Obama administration and basically closed down most of the conversation suddenly.

So... I pressed.

"So, some of you apparently voted for Obama?"

One confirmed he had, then went on to defend himself with, "Obama hasn't done anything worse than Bush did...."

And some took one side and others took his side of the conversation.

Basically - this group was a group of damned good military men, for the most part Conservatives. All worked for Reagan and Bush (sr) and all of them believed at one point or another that Reagan was one of the best Presidents of all time.

now, my issue. The one guy frankly stated "Yes, I am a socialist.'

This is very disappointing to me. This is a man whom I would have normally trusted with my life any any other time in our history. Now, I am not so sure of him.

He believes Socialism is the WAY TO Go.

This bodes very badly for America my friends.

We WILL go down and we will do so without much of a fight with friends like him selling us out.