Friday, July 30, 2010
The Post-American World (Obama's World) Review

It just gets worse and worse with each passing day with Barack Hussein Obama (BHO). I, especially as an American President, would never in a million years read, much less carry around, a book with such a title. If the Democrats maintain control of Congress after November 2, 2010, then the book that Obama is reading (see inset photo above), The Post-American World WILL come to pass. If you love our country, please get involved to keep Obama from making it happen. It’s not one book that determines a man. However, it is the company he keeps and all the books he reads such as the Cloward-Piven Strategy, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, plus the following:

  • His grandparents were professed communists
  • His parents were extremist radicals
  • His mentor (when he was a youth) was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying communist and known sexual deviant
  • His business dealings with a convicted real-estate criminal, Tony Rezko (an Arab-American)
  • His friendship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and his radical wife (Bernardine Dohrn)
  • His 20 years of schooling under Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a racist who professes black liberation theology and who hates America ("God damn America")
  • His appointment of numerous (over 40) czars--many of whom are radicals, extremists, liberals, progressives, left-wingers, statists, socialists, Marxists, Maoists, communists, etc.
  • His palling around with dictators and supporting one (ex-President Mel Zelaya of Honduras) who was legally ousted from office
  • His dissing of the Jews of Israel and of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
  • His buying of the insurance companies, banks, auto manufacturers, etc.
  • His firing of the chief executive officer (CEO) of General Motors (GM)
  • His support of radical, fundamentalist Muslims
  • His unwarranted apologizing for America to foreign nations
  • His bowing to kings, emperors, and others
  • His anti-military actions
  • His enemies list(s)
  • His war against Fox News, talk radio hosts, the Internet and anything and anyone who opposes his policies
  • His polarizing of the nation to create conflict and divisiveness
  • His throwing the country into deep debt from which we will probably never be able to recover His application of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in manufacturing pseudo-crises
  • He practices Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel’s paradigm: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Wonder why we experience crises on almost a daily basis?
  • His attempt at curbing freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of peaceful assembly
  • His Muslim background and faith and underground promotion thereof, including Sharia Law
  • His lack of transparency
  • His Marxist-socialist belief of “spreading the wealth”
  • His use of Saul Alinsky’s playbook, Rules for Radicals, in conducting business
  • His strong belief and actions in passing entitlement programs
  • His passing of the social-medicine Obama healthcare plan
  • His secretive background and questionable birthplace
  • His Chicago mobster tactics at passing major bills in Congress and using Executive Orders to force the rest
  • His building of concentration camps or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Centers to detain those who oppose his administration
  • His attempt to eliminate the 2nd Amendment or our right to bear arms
  • His unilateral elimination of missile defenses in Eastern Europe
  • His unilateral elimination of our nuclear weapons with a goal of zero nuclear weapons for America in a nuclear world
  • His support of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and other such corrupt, criminal organizations
  • His constant playing of the race card and pitting Americans of different races, religions and economic status against each other
  • His war on Wall Street CEOs that he calls Fat Cats while protecting his friends and greatest offenders like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  • His support of reading Miranda Rights to terrorists, canceling of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center (Gitmo), trying of terrorists in New York City (NYC) courts, etc. while promoting investigations and seizure of American’s property without Judge issued warrants.

And, I can go on and on and on listing all of the indicators of his extremist ideology, performance, and associations. It’s his words and actions that are regarded as highly suspect. Yes, a single reading of a radical book doesn’t a radical socialist make. However, that book is only a small speck of the evidence that shows that he is indeed a Marxist-socialist. If one still believes that reading The Post-American World, written by a fellow Muslim, does not indicate that he is a Marxist-socialist, then he must be a capitalistic, free-market person who believes in competition, free-enterprise, and minimum-regulated industries.


Obama the Ideologue

President Obama will continue his fight for all of his policies. He won’t quit, slow down, or change directions because he is an ideologue. He will press forward with his Marxist-socialist policies. So, expect more of the same business as usual only more combative. He is committing political suicide.

He will certainly be a mediocre, one-term president. Hillary Clinton said she will not serve a second term as secretary of state. If she will run against BHO, she will need to declare her candidacy after the November 2, 2010, Tuesday Night Massacre. Democrat politicians are beginning to retire or say they will not run for another term. It is rumored that Rahm Emanuel may step down as White House chief of staff and advisor to the president.

Actually, BHO will throw him under the bus. If he actually does step down, that will indicate the beginning of the end of BHO's reign. Janet Napolitano, secretary of Homeland Security, may be on a short string that may be cut soon.

Obama Despotism

In my opinion, only a despot would do all that Obama currently does to fundamentally transform the United States of America into his utopia, which is a Marxist-socialist state. He does this only because he hates the America that the rest of us know and love. His agenda is to completely overhaul the country and transform it into a nanny state.

Obama Foregoes an Opportunity of a Lifetime

Yes, we need to get a decent, honest person (male or female) of integrity in the presidency on the next go-around. I never thought things could have gone this bad. Obama has missed the opportunity of a lifetime. He is the first black man to become the president of the United States (POTUS). If he ran the government from the center even as an average, decent, honest man, he could go down as the finest president in the history of the United States. However, he is going down as the worst president in the history of the United States because he insists on running the government from the far left. He has ruined it for all future black politicians for at least the next hundred years. Obama has foregone the opportunity of a lifetime.

What a waste!

Conclusion -- A Post-Obama World

We must scrutinize all future, potential POTUS candidates before they become the finalists in the general election. They must show an authentic birth certificate. We must demand that. We don’t want any Marxist-socialist ever again running for the top office in the land. We’ve got to select people who are like our country's founding fathers—people who will always put country before power, money, and personal gain. We want people with American values, sound principles, Christian morals, solid ethics, and unquestionable integrity.

Post-American world
means the world after the demise of America! Please forward this piece to every Conservative, Liberal, and Independent you know. We must expose Obama's radical ideas and his acts to bring down our beloved America! We must make November 2012 and forward a

Post-Obama World.

Contributed by Bob Uda, UP (Un-associated Press)

Fri Jul 16 2010 10:54
View: Reporter's biography | More stories
First Published: 6/30/10

Obama is the Pre-Racial President

Racists in America

Like Glenn Beck, I saw right through Obama's transparency and knew he was a phony and a racist from the beginning. Like Beck, I voiced that fact that Obama was a racist and real racists attacked us for stating the truth.
Being a yellow man, I know what it is like when attacked by racists. I know a racist when I see one, and Obama is a racist for constantly playing the race card. Those of the world who play the race card first are usually the racists. Most of the racists I have experienced are progressives, not Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party conservatives.

Unfortunately, there are progressive racists in every conservative community. That is the beauty of a democratic republic. Everyone has his or her say. The liberals, Democrats, progressives, statists, and Marxist-socialists can call us racist all they want. Sticks and stones will hurt our bones but words will never hurt.

Racist Obama Administration and the NAACP

The racist White House, the racist Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and the racist NAACP made absolute fools of themselves for their shabby racist treatment of black woman Shirley Sherrod. Wonders never cease to fail! A racist is as a racist does. That is what happens when they constantly play the race card. For shame!

Since we just won't let go of the Race Card:

The Racist Wolf Bites Obama

By Frances Rice

The spectacle of the racist wolf biting President Barack Obama on his political posterior in the Shirley Sherrod firing debacle was, indeed, ugly and poetic justice, too, considering that the Democratic Party unleashed the beast of racial politics on America more than 150 years ago. Details about civil rights history are posted on the National Black Republican Association (NBRA) website.

Long before the Sherrod shame, Obama played the race card by wrongly accusing a white police officer in Boston of racism for arresting a black college professor after Obama acknowledged he didn’t know all the facts.

Obama also authorized the Justice Department to dismiss a case against the New Black Panthers who were caught on video intimidating white voters in Philadelphia during the 2008 election.

Jockeying for political advantage, Obama attacked Arizona for trying to protect its citizens from the ravages of illegal immigration, falsely accusing the state of racial profiling in order to harvest Hispanic votes. Obama launched his assault even though he had not read Arizona’s law that mirrors federal law and explicitly prohibits racial profiling. Demonstrating just how sinister his ploy is against Arizona, racial profiling is not even mentioned in the lawsuit filed by Obama’s Justice Department. Not being sued by Obama are the sanctuary cities that are openly defying the federal immigration law which, notably, does not prohibit racial profiling and requires the reporting of illegal immigrants to federal officials.

Bolstered by not being held accountable by the liberal media for his blatant race-baiting, Obama boldly used NAACP surrogates to brand as racist Tea Party activists, just for the purpose of intimidating into silence average Americans protesting against his socialist agenda, while cleverly shoring up his black voter base.

While Obama was busily and gleefully counting the spoils of his divisive racial politics, along came Shirley Sherrod. Part of Sherrod’s NAACP speech was featured in a video Andrew Breitbart posted on the Internet. Breitbart’s intent was to expose the racial hypocrisy shown when the NAACP audience cheered as Sherrod recounted past acts of racism toward a white farmer.

Included in the Breitbart video was the segment where Sherrod revealed

—after the NAACP crowd had voiced approval of her prior racist actions—how she had repented.

Spooked by the specter of having the NAACP’s racial duplicity expose on the Glenn Beck television show, Obama ordered Sherrod fired immediately by Tom Vilsack, secretary of the Department of Agriculture, without due process. The NAACP covered Obama’s back by denouncing Sherrod as a racist and supporting Obama’s decision to fire her. Neither Obama nor the NAACP bothered viewing the entire video that was in the possession of the NAACP. Contrary to false assertions by Obama’s minions, Sherrod’s name was not even mentioned by either Glenn Beck or FOX News until after Obama fired her. Glenn Beck actually defended Sherrod on his program because she had expressed repentance.

While unfairly attacking FOX News, Obama’s defenders ignored how stories about Sherrod were aired on the alphabet liberal media from ABC to NBC, to CNN, to MSNBC, and so on. A liar is how Obama characterized Sherrod through his liberal media mouthpieces after Sherrod revealed during television interviews that she was told the White House wanted her fired.

Conveniently omitted from most liberal press accounts about the Sherrod saga is how she, in the spirit of a committed left-winger, smeared Republicans as racists during her NAACP speech and recently advocated shutting down FOX News.

Witnessing Obama and his Democratic Party cohorts being hoisted on their own racist petard is not a pretty sight. On reflection, though, this despicable exhibition of rank race mongering may well be a turning point, the seminal moment where Obama and the Democrats cried racist wolf one time too many and were not believed by the American people.

Frances Rice, a retired lawyer and Army Lieutenant Colonel, is chairman of the National Black Republican Association and may be contacted at:
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