UNESCO Decrees that Two Christian Holy Sites in Israel are now Mosques

1. UNESCO: Rachel's Tomb is a Mosque
- Israel National News

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted recently to officially declare Rachel's Tomb to be a mosque. UNESCO director Irena Bokova had previously stated "concern" at Israel's decision to treat the tomb as a heritage site. The vote called for Rachel's Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs - the burial site of the other Biblical Patriarchs and Matriarchs - to be removed from Israel's National Heritage list. (Read more

2. PM slams UNESCO calling Rachel's Tomb a mosque - Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday slammed world culture organization UNESCO's decision to characterize the site of Rachel's Tomb as a Muslim mosque."The attempt to separate the nation of Israel from its cultural heritage is absurd," said the prime minister. A statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office read, "It is unfortunate that an organization that was established with the goal of promoting the cultural preservation of historical sites around the world, is attempting due to political reasons to uproot the connection between the nation of Israel and its cultural heritage." (Read more)