Russia Could Help Venezuela Make Kalashnikovs, AK-103s In Venezuela
Russian Rosoboronexport Company director, Sergei Chemezov has confirmed that Venezuela plans to make Kalashnikovs (AK-103) setting off alarm bells in Washington.

Last month Rosoboronexport and the Venezuelan government signed a contract for Russia to deliver 1000,000 Kalashnikovs.

The first batch of 28,000 rifles is expected to arrive in Venezuela this month and the second early in January 2006.

Chemezov says the contract includes manuals, calibrators, bayonets and charges as well as simulator programs for training.

A certain amount of technology transference is involved and training of Venezuelan experts. The AK-103s are said to the fourth generation caliber 7.62mm x 39mm.

A Russian commission will assess the Venezuelan Company of Military Industries (Cavim) installations to see if it can start making the guns.

The USA has made its displeasure over the purchase quite clear to Moscow, arguing that they will probably find their way to insurgents throughout South America, especially Bolivia and Ecuador.

Washington has extended its Plan Colombia II called Plan Andino till 2012 to tackle Venezuela and the two above mentioned countries.