Sleep well everyone! All terrorists have been caught, all drug dealers/importers have been imprisoned and, the body of Jimmy Hoffa has been found. This must be the case since obviously, if the FBI has the time to investigate people upsetting others by exercising their 1st Amendment rights, there is NO other major crime in the United States.

FBI Looking At Web Site Showing Shooting Of Quran
The F-B-I will look into an online video that shows two men shooting a Quran with a military rifle and then leaving the bullet-riddled holy book at a Chattanooga mosque.

F-B-I agent Tim Burke said the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations asked the Justice Department to investigate the incident. He said no one from the Chattanooga Muslim community had complained.

Justice Department spokesman Eric Holland said the request would be reviewed carefully.

Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Islamic group, said the video may have been recorded in Chattanooga a year ago.

The video titled "kill the koran" was posted on MySpace-dot-com last month. It could still be seen on the Web site today.

A man on the Web site identifies himself as "mully88" and claims to live in Chattanooga. The author's profile lists as heroes (quote) "anybody that has killed a muslim or at least tried to kill a muslim." The site also contains slurs against Hispanics and blacks.

The video shows the man purchasing a Quran at a bookstore, going to a wooded area and shooting the book, then throwing it on the ground outside the door of the Chattanooga Islamic center.