Situation in France - analysis

It is obvious that the recent Islamic [Marxist] unrest in France is very well organized and its goal is more than just to satisfy some "unhappy" Muslim immigrant youths.

The idea is to stir up a social unrest wherever possible, and to cause local problems

to the law enforcement and civilian sections of the country.

Before we begin, it is also a known thing that almost all anti-war movements in western Europe and in America were always run through KGB proxies.

In his article former Romanian Espionage chief Ion Mihai Pacepa, who defected

to the U.S. in 1978, says the following:

The KGB campaign to assault the U.S. and Europe by means of disinformation was more than just a few Cold War dirty tricks. The whole foreign policy of the Soviet-bloc states, indeed its whole economic and military might, revolved around the larger Soviet objective of destroying America from within through the use of lies. The Soviets saw disinformation as a vital tool in the dialectical advance of world Communism.


Many "Ban-the-Bomb" and anti-nuclear movements were KGB-funded operations, too. I can no longer look at a petition for world peace or other supposedly noble cause, particularly of the anti-American variety, without thinking to myself, "KGB."


As far as I'm concerned, the KGB gave birth to the antiwar movement in America. In 1976, Andropov gave my own Romanian DIE credit for helping his KGB do so.
This strategy is again being used in case of "Islamic" revolt in France. Of course these people are Muslims but the leaders are of socialist background, who blame the state for "not having jobs" and for their "life in poverty". These are people living in France legally, many are French citizens but their lifestyle, being mostly on welfare,

is "all of a sudden" not what these people desire....

In his book Red Horizons, Ion Mihai Pacepa remarks:

During the last six years of my other life, as a Romanian intelligence general, the main task of the Soviet bloc espionage community was to transform Yasser Arafat's war against Israel and its main supporter, the United States, into an armed doctrine of the whole Islamic world.

America was our main enemy, and a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on it than could a mere one million. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep.

Our task was to convert its historical hatred of the Jews into a new hatred of the United States, by portraying this land of freedom as an imperial Zionist country financed by Jewish money and run by a rapacious Council of the Elders of Zion, the Kremlin's epithet for the US Congress.

According to KGB theorists, the Islamic world was a Petri dish in which

we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hate.

Islamic cultures had a taste for nationalism, jingoism and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch.

Terrorism and violence against America would flow naturally from their religious fervor. We had only to keep repeating, over and over, that the United States was a Zionist country bankrolled by rich Jews.

Islam was obsessed with preventing the infidel's occupation of its territory, and it would be highly receptive to our dogma that American imperialism wanted to transform the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom.

In his book Spetsnaz GRU defector Viktor Suvorov explains:

A Spetsnaz officer out to recruit agents for direct terrorist action has a wonderful base for his work in the West. There are a tremendous number of people who are discontented and ready to protest against absolutely anything. And while millions protest peacefully, some individuals will resort to any means to make their protest. The Spetsnaz officer has only

to find the malcontent who is ready to go to extremes.

A man who protests against the presence of American troops in Europe and sprays slogans on walls is an interesting subject. If he not only paints slogans but is also prepared to fire at an American general, should he be given the submachine gun or an RPG-7 grenade launcher to do the job, he is an exceptionally interesting person. His goals tally perfectly with those of the senior officers of the GRU.

It is very easy to manipulate people who feel un-welcomed in a country like France, when in reality socialism is the problem number one. What is very obvious is the fact that these French "youths" live for several years on welfare and are now "fed up" about it ! How could this be ? Don't they like the free ride western European EU socialism offers anymore ?

The rest here