Islamic flood coming to U.S.?

Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 2/7/2011 3:50:00 AM

An Israeli author and expert on the Middle East is warning Americans that Islamic immigrants could possibly flood the U.S. as a result of the events taking place in Egypt.

Israel National News recently reported that the Obama administration has decided to allow Islamic professor Tariq Ramadan to enter the United States. Ramadan, an Egyptian who currently lives in Switzerland, is a leading member of Europe's Muslim Brotherhood branch and is the grandson of the movement's founder. He was invited to teach at the University of Notre Dame in 2004, but the Bush administration revoked his visa because of donations he made to a blacklisted charity.

However, the Obama administration has now decided to lift the ban and possibly allow Ramadan and Adam Habib, another Muslim professor, onto U.S. soil.

"I'm sure you've heard many times that Washington, DC, is now flooded with Muslims in very high positions in the U.S. administration, and these Muslims already control the gates," notes Avi Lipkin, an Israeli scholar and author who has traveled throughout the U.S. to warn Americans about the threat of Islam.

"The floodgates are open.

The Muslims are coming in in tremendous numbers into the U.S."

But he warns that the floodgates will only get worse when illegal aliens gain their amnesty.

"What we will be seeing, I'm afraid, will be an amnesty for the illegal immigrants in America," Lipkin laments.

"Once the amnesty takes place for the Latin Americans, then they will get ready for the next wave of illegals, which will be the tens of millions of Muslims who are going to be flooding into the U.S., especially Egyptians and Palestinians."

Meanwhile, the State Department has declared that it no longer considers Ramadan or Habib to be a threat to the United States.