President Obama's EPA Gives Pollution Exemption To GE
One of the hallmarks of just government is equality under the law. To consider a country free, all of it's citizens must be treated the same by the courts. Wealth, social status, and political popularity cannot enter into the equation.

The alternative to the rule of law can only by tyranny. Once equality before the law is relinquished, all that remains is the favor of political elites.

There has already been quite a stink generated because of the numerous exemptions granted to the health care legislation. The Washington Times has reported that 733 exemptions have been granted. The message behind these exemptions is obvious. Obamacare is impossibly expensive, and impossible for companies to actually comply with. Therefore, favored political campaign contributors can escape if they have powerful enough lobbyists.

How the Obama administration expects this obvious violation of the 14th amendment to stand is beyond me. The amendment says in part, "No State shall...deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

It doesn't take a law professor to see that there might be some potential issues here. President Obama and his administration know it too. Do they think they are so far above the law that it doesn't matter? The justices on the Supreme Court, if they have any integrity at all, will shoot this down in a heartbeat. Is Obama planning to engineer some sort of showdown with them?

Obamacare isn't the only area where the current administration is playing fast and loose with the constitution. The EPA recently started new regulations for greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and others.

These regulations are of course controversial, in no small part because they are being implemented by executive fiat without any congressional involvement. The revelations of Climategate may also have some role. Man-made global warming was revealed to be a fraud, and yet Obama and the EPA are acting on it anyway.

Well, it looks like exemptions are already being granted for these regulations too. A partially completed power plant built primarily with GE components has been able to gain an exemption from complying for these new rules.

This would be despicable enough if there were no ties between Obama and General Electric. However, there are a number of reasons to think more personal corruption is involved. GE's CEO Jeffrey Immelt is a member of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board. In addition GE donated half a million dollars to Obama's campaign fund.

This sort of corruption is antithetical to a free society. Obama is acting like a dictator in a tin pot banana republic, not the President of the United States of America.