A long, long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away... wait, that's another story...

Anyway, long ago it was discovered that China was a threat.

Over the course of the last few years many of us have presented evidence based on News Articles, Books and intelligence that has been collected.

The vast majority of that information is located on another web site at the moment and probably will be there for as long as the site exists.

In the mean time, I am posting the link to that thread here, so you can all see it.

It's currently 13 pages long, and has 320 or so messages posted in it. The thread is pretty old, and is actually the second thread based on another.

Here is the link to the first:


The FIRST thread as a reference was called:

Ground War in the US. The link is here:



That's a start. If you read BOTH those threads, and follow the logic we've laid down, certainly post anything new here, and question things in those old threads as well if you like. (Make sure you reference the quote, the information and check the research of course!)

Post away.
