Talk of the Day - Taiwan deploys supersonic anti-ship missile
2011/05/09 23:04:34

A local newspaper reported Monday that Taiwan's military has begun deploying locally developed Hsiung Feng (Brave Wind) III anti-ship missiles on its warships in anticipation of the imminent launch of China's first aircraft carrier early next year.

In the first stage, the supersonic ship-to-ship missile will be deployed on 15 naval warships, and in the future will be installed in mobile launchers along Taiwan's coast.

The following is an excerpt of the United Daily News report on the issue:

Military analysts said the Hsiung Feng III is the world's only supersonic anti-ship missile other than Russian-developed systems. Its speed is three times that of conventional anti-ship missiles.

According to the analysts, it is difficult to counter the Hsiung Feng III missile, which has a maximum speed of mach 2.0, or twice the speed of sound, and a range of up to 130 kilometers.

The missile is capable of attacking fuel tanks and ammunition depots on ships, and can be used against China's aircraft carrier battle groups, military sources said.

Ruling Kuomintang Legislator Lin Yu-fang said the deployment of the Hsiung Feng III missile and the Hsiung Feng II-E cruiser missile capable of hitting China's eastern coast will enhance Taiwan's ability to deter a Chinese invasion.

Lin said he has asked the Navy to evaluate the feasibility of deploying the missile on Kidd-class destroyers.

Hsiung Feng III was first unveiled during the 2007 Double Ten National Day military parade.

In the first stage, the Navy's eight 4,000-ton Chengkung-class frigates and seven 500-ton Chinchiang missile boats will be outfitted with the Hsiung Feng III missile, with each warship being equipped with four supersonic missiles, military sources said.

As China will soon commission its first aircraft carrier battle group, Legislator Lin said Taiwan should also overcome its difficulties in acquiring diesel electric submarines, which he said are the most powerful and effective weapons to deter an enemy invasion.

According to Taiwan's intelligence authorities, China has almost completed renovating its first aircraft carrier -- the Varyag -- and the vessel is scheduled to set sail early next year.

The Varyag -- the Russian name of the carrier -- was purchased from Ukraine and its launch would mark the completion of its first aircraft carrier battle group, military experts said.

Intelligence sources said the Varyag is still docked at Dalian Shipyard and will begin a trial voyage in the next few months.

The aircraft carrier may be formally commissioned late this year or early next year. Although the date may be close to Taiwan's legislative and presidential elections, intelligence sources said it should be just a coincidence rather than a deliberate arrangement.

The carrier will be able to accommodate about 20 jet fighters and helicopters. Intelligence units said China will take delivery of Ka-28 and Ka-31 helicopters from Russia this year for deployment on the Varyag, but it will not be able to complete production of all J-15 jet fighters, patterned after Russia's Su-33, until 2015.

In the initial stage, the aircraft carrier will mainly carry out training missions, but will be assigned to China's South China Fleet after the battle group acquires combat capabilities, military sources said. (May 9, 2011).

(By Sofia Wu)