
A science blog with Eric Berger

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Apollo astronaut: End NASA, start from scratch

Not everyone is celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s decision to go to the moon with best wishes for another century of NASA.
Harrison Schmitt, the 12th astronaut to walk on the moon and a former U.S. senator, has called for dismantling NASA and replacing it with a new agency devoted solely to deep-space exploration.
Its charter, he believes, should simply be:
Provide the People of the United States of America, as national security and economic interests demand, with the necessary infrastructure, entrepreneurial partnerships, and human and robotic operational capability to settle the Moon, utilize lunar resources, scientifically explore and settle Mars and other deep space destinations, and, if necessary, divert significant Earth-impacting objects.
In his essay, Schmitt says NASA’s space science research should be transferred to the National Science Foundation, and its climate research to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Schmitt (NASA)

And what of the International Space Station? He writes:
De-orbiting of the ISS will be necessary within the next 10 to 15 years due to escalating maintenance overhead, diminished research value, sustaining cost escalation, and potential Russian blackmail through escalating costs for U.S. access to space after retirement of the Space Shuttles.
NASA itself should sunset two years after de-orbiting, leaving time to properly transfer responsibility for its archival scientific databases to the NSF, its engineering archives to the new exploration agency, and its remaining space artifacts to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
In Schmitt’s view these changes are necessary to compete with China and its own ambitions in deep space. So what should replace NASA?
With the recognition that a second Cold War exists, this time with China and its surrogates, the President and Congress elected in 2012 should create a new National Space Exploration Administration (NSEA).
The new agency must truly be a new agency, beginning with the workforce. Schmitt asserts:
An almost totally new workforce must be hired and NSEA must have the authority to maintain an average employee age of less than 30. (NASA’s current workforce has an average age over 47.) Only with the imagination, motivation, stamina, and courage of young engineers, scientists, and managers can NSEA be successful in meeting its Cold War II national security goals.
Even as it manages the ISS, Johnson Space Center would eventually be subsumed into NSEA, maintaining its responsibility for spacecraft, training, communications and flight operations.
Setting aside the matter of whether we’re in a cold war with China or not, it’s an intriguing idea. Whether it’s realistic is another matter. But I have to admit I’m curious what a streamlined, unshackled NASA with a deep-space exploration mandate could do.