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Thread: Impeach Obama

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    Default Impeach Obama

    I'll believe it when I see it.

    There are a couple videos at that article link.

    Congress Planning Obama Impeachment After Bipartisan Debt Plan Rejected

    Alexander Higgins
    Jersey City Civil Rights Examiner
    July 25, 2011

    The U.S congress is planning to file Articles of Impeachment against President Obama after he rejected another bipartisan plan debt plan to prevent the U.S from a credit default.

    Earlier today republicans warned President Obama that impeachment proceedings would be brought against him if he causes the nation to default on its debt.

    Congressman Steve King, the Republic member of the House of Representative from Iowa, wrote on his twitter account Monday that President Barack Obama “would be impeached” if the nation falls into default.

    Politico reported afterward on King's threat and added that other members of congress were also ready to bring impeachment charges against Obama over the debt talks. Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) warned earlier this month it would be “an impeachable offense” and Bruce Fein has already drafted articles of impeachment for House republicans to introduce.

    As the August 2nd deadline of a default on U.S. draws near, the major rating agencies have already warned that a credit rating downgrade may now be inevitable due to the political bickering within members of congress and with the President.

    After the warnings of impeachment hearings were given to President Obama he rejected yet another bipartisan debt plan earlier today.

    The rejection of the plan means that a U.S. default may now be unavoidable as leaders of both political parties have been pushed beyond the limits of concessions they are willing to make as part of a compromise.

    The rejection of the plan has infuriated members of congress from both political parties who feel they are in a position where no further compromise can be made. The reported deadlock in the negotations has spurred talks of impeachment among circles in congress.

    The U.S congress is planning to file Articles of Impeachment against President Obama after he rejected another bipartisan plan debt plan to prevent the U.S from a credit default.

    Earlier today republicans warned President Obama that impeachment proceedings would be brought against him if he causes the nation to default on its debt.

    Congressman Steve King, the Republic member of the House of Representative from Iowa, wrote on his twitter account Monday that President Barack Obama “would be impeached” if the nation falls into default.

    Politico reported afterward on King's threat and added that other members of congress were also ready to bring impeachment charges against Obama over the debt talks. Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) warned earlier this month it would be “an impeachable offense” and Bruce Fein has already drafted articles of impeachment for House republicans to introduce.

    As the August 2nd deadline of a default on U.S. draws near, the major rating agencies have already warned that a credit rating downgrade may now be inevitable due to the political bickering within members of congress and with the President.

    After the warnings of impeachment hearings were given to President Obama he rejected yet another bipartisan debt plan earlier today.

    The rejection of the plan means that a U.S. default may now be unavoidable as leaders of both political parties have been pushed beyond the limits of concessions they are willing to make as part of a compromise.

    The rejection of the plan has infuriated members of congress from both political parties who feel they are in a position where no further compromise can be made. The reported deadlock in the negotations has spurred talks of impeachment among circles in congress.

    Whether the congress will actually follow through with the plan to impeach President Obama they are discussing with the media or if this whole charade is part of a political power play for Washington politicians to gain more concessions is yet to be seen.

    Earlier today the Republicans were accused of having "moved backwards" in the negotiations in a press conference given earlier by Senator Schumer and Senator Reid. The Senators told members of the press the GOP was looking to increase pentagon spending which they could not agree to.

    Later The GOP and the President took shots at each other in prime-time broadcasts to the nation.

    First the president blamed conservative House Republicans for not being able to reach a deal that would avoid an imminent default on US national debt.

    Minutes later in a rebuttal address, the house speaker accused President Obama of wanting a "blank check" and insisted the US government's "spending binge" was over.

    At the same time that GOP impeachment talks are based on launching charges due to a debt default, a Reuters report that just hit the wire reveals that President Obama has several options to avoid default even if a debt deal is not reached in congress. Those options however would not avoid a downgrade of U.S. debt which would mean a default down the road.
    Last edited by Backstop; July 29th, 2011 at 11:01.

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