When I was in grade school we were taught a class called "penmanship". Un fortunately I was never good at penmanship. It was cool using a fountain pen, but I just was always in a too much of a hurry to have perfect penmanship.,

While doing some research on county history I mailed some information to a former neighbor. She was a former professor at the local college and we became good friends.

What amazed me was the Handwritten thank you note she sent me in return. It was written in what I can only describe as perfect calligraphy. You know the kind of handwriting like on the Declaration of Independence?

I later found out that cursive writing isn't taught in schools anymore. I recently sent a letter to my young nephew only to find out not only how bad my cursive has become over the years, but that my nephew's school uses a "hybrid" of cursive and printing.

Maybe it is part of the "dumbing down" of America but it sure seems like penmanship has become a lost art. Maybe that is why I taught my kids how to tell time with a watch with hands before I got them digital watches.

So am I becoming that grouchy old guy, one step away from yelling Get Off My Lawn, or does anyone here think penmanship is an art form?