Awesome Or Off-Putting: Actual Recording Of Astronaut UFO Encounter

Awesome or Off-Putting is a weekly delve into cryptozoology, ufology, medical marvels, scientific wonders, secret societies, government conspiracies, cults, ghosts, myths, religion, strange facts or just the plain unexplainable.
This week: Ufology

Any regular Awesome or Off-Putting readers may remember a few months back when we showed you some alleged astronaut moon-landing transcripts that included this line: "…there were other spaceships. They're lined up on the other side of the crater." As we said, that transcript is purely alleged as we only have it in written form. Recently, however, our crack h-files investigative team has stumbled upon an actual recording of a 1989 astronaut encounter.

We'll let you hear it after the jump. Because we wanna get wichoo.

On March 13th, 1989, Donald Ratsch (an American member of a radio club that monitors all of NASA's space travel transmissions) was recording communications from the shuttle Discovery. He picked the right time to record, because he got this astronaut transmission: "Houston this is Discovery, we still have the Alien spacecraft under observance."

At first NASA denied everything, when they realised they couldn't deny an actual recording, they acknowledged it was real - but said it was a joke. Anyone who's heard the recording will no doubt attest that the astronaut did not seem to be in a funny mood. A transmission heard but not recorded by an amateur radio operator in Ohio just before the 'spacecraft under observance' message is alleged to have been an astronaut telling NASA that "We have a fire". 'Fire', it's widely assumed, was a code word for UFO. Yet another radio operator claims to have then heard NASA tell the shuttle to switch to another frequency.

The link we have here today is as it was first made available by the London Broadcasting Company. It includes a female presenter introducing the recording, and then plays it four consecutive times.
It's a fascinating listen.
Astronaut UFO Encounter