Like sugarplums, I sometimes have visions of grandeur dancing in my head. I am just looking for a little free advice, realizing of course the value of such items.

I now have a multitude of recorded songs. In a way I suppose this is a mid-life crisis. I am debating with myself about attempting to send them somewhere for professional opinions. Ms. Luke has told on several occasions I should seek professional help, but I think she has something else in mind.

As much as I enjoy performing, I would be happy at this stage of life too leave some of my "work" behind.

For several years my friends would receive a CD of songs along with accompanying CD art in a parody of professional music CD.

On all my CD's I have listed Infant Records as the publishing company.

Now that the rambling is over here are the questions.

1. Should I spend the money to copy write my songs?

2. Even though Infant Records is a figment of my imagination should I include on the demo?