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Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter "Tea Party Zombies" Like Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly

Stephen Gutowski

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - 5:00pm


Have you ever fantasized about beating Bill O'Reilly to death with a crowbar or shooting up the offices of Americans for Prosperity with an Uzi? Well, the folks at StarvingEyes Advergaming apparently have and they'd like to share their latest creation with the world. The game is called "Tea Party Zombies Must Die" and, apart from abysmal game play, features several different levels where your only objective is to mercilessly slaughter everyone around you whether they are a Fox News stars or simply Americans For Prosperity employees.

Among the notable conservatives who you are tasked with brutally killing are Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, Brit Hume, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Glenn Beck, and the Koch Brothers. Check out just how graphic things get in our exclusive video of the game play:

Of course there are plenty of lesser targets to mindlessly butcher like the "factory made blonde Fox News barbie who has never had a problem in her life zombie" or the "Koch industries Koch Whore lobbyist pig zombie". The names are as creative as they are classy. Kind of like the game itself.

While it is disturbing to see that some people believe it would be fun to mow down your political opponents it's also quite that odd that an advertising company with a diverse portfolio of high profile corporate clients from Meow Mix to Pepsi would create a game to allow those people to do just that. Does StarvingEyes really want to risk their business with TLC or by going out on their own to make a disgusting and offensive game like this? Or were they paid?

Regardless of who was responsible this news comes at just the right time to reinforce the already solid theory that the left doesn't care at all about the New Tone they championed not so long ago. New Tone indeed...

: I emailed StarvingEyes for comment on the game and it potentially bothering other clients. Jason Oda, the head of the company, responded with the following: "The game was just a personal project. I am not worried about it effecting business."