Iran fear prompts Israeli reactor shutdown

Jan 8, 2012 16:50 Moscow Time

Photo: EPA

Israel has shut down its nuclear reactor in Dimona in the Negev Desert for fear of a sudden rocket attack from Iran.

Generals are quoted as saying the Iranians possess about 15 thousand missiles capable of reaching Israel.

The Dimona reactor has been working since 1964.

Iran moves centrifuges from Natanz to Fordow

Iran is planning to make its underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordow operational soon, the Reuters agency reports quoting the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Fereydoun Abbasi.

He said that the plant could produce 20%-enriched nuclear fuel.

According to the Iranian Kayhan newspaper, up-to-date centrifuges have been moved from the nuclear center in Natanz to Fordow.

The West accuses Iran of developing nuclear weapons but Tehran denies the accusations, insisting that its nuclear program is for civil needs only.

(RIAN, Reuters, IF)