I posted a similar thread on the old Anomalies site, but it appears that it is on its last legs in the wide world of electronic communication. So here we go again.

To those who have it I mean no offense. For me the only thing I have faith in is imperical evidence. If I jump, fall, or stumble off the roof, again, I have faith that I will fall to the ground.

There was a time not that long ago when I held belief in a beared fella who lived in the sky and if I did good deeds would grant me certain wishes. Losing good friends, pets and relatives somewhat diminished that belief.

This is not to say I do not "pray" to a higher deity. In recent years I said prayers to the Norse Goddess Eir to heal a friends sister illness. I don't know if Eir had anything to do with it, but my friends sister improved. Of course, there were rounds of chemo, and operations that may have had just as much effect.

I have played music with friends I have had since the 60's. These days they play religous music. I enjoyed making "Christian" music with them until we reached an impass on the matter of faith. I couldn't let a difference of opinon end a 40 year friendship, so we remain freinds to this day.

I have been on a quest of sorts for many years. I have been reading and trying to understand many of the worlds "holy" books. I have come to the conclusion that all the books I have been reading were all written by people trying to convince others of their idea of "faith"

As I am now on the down hill part of life, the idea of an afterlife really doesn't seem to bother me anymore. When my Father was nearing the end he was most concerned about the lives he had taken in war. His Father was a self-ordained minister. As of this date I have not taken a human life. Perhaps if that happens I would look at things in a different light.

Sorry for the rambling, rant, but I am just seeking other opinions, not conversion.