I've been running linux now for many years, everything from some early versions to Red Hat, now Ubuntu.

I've got an old (2003) Compaq Presario 2170US lap top. It was for a long time my main computer, eventually moving over to the Ham Radio desk to run my teletype, packet and more lately other forms of radio communications using digital modulations.

The machines was running only XP and was bogged down and slow as hell for some reason. After running virus checkers, anti-spyware stuff and other tests I couldn't determine the reason the machine was running like a dog.

A few days ago, I started attempting to install Ubuntu (version 11.10) next to the Windows XP OS I was running to no avail. I guess making a CD on one old machine and moving it to another old CD drive was the main issue.

I've tried several things.

Finally I connected an external DVD R/W drive via a special cable I have to the USB port, and STILL could not get the Ubuntu 11.10 to boot right. It comes up to a purple screen at which I should be able to get a menu by hitting any key.

So, I tried a different tactic.

Loading the CD into the drive gives you some other options, either loading it fully to the HD, or loading it "Through Windows".

Decided to go that route.

Eventually (been playing with this for four days now, sigh) I was able to load version 10.04, upgrade to 10.10. Then I re-downloaded the 11.10 version to my new 16gb flash drive and copied the ISO using my lap top to a fresh CD rom on the plugged-in CD writer. Then restarted everything again.

Now I was able to not only read the CD, but install the software (so I guess the old CD drive is flaky or something, but it works on Windows stuff).

In any case, I am now running Ubuntu 11.10 on the laptop, "sideways" through windows.

Essentially it comes up and gives me the chance to boot to windows XP or to Linux as normal. I can unload it just like any other software through windows if I want to wipe it off the disk too!

UInfortunately, I still can not get a CD to load "normally" from the CD rom drive and I'm not sure if that is an issue with the autoboot set up or what but at least I have both.

AND I was able to get one of my older Wifi cards recognized and working!

Now, I am sitting here awaiting the final updates and patches for 11.10 before taking this on a test drive.

Also, ordered a new battery for the old laptop, and perhaps I can get another 3-4 years out of it?

Eventually, I'll be purchasing some kind of ruggedized laptop for the boat - but that will be down the road a bit more. In the mean time, I can use this and my netbook on the boat for communications via HF and sending email, etc