Call Off the Race-Baiters… George Zimmerman Passed Lie Detector Test Immediately After Shooting

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, April 7, 2012, 8:55 AM

Call off the professional race-baiters.

From left, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Benjamin Jealous, President of the NAACP lead the march for slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin on Saturday, March 31, 2012 in Sanford, Fla. Protesters carried signs, chanted “Justice for Trayvon,” and clutched the hands of their children while they walked from Crooms Academy of Information Technology, the county’s first high school for black students, to the Sanford Police Department. The march was organized by the NAACP and was one of several taking place over the weekend. Martin was shot to death by 28-year-old George Zimmerman on Feb. 26 as he walked from back from a convenience store to his father’s fiancée’s home in a gated community outside Orlando. (AP Photo/Julie Fletcher)

George Zimmerman passed a voice stress test, a type of lie detector test, immediately following the Trayvon Martin shooting.
Reuters reported, via Pat Dollard:
George Zimmerman’s defense team is growing, suggesting that he’s planning for a grand jury indictment and a subsequent criminal trial. Interestingly, his new attorney has begun releasing some previously unknown facts.

Did you know that, on the night of Trayvon Martin’s death, Sanford police gave George Zimmerman a voice stress test?

They did, and the results probably contributed to his release.

A voice stress test is like a polygraph, but instead of measuring heart rate and blood pressure, it looks for changes in an individual’s voice patterns that are thought to suggest psychological stress. With the help of software, investigators record a suspect answering baseline questions and then compare them to answers about the case.

This technology is not unique to Sanford. The National Institute for Truth Verification, a manufacturer of the technology, claims that over 1,800 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies use their product. They also claim to have trained U.S. Military personnel.

George Zimmerman’s voice stress test came out clean, according to attorney Hal Uhrig.
Isn’t it about time Barack Obama apologizes for stirring up this race-infused media circus?