Well, Mal, you called that one wrong.

Not a "student":

Bulgaria Suicide Bomber Identified As A Swedish Extremist Released From Guantánamo
Michael Kelley | 37 minutes ago | 2,569 | 38

Channel 10 (Bulgaria)

Mehdi Ghezali

Bulgarian media have named the reported suicide bomber who killed six Israeli tourists and two Bulgarians when he exploded a bus yesterday as Mehdi Ghezali.

The Times of Israel reports that Ghezali was Swedish citizen of Algerian and Finnish origins who had been held at the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay from 2002 to 2004.

In 2009 Michael Moynihan of the Weekly Standard reported that Ghezali was released from Guantánamo and sent to Sweden on a government jet after an intense lobbying effort by Swedish prime minister Göran Persson.

Bulgarian news agency Sofia reports that Ghezali was carrying a U.S. passport and a fake Michigan drivers license, noting that an FBI database check did not find an individual with such documents and it remains unclear how he obtained the fake passport and the circumstances surroudning his entrance in Bulgaria.

Sofia also reported that the Bulgarian Interior Ministry managed to recover fingerprints of the bomber, which they gave to the U.S. – who has joined Israeli and Bulgarian officials in the investigation – as well as Interpol.

Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov did not indicate how the police came to the conclusion that the man walking around the airport shortly before the blast was the suicide bomber, according to the Times of Israel.

Ghezali had been detained during the battle at Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in late 2001 and being handed over to the U.S. military and sent to Guantánamo Bay. Ghezali – who reportedly studied a religious school mosque in Britain in addition to traveling to Saudi Arabia – told his captors that he crossed into Afghanistan from Pakistan to study Islam, according to Moynihan.

Ghezali was arrested a second time in September 2009, this time in Pakistan, while travelling with a group of multinational extremists who crossed the border from Iran on their way to the al-Queda stronghold of Waziristan. The group, according to Pakistani authorities, had $10,000 cash and maps indicating Western embassies along with explosive belts.

The Bulgarian police released a brief video clip that claimed to show the alleged suicide bomber walking around the Burgas International Airport:

More to come as the story develops.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mehdi...#ixzz215S7PyW8