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Thread: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    400 Missing Surface-Air-Missiles Can Shut Down US Air Travel. Missing by Design?

    Posted on August 13, 2013

    Benghazi Was All About 400 Surface-Air-Missiles Stolen by ‘Some Very Ugly People,’ DiGenova Says | CNS News.
    ( – Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova, who now represents one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told a Washington radio station Monday that the real scandal in Benghazi is the theft of 400 surface-to-air missiles by some “very ugly people.” The Obama administration fears those missiles will be used to shoot down an airplane or blow up one of our embassies, he said.

    Speaking to WMAL on Monday morning, DiGenova blasted President Obama for revealing, at his Friday news conference, the existence of a sealed indictment against a Benghazi suspect or suspects.

    Then DiGenova added this bombshell:

    “We had troops ready to deploy in Croatia to go (to Benghazi) that night of Sept. 11, 2012 to rescue Americans. We have learned that one of the reasons the administration is so deeply concerned — we have been told there were 400 surface-to-air missiles stolen, and that they are on or about in the hands of many people, and that the biggest fear in the U.S. intelligence community is that one of these missiles will be used to shoot down an airliner.”

    DiGenvoa said the information came to him as a result of his legal representation of Benghazi whistleblower Mark Thompson.

    “This information comes from former intelligence officials who stay in constant contact with people in the special ops and intelligence community. And it is pretty clear that the biggest concern right now are the 400 missiles which have been diverted in Libya and have gotten into the hands of some very ugly people. And they worried specifically, according to theses sources, about an attempt to shoot down an airliner.”

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Benghazi Was About 400 Surface-to-Air-Missiles Stolen by 'Some Very Ugly People,' DiGenova Says
    August 13, 2013 - 6:44 AM
    By Susan Jones


    The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, following the terror attack that resulted in the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. (AP File Photo)

    ( - Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova, who now represents one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told a Washington radio station Monday that the real scandal in Benghazi is the theft of 400 surface-to-air missiles by some "very ugly people." The Obama administration fears those missiles will be used to shoot down an airplane or blow up one of our embassies, he said.

    Speaking to WMAL on Monday morning, DiGenova blasted President Obama for revealing, at his Friday news conference, the existence of a sealed indictment against a Benghazi suspect or suspects.

    Then DiGenova added this bombshell:

    "We had troops ready to deploy in Croatia to go (to Benghazi) that night of Sept. 11, 2012 to rescue Americans. We have learned that one of the reasons the administration is so deeply concerned -- we have been told there were 400 surface-to-air missiles stolen, and that they are on or about in the hands of many people, and that the biggest fear in the U.S. intelligence community is that one of these missiles will be used to shoot down an airliner."

    DiGenvoa said the information came to him as a result of his legal representation of Benghazi whistleblower Mark Thompson.

    "This information comes from former intelligence officials who stay in constant contact with people in the special ops and intelligence community. And it is pretty clear that the biggest concern right now are the 400 missiles which have been diverted in Libya and have gotten into the hands of some very ugly people. And they worried specifically, according to theses sources, about an attempt to shoot down an airliner."


    Former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenvoa now represents one of the Benghazi whistleblowers. (Photo from DiGenova's website)

    DiGenova says he doesn't know if the missiles were physically at the CIA annex on the night of Sept. 12 -- "but it is clear that the annex was somehow involved in the process of the distribution of those missiles." The CIA annex in Benghazi apparently was gathering the Libyan missiles to be sent to an unknown destination.

    Why did the Obama administration delay the entry of FBI investigators into Benghazi after four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed that night? DiGenova was asked.

    "Because it happened before an election," he replied.

    DiGenova said the theft of the missiles continues to have a ripple effect: "This is why we shut down the 19 embassies recently. They were afriad that there was going to be a missile attack on one of the embassies. Remember, you can take a shoulder held missile and shoot it into an embassy, not just into the sky.

    "What happened is, the reason they lied, about -- in other words, remember the famous demonstration, and the phony video and all of that? That's what this was all about. That's why they're so worried. That's why they have lied repeatedly about what happened in Benghazi. Because they are now responsible for all of the stepchildren of violence that happens as a result of this. This is a very serious manner. And when you compound it with the flippancy of the president of the United States who talks about a sealed indictment to cover his fanny -- to make it look like he's doing something when in fact he has done nothing -- we have reached a level of cynicism on the part of this president that is staggering."

    DiGenova says former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice was sent out to lie on five Sunday talk shows, blaming the attack on an obscure anti-Muslim video, to cover up the real scandal involving the stolen missiles.

    DiGenova said in revealing the existence of the indictment, the president "did jeopardize the lives of people who may be trying to find some people on the ground in Libya, and I assume that we do have somebody there trying to find some people, although with this president, you never know -- because as you know, he doesn't want to capture people, he wants to kill them, because if he captures them, he either has to try them -- which is very hard to do -- or put 'em in Gitmo, which he will not

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Charge: Passport links Muslim Brotherhood to Benghazi

    By Shoebat Foundation on August 14, 2013 in Blog, General
    A very serious charge was confidently made by a very credible Egyptian television host whose work we’ve used in prior reports. During the compelling segment on Tahrir TV, host Ahmed Moussa publicly announced the name of a new figure in the Benghazi attacks. The charge is that the passport of Christopher Stevens’ “assassin” was found in the home of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat Al-Shater in Cairo. This would provide a direct and tangible link between the attacks in Benghazi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
    Ahmed Moussa: Passport implicates Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

    In a story posted to the Fox News website, Cynthia Farahat translates the relevant portion of Moussa’s segment, during which the latter calls out U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson. This is quite explosive:
    Ambassador Stevens was killed in Benghazi, and you know who killed him, the U.S. administration knows who killed him, and you know how he was killed and it was a major strike against the U.S. administration, and all of you.
    The assassin is now present at Rabia Al-Adawiya [mosque protest] His name is, do you know it or you would like me to inform you? He’s affiliated with Al Qaeda in Libya, his name is Mohsen Al-Azazi, his passport was found in the house of Khairat El-Shater.
    That killer is in Rabia Al-Adawiya now, with Safwat Hegazy and Mohammed El-Beltagy, whom you and your administration support and aid. Your administration aids terrorism. {emphasis ours}
    If Moussa is correct, this revelation has huge implications. It could mean, as we have been reporting, that an act of war was perpetrated against the U.S. by a nation state – Egypt – led at the time by the Muslim Brotherhood. Khairat Al-Shater was the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading candidate for president in Egypt last year until Mohammed Mursi replaced him. Al-Shater, however, remains a leading figure within the group; he is the deputy to the Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide in Egypt, Mohamed Badie.
    Here is the short clip of Moussa calling out Patterson:
    Farahat’s find also adds a bit more credibility to the charge made recently by Saad Al-Shater, Khairat’s son. During an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad charged that his father should be released because he is “more important” to the Americans than is the safety of ousted President, Mohammed Mursi. The younger Al-Shater said that his father has the ability to release “information, documents, and recordings” that will be very damaging to the Obama administration.
    The claim made by Saad Al-Shater is that the evidence implicating the U.S. is in the possession of trusted individuals both “inside and outside Egypt”. Though he said this evidence shows the Obama administration is “directly connected”, Saad stopped there without saying what the administration was connected to. If the passport of a lead Benghazi attacker was found in the home of Khairat Al-Shater, it would certainly implicate Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in the attacks, which is something the Obama administration has gone out of its way to avoid doing.
    In fact, during their trip to Egypt last week, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns seemed to all be working for Al-Shater’s release. If the charges made by Ahmed Moussa are proven true, all three of those men will have much to explain. Seeking the release of a man allegedly tied to the Benghazi attacks would be a very serious offense.
    Moussa’s claims lend further credibility to another piece of evidence that only looks more legitimate with each passing day. It’s a Libyan Intelligence document dated September 15, 2012. That document reports that six Egyptians from Ansar Al-Sharia (Egypt) were arrested for the Benghazi attacks and revealed that Mursi, along with Safwat Hijazy were both involved. Note above that Moussa claims Hijazy is currently with Mohsen Al-Azazi, Stevens’ “assassin” in a mosque.
    Another individual named in the Libyan Intelligence document is Marjan Salem, identified as the leader of Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt the six arrested individuals were purportedly from. Last month, we posted an interview between Ahmed Moussa and Marjan Salem in Addendum A of our original report. Though in Arabic, Moussa exhibited a confidence level on par with the video above. The body language of both host and terrorist guest is worth taking a look at too. Becoming familiar with what Salem looks like also makes the video worth watching for a bit. During this interview, he got Salem to admit to having killed “many” Americans (translated portion of the exchange can be found here):
    The claims made by Ahmed Moussa about the passport are backed up by multiple Arabic (and at lease one Russian) sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Obama Bankrolled Attack On The Benghazi Consulate

    August 22, 2013 by Kris Zane

    It has been widely reported in Egyptian media that one of the leaders in the attack against the Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012 was Mohsen Al-Azazi.

    According to Ahmed Moussa, a former high ranking intelligence official with the Egyptian government and several other sources, Al-Azazi’s passport was found in the house of Khairat Al-Shater, the Number Two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy, now under house arrest in Egypt by the Egyptian military. Al-Azazi has been implicated as the actual assassin of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
    But this is only the beginning of a blockbuster story.

    According to Khairat Al-Shater’s son, Saad Al-Shater, his father is in possession of information linking Obama with criminal activities tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    As reported by at least six Arabic news sources:

    In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison.

    Further, as reported by several Arabic news sources, citing a Libyan Intelligence document dated September 15, 2012, six Egyptians from the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia based in Egypt were arrested for the Benghazi attacks and confessed that then-Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi was behind the attack. Additionally, Muslim Brotherhood researcher Walid Shoebat has obtained a copy of the Libyan Intelligence document and confirms Mohammed Morsi is named in the confession.

    Per Shoebat’s translation of the document:

    The most distinguished names that were obtained from the confessions by members of the cell, is the person, the President of Egypt, Mohammad Morsi…
    The Libyan Intelligence document goes on to name five other co-conspirators, all members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    This is the same Mohammed Morsi who Barack Hussein Obama was fawning over and sent hundreds of millions of dollars to in foreign aid. The same Mohammed Morsi that Obama is still supporting, sending his minions to lobby for his release by the Egyptian military. This despite the fact that the Egyptian military has evidence that Morsi conspired with the terrorist group Hamas to murder thousands of Egyptian citizens.

    There is even a video of Ansar al-Sharia, the group that attacked the Benghazi consulate, admitting that it was Morsi who was behind the attack. This was broadcast on Libyan TV!

    But there’s more.

    According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News, Obama sent an eight billion dollar secret bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas, a Muslim Brotherhood sister group, works directly with Ansar al-Sharia in the Sinai Peninsula. Channel TV14 goes on to say that the agreement was signed by Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s second in command, Khairat Al-Shater, now under house arrest in Egypt, who says he has documents that will put Obama in prison!

    But it gets worse: the eight billion dollars that Obama sent to the Muslim Brotherhood was shared with Ansar al-Sharia, the group that attacked our consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

    If all of this proves to be true, Barack Hussein Obama funded the attack on the Benghazi consulate and CIA Annex. Barack Hussein Obama funded the assassination of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Barack Hussein Obama is therefore an accessory to murder, not to mention a traitor!

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Team involved in tracking Benghazi suspects pulling out, sources say

    By Adam Housley
    Published August 23, 2013
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    Two weeks after the Obama administration announced charges against suspects in the Benghazi attack, a large portion of the U.S. team that hunted the suspects and trained Libyans to help capture or kill them is leaving Libya permanently.

    Special operators in the region tell Fox News that while Benghazi targets have been identified for months, officials in Washington could "never pull the trigger." In fact, one source insists that much of the information on Benghazi suspects had been passed along to the White House after being vetted by the Department of Defense and the State Department -- and at least one recommendation for direct action on a Benghazi suspect was given to President Obama as recently as Aug. 7.

    Meanwhile, months after video, photo and voice documentation on the Benghazi suspects was first presented to high-level military leaders, the State Department and ultimately the White House, prison breaks in the country have eroded security. U.S. special forces have now been relegated to a "villa," a stopover for the operators before they're shipped out of the country entirely.

    "We put American special operations in harm's way to develop a picture of these suspects and to seek justice and instead of acting, we stalled. We just let it slip and pass us by and now it's going to be much more difficult," one source said, citing 1,200 prisoners escaping two weeks ago. "It's already blowing up. Daily assassinations, bi-weekly prison escapes, we waited way too long."

    The latest development raises questions about when the attackers will be brought to justice in the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans last September.

    The special operators are starting to get frustrated at the lack of action, and Fox News has been told by multiple sources that one special forces leader "literally yelled" at former Libyan Chief of Mission William Roebuck "and told him, 'so you're willing to let these guys get away with murder?'"

    The outburst was "met with crickets," the sources said.

    Asked about what actions have been taken on the suspects, the U.S. Department of Justice declined to comment. However, a senior U.S. official with knowledge of the situation in Libya suggested there is always intelligence to be gained by simply watching and listening to the suspects.

    In addition, Pentagon officials disputed what the operators in question are claiming, saying that group was not specifically tasked with finding the Libyan suspects responsible for the Benghazi attack. These officials said other forces out of Fort Bragg are tasked with that mission, and they are not leaving. Pentagon officials also say the trainers, which were authorized by Congress under part of the defense budget to facilitate training of Libyans for counterterrorism, were not there to track the Benghazi suspects. They insist congressional funding is very clear in its mission: for training locals in counterterrorism.

    However, special operators in the region counter the claims and suggest the Pentagon and State Department are playing with words, saying those being pulled are in fact tasked with both training the Libyans and identifying Benghazi attack suspects. "The training is partly a cover and some of these guys ... provided the information on suspects directly to U.S. military commanders and the U.S. State Department last November and again in January. They are there and trained to find, fix and finish," one said.

    Fox News reported earlier this year that American forces had identified suspects by the end of November 2012, and reported on their whereabouts to Roebuck last January, yet no action was taken. They returned again in January to identify and locate these same suspects after being requested to do so by military leaders. In the months since, the operators in the region have been sitting in de facto standby, despite the Justice Department charges being filed.

    To make matters worse, the U.S. trainers have been sitting in their Libyan "villa" now for a number of days after a Libyan military leader kicked the Americans out of the camp where they had been standing-up a Libyan special forces team for nearly a year, backed by U.S. taxpayer dollars. The maneuver by the Libyan chief of defense has "left our guys high and dry," and this same chief has locked down Tripoli as well, Fox News is told. The sources say U.S. leaders have now let the Libyan government occupy the special forces camp -- and in turn undermine the effort to train a legitimate force capable of countering Al Qaeda, which was the initial assignment before the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi.

    The men tell Fox News their mission was to capture or kill the suspects in question, and they briefed the acting U.S. ambassador in Libya and the senior CIA representative in the country. The men were told both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and an under secretary were briefed about their information and their ability to capture or kill those responsible. Still, they did not get approval from the Department of Defense or the White House.

    Some of the individuals report seeing former AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham tell former Libya Chief of Mission Laurence Pope that he could easily submit a plan to kill or capture the suspects, but "politics and fallout kept us from acting. To do an operation we have to have (Chief of Mission) and state approval. We didn't get it. ... They sat on it."

    Multiple sources in Libya tell Fox News that the politics in the lack of response to the Benghazi attacks involves the U.S. State Department position in Libya. "No career diplomat wants to be responsible for giving the green light or supporting an operation that if goes wrong, another Somalia, Blackhawk Down, turns into a political fragmentation grenade that puts any group, party, or element in the public scrutiny spotlight ... especially after the train wreck on September 11th."

    Sources told Fox News, though, that the Obama administration will be under pressure to produce some result from its investigation with the one-year anniversary of the attack looming.

    Meanwhile, some of the same suspects in the Benghazi attack are continuing to help the Muslim Brotherhood in eastern Libya and are directly aligned with the militant group Ansar al-Sharia, which has already begun operations to undermine the fledgling Libyan government.

    The special operators tell Fox News that Libyan militia leader Ahmed Khattalah, among those charged by the DOJ, is a member of a prominent and influential group in the eastern part of Libya and directly tied to Ansar al-Sharia, the group believed to be behind the attack on Benghazi .

    "It won't be long, they're already at war. We are just behind," said one operator after being asked about the intent of the Muslim Brotherhood to overtake the current Libyan government in Tripoli. "So the terrorism will continue to grow and the terrorists responsible for killing an ambassador are right now growing along with it."

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    Jeb Bush to Award Hillary 'Liberty Medal' on Eve of Benghazi Anniversary

    by Dr. Susan Berry 9 Sep 2013 post a comment

    Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) will honor former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with this year’s Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Center. The award will be presented to Clinton on September 10th, the eve of the first anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States mission in Benghazi that killed four Americans.

    The Christian Science Monitorreports that Bush, a potential GOP contender in the 2016 presidential race, is chairman of the board of trustees of the National Constitution Center located in Philadelphia.

    “Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving and engaging people across the world in democracy,” Bush said in a statement. “These efforts as a citizen, an activist, and a leader have earned Secretary Clinton this year’s Liberty Medal.”

    Bush’s decision to honor Clinton, who is considered by some to be a likely Democrat candidate for president in 2016, was condemned by the Independence Hall Tea Party Association of Philadelphia.

    According to the Christian Science Monitor, the organization released its own statement Monday, referring to the event as “extremely distressing,” and offering, instead, an opportunity for another Liberty Medal recipient.

    According to the statement:
    As all of you undoubtedly know, much of the blame for the Obama Administration's failure to contain the Benghazi attack and the scandalous handling of its aftermath, can be traced directly to Ms. Clinton.

    Indeed, a Congressional investigation regarding Ms. Clinton's role in the cover-up of the Administration's failure is still ongoing.

    A newly formed organization, the Independence Hall Foundation, will hold a "What Difference Does It Make" press conference on Independence Mall, September 10, 4 PM, to denounce the selection of Ms. Clinton as the 2013 Liberty Medal recipient and to offer an alternative award (details below).

    During the conference, the Foundation will name its choice of recipient(s) for the 2013 Defender of Liberty Medal.

    Dom Giordano will headline the presser and we certainly hope you will consider joining us.
    A 5 PM Prayer Vigil for the victims of the Benghazi attack will immediately follow the press conference.
    The National Constitution Center's announcement, dated June 27th, about the award of the Liberty Medal to Clinton, states:
    As Secretary of State, Clinton advocated for “smart power” in foreign policy, elevating diplomacy and development and repositioning them for the 21st century – with new tools, technologies, and partners, including the private sector and civil society around the world.
    National Constitution Center president and CEO Jeffrey Rosen said, “Hillary Clinton has devoted her life to expanding opportunities for ‘We the People’ not just in this country but around the globe.”

    Upon the announcement of Clinton’s award in June, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft wrote, “Really Jeb, no one else came to mind?"

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    The Benghazi deception: CNN confirms WND report of suspected CIA gun-running

    The lies and deception perpetrated on the American public about Benghazi continue. However, yesterday another media outlet has joined the ranks of those reporting about the deception. On August 2, CNN confirmed WND's previous report on suspected CIA gun-running in Benghazi.

    WND was among the first to report about the CIA's suspected illicit behavior. The alleged gun-running is being blamed for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission and CIA annex.

    Supposedly, Stevens coordinated the recruitment by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. He also reportedly sent the names of potential terrorist recruits to U.S. organizations for consideration.

    The Business Insider reported U.S. Ambassador Stevens may have been linked to jihadist rebels in Syria, (October 29, 2012). In the report they said:

    There's growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.

    The CIA annex in Benghazi reportedly collected information concerning weapons looted from Libyan government arsenals. Among these weapons were surface-to-air missiles.

    It wasn't long after this information came out that, about the weapons, Syrian terrorists were using similar missiles to shoot down Assad's military choppers. The New York Times reported arms were being airlifted to Syrian rebels by the CIA.

    Reuters filed a report on Jun 18, 2013, which said:

    Abdul Basit Haroun says he is behind some of the biggest shipments of weapons from Libya to Syria, which he delivers on chartered flights to neighboring countries and then smuggles over the border.

    Haroun alleges weapons sent from a port in Benghazi to Turkey were hidden in a humanitarian aid shipment. in August of 2012. This was said to have been just days before the attack on the U.S. compound. Haroun is a terrorist with known links to al-Qaeda.

    Now, as of yesterday, CNN began reporting more on the suspected CIA gun-running in Benghazi. They claim to have, "uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, in the wake of the deadly Benghazi terror attack."

    Their sources also say there were dozens of CIA agents in Benghazi at the time of the attack. The report also says:

    CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency's Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.
    Since January, those CIA operatives that were in Libya during the attack are being subjected to routine polygraphs. CNN said the knowledge about the polygraph testing comes from a source deep inside the agency. There were as many as 35 agents in Benghazi at the time of the attack, and it's reported seven of them were wounded, some severely.


    How long will our government continue with the Benghazi deception? If gun-running is responsible for the deaths of Americans, then some heads should roll. It's time to come clean. Will this be the downfall of the current administration? Will it show the American public how corrupt and unethical they are?

    The biggest question is, how long will our government continue to support known al-Qaeda rebels?

    These same rebels are confirmed to have fought against our Marines and soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    These same rebels said that if the Obama administration didn't supply them with weapons, then they would start attacking us. News flash: We are already being attacked by radical terrorists. It's time for America to bring our troops home, cease and refrain from aiding any more terrorists.

    It's time for us to take care of our own. We have vets not receiving the things they deserve for serving in our military. It's time to review our policies and boot out the corrupt leaders in our government.

    It's time to prosecute those responsible for aiding and abetting the enemy. They have violated their sacred oath, which says, to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Kerry Not ‘Prepared’ to Let Congress Interview Benghazi Survivors – Read the Scathing Response From One Lawmaker Who Isn’t Taking No for an Answer

    Secretary of State John Kerry has informed Congress he “will not honor the request to make Benghazi survivors available for questioning,” CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson reports.

    Republicans in the House Oversight Committee reportedly plan to issue subpoenas if Kerry does not reverse his decision and provide congressional investigators access to Benghazi survivors.
    WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 10: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry prepares to testify before the House Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill September 10, 2013 in Washington, DC. Congress may have avoided a difficult vote this week after Kerry suggested that the United States would possibly halt plans for a military strike against Syria if that country turned over its chemical weapons to the international community. Credit: Getty Images

    House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Monday sent Kerry a formal letter demanding access to the survivors of the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

    “I must receive confirmation that the [State] Department will makes these witnesses available to Committee investigators by September 24, 2013,” the letter reads.

    “Otherwise, I will have no alternative but to consider the use of compulsory process,” the letter adds.

    The congressman points out that this is not the first time that the Committee has demanded access to the Benghazi survivors. In fact, he notes, the State Department has dutifully ignored or denied earlier requests for access.

    The State Department told the Committee on Aug. 23, 2013, that it was not “prepared to support the [Committee’s] request for transcribed interviews.”

    This would appear odd, the letter notes, considering certain Benghazi survivors have been available for various media appearances.

    A recent “Vanity Fair” article, for instance, described the night of the attack and included details that only “persons who survived the attack could possibly know.”

    Additionally, Rep. Issa explains, Fox News reported in July that it had made contact with David Ubben, one of the survivors
    You can read the full letter here:
    [Rep. Issa[/COLOR] by [COLOR=#0066cc]Becket Adams

    Four Americans — U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods — were killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on last year’s 9/11 anniversary.

    CNN recently reported, citing anonymous sources, that the CIA is polygraphing its operatives on a regular basis in an “unprecedented” effort to prevent Benghazi secrets from leaking out.
    CNN also revealed that as many 35 Americans were in Benghazi on the night of the deadly terror attack, according to inside sources. As many as seven were wounded and 21 Americans were reportedly working in the building known as the CIA annex.

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    Sources: US weapons stolen in Libya raids, fueling Special Forces pull-out

    By Adam Housley

    Highly sensitive U.S. military equipment stored in Libya was stolen over the summer by groups likely aligned and working with terrorist organizations, State Department sources told Fox News -- in raids that contributed to the decision to pull Special Forces personnel from the country.

    The stolen equipment had been used by U.S. Special Forces stationed in the country. Lost in the raids in late July and early August were dozens of M4 rifles, night-vision technology and lasers used as aiming devices that are mounted on guns and can only be seen with night-vision equipment.

    "This stuff is how we win wars. The enemy doesn't have that," one source said.

    The overnight raids happened at a military training camp run by American Special Forces on the outskirts of Tripoli, in the weeks before the team was pulled from the country in August.

    That U.S. team was funded by the Department of Defense Section 1208, which provides support to assist and stand up foreign counterterrorism forces in other countries. And in the case of Libya, the trainers were also tasked with hunting down the Benghazi attack suspects that killed four Americans one year ago. As Fox News previously reported, members of that team are leaving Libya.

    "The loss of this military equipment is what pulled the plug on the U.S. operation," one source with direct knowledge of the events told Fox News. "No one at the State Department wanted to deal with the situation if any more went wrong, so State pulled its support for the training program and then began to try and get the team moved out of the country."

    The 12-member American team was not at the training camp when either raid occurred, as they regularly stayed at a nearby villa that served as a safehouse at night.

    Located just outside of Tripoli, the camp was supposed to be secured each night by Libyan forces. But on two occasions, the camp was attacked and raided by either militia members or groups affiliated with terrorist organizations.

    The training and the stolen equipment was provided by American forces and thus paid for by U.S. taxpayer dollars.

    The raids and stolen equipment quickly caused a rift among U.S. Special Forces, Libyan military leaders and ultimately the U.S. State Department.

    "They didn't want anything to go wrong and they didn't want to take the blame. Sensitive items were taken," one source said. "Bad guys can now shoot people at night with no signature."

    Meanwhile, in response to an exclusive Fox News report last month about the trainers being pulled from Libya, multiple Pentagon officials claim that the 1208 trainers whose camp was raided were not there to track the Benghazi suspects.

    That wasn't their mission, according to these officials. However, special operators in the region and State Department sources insist that the Pentagon is playing with words -- and while the Libya training mission was important, it was partly a cover for U.S. operations in Libya to hunt down those responsible for killing Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.

    Fox News reported earlier this year that U.S. forces had identified suspects by the end of November 2012, and reported on their whereabouts to the U.S. Libya Chief of Mission at the time William Roebuck last January -- and that same information was passed along to military leaders, yet no action was taken.

    Operators in the region sat in de facto standby for months, despite eventual charges filed by the Justice Department.

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    Democrats ‘Excuse Themselves’ From House Hearing

    Sep. 19, 2013 4:45pm Jason Howerton Share

    Libya: The Truth?

    U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, revealed that Democrats excused themselves from a Thursday hearing on Benghazi before the family members of the slain American heroes testified.

    It is unclear why Democrats were not interested in hearing what Patricia Smith, the mother of slain information management officer Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, had to say.

    Issa tweeted a photo on Thursday showing the empty side of the room where Democrats are normally seated. The only Democrats who stuck around were Ranking Member Elijah Cummings and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.).

    U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty were also killed in the deadly Benghazi terror attack on Sept. 11, 2012.

    (Source: Fox News)

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    Report: Obama Watched Benghazi Attack From 'Situation Room'

    28 Oct 2012 post a comment

    Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in real-time. Schafer told Fox that "only the President" could have ordered backup for the Americans who were under siege by terrorists so the President was most certainly informed of the situation as it was unfolding. "I hate to say this," Schafer said, "according to my sources, yes, [the President] was one of those in the White House situation room in real-time watching this. And the question becomes, 'What did the President do or not do in the moments he saw this unveiling?' He -- only he -- could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do something."

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    Impeach him!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Lindsey Graham: 60 Minutes ‘Death Blow,’ Will Block Nominations Over Benghazi — Obamacare website is just the tip if the iceberg

    Calling the Obama administration “irresponsible” for shielding witnesses to the deadly 2012 Benghazi terror attack, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday he’ll hold up every executive branch appointment and nominee until more survivors are allowed to speak to Congress.

    Monday, 28 Oct 2013 08:57 PM
    By Cathy Burke and Kathleen Walter

    Senator Lindsey Graham speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, October 16, 2013. Brendan Smialowski / AFP / Getty Images

    “I have nothing left available to me,” the South Carolina Republican told Newsmax TV. “Fourteen months after the attack and we still haven’t had access to the survivors.

    “It’s incredibly irresponsible of the Congress to allow, and the administration to basically shield witnesses who are relevant to a congressional investigation as to what went wrong in Benghazi.”

    Graham called a “60 Minutes” report Sunday a “death blow” to the administration’s initial narrative on what sparked the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. mission that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

    “The ’60 Minutes’ piece conclusively proved … that al-Qaida was behind this attack, that they had provided warnings to Washington, all of their additional security requests were ignored, and no one’s been held accountable,” he said.

    Graham told Newsmax TV a special committee may be the only way to untangle the events surrounding the attack.

    “What Greg Hicks said on ’60 Minutes’ was pretty telling,” he said, explaining that there were three requests made for security, the third of which was denied “and stopped from moving forward from Libya to Washington.”

    “I know who the person was that stopped that security request, I know what’s in it, and the American people deserve to hear about this, and everything around Benghazi has been overly classified for political reasons,” he said. “So I hope there will be a bicameral, joint select committee.”

    Graham refused to elaborate on who stopped the security request, or why.

    “But I can tell you this, that the idea that our consulate was attacked by a bunch of protestors was absurd from day one, and it is now absolutely conclusively proven to have been a lie,” he said.

    But why the ambassador was left in Benghazi is a question still left unanswered, Graham said.

    Dismissing the international furor over the reported spying of allies by the National Security Agency as something that “will blow over,” Graham insisted that even more disturbing is the lack of accountability of the Obama administration.

    “We’ve gone from blaming [President] Bush for every problem in the world now to [President Obama] doesn’t have a clue of what’s going on, whether it be Benghazi, whether it be the NSA, IRS, you name it,” he said. “It seems to be that the new answer is, ‘I just didn’t know about that.’”

    The lawmaker said the president’s signature healthcare law is another area where the administration has conceded accountability.

    “People are going to be shocked at how much their healthcare premiums go up under Obamacare,” he said. “This thing is going to be a disaster for job creation. The website is just the tip if the iceberg … The worst is yet to come.”

    Graham said a delay in the mandate on the individual sign-up for Obamacare “is inevitable.”

    “Basically, what we should do is stop and start over,” he said. “We should just basically put everything about Obamacare on hold and see if in the next year we can come up with a bipartisan solution to our healthcare needs in this country.”

    “Somebody needs to be held accountable for not being able to have the website functioning in the most basic manner after a couple of years’ notice,” he added. “But again, it goes back to … What do you have to do to get fired in the Obama administration? … The person I blame the most is the president himself.”
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    By Denver Nicks @DenverNicks

    South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday he will block President Barack Obama’s nominees for executive branch positions until survivors of the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi testify before Congress.

    “And where are the survivors? Fourteen months later, the people who survived the attack in Benghazi have not been made available to the U.S. Congress for oversight purposes,” Graham said on Fox & Friends Monday morning, referring to the attack in Libya that left four Americans dead, including the top American diplomat there. “So I’m going to block every appointment in the United States Senate until the survivors are being made available to Congress.”

    Graham, a Republican, has been a critic of the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi attack and its aftermath.

    His vow comes on the heels of a 60 Minutes report Sunday that revealed new details about the sophistication behind the attack. Critics have accused the White House of misleading the public in the first days following the attack, when the Administration’s public statements portrayed it as a random act of mob violence rather than a coordinated terrorist assault. The 60 Minutes report includes interviews with eyewitnesses who described warning signs in the days leading up the assault, like al-Qaeda flags flying in the streets of Benghazi and online postings stating al-Qaeda’s intentions.
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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi


    Posted by tomfernandez28 on November 12, 2013
    Posted in: Uncategorized. Tagged: 11/12/2013, Al Qaeda, America, AYMAN AL-ZAWHRIM, Benghazi, Christopher Stevens, congress, DAVID H. PETREAUS, Democrats, GOP, HEALTHCARE.GOV, Hillary Clinton, Muslim, Obama, obamacare, President Obama, Republicans, Syria, THE RED CROSS, The United States, The White House, Washington D.C.. 2 comments

    As new information is finally starting to leak out about what really happened in Benghazi on that fateful night of September 11, 2012, NOTHING is more telling than this one single photograph…for this photograph proves that Ambassador Christopher Stevens did NOT die of smoke inhalation in the embassy compound as was claimed by the Obama administration, but was taken alive, raped, sodomized, and God only knows what else…and Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all those in their vile orbit knew this from day one and all bold-faced lied.
    They all willfully, deliberately, and with malice LIED to Ambassador Stevens’ family and to ‘We the People’. And while we all know that some claim that Stevens was the middle-man in Obama’s gun and weapons running operation to the Syrian rebels, or that he was actually kidnapped to trade for the Blind Sheik and mistakenly killed, I believe that what I will tell you about this picture coupled with Obama’s cover-up and LIES, gives credence to my belief (one that I’ve had since day one) that Ambassador Steven’s found out Obama was running guns and weapons under the table to the al-Qaeda supported Syrian rebels, and was silenced before he could expose what Obama was doing.
    Before I get to the photograph we must let the lead-up facts speak for themselves.
    First, we all know there was NO spontaneous mob protest outside the consulate as Obama claimed for the first two weeks after the attack. Mob violence that got out of control because of an anti-islamic YouTube video he said, but a video that few had actually seen, that is until he went on Pakistani TV bloviating and apologizing for it after the fact. And with both former CIA Director David H. Petreaus and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that NO video was involved, they both bold-faced lied to Congress when first questioned, claiming that it was the video and the video alone that caused the attack. But I hate to tell them …NO I’m happy to tell them…lying under oath is a felony…an arrestable offense.
    Second, Obama and crew still continue to claim there was NO warning of an impending attack issued by our Benghazi consulate. LIARS…there were many calls fearing an attack was imminent sent out by NOT only the Benghazi consulate and Ambassador Stevens himself, but also by our Tripoli embassy. Stevens sent out numerous pleas for help in the days and hours before the attack, because he knew of and feared the significant number of well-armed militias, all with ties to al-Qaeda, that were roaming the area around Benghazi. Also, remember that just a few months before, in June of the same year, a terrorist attack on the British Ambassador to Libya was attempted (thankfully it failed) causing both Britain and the International Red Cross to close their Benghazi offices…and the Red Cross just does NOT pick up and run without justification.
    Those events in June alone should have served as a warning to Washington that our consulate and our people were in danger.
    Third, fast forward to September 10th, when al-Qaeda head honcho Ayman al-Zawahrin publicly called on Libyans to seek revenge for the killing of a Libyan al-Qaeda leader, and that the next morning, September 11th, Libyan so-called ‘police officers’ who were supposed to be helping guard the compound were seen taking pictures of the inside of the compound. In fact, Ambassador Stevens sent an e-mail to DC that morning stating that he found this picture taking “troubling” and received NO reply. Now add in that on the afternoon of September 11th, the Blue Mountain Security manager, whose company also provided some of the guards for the Benghazi compound, sensed something was wrong and put out an alert via radio and cellphone, and according to media reports, there were roadblocks and check points set up well in advance of the attack because of his alert.
    Fourth, our response to all this was to send up an unarmed surveillance drone over the consulate compound about 90 minutes AFTER the attack started…the very drone through which Barack HUSSEIN Obama watched our people being slaughtered…which of course he claimed he NEVER did. And if you believe that I’ve got some swamp land to sell you, because (and this is my belief alone) this man had to make sure Stevens was killed one way or the other so his ‘secret’ would be safe…so rest assured he saw it all.
    And now remember all the conflicting reports of orders being issued or orders NOT being issued to ‘stand down’. I say ordering forces that were prepared to assist during an on-going attack to ‘stand down’ or NOT giving go orders at all to units ready, willing, and able to assist is NOT an act of negligence as some are trying to claim, but borders on…if NOT is…an act of treason.
    And so, General Carter Ham, then commander of AFRICOM whose jurisdiction took in Benghazi, testified last week about that fateful night during a closed door hearing before the House Armed Services Committee, but isn’t it odd that NO reports of his testimony have been reported on…NONE whatsoever by any of the news media…just reports on the testimony of underlings…hmmm…
    What we do know at this point is that two Marine anti-terrorist teams based in Rota, Spain, were ready to go assist in Benghazi, but reports claimed that it would have taken the first team 23 hours to get to Tripoli (which is an out and out LIE for while the two locations are 1,553 miles apart they’re only 3 hours 5 minutes apart in flight time), and that the second team was NEVER deployed because they were told that US personnel had been evacuated from Benghazi…another LIE because NO one had been evacuated and NO one was sent in to evacuate anyone. And isn’t it also odd that NOT one of these supposed ‘evacuees’… survivors actually…eye witnesses to the day’s events…has been seen or talked to by any media outlet…convenient huh. Also, there was a 130-man, fully armed Marine Force-Recon unit on the ground in Sigonella, Sicily, that could have been in Benghazi in 1 hour and 14 minutes, for the two locations are only 610 miles apart, but was NEVER called to do so.
    So, with General Ham testifying in a closed-door session with the House Armed Services Committee, we still CANNOT get word of what his testimony entailed, but underling Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson said his commanders…and who pray tell were those commanders…told him to remain in the capital of Tripoli to defend Americans in case of additional attacks, and to help survivors being evacuated from Benghazi…but at that time NO one was being evacuated as the consulate was under heavy attack with NO help coming to either aid or rescue them.
    And even with this testimony, even if the actual words ‘stand down’ were NOT uttered, the bottom line remains that with NO help forthcoming…with all parties involved making excuses for why help couldn’t be sent…this proves there was a total lack of military response to Ambassador Stevens’ pleas for help even with what the drone overhead was showing, and that in and of itself is an order to ‘stand down’ as far as I’m concerned.
    Now to the photograph itself and remember this is NOT a newly released photograph but a photograph now seen differently, because one main point in this photograph has been overlooked by all…until now that is. Remember reports by a Libyan doctor claimed Stevens died ‘at the consulate’ of “severe asphyxia,” sometimes known as smoke inhalation, but results of an autopsy done on Stevens’ body after it was returned to the US have NOT been made public to either prove or disprove that. And then known al-Qaeda terrorist Abdallah Dhu-al-Bajadin piped in claiming Stevens was killed by lethal injection ‘at the consulate’, and while some do NOT discard that as a possible cause of death that too has NOT been proven or disproved, again because our government has NOT released our US done autopsy results. But no matter as neither of those scenarios is the truth because Ambassador Stevens did NOT die at the Benghazi consulate…he died…NO he was MURDERED… after being taken very much ALIVE from the consulate and at the direct hands of the enemy…an enemy aided by our president…and here’s the proof…
    Notice Ambassador Stevens being carried by the barbarians…notice his right arm hanging down limp…now notice his bent left arm up by his face trying to either protect his face, cover his eyes, or even wipe tears from his eyes, but guess what…dead men do NOT wipe tears from their eyes nor do they try to cover their faces…NO…AMBASSADOR STEVENS WAS ALIVE NOT DEAD FROM SMOKE INHALATION and NO crap that he died at the hospital…and NO nonsense that maybe rigor-mortise had set in to bend his arm because that takes hours to happen and the time frame for that just isn’t here. This man was NOT being taken to a hospital after death as claimed but was dragged ALIVE through the streets, raped, sodomized, brutalized, and murdered by these muslim bast*rds, and this is why NO official US autopsy reports have been released. This fact had and still has to be hidden at all costs for Stevens being alive at this point could very well blow Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s cover-ups of why that night in Benghai happened.
    Bottom line…our miserable muslim sympathizing president and his equally miserable former Secretary of State both NOT only LIED to us all about the reason for Benghazi, but also covered-up the cause of Ambassador Stevens’ death and everything relating to Benghazi. And that, I believe, is grounds for immediate arrest for treason.

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    FBI: OK for Congress to Talk to Benghazi Survivors

    WASHINGTON November 14, 2013 (AP)
    By EILEEN SULLIVAN Associated Press

    FBI Director James Comey told senators Thursday he is not opposed to Congress speaking with the survivors of the 2012 attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. That contradicts the Obama administration's position that such discussions would jeopardize the FBI's criminal case.

    Comey's position on the politically charged issue seemed to surprise some of the senators who have unsuccessfully asked the administration for access to the survivors. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has said he will block President Barack Obama's nominees for Federal Reserve chairman and Homeland Security secretary if the administration does not give Congress access to the Benghazi survivors.

    The FBI is leading the investigation into the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

    Comey, a former federal prosecutor who has headed the FBI for just two months, weighed in on what's become a rallying cry for conservatives. Testifying before a Senate committee on the current terror threat to the U.S., Comey said he was unaware that the administration has refused to give some members of Congress access to the survivors because of the FBI investigation.

    "As the FBI director, I don't have an objection to it," Comey said. "I don't know whether the prosecutors would feel differently or if there's some other reason I'm not thinking of. But speaking from my perspective, yeah, I don't have an objection to that."

    Conservatives argue that the administration tried to mislead the public about a deadly terror attack on Americans in the heat of a presidential campaign. In the months since, congressional Republicans have accused the administration of stonewalling their investigations.

    "I was very pleased to hear these comments by the FBI Director," Graham said Thursday. "I'm hopeful the State Department will review and hopefully change their position allowing the Benghazi witnesses to be interviewed by Congress for oversight purposes."

    A diplomatic security agent who was an eyewitness to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack has been questioned by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. But other members want to question survivors as well.

    "There should be no reason that the FBI investigation should be used as an excuse for us not to have access to question those witnesses, whether it's an open hearing or in a secure briefing setting," Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said.

    Comey said he hadn't discussed the matter with the Justice Department. Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon said the department stands by its public statements that the questioning could hurt the criminal prosecution.

    Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., asked Comey whether he might have a different opinion after he spoke with prosecutors. Comey, a federal prosecutor for 15 years and deputy assistant attorney general for two years, said it's always possible.

    In a letter to Graham last month, the State Department said it was concerned about congressional interviews with the survivors of the attack because of Justice Department advice that they could be witnesses in a criminal trial, and any interviews outside the criminal justice process could jeopardize a case.

    The department also wrote that "because these survivors are potential witnesses in a terrorism prosecution, as well as law enforcement professionals who engage in security activities around the world including at high-threat posts, disclosure of their identities could put their lives, as well as those of their families and the people they protect, at increased risk."

    In a statement, State Department spokesman Alec Gerlach reiterated that Congress had interviewed for eight hours a security officer who was at the compound on the night of the attack, and said "State Department officials in recent months have sat for lengthy interviews with congressional investigators."

    "As we have said in the past, we share the Department of Justice's concerns and note that they advised Congress that eyewitness interviews outside the criminal justice process could possibly lead to attempts to thwart the investigation," Gerlach said.

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    Hillary Clinton to Receive American Patriot Award

    by AWR Hawkins 26 Oct 2013 post a comment

    Hillary Clinton is set receive the National Defense University Foundation' American Patriot Award.

    According to the Washington Examiner, the award ceremony features five co-chairs: "Madeleine Albright, who served as Secretary of State under Bill Clinton; former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who spent two years as Clinton's White House chief of staff; ...Vernon Jordan, who became a household name when he attempted to cover up the Monica Lewinsky scandal by getting the then-White House intern a job; [and] former Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman and George W. Bush's former Secretary of State Colin Powell."

    Previous award recipients include "three failed presidential candidates"--Sens. Bob Dole (R-Kan.), John McCain (R-AZ), and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.).

    Ironically, Clinton receives the award on November 14, which is around the time 60 Minutes is running a special detailing its attempts to "get to the truth about what happened in Benghazi."

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    Senate Democrats Blocking Cruz Resolution For Joint Select Committee on Benghazi (Video)

    November, 22, 2013 — nicedeb Senator Cruz appeared on Fox News, this morning to talk about the latest ObamaCare news, yesterday’s “brazen” power grab in the Senate, and his resolution for a select committee on Benghazi. He has 24 Senators supporting the resolution that is being blocked by Democrats.

    Pressure is also mounting on the House Side for Speaker Boehner to appoint a select committee on Benghazi.

    Via J. Christian Adams at PJ Media:
    So far, 178 Republican House members have called for a select committee with broad powers to investigate the killing of Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. Three out of every four Republicans on the committees currently with jurisdiction, recognizing the failure of the current process to obtain answers, have asked for a select committee to be appointed by Speaker Boehner.

    These numbers easily satisfy the “Hastert Rule,” as a super-majority of the GOP conference wants House leadership to chart a new, more aggressive course.

    Currently, five committees “investigating” Benghazi are limited by each committee’s unique jurisdiction. The Foreign Affairs Committee, for example, can’t talk to Department of Defense witnesses. The Armed Services Committee can’t talk to State Department witnesses or review State Department documents. And the Intelligence Committee won’t let anyone talk to CIA witnesses.

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes'

    Newly declassified testimonies about what happened among Pentagon officials the night of the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012 have been obtained by Fox News

    The documents show the U.S. military found out about 15 minutes after the attack - which killed four Americans - that it was an act of terror and communicated that to the Obama administration

    However the government - including Obama and then-U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who were in the throes of the 2012 US Presidential election - maintained for two weeks afterward the attack started as a protest against an anti-Islamic film and turned violent

    By Daily Mail Reporter

    PUBLISHED: 02:04 EST, 14 January 2014 | UPDATED: 02:05 EST, 14 January 2014

    Pentagon officials knew almost immediately that the attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, on 9-11-2012 was a terrorist attack and not a demonstration gone wrong, declassified documents have shown.

    The documents - which were obtained by Fox News and contain 450 pages of top secret testimonies about the attack - has proven the Obama administration lied about the cause of the attack for two weeks afterward, having repeatedly maintained it was sparked by a violent demonstration against an anti-Islamic movie.

    According to the documents, Gen. Carter Ham - who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya - said that while there was mention of the demonstrations - which started on the same day day as Benghazi but in Egypt - he and the other commanders involved were always clear that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.
    Secret documents detailing how top U.S. military officials learned about the Benghazi attack in 2012 show that the Obama administration knew 'within minutes' it was the work of terrorists, despite maintaining for two weeks afterward it was a protest gone wrong

    Secret documents detailing how top U.S. military officials learned about the Benghazi attack in 2012 show that the Obama administration knew 'within minutes' it was the work of terrorists, despite maintaining for two weeks afterward it was a protest gone wrong

    Newly declassified documents prove President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew the Benghazi attack was an act of terrorism almost immediately despite continuing to say it was a demonstration gone awry

    Newly declassified documents prove President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew the Benghazi attack was an act of terrorism almost immediately despite continuing to say it was a demonstration gone awry

    The documents featuring a testimony with U.S. General Carter Ham (pictured) - who who at the time was head of AFRICOM - received a call about the Benghazi attack 15 minutes after it happened and that it 'was always clear' it was a terrorist attack

    The documents featuring a testimony with U.S. General Carter Ham (pictured) - who who at the time was head of AFRICOM - received a call about the Benghazi attack 15 minutes after it happened and that it 'was always clear' it was a terrorist attack

    That information was delivered to President Obama and his top advisers, including then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

    However the government said the attack was caused out of protest of Innocence of Muslims, a controversial 14-minute video uploaded to YouTube that was seen as denigrating of the prophet Muhammad.

    The movie subsequently caused a breakout of violence in Egypt on September 11 that spread to other Arab and Muslim nations and caused the death of 50 people.

    That night, a heavily armed group of between 125 and 150 gunmen attacked the American diplomatic mission at Benghazi, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and another diplomat.

    Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported the Obama administration claims that Muslim of Innocence was believed to be cause, and chose the Accountability Review Board to conduct an 'investigation' into the attack.

    The investigation determined that there was no such protest in Behnghazi and that the attack was premeditated and launched by Islamist militants.

    Skepticism has surrounded the government's explanation of the attack, especially from the Republican party, mostly because Benghazi happened just two months before the 2012 Presidential Election.
    At about 9.30pm on September 11, 2012, a heavily armed group of between 125 and 150 gunmen attacked the American diplomatic mission at Benghazi (pictured) killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and another diplomat

    At about 9.30pm on September 11, 2012, a heavily armed group of between 125 and 150 gunmen attacked the American diplomatic mission at Benghazi (pictured) killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and another diplomat

    However the declassification of the documents proves the Obama administration were not divulging details of the attack to the American people.

    Numerous aides to the president and Clinton repeatedly told the public in the weeks following the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans that night - as Obama's hotly contested bid for re-election was entering its final stretch - that there was no evidence the killings were the result of a premeditated terrorist attack.

    According to Fox, Gen. Ham said he learned about the assault on the consulate compound within 15 minutes of its commencement, at 9:42 pm Libya time, through a call he received from the AFRICOM Command Center.


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    'My first call was to General Dempsey, General Dempsey's office, to say, ''Hey, I am headed down the hall. I need to see him right away'',' Ham told lawmakers on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation on June 26 of last year.

    'I told him what I knew. We immediately walked upstairs to meet with Secretary Panetta.'

    Ham's account of that fateful day was included in some 450 pages of testimony given by senior Pentagon officials in classified, closed-door hearings conducted last year by the Armed Services subcommittee.

    The testimony, given under 'Top Secret' clearance and only declassified this month, presents a rare glimpse into how information during a crisis travels at the top echelons of America's national security apparatus, all the way up to the president.
    New documents obtained by Fox prove the Obama administration didn't divulge what they knew about the Benghazi consulate attack to the American people

    New documents obtained by Fox prove the Obama administration didn't divulge what they knew about the Benghazi consulate attack to the American people

    Also among those whose secret testimony was declassified was Dempsey, the first person Ham briefed about Benghazi.

    Ham told lawmakers he considered it a fortuitous 'happenstance' that he was able to rope Dempsey and Panetta into one meeting, so that, as Ham put it, 'they had the basic information as they headed across for the meeting at the White House'.

    Ham also told lawmakers he met with Panetta and Dempsey when they returned from their 30-minute session with President Obama on September 11.

    Armed Services Chairman Howard 'Buck' McKeon, R-Calif., sitting in on the subcommittee's hearing with Ham last June, reserved for himself an especially sensitive line of questioning: namely, whether senior Obama administration officials, in the very earliest stages of their knowledge of Benghazi, had any reason to believe that the assault grew spontaneously out of a demonstration over an anti-Islam video produced in America.

    'In your discussions with General Dempsey and Secretary Panetta,' McKeon asked, 'was there any mention of a demonstration or was all discussion about an attack?'

    Ham initially testified that there was some 'peripheral' discussion of this subject, but added 'at that initial meeting, we knew that a U.S. facility had been attacked and was under attack, and we knew at that point that we had two individuals, Ambassador Stevens and Mr. [Sean] Smith, unaccounted for'.
    Aftermath: The U.S. government said for two weeks that the attack of the American consulate in Benghazi was a protest turned violent, however new documents show that 'within minutes' of the incident they knew it was the work of terrorists

    Aftermath: The U.S. government said for two weeks that the attack of the American consulate in Benghazi was a protest turned violent, however new documents show that 'within minutes' of the incident they knew it was the work of terrorists

    Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, a first-term lawmaker with experience as an Iraq war veteran and Army reserve officer, pressed Ham further on the point, prodding the 29-year Army veteran to admit that 'the nature of the conversation' he had with Panetta and Dempsey was that 'this was a terrorist attack'.

    'As a military person, I am concerned that someone in the military would be advising that this was a demonstration. I would hope that our military leadership would be advising that this was a terrorist attack,' Wenstrup said.

    'Again, sir, I think, you know, there was some preliminary discussion about, you know, maybe there was a demonstration. But I think at the command, I personally and I think the command very quickly got to the point that this was not a demonstration, this was a terrorist attack,' Ham answered.

    'And you would have advised as such if asked. Would that be correct? Wenstrup continued.

    'Well, and with General Dempsey and Secretary Panetta, that is the nature of the conversation we had, yes, sir,' Ham responded.

    Fox says they are going to continue to release more information found in the testimonies.
    Read more:

    The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on ¿attack,¿ not video or protest

    Barber: Declassified Docs Prove Clinton’s Benghazi Statements Were ‘Appalling, Deceitful’

    Follow @FreeBeacon

    BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
    January 14, 2014 7:08 pm

    The Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber joined The Blaze TV’s “Real News” Tuesday to discuss the Benghazi scandal in wake of newly declassified documents, which show administration officials almost immediately knew the incident was a terrorist attack and not in protest of a web video.

    During the receiving ceremony when the bodies of the four dead Americans were returned to the United States, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We have seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with.”

    “It’s appalling,” Barber said. “Barack Obama said ‘We’re still doing an investigation’. I can understand for national security reasons sometimes you would need to say that.”

    “What I cannot understand,” Barber continued, “is why you would offer this alternative that is clearly not true…they brought up a completely inaccurate fact to try to substitute that and that is deceitful.”

    Joint Chiefs Chair: We Aren't Authorized to Kill Benghazi Terrorists

    Terry Jeffrey | Jan 15, 2014

    When can President Barack Obama use military force against Libyans without prior authorization from Congress and when can he not?

    Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a closed session of a House Armed Services subcommittee in October that the military cannot kill the terrorists who attacked the State Department and CIA compounds in Benghazi, Libya, because Congress has not authorized the use of force against those terrorists.

    "Therefore, they will have to be captured," Dempsey said in a transcript of the testimony released this week.

    In 2011, by contrast, Obama did not defer to Congress -- which represents the American people and is vested with the constitutional power to authorize the use of military force -- when he ordered the U.S. military to intervene in Libya's civil war. Instead he invoked the authority of the United Nations Security Council -- where Russia and the People's Republic of China have veto power.

    "[T]he writ of the international community must be enforced," Obama said then.

    Ten years before Obama unilaterally ordered the U.S. military to intervene in Libya's civil war, President George W. Bush secured congressional authorization to use military force against the perpetrators of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the American homeland.

    The Authorization for Use of Military Force -- enacted Sept. 14, 2001 -- said: "The president is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

    As Congress expected, Bush used this authorization to invade Afghanistan, overthrow the Taliban and drive al-Qaida from that country.

    Twelve years later, Obama was still invoking this same authorization to justify using drones to kill terrorists far outside Afghanistan.

    "Nearly 400 drone strikes, in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, have been launched by the CIA and U.S. military forces during Obama's presidency," the Washington Post reported last year.

    "America's actions are legal," Obama said in a speech in May. "We were attacked on 9/11. Within a week, Congress overwhelmingly authorized the use of force. Under domestic law, and international law, the United States is at war with al-Qaida, the Taliban and their associated forces."

    "Beyond the Afghan theater, we only target al-Qaida and its associated forces," Obama continued. "And even then, the use of drones is heavily constrained. America does not take strikes when we have the ability to capture individual terrorists; our preference is always to detain, interrogate and prosecute. America cannot take strikes wherever we choose; our actions are bound by consultations with partners, and respect for state sovereignty."

    Theoretically, then, when Obama targets an enemy with a drone that enemy is among "those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons."

    On Sept. 11, 2012, in post-Gadhafi Benghazi, terrorists attacked a temporary State Department facility and a CIA compound. They killed four Americans.

    In May 2012, the chairmen of five house committees published an interim report based on their investigation of the attack. "The attackers were members of extremist groups, including the Libya-based Ansar al-Sharia (AAS) and al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)," said the report.

    Would Obama, with a history of unilaterally ordering military force in Libya, and a history of using the 2001 AUMF to go after al-Qaida outside Afghanistan, order drones to take out the Benghazi terrorists -- or at least the al-Qaida affiliates among them?

    According to Gen. Dempsey, that would not be legal.

    "Well, first of all, the individuals related in the Benghazi attack, those that we believe were either participants or leadership of it are not authorized [for] use of military force," Dempsey told the subcommittee.

    "In other words, they don't fall under the AUMF authorized by the Congress of the United States," said Dempsey. "So we would not have the capability to simply find them and kill them, either with a remotely-piloted aircraft or with an assault on the ground. Therefore, they will have to be captured, and we would, when asked, provide capture options to do that."

    At a press conference on Aug. 9, Ed Henry of Fox News asked Obama about his vow to "bring to justice the killers who attacked our people" in Benghazi.

    "[W]e have informed, I think, the public that there is a sealed indictment," Obama said. "It's sealed for a reason. But we are intent on capturing those who carried out this attack. And we are going to stay on it until we get them."

    If the al-Qaida-affiliated terrorists in Libya had been allied with Gadhafi, would Obama have ordered the military to go after them?

    If Obama asked Congress for an authorization to do so now, would Congress deny it?

    Does Obama care that under our Constitution he can only use force without congressional authorization if it is necessary to repel a sudden attack?

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    Default Re: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

    Anyone who knows anything at all about how the US government operates KNOWS they knew immediately. There are systems in place at every embassy to notify State that something is up. They have classified systems, computer systems, satellite phones, and they have the Red Switches (using DRSN and STIs to get classified info out).

    Since that place was also a CIA facility, they had plenty of means to make notifications.

    That they LIED about is is par for the course for this lying sack of shit administration.
    Libertatem Prius!

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