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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Obama asks public schools to ignore bad behavior by black students

    Black children taught to hate white people in Chicago public schools (EAG News)

    Kyle RogersCharleston Conservative Examiner

    Related Photo:

    July 30, 2012
    Barack Obama's "African American Education Initiative" creates a new Federal bureaucracy. One of its goals will be to stop disciplinary action against black public school students who misbehave.

    Back in 2007 I had two white female public school teachers tell me why Barack Obama was desperately needed as president. They said that black male students have no male role models. If only Obama was elected, black male students would improve their behavior and academic performance, they claimed.

    In many major cities, black academic performance has actually gotten worse since Obama took office. We have also seen the dramatic nationwide rise of black teen mob violence under the Obama administration.

    On July 26th Obama signed an executive order titled the "African American Education Initiative." The order essentially gives a green light for black students to misbehave in public schools. In two places, Obama's executive order calls on schools to reduce the number disciplinary actions taken against blacks students. The order specifically calls on schools too "not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools."

    To comply, public schools would have to engage in a racial quota system of discipline. The executive order will create a new Federal bureaucracy to pressure school systems to comply with the president's demands. The executive order makes no mention of any effort to get black students to improve behavior.

    There is a reason why blacks are more likely to be disciplined in school. Black students are more likely to misbehave. The U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that there is a huge crime rate disparity between blacks and other racial groups.
    Based on those disparities, one should expect that there would be a disparity in frequency of bad behavior between black and white school students in the public schools.

    The DOJ reports that the homicide rate in the black community is nine times greater than in the white community. Between 1976 and 2005, the DOJ reported that blacks averaged 13 percent of the population, but accounted for 59 percent of felony homicide charges and 53 percent of non-felony manslaughter charges. It also might come as no surprise that 93-95 percent of black homicides victims are killed by a black perpetrator. Most of the rest are killed by a Latino perpetrator.

    In reality, blacks are already less likely to be suspended for bad behavior than whites. Often, white teachers and administrators are afraid to discipline black students for fear of being called “racists.” Even some black school officials are afraid of being labeled a “sell-out” by black students.

    The executive order also states that black students "lack equal access" to education. This statement, by the White House, is outrageous and easily disproved. Across the nation, majority black public schools routinely receive more funding per pupil than majority white public schools.

    Washington DC is the perfect example. It has the highest average per pupil funding of any public schools in the nation. It also has the blackest public schools in the nation. Yet, this over-funding of black students yields no results in terms of academic improvement. DC public schools are widely touted as the worst performing schools in the entire industrialized world.

    If DC was a state, it would be the state with the highest average per pupil expenditure and the lowest average performance. More money does not equal better test scores.

    Missouri leads the nation in its black/white state funding gap. The state has spent billions of dollars in a failed effort to improve the academic performance of black students. Majority black schools in St. Louis and Kansas City have Olympic sized swimming pools, lavish theater and music departments, and state of the art computer labs. Per pupil spending is over double that of poor majority white public schools in the Ozark Mountain region of Missouri.

    Once again, we see that the over-funding of black students yields no benefits. The very poor white students in the Ozarks have none of the lavish amenities enjoyed by the black students. However, the poor whites in the Ozarks outperform the better funded black students in the big cities.

    Ohio has some pretty outrageous examples. Cincinnati's majority black public schools are lavished with state funding that far exceeds what goes to schools with a poor white student body. Yet last February, the state launched a program to give Cincinnati schools even more money to pay students not to drop out.

    In Chicago, majority black public schools have so much extra money they are hiring speakers from militant Black Power groups to give "motivational speeches." (see video)
    The reality is that there is a massive transfer of wealth from white taxpayers to black public school students. Obama's blatantly false claims are an insult to all white people who pay taxes.

    Obama's excuse making will only continue to make things worse.

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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Black mobs erupt in Ivy League region

    White man left bloodied near Yale University

    Published: 10 hours ago Colin Flaherty

    Brooks Macquarrie sits bloodied on a New Haven, Conn., street in the aftermath of an attack.

    Brooks Macquarrie does not remember much about the black mob violence that almost killed him one month ago.
    Macquarrie was test driving a motor scooter for a shop where he worked as a mechanic. A group of black people approached him as he waited at a downtown New Haven stop light.
    When he woke up in the hospital, surrounded by his five children, police thought he might have been hit by a car: Broken ribs. Twenty-one stitches. Fractured eye socket. Broken nose. Head injuries. And lots and lots of blood all over the street.
    According to the New Haven Register:
    “For his part, MacQuarrie remembers a young man on a bicycle coming at him with an ‘angry look’ in his eye, according to a coworker. He remembers trying to avoid eye contact with the person. He remembers getting hit on the back of the head. After that, he remembers nothing of the incident. “
    Macquarrie has not yet returned to work.
    Some police still think it might have been a car accident. But they are about the only ones left who do. Aside from local newspaper editors.
    But people who work with Macquarrie know differently: “Managers totally discount that police theory that Brooks Macquerrie might have been hit by a car,” says WTNH news. “They say that because there was no damage done to the scooter he was riding.”
    Two black people were identified riding away on the scooter.
    Car or no car, police and local media are working overtime to convince residents that race had nothing to do with this – or other – black mob violence in the area.
    “Our problem is that people have been reporting that this is a race-related issue, nothing in our investigation supports that whatsoever,” said David Hartman of the New Haven police department.
    Others wonder if the racially charged atmosphere surrounding the acquittal of George Zimmerman the week before had anything to do with the violence. New Haven was the scene of at least three pro-Trayvon rallies.
    “I think people are just speculating. I haven’t heard anything to the fact that it was related to the Trayvon Martin case or anything like that,” Katrina Jones told WTHN. “I just believe it was an isolated case.”
    Macquarrie himself has chosen not to speak with the media; he doesn’t want to enflame controversy, said the Register.
    Maybe it was related to Justice for Trayvon. Maybe not.
    But it was certainly not isolated: New Haven is the scene of regular and intense episodes of black mob violence directed at non-black people.
    Editors are fond of saying that because no one carried a sign, or uttered racial slurs, or issued a press release, that means there is no evidence the violence is race-related.
    But a lot of people in New Haven are starting to wonder why there have been so many recent episodes of black mob violence. And why the newspapers are loathe to cover it in any way – other than to deny it is happening.

    Let’s look at a few. They are not hard to find:
    One week after the Macquarrie beat down, an elderly New Haven jogger received similar treatment at the hands of a black mob at a local park in an upscale neighborhood.
    The New Haven Independent picks up the story:
    He had moved to the side to let them pass.
    “I heard someone say something about ‘turning around,’” the man recalled. Then he saw one of the teens get off his bike and roll it at him. The rolling bike knocked the jogger down.
    He got up. “What is this about?” he remembered telling them. “I don’t have any money.”
    Then one of the teens “charged at me and knocked me down” again. Others joined in and punched and kicked him repeatedly for about 20 seconds, he estimated.
    “Then they got back up and took off.”
    They didn’t check his pockets. They wouldn’t have found a cellphone or any valuables on him if they had.
    But they did break his arm. Which is worse that what happened to another jogger in “an eerily similar attack in the same location” July 21. Also worse than what happened to a New Haven “female security officer that was attacked by a group of teens” on her way to work in July.
    None of these attacks was listed in the reports police issue to media and neighborhood groups.

    Police learned about the attack on the jogger “from a New Haven Independent reader who saw it referenced in the site’s comments section.”
    Others who post to this website also claim to be victims of similar violence.

    The swarming assault on the jogger happened in the same park where, on July 20, 100 people gathered to protest racial profiling in New Haven in the aftermath of the George Zimmerman trial.

    The jogger does not want to be identified. He is still afraid. Even so, he said he felt lucky. At least he did not get brutalized the way Brooks Macquarrie had two weeks before.

    New Haven police may not admit who is responsible for the violence, but they are quite certain about how to stop it: Don’t wear headphones while jogging. And don’t go outside anywhere where violence might happen. Which is pretty much everywhere from the worst to the best neighborhoods in this in this Yale University college town.

    At least one resident of New Haven figured it out in the readers’ comments section of the New Haven Register: “If they don’t know what happened, how do they know it is not race related?”
    Especially since all the mobs are black. And most of the victims are not.

    As much as the newspapers tried to ignore the race of the mobs, readers and witnesses did not. “If young black men stole the guys scooter and beat him up that is horrible enough. But, don’t twist it into something to do with Trayvon Martin,” said the reader. “Another twisted story for race baiting and used to fire up the bigots.”

    The reader may have a point: There was plenty of black mob violence in New Haven before the Zimmerman acquittal.
    In June, four black men attacked a man with hammer, inflicting serious brain injuries on him.

    In January, Matthew Turner told one of his black neighbors that the jack holding up his car was unsafe. He offered to lend him another, but the man underneath the car refused. Instead he asked if he could borrow a screwdriver from Turner.

    While Turner went to fetch it, the jack collapsed. The man under the car died.

    When Turner went to a memorial service to offer his condolences to the man’s wife, nine of the man’s friends left the service and pursued Turner back to his nearby apartment. They blamed him for the death.

    The black mob was caught on video beating him almost to death. After he recovered, he moved to a new neighborhood to escape more death threats.
    The assailants stalked him to his new home. He is now in a witness protection program. The New Haven Register said:

    “Sources said police did note racial undertones in the case – Turner was white and the assailants black – but ultimately race bias charges were not filed.”
    In May of 2012, police responded to a large fight in the New Haven suburb of Vernon where they found a stabbing victim. As officers treated the stabbing victim, “a large crowd had gathered around the officers. The crowd started to become disorderly and quickly became chaotic.”
    While police tried to subdue the black mob violence at the scene, the victim was bleeding out and a hospital was just a few blocks away. But the ambulance was 30 minutes away. So they strapped him on the hood of the police car and drove him slowly to the hospital.
    Where more black mob violence ensued. Two people were arrested.

    Several episodes of black mob violence are connected to New Haven’s most visible institution: Yale University.
    In October, two doctors in a Yale residency program were attacked by a black mob of “20 teens.” One of the doctors had his ear sliced off. “The group did not steal anything from him.” But the black mob did steal the phone and purse of his companion, reported the New Haven Independent.
    Then they ran off and found another victim, said the New Haven Independent.
    “Moments later five to six teens attacked a 32-year-old internist from the same Yale-New Haven program on Chapel near Olive. The teens punched him in the face, then took off running, Hoffman said. Paramedics treated him at the scene for injuries to his mouth. Detectives believe members of the same group of teens committed both acts.”
    In December, The Register reported two more Yale students were victims of mob violence. The paper does not report that mobs were black. Though readers and others in New Haven do.

    The paper also reports that illegal aliens several times have been the victims of this black mob violence. But it often goes unreported because the illegal aliens fear contact with police.

    At least one resident noticed: The reporter “has jumped through a lot of hoops to write this story,” said Steve Scott, at the Register web site. “How many black teens targeted the two white Yale students? He doesn’t tell us, but he reminds us that illegal immigrants have it so much worse…and…it was warmer than usual…and beware of the chopper-style bike…and robbery was not a motive. Whoa, covering your pc tracks while trying to write a story that was directly related to race is hard.”

    UPDATE: Soon after the first draft of this article was completed, two more episodes of black mob violence came to light. In neighboring Hamden, The Patch reports, black men on bikes found another victim:

    “The 30-year-old victim told police that he was in the area of Dixwell Avenue and Dudley Street when seven or eight men on bicycles approached him, Smith said. They demanded money, Smith said, and when the victim refused, they attacked.”

    He was hospitalized with a deep cut.

    Two nights before, the same night as the Macquerrie assault, Hamden police responded to a a “large, hostile crowd” of black people at a local night club. They had to call in neighboring police for help in restoring order.
    From the plucky Patch:

    “As officers approached, a large group of individuals began fighting,” Smith said in a release Monday. “Hamden Police subsequently requested assistance from the New Haven and North Haven Police Departments to help disperse the large hostile crowd. Both departments provided officers, who helped to restore peace.”
    As is often the case, we can count on the readers to fill in the blanks:
    This “joint” opens about 6-8 x a year and there has not ever been a night w/o trouble requiring a large PD response, gunfire, knives, fighting and injuries maybe the Town should stop issuing permits for these “shows”
    Another local said that might not be a good idea: “Then they would get sued for being racists.”

    3 Teens Viciously Beat Up Student On School Bus, Bus Driver Does Nothing

    4 days ago | Politics, US | Posted by Kristin Tate

    • August 9, 2013

    A student in Pinellas County, Florida was violently beat up by three other students on a school bus.
    Now, you would think the bus driver, being a “responsible” adult, would do something to intervene and help the victim. But in this case, the student receiving the brutal beating was offered no help.

    The bus driver, 64-year-old John Moody, was heard yelling into his radio, “I got a fight! I need help in a hurry, I got a fight I need help in a hurry!” However, Moody did not intervene or do anything himself to stop the violence. This passive behavior is shocking, coming from a seasoned bus driver with 18 years of experience.
    The three attackers targeted the student for snitching on them for selling pot.

    The three 15-year-old attackers were Julian McKnight, Khemradj Lloyd and Joshua Reddin. They beat up the victim so viciously, that he suffered from a broken arm and two black eyes.

    Police Chief Robert Vincent originally wanted to press charges against Moody for not helping the victim during the incident. Vincent said to WFLA TV, “There was clearly an opportunity for him to intervene and or check on the welfare of the children or the child in this case, and he didn’t make any effort to do so.”

    However, after reviewing the law, Vincent found that school bus officers are not required to intervene in violent situations like this one.

    Therefore, Moody is not charged with anything. In an attempt to get sympathy from the critical public, Moody said the attack will “haunt” him.

    …Really?! What about the student who got beaten up? He is the one who actually deserves sympathy.
    The three aggressors have been arrested and charged with aggravated battery.

    On a side note, some have noticed that this incident has been underreported by the mainstream media. It could be because the attackers in this case were black and the victim was white.

    Something tells me that if the tables were turned, and white teens had viciously attacked a black student, this would be dubbed a “racially charged” attack.

    Bottom line: violence of this nature is never acceptable, regardless of race.

    What are your thoughts on this vicious attack? Let us know in the comments section below.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Here's another recent one. When does this get too big to be swept under the rug, or does it ever?

    St. Paul Man Fights For Life After Being Beaten By Several People

    August 9, 2013

    Twenty-six-year-old Raymond Widstrand was walking on Payne Avenue Sunday evening when he came across a large group of people, who were watching a fight.

    Police say it happened Aug. 4, 2013, at about 11:30 p.m. When police arrived, Widstrand was on the ground with his legs and arms spread out. Blood was coming from his nose and mouth.

    His pants were off and his shirt torn.

    Police questioned several people who were on the scene. One witness told police she had been a party at an address on Preble, near Minnehaha Avenue in St Paul.

    She said that some of the girls at the party started fighting outside, and everyone came out to watch.

    While this was happening, according to a criminal complaint filed in Ramsey County, she saw a young white man walking into the crowd.

    The witness said she saw a person, she called “Bay Bay” hit the man in the head, knocking him down.

    She also told police that she saw another man begin stomping the man. Another pulled his pants off.

    Sgt. Paul Paulos says it’s a senseless crime.

    “He is still alive and is day-by-day,” Paulos said.

    The witness told police the man was hit and beaten for no reason. She also identified the attackers as being with the “East Side Boys” or “Ham Crazy.”

    Issac O’Neal Maiden, 19, is charged in Ramsey County with assault for committing a crime for the benefit of a gang.

    Issac O'Neal Maiden

    Police say as of Aug. 8, the prognosis for recovery is slight. Should he live, he will suffer permanent and protracted loss of brain function.

    “Ray” — as his family calls him — is from New Brighton. His family is hanging on to every word they get from doctors.

    Ray’s mother, father and sister, Alice, sat side by side in a St. Paul police station to talk about the young man they love.

    They say the neighborhood where it all happened is where one of Ray Widstrand’s goals was reached. After scoring a behind-the-scenes job at a cable access station, he finally had his very own place, an apartment on St. Paul’s eastside.

    “I guess I didn’t know the neighborhood,” said his father, Peter. “I did kind of question it a little bit. He never expressed any concerns.”

    Investigators say as he took a walk down his new streets he happened upon two gangs fighting each other. They then started beating him.

    “I can’t imagine why someone would do this to another person,” his father said.

    Alice added: “It’s hard to see anyone in your family in that condition, but seeing your older brother. There’s really no words to describe that feeling.”

    The county attorney called it a senseless attack — one that left an apartment sitting empty and a family sitting in a police station.

    The Widstrands said doctors haven’t given much hope of a full recovery. But the family has hope. They say he has a lot of swelling in his brain and that over the next week, they should know much more.

    St. Paul Police say they are really hoping someone will come forward with some video of the fight to help them with the investigation. If you have a tip you can call police at 651-266-5650.

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    Australian Christopher Lane killed in drive-by shooting while jogging in Oklahoma

    Updated 9 hours 40 minutes ago
    Video: North America correspondent Michael Vincent reports on the shooting (ABC News)
    Photo: Christopher Lane was studying at an American university on a baseball scholarship. (Essendon Baseball Club)
    Map: Essendon 3040

    The father of a Melbourne baseballer who was shot dead while jogging in Oklahoma says his son was a "talented, intelligent kid" whose life was brought to a "senseless" end.

    Video: Peter and Donna Lane address the media in Melbourne (ABC News)

    Christopher Lane, 22, was jogging in the small town of Duncan on Friday when he was shot in the back in a drive-by.

    Police have arrested three teenagers aged 15, 16 and 17.

    They will be charged with first-degree murder and could potentially face the death penalty.

    Lane was on a baseball scholarship at East Central University and was reportedly two weeks away from celebrating his 23rd birthday.

    He had just returned to the US from a trip back to Australia with his girlfriend Sarah, and was believed to have only been staying at her residence for about three days before the incident.

    Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said the shooting appears to have been a random, unprovoked attack and he had not seen anything like it in 30 years of law enforcement.

    "He apparently was jogging, he went by a residence where these three boys were, they picked him as a target, they went out and got in a vehicle and followed him," Chief Ford told the ABC's AM program.

    "[They] came up from behind and basically shot him in the back with a small calibre weapon. Then sped away."

    Photo: Christopher Lane was studying at an American university on a baseball scholarship. (Essendon Baseball Club)

    Chief Ford said the murder weapon was yet to be recovered but was believed to be of low-calibre and likely to have been stolen.

    Lane's parents Peter and Donna addressed the media this morning at Essendon Baseball Club in Melbourne, where their son had been a member before heading to the US.

    "There's not going to be any good come out of this, because it was just so senseless," Mr Lane said.

    "He was an athlete going for a jog like he would five or six days a week in terms of his training schedule.

    "It's happened, it's wrong and we just try and deal with it the best way we can."

    Mr Lane said his son was "a normal kid" who "gave up a lot to follow his dream".

    "He was an intelligent kid and he made good life choices," Mr Lane said.

    "He caused us some grief, caused us so much joy.

    "He was just a kid on the cusp of making his life.

    "He had a good life... why it was taken away is so pointless."

    Choking back tears, Mrs Lane added: "We're all lucky that he was here for that period of time."

    Victorian Premier Denis Napthine said the murder was an "absolute tragedy".

    "This is an absolute tragedy, for a young man to be murdered at the prime of his life when he's on the verge of a great career in his chosen sport of baseball," he said.

    "Our hearts go out to his family, his friends, and all in the Victorian baseball community who'll be suffering at the moment."

    Federal Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten has passed on the Government's sympathies to the Lane family.

    "Clearly he was an athlete of some great potential winning a prestigious scholarship to the United States," he said.

    "What has happened is a complete tragedy, a complete senseless waste of life and I extend my condolences and sympathy to his family and friends."
    'A truly talented and highly respected young man'

    Essendon Baseball Club said in a statement published on its website that it was saddened by the loss of a "truly talented young man".

    Audio: Police baffled by Aussie baseballer's shooting (AM)

    "Chris was a truly talented and highly respected young man whose friendship was valued by all who had the good fortune to know him.

    "His loss is felt by each and every member of the Essendon family and our thoughts and prayers are with the Lane family during this incredibly difficult time."

    Lane also played at the Watsonia Baseball Club, which says many of its members are overwhelmed by the news.

    "Chris had been at the baseball club for since he was eight or nine. [He was a] fantastic young man," spokesman Tim Frost said.

    "Obviously very talented. But just really well liked by everyone. He was a fantastic, fantastic person.

    "The whole club was in disbelief on Saturday when we found out. We just couldn't believe it."

    Mr Frost said the club would plan a memorial for Lane.

    Photo: "Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts": a tribute to Chris Lane rests on home plate at Essendon Baseball Club. (AAP: Julian Smith)

    Topics: law-crime-and-justice, crime, murder-and-manslaughter, essendon-3040, united-states, melbourne-3000, vic, australia

    First posted Mon 19 Aug 2013, 5:28am AEST

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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Two teens charged with murdering Melbourne baseball player Chris Lane

    • AAP, Aaron Langmaid, Samantha Landy
    • Herald Sun
    • August 21, 2013 6:33AM

    James Edwards one of two boys charged with first-degree murder. Source: Supplied

    AN Oklahoma court has been told how one of the boys accused of murdering Melbourne baseballer Chris Lane danced as he was being booked into jail.

    James Edwards, 15, was treating the murder as a joke, District Attorney Jason Hicks told an emotional hearing in Duncan, Oklahoma on Tuesday (Wednesday morning AEST).

    "I believe he is a threat to the community," Mr Hicks said of Edwards.

    "He thinks this was a joke."

    Chancey Luna was also charged with first-degree murder.

    Edwards and Chancey Luna, 16, were charged with first degree murder and face life in prison if convicted.

    They were refused bail.

    Michael Jones, 17, was charged with using a vehicle to facilitate the discharge of a weapon and accessory after the fact of murder in the first degree.

    Michael Jones, 17, was charged as an accessory to the killing.

    Bail for Jones, who is assisting prosecutors and police, was set at $US1 million ($A1.1 million).

    The three will be tried as adults.

    They were dressed in orange prison jumpsuits and had their legs shackled during the brief appearance in Stephens County Courthouse.

    Edwards and Luna did not show any emotion, but Jones broke down in tears after Mr Hicks said he was looking at a "very, very lengthy prison sentence".

    "I didn't pull the trigger," Jones said.

    It is Luna who prosecutors believe fired the one shot into the back of Lane, 22, who was jogging along a road in Duncan on Friday.

    "The information we have was this was the person who pulled the trigger," the prosecutor said.

    Lane was staying with his American girlfriend Sarah Harper in Duncan before going back to Oklahoma's East Central University where he majored in finance and was the catcher on the team's baseball team.

    The court was told that the three boys spotted Mr Lane jogging, got into a car driven by Jones, drove behind Mr Lane and then Luna shot him in the back.

    But the teens' parents yesterday protested their innocence.

    Jennifer Luna claimed her son was at home saying: "My son is not that way. My son is a good kid."

    Chris Lane wears his baseball equipment in Australia. Picture: Essendon Baseball Club Source: AP

    Yesterday, former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of the shooting murder of the Melbourne baseball star.

    Mr Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said turning our backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.

    Mr Fischer, who led Australia's gun control reforms alongside former prime minister John Howard in 1996, said choosing not to travel to the US would help build pressure on the US Congress to finally act.

    "Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,'' Mr Fischer said.

    "This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gunshows.

    "People should take this into account before going to the United States.

    "I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it's a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA.

    "There is a gun for almost every American.''

    Ms Harper, 23, yesterday revealed her heartbreak at losing her "best friend", and parents of the accused protested their innocence.

    Chris Lane was gunned down in Duncan, Oklahoma. Source: Supplied

    She also told the Herald Sun that she didn't know what punishment would be appropriate of the three teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17 years, accused of Lane's murder.

    It comes as Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said he had secured the confession of the 17-year-old who summoned investigators to his jail cell and claimed he and the younger boys were bored "so they decided to kill somebody".

    "He said he was the driver of the car," Chief Ford said.

    "They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, theychose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back.
    "He said the 16-year-old fired the shot."

    The three teenagers are being held in the Stephens County Jail in Duncan.

    The trio were due to appear in a local court over the shooting at 1.30pm Monday (4.30am Tuesday AEST), but it has been pushed back a day.

    A spokesperson for District Attorney Jason Hicks said the charges were still being reviewed.

    The mother of the 16-year-old accused of firing the single bullet from a handgun into Lane's back said she didn't believe her son was involved.

    The father of the 15-year-old admitted his son had been in trouble with the law, but described him as a good boy.

    Lane, who grew up in Oak Park in Melbourne's north, had only been back in the US for three days after an eight-week break in Australia with Ms Harper.

    "I don't want them to have any future that Chris wasn't able to have as well," Ms Harper said of the accused teenagers today.

    "It's been pretty rough. It's been hard knowing he was taken so close to home, let alone taken in the way he was. To be pointed out like that …"

    Ms Harper said she and Lane had joked about America's soft gun laws before he was shot.
    "He wasn't a fan of guns," she said.

    She fondly described Lane as a smart, kind and curious guy who would "do anything for anybody".

    Ms Harper, also a talented sportswoman, said she and Lane just "meshed together" within weeks of meeting at college in Oklahoma in August 2009.

    "It was more of a personality (we had in common), not so much interests. He was intellectual, into world news, and I found that quite boring," she said.

    "He really wanted to travel more. He loved the idea of seeing the world."

    Two of the accused teens' parents insist they were not involved in the killing.

    "That's my baby boy," said the mother of the 16-year-old accused of firing the single bullet from a handgun into the back of Mr Lane.

    She doesn't believe her son was involved in the shooting, saying today he was not a member of a gang and definitely not the one who pulled the trigger.

    The father of the 15-year-old accused of being in the car admitted his son had been in some previous "kid stuff" trouble with the law, but described him as a good boy who also was not part of a gang.

    "I don't think so," the father replied when asked if his son could have been part of the murder.

    "Because he's not the type of person. He likes to wrestle. He's into sports."

    The two teens have suffered tragic lives, their parents said. The 15-year-old's mother is in jail. The 16-year-old last year dealt with the death of his stepfather and brother.

    The parents of the teens sent their condolences to Lane's family in Australia and Ms Harper.

    "My prayers go out to them," the father said.

    "I have lost several loved ones recently myself. I feel sorry for the individuals and family."

    Ms Harper yesterday said the accused "will be taken care of eventually".

    Ms Harper said she wasn't thinking about the killers at the moment.

    "I don't really care what happens to them,'' she told the Nine Network.

    "I feel that if they don't get what they deserve now in the present they will eternally.

    "They're evil people and they'll be taken care of eventually.''

    It comes amid claims Lane was the victim of a gang-related drive-by shooting gone wrong.

    Outside the court a woman told reporters the three accused teens had a falling out with a fellow gang member.

    She told Channel Nine the teens were angry when they set out and wanted her brother dead.

    "I guess he has hung out with gang-affiliated people. I don't know if he's really claimed it or tried to be like them so that might be a reason why they're after him," she said.

    However Chief Ford said the accused "just wanted to kill someone".

    Chief Ford said the three teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves'' and were on their way to another house to murder a second, unrelated victim when they were arrested.

    Lane's death a tragedy with no rhyme or reason

    Christopher Lane’s mother and sister. Source: News Limited

    Lane had been in the US on a baseball sports scholarship with East Central University (ECU) as the team's catcher.

    He was jogging through an area of "high dollar homes" after leaving Ms Harper's home, when he was followed and shot.

    Witnesses saw him stumble across the road and then go down on his knees before struggling to a drainage area at the side of the road.

    'I love you so much': girlfriend's moving tribute to baseball star

    A woman who came from a nearby house tried CPR while another woman who was in a car stopped and called 911.

    Chris Lane RIP: Facebook tribute page

    Ms Lane said she would come back to Australia to farewell Lane with his family.

    "I'm probably going to go back and say goodbye with the people he loved the most," she said.

    "It was a great time getting back there and seeing him in his element with all his favourite friends.

    "It's going to be hard going back but it's something I need to do.

    "Thank you to everyone who supported and loved Chris. I really appreciated it."

    A tribute left on the home plate at Essendon Bombers Baseball field for murdered Melbourne baseballer Christopher Lane. Source: News Limited

    Chief Ford said yesterday the attack was not racially motivated.

    "It was just three clowns who got together and decided to kill,'' he said.

    Chief Ford said the police had released the body but was unsure of plans to repatriate Lane's body back to Melbourne.

    He also said the killer left a chilling message on Facebook before the spree - "Bang. Two drops in two hours".

    "They wanted to be Billy Bob Badasses," Chief Ford said yesterday.

    "I think they were on a killing spree.

    "We would have had more bodies that night if we didn't get them.

    Christopher Lane with girlfriend, Sarah Harper. Supplied: Facebook Source: Supplied

    "Lately there has been some pretty weak motives, but I don't know that I've had one that they told us they were just going to kill somebody.

    "I know everybody thinks there has to be a reason, but I've been in this business for 30 years and there doesn't have to be a reason with these kids.

    "It is a sad, sad thing what happened with that young man."

    Yesterday, shocked family and friends were trying to make sense of the tragedy.

    Peter Lane paid tribute to his son and said the family was still waiting on news from the US authorities regarding the repatriation of the body.

    Christopher Lane’s devastated family. Source: News Limited

    "There is not going to be any good come out of this. It was so senseless. There was nothing he did or could have done," Mr Lane said.

    "It's happened. It's wrong and we just try and deal with it the best we can."

    Flowers and a baseball were placed on the home plate at Essendon Baseball Club yesterday morning with a message. "A wonderful young man taken too soon," it read. "Why?"

    College friend Marshall Veal added Lane had "brought light to each of us''.

    "Lanes would have done anything in the world for all of us and we would do the same, he was a best friend, teammate, and most of all a Brother. We love you Laney."

    Local Bill Renfrow, who lives just metres from the intersection where Lane was shot, said Duncan locals had erected a flower memorial for him at the site of the attack.

    "It's sad to us, more than anything. It's shocking. He was a visitor in our country," he said.

    "This is a very quiet neighbourhood, there's never any trouble here."

    Essendon Baseball Club's match against the University of Melbourne on Sunday will be turned into a tribute to Lane to raise money for the family.

    - with Stephen Drill Andy Burns and AAP

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    Oklahoma teens charged with murdering Australian college athlete because they were 'bored'

    • Last Updated: 5:59 PM, August 20, 2013
    • Posted: 9:08 AM, August 20, 2013


    'THRILL-KILLERS': James Francis Edwards Jr., 15, Chancey Allen Luna, 16, and Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, are seen in booking photos after their arrest in the senseless murder or an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma.

    Here are pictures of three teenagers accused in the thrill-kill murder of a college baseball player in Oklahoma.

    The senseless slaying of Christopher Lane, 23, has sent shock waves from the Sooner State to the victim’s native Australia.

    “They followed him, shot him in the back and drove off,” Duncan, Okla., police chief Danny Ford said yesterday.

    “When asked why he [a 17-year-old suspect] did it, he said, ‘We were bored and decided to kill somebody.’ ”

    Charged with first-degree murder are Chancey Allen Luna, 16, and James Francis Edwards Jr., 15. Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, who allegedly drove the vehicle carrying the other suspects, was charged with use of a vehicle in the discharge of a weapon and accessory to murder after the fact, according to the Stephens County District Attorney's office.

    Police said Jones named Luna as the gunman.

    Lane died Friday afternoon after he was shot in the back on Country Club Road just south of Twilight Beach Drive in Duncan, Ford said. He was pronounced dead an hour later.

    Police said a witness called 911 when she saw Lane stagger across the road and fall.

    According to police, Jones told police on Sunday that they saw Lane jogging and decided he would be their target. Police said the three followed him in their vehicle and shot Lane in the back, police said.

    Lane was entering his senior year at East Central University in nearby Ada, Okla. Lane was a catcher for the Division II Tigers.

    The Melbourne native started 14 games last season and batted .250.

    ECU baseball coach Dino Rosato said Lane was a well-respected teammate.

    "He was an absolute joy to coach," said Rosato. "He set a great example for all of his teammates, but more importantly for the younger players. He was a mature student-athlete who his teammates could look to for advice and support."

    Lane’s friends, loved ones and supporters Down Under lashed out at the alleged killers and American gun culture.

    Former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of Lane’s slaying.

    "Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,'' said Fischer, an outspoken gun-control advocate. "This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gun shows.”

    "He was an absolute joy to coach," said Rosato. "He set a great example for all of his teammates, but more importantly for the younger players. He was a mature student-athlete who his teammates could look to for advice and support."

    Lane’s friends, loved ones and supporters Down Under lashed out at the alleged killers and American gun culture.

    Former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of Lane’s slaying.

    "Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,'' said Fischer, an outspoken gun-control advocate. "This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gun shows.”

    "People should take this into account before going to the United States, “ Fischer continued. “I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it's a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA.”

    He added: “There is a gun for almost every American.''

    The suspects’ parents insisted their kids are innocent.

    "My son is not that way,” said mom Jennifer Luna, claiming her son was at home when the shooting happened. “My son is a good kid."

    The father of 15-year-old suspect Edwards said his kid has never been in a gang. The dad said he feels for Lane’s loved ones.

    "My prayers go out to them," the father said. "I have lost several loved ones recently myself. I feel sorry for the individuals and family."

    Video on Vine surfaced of one of the accused, James Edwards, brandishing a gun, and saying, "B---h we up dem poles, f--- with me."

    Lane's American girlfriend said she’s lost "best friend, telling the Herald Sun that she didn't know what punishment would be appropriate.

    "I don't want them to have any future that Chris wasn't able to have as well," said Sarah Harper, 23.

    "It's been pretty rough. It's been hard knowing he was taken so close to home, let alone taken in the way he was. To be pointed out like that …"

    Lane had only been back in the US for three days after an eight-week break in Australia with Harper.

    The heartbroken girlfriend said she and Lane had joked about America's soft gun laws before he was shot.

    "He wasn't a fan of guns," she said.

    She fondly described Lane as a smart, kind and curious guy who would "do anything for anybody".

    "It was more of a personality (we had in common), not so much interests. He was intellectual, into world news, and I found that quite boring," Harper said.

    "He really wanted to travel more. He loved the idea of seeing the world."

    Christopher Lane with girlfriend, Sarah Harper.

    Christopher Lane and girlfriend, Sarah Harper

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    WWII Vet, Beaten By Teens Outside Eagles Lodge, Dies

    August 22, 2013

    Delbert Belton

    WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

    Belton, 88, succumbed to his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

    Witnesses say Belton was in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge at 6410 N. Lidgerwood, adjacent to the Eagles Ice-A-Rena, around 8 p.m. Wednesday when the two male suspects attacked him as he was about to head inside to play pool.

    Police responded with K-9s to track the suspects' scent but were not able to locate them.

    "It does appear random. He was in the parking lot, it appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault," Spokane Police Major Crimes Detective Lieutenant Mark Griffiths said.

    Belton died from his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

    "Shorty," as he was known by his friends at the Eagles Lodge, served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific during WWII and was shot in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa. He went on to work at Kaiser Aluminum at the company's Trentwood plant for more than 30 years. Belton's wife passed away several years ago.

    He loved playing pool, even though he claimed he was no good at it and had been a member of the Eagles Lodge for the last four months. In addition to playing pool he loved working on cars.

    Shorty was Ted Denison's best friend of 23 years; the two played pool occasionally and worked on cars daily.

    "He was always there for me when I needed him," Denison said. "We'd joke back and forth. We were always having fun, some sort of fun."

    He was the kind of nice old man who'd become your friend in minutes.

    "Probably every time I come into town, he'd have a project for me to do," Denison said. "I thought of him more as a dad than I did a friend really."

    Now, with the suspects still at large and the Spokane Police Department working to track them down, Shorty's friends are hoping for justice.

    "I don't understand how somebody could do this. I really don't," Denison said.

    Spokane police are looking for two male suspects in the attack. They said the suspects are African Americans between 16 and 19 years old. One suspect was described as heavy set and wearing all black clothing. The other was described as being about 6 feet tall and 150 pounds. There was no description of what clothing the second suspect was wearing other than a silk do-rag.

    Police investigating the deadly attack on Belton have also obtained surveillance footage from the scene. Click this link to see still images of the two suspects in the attack.

    UPDATE: WWII Vet Assaulted In N. Spokane Dies; Suspect Photos Released

    August 23, 2013

    Spokane, North Idaho News

    UPDATE: Press Release From The Spokane Police Department:

    Spokane Police release surveillance photos of persons of interest in the homicide of an 88 year old man, occurring in N. Spokane last night. Anyone with information about either of the suspects is asked to call Crime Check at 456-2233.

    On 08-21-13 around 8:15pm Spokane Police responded to Eagles Lodge, 6410 N Lidgerwood on a call of an assault. When officers responded they located a 88 year-old man in his car with serious injuries to his head. He was transported to the hospital where he died as a result of his injuries.

    Spokane Police are looking for two suspects in the incident. They are described by witnesses as young African American males of average build.

    Major Crimes Detectives are investigating the incident and are asking anyone with information to call Crime Check at 456-2233.

    Previous Coverage:

    KHQ.COM - Police say two teens assaulted 88-year-old Delbert Belton outside the Eagles Lodge in North Spokane Wednesday night around 8pm. Belton was rushed to the hospital where he was placed in the intensive care unit but later died. Police are actively searching for two suspects. They are described to be 16-19 in age, black males & both wearing black clothing, one was wearing a black "Do-Rag" police say.

    Family & friends of Delbert Belton tell KHQ's Dylan Wohlenhaus that Delbert was "full of life" at 88-years-old. They say Belton loved working on cars and helping out others. Belton also served overseas in the military in WWII.

    Friends of Belton say he was wounded in WWII in Okinawa but survived. Police have not said if or what the motive was for the beating. Police believe this was a random attack.

    A makeshift memorial has been set up at the crime scene to honor Belton.


    The man assaulted has been identified as 88-year-old Delbert Belton. He has two sisters that still live in Spokane. His friends say Delbert was a WWII Veteran and a former employee at Kaiser Aluminum in Spokane Valley.


    SPOKANE, Wash. - The 88-year-old man who was assaulted Wednesday night outside of an ice arena at 6321 N. Addison has died.

    Spokane Police are actively searching for two suspects described as black males between the ages of 16-19. Both were wearing dark clothing and one was wearing a do-rag.

    They are both suspected in the killing of the elderly man which occurred around 8pm on Wednesday night.

    >>>>Anyone with any information on either of the suspects is asked to contact Spokane police immediately.

    I swear to Christ, if this was a relative of mine I'd be going all Paul Kersey on them. That man helped take Okinawa only to have his life ended by a couple of shit stains not worth the bullets that should be used to execute them.

    In my world, justice would be swift and effective.

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    I am speechless.

  9. #49
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Black Teen Who Allegedly Murdered Australian Jogger Posted Racist Tweets

    August 21, 2013

    One of the teens charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Australian baseball player Christopher Lane in Duncan, Okla., previously posted anti-white statements on his Twitter feed.

    James Edwards, 15, Chancey Luna, 16, and Michael Jones, 17, have all been charged as adults in Lane’s death. Lane, a 22 year-old student from Melbourne, was out for a jog last Friday evening when the three teens began following him in a car and shot him “just for the fun of it,” according to Duncan officials.

    Edwards and Luna are charged with first-degree murder while Jones is accused of using a vehicle in the discharge of a weapon and as an accessory to first-degree murder after the fact. Edwards and Luna are held without bond; Jones’ bond has been set at $1 million.

    Edwards’ social media activities are still on stark display and show the teen glorifying hip-hop, violence and sex. Pictures on Facebook also show Edwards and Luna wearing gang colors and flashing gang signs.

    A couple of Tweets also suggest that Edwards wasn’t fond of white people.

    On April 29, he tweeted, “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.”

    On July 15, days after the George Zimmerman verdict, Edwards tweeted “Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court! lol shit ima keep sleepin shit! #ayeeee.”

    “Woods” is a derogatory term for white people.

    Duncan police chief Dan Ford said he had not yet seen Edwards’ social media activities.

    (More proof black people can't be racist!)

    “I don’t think there’d be any further charge,” he told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a phone interview when asked if Edwards’ activities warranted any sort of hate crime charge. “I’m not discounting the stuff that’s on there, but they do that for shock and effect.”

    Ford said he hasn’t seen any racial tension or gang activity in the town which is home to about 24,000 people in the south-central part of Oklahoma.

    “We haven’t had any problem in this community,” he said. “Zero.”

    But the man who reported the three teens to police has claimed that gangs do exist in Duncan.

    James Johnson claimed that the three were after his 17-year-old son Chris to join the Crips street gang. Johnson called to report that the three teens were near his house with guns and threatening his son’s life on the evening of the shooting. He claimed that gangs had begun spilling over into Duncan from nearby Lawton, a larger city to the west.

    Jones first admitted that he was driving the car, a small black sedan. The car was spotted on video surveillance speeding away from the shooting scene. Jones later told police that Luna fired a shot from the back seat while Edwards was in the front seat of the vehicle at the time.

    The parents of Edwards and Luna have maintained that they are innocent.

    Lane’s death has sparked outrage from politicians in his home country. Australian Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer called for a boycott of the U.S.

    “So, it is another example of murder and mayhem on Main Street,” Fischer told CNN’s Piers Morgan on Tuesday. “Yes, people are thinking of going to the USA on business, vacation, trips, should think carefully about it given the statistical facts you are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in Australia per capita per million people,” said Fischer.

    Stephens County District Attorney Jason Hicks was unavailable for comment.

    Ford said he hasn’t seen any racial tension or gang activity in the town

    Call it what it is you fucking coward! Failure to crack down on this shit due to fear of being labeled as racist will only result in these attacks becoming more frequent and bold.

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    They need to castrate this fucker.

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    Media Ignores ‘Trayvon Revenge Killing’ of Young Man

    Posted by The Eye is Watching on August 23, 2013
    Posted in: World News. Tagged: 2nd amendment, David Santucci, second amendment, sheeple, Trayvon Martin. 2 comments

    The absurd bias of the American media is on display in regards to a slew of recent murders that have received virtually zero coverage compared to the Trayvon Martin case. One such outrageous murder occurred in Memphis, Tenn., on Aug. 12, 2013, when a young man named David Santucci was killed in what is being pinned as a potential Trayvon Martin revenge killing.
    Like Trayvon Martin, Santucci’s death was related to being in the wrong neighborhood at the wrong time, and Santucci was not found to initiate any dispute when killed in downtown Memphis. The difference is that Santucci was white and Martin was black, so Santucci’s killing was ignored by the media. As Anthony Gucciardi has highlighted while predicting verbatim the outcome of the Chris Lane murder, where three teenagers murdered the budding athlete for gang initiation purposes, Oprah and Obama are not drawing attention to these disturbing cases as they did Trayvon Martin.
    Police have arrested three suspects: Mario Patterson, Dondre Johnson and Jerrica Norfleet. Police claim that the motive of the killing was robbery, but Santucci’s brother Miguel De Diago told The Blaze website he thinks the killing was a hate crime. All three of the suspects are African American. He also thinks that local authorities in Memphis are trying to cover up the truth about the killing because it occurred near Beale Street, a popular local tourist attraction.

    The Santucci killing doesn’t sound like a robbery when considering he was killed with one 9 mm bullet to the head. That actually sounds like a professional hit, rather than a hate crime or a robbery. De Diago believes the killing might have been a revenge killing for the Martin killing. It occurred on the same day that Trayvon’s killer, George Zimmerman was acquitted.
    Obviously we don’t know enough about Mr. Santucci and the three suspects to know if there was racial bias involved or not outside of these statements. Yet we should know, and the media should investigate this story to see what’s there. They should also investigate Mr. Santucci and see if he was really innocent or if there was some reason professional criminals wanted him dead. But they’re not.
    The real problem here is that you probably never heard about the David Santucci tragedy until you read this. Since Santucci is white, his killing is not worthy of media attention. Had Trayvon been white, Asian or Hispanic his death, as tragic as it was, would have been ignored. Mr. Lane’s killing is only being covered because he’s an Aussie, and if the Australian press wasn’t investigating and calling American newsrooms with questions his killing would be ignored too.
    In today’s America it seems senseless killings only matter if they involve a case that can be spun by the media (outside the inner city) or foreigners. If average Americans get gunned down on the street, nobody seems to care.

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    Allen West ain't a happy camper....

  13. #53
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    I have a feeling Allen West would (rightfully) beat the shit out of these fuckers.

    And an update...

    Police: Arrest Made In Beating Death Of 88-Year-Old WWII Vet

    August 23, 2013

    Police in Spokane, Wash., say they have arrested one of two teens suspected of fatally beating an 88-year-old veteran of World War II who had survived the Battle of Okinawa.

    Authorities say the two young African American men, between 16 and 19 years old, approached Delbert Belton in his car Wednesday night outside an Eagles Lodge as he was waiting for a friend.

    Belton was found by police with serious head injuries and died in the hospital Thursday.

    Belton’s daughter-in-law tells KREM-TV that the suspects beat him with flashlights.

    “They used those great big heavy flashlights,” Bobbie Belton said. “The doctors said he was bleeding from all parts of his face.”

    Spokane Police say they have surveillance images of the attackers.

    The Spokesman-Review reports Belton was born and raised in Spokane before he joined the Army. Friends say he was shot in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa, where thousands of American soldiers died.

    “He was an Army veteran,” Glenn Longsdorff, Belton’s roommate of four years, told KREM. “In fact, he was shot when he was 18-years-old on the beaches of Okinawa. He’ll do anything in the world for anybody.”

    After the war, he spent 33 years working for Kaiser Aluminum, before retiring in 1982.

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    Media Blackout: Man Nearly Stomped To Death Amid Shouts Of 'Black Power'

    August 6, 2013

    On Sunday, a man was brutally attacked outside a fast food restaurant in Little Rock, after he reportedly responded to another man shouting the phrase "black power."

    The assault occurred around 3:30 a.m., in front of the Taco Bell on Colonel Glenn Road.

    The violent incident began when a black man started shouting "black power," to which the eventual victim responded "white power," according to police.

    That's when witnesses say another black man joined the conflict, kicking the man to the ground, and stomping on him.

    The assailants fled the scene before police arrived.

    FOX 16 reported:

    The victim was transported to the hospital in critical condition.

    "His injuries could possibly be life threatening," said Sgt. Cassandra Davis.

    No arrests have been made at this time.

    Both suspects face charges of second-degree battery. Despite the obvious racial overtones to the violent assault, police do not consider this to be a 'hate crime.'

    The victim remains hospitalized in serious condition at this time.

    While the attack has received limited local coverage, the national press has completely ignored the story.

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    Evidence Suggests Murder Of Memphis Nurse Was 'For Trayvon' Shooting

    August 23, 2013

    Update: The family of 27-year-old David Santucci, who was shot to death walking home in the early morning hours of Aug. 12, is speaking out and claim the police are covering-up a black-on-white hate crime.

    While Memphis police have claimed the murder was the result of an attempted robbery, Santucci was shot from about ten feet away, and his wallet and cellphone were not taken.

    The victim's brother-in-law, Miguel De Diago told the Blaze that one of those charged with the shooting, Mario Patterson, "had numerous photos of Trayvon Martin" oh his Facebook page.

    The page in question has since been removed.

    What follows is this reporter's original report on the deadly shooting:

    In the early morning hours of Aug. 12, police in Memphis arrested Dondre Johnson, 19, Mario Patterson, 23, and Jerrica Norfleet, 23, only minutes earlier, reportedly shot and killed a 27-year-old man on South Main Street.

    The victim, David Santucci, was walking home after attending a birthday party at a bar on Beale Street, when the suspects pulled their vehicle alongside him.

    The Commercial Appeal reported:

    Near the Adler apartments, Johnson and Patterson attempted to rob Santucci while Norfleet waited in the car. Onhem fired a shot that struck Santucci in the chest. Paramedics worked to stabilize Santucci as he lay on the sidewalk. He was then rushed to the Regional Medical Center at Memphis, but died at 2:28 a.m.

    Several people witnessed the deadly shooting and were able to give a good description of the suspects' Pontiac Gran Am that had a broken headlight.

    The trio was taken into custody in the Foote Homes housing project, only 13 minutes after the shooting. All three have confessed to the crime, according to police.

    Both Johnson and Patterson, 23, have been charged with first-degree murder in perpetration of a robbery, and are being held without bond. Norfleet has been charged as an accessory after the fact, and is currently being held on a $750,000 bond.

    However, it seems a bit unclear if any robbery attempt took place, or if it was simply what police often refer to a "thrill killing?"

    Nothing was taken, and based on witness accounts, it would seem that the suspects opened fire as soon as they pulled up next to Santucci.

    Local Memphis reported:

    "It was like a loud pow!" said Steve Ferguson, who heard the gunshot.

    "He had to have been on his phone with his keys in his hand, because his phone was lying on the side of him," said Ferguson, who along with others

    rushed to the scene after the suspects sped off.

    Santucci recently graduated from the University of Memphis and was working as a nurse at Methodist University Hospital.

    Despite the random, frightening nature as well as the racial overtones of the crime, this case has received no attention from the national media.

  16. #56
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Man Charged In Death Of Woman, 99, Held Without Bail

    August 24, 2013

    A 20-year-old City of Poughkeepsie man charged late Friday night with murder and burglary in the death of a 99-year-old city woman is being held at Dutchess County Jail today without bail, authorities said.

    Police charged Javon Tyrek Rogers, 20, of the City of Poughkeepsie, with first-degree murder and first-degree burglary around 11 p.m. in connection with the homicide of Fannie Gumbinger, 99, city police Detective Lt. Edward Freer said in a written release late Friday night.

    As a result of the investigation, Rogers is also a suspect in multiple recent city burglaries, including a Loockerman Avenue burglary on Wednesday, Freer said.

    Rogers was held at the city police department lockup and arraigned this morning by city court Judge Katherine Moloney, officials said.

    The police department will hold a press conference Monday morning.

    Gumbinger was found dead in her home at 22 Underhill Ave. early Wednesday morning.

    Freer said police are still at Gumbinger's home Underhill Avenue today and expect to finish processing the crime scene this afternoon or evening.

    "We're still processing evidence," he said. "We anticipate completing the scene processing sometime today."

    Authorities had not released Rogers' booking photo, as of Saturday afternoon.

    Dutchess County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Kari Reiber said that Gumbinger died of “multiple injuries," following an autopsy Thursday, but would not say what caused her death, citing the ongoing investigation.

    Investigators were processing the scene this week, looking for potential evidence. Simultaneously, police continued to investigate a burglary about a half-mile away, on Loockerman Avenue.

    In a press release on that burglary, residents were told to be on the lookout and were advised to lock the windows and doors on their residences.



  17. #57
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    See? Not a hate crime!

    Police Chief: Delbert Belton Beating Not Racially Motivated

    August 23, 2013

    Police Chief Frank Straub held a brief press conference Friday about the investigation into the beating death of an 88-year-old World War II veteran. Straub stressed that the beating was not racially motivated.

    One suspect is in custody for the beating death of Delbert Belton.

    Officers arrested Demetrius Glenn, 16, Thursday night in Spokane. He and Kenan Adams-Kinard, 16, do have gang ties according to Straub. Both teenage suspects are African American. However, Straub said the attack was not racially motivated.

    Due to the severity of the crime, KREM 2 News is releasing the names of the juveniles suspected of the crime.

    Chief Straub said the two suspects were looking to commit a robbery in North Spokane on Wednesday night near Francis and Lidgerwood. Straub said that instead the suspects beat Belton with a flashlight outside of the Eagles Ice-A-Rena. He died Thursday morning.

    Glenn was booked into Juvenile Detention on 1st Degree Robbery and 1st Degree Murder charges late Thursday night. The teen had a cut on his hand, according to court documents. He was scheduled to make his first court appearance for the murder and robbery charges Monday in Spokane. He is expected to be charged as an adult.

    Sources told KREM 2 News that Demetrius Glenn has a lengthy criminal history. He was convicted of assault and riot and was supposed to be in court on August 28th for another charge.

    Detectives believe Glenn and Adams-Kinard were captured on security tape, around the time of the crime, at Arby's, Jack in the Box, Lowes & Eagles Ice-A-Rena. A school security officer also reportedly identified Demetrius Glenn as one of the men in the security photos.

    On Friday, the Spokane County Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed that the victim, Delbert Belton, died of blunt facial and head injuries.

    Court Documents also revealed Friday Belton was found at the scene of the assault lying in his vehicle with his body wedged between the front bucket seats. Detectives said a broken flashlight was recovered in the car.

    Investigators said Belton was attacked in the parking lot behind the arena, belonging to the Fraternal Order of Eagles. He had just arrived in his car to play pool with a female friend. A witness said she saw two young men run away from Belton's car.

    Belton had been taken to the Intensive Care Unit after the assault. Authorities said he suffered numerous facial factures and the blows to his head ultimately led to his death. A memorial was placed outside the lodge of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

    Major Crimes is investigating and are asking anybody with information to please call Crime Check at 509-456-2233.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Hannity covered a bunch of these yesterday.

  19. #59
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Good! I didn't have a chance to catch his show yesterday.

    It's time to start calling out the elephant in the room and that is societal acceptance/excusing of black racism.

  20. #60
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    Evil is growing.

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