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  1. #221
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Americans embody the Age of Enlightenment philosophy that
    ushered in the American revolution... the humanist idea that
    man, not God, controls the destiny of individuals and nations.

    Before the word "humanism" was associated with secularism, German historian and philologist Georg Voigt in 1856 used the word to describe a movement that flourished in the Italian Renaissance to revive classical learning; this definition won wide acceptance. It was not until the 1930s that the word became more connected with secular "naturalism".

    This was NOT ushered in during the American Revolution. In fact, it wasn't until the late 1970s that the word "humanism" even really became used in the US military by military personnel who were about as anti-religion as the Muslims are anti-Christian. Those people have permeated the military and the government since about the 1960s. In 1978 or 1979 I was sitting in a "race relations class" which we were forced to attend back then and was flat out TOLD that "Humanism" is coming and "You can't stop it".

    But, it was not "ushered in" in the American Revolution. Americans do NOT embody the "Age of Enlightenment philosophy" at all - rather a very SMALL and insignificant group called "Liberals" and "Progressives" "embody" such thinking.

    I for one do not - at least not in the manner you are making it.

    I don't believe in superstition, I don't believe in "supernatural" (though, perhaps there is evidence for ghosts), I don't believe in EITHER Creationism OR Darwinism (Not completely, and if one exists, they BOTH exist).

    The intolerance of the Catholics in Europe, particularly Spain (Spanish Inquisition anyone?) certainly brought about a belief that people shouldn't be treated as witches and burned as heretics. Why should "Man" do what God should be doing after all?

    This is my argument with ALL religions. Those preaching death like Islam, and those preaching "Do what we tell you to or else" like Christianity BOTH have no leg to stand on.

    I am certainly not opposed to people who want to follow their various religious beliefs; but I won't be subjected to being told I'm going to hell, or I am not doing "the right thing" or I have to die because I'm an infidel.

    God will judge me and all others in His time. Not Mohammeds or Allahs time, and certainly not some priest or religious person - and definitely not some "fanatics" time.

    And I'll not sit still and let people say that Americans "caused" something.

    Are you not American by birth?
    Last edited by American Patriot; September 19th, 2013 at 19:44.

  2. #222
    yurodivy Is45's Avatar
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post

    Are you not American by birth?

    Born and raised in Texas.

    Some of my ancestors were Scot Jacobites who lived in the American colonies.
    Apparently I inherited the Jacobite belief in the "divine right of kings"... a belief...
    among many other Christian beliefs... that was deposed and destroyed by the
    "Age of Enlightenment."

    Last edited by Is45; September 19th, 2013 at 20:07.

  3. #223
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    Some of my relatives were Scot Jacobites too... and Methodists. And other Protestants. Some were plain, old Gaelic pagans. LOL

    I raised the question because of the comment you made.

  4. #224
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post

    I raised the question because of the comment you made.

    My comments here so far have been rather reserved.

    The American Revolution was the product of the Age of Enlightenment...
    the demise of the belief in the "divine right of kings" and the rise of the
    belief that man, not God, controlled the destinies of individuals and nations.
    The demise of the belief in Bible-based law... and the rise of secular law.
    The demise of the authority of priest and church... and the rise of rule
    by humanistic reason. The demise of the sovereignty of God... and the
    rise of the sovereignty of the individual and individual opinion in all things...
    political and religious.


  5. #225
    yurodivy Is45's Avatar
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    When the last year of Russia's ancient calendar inherited from Byzantium
    was drawing near... Russians became apocalyptic and holy monks told God's Tsar
    that antichrist would soon arise. The year came and went in Russia with seemingly
    no change. But far to the west something was happening that would change the
    destiny of Russia and the world. The year was 1492, the year Columbus "discovered"
    a new world that would eventually birth a new secular world order.


  6. #226
    Senior Member Avvakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Two interrelated thoughts for both 'Is45' and for 'American Patriot' to consider;

    1. 'Russia' is not the Enemy of America, but the first Victim of the Bolsheviks, of Communism. Subscribing basically to the thesis of Strategic Deception revealed by dissidents and defectors like Jan Sejna and 'Anatoly Golitsyn, I say that 'Russia' is still Communist-Controlled territory, and Putin is crypto-Communist/false russian nationalist.

    2. Putin is not the final Emperor of prophesy, but rather drawing on the experiences of st. John of Kronstadt among others, there is or will be a period of time when the true and ancient Catholic Faith, Orthodoxy, will go through a false revival after Communism's 'death' in Russia, but with the false priests of Antichrist reigning. Heterodoxy and Ecumenism is the norm in today's 'Russia', falsely so-called as any real Russia wouldn't have the Pharonic Lenin's Tomb in Red Square paces away from the relics of saints and holy princes of the God-bearing People. No, Antichrist still usurps prostrate and asleep Russia, in the Kremlin where the Devil has his Throne.

    Russia, awake!

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    And cease to fall for false christs.

    Glory to Russia!
    Last edited by Avvakum; September 19th, 2013 at 23:52.

  7. #227
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by Is45 View Post

    When the last year of Russia's ancient calendar inherited from Byzantium
    was drawing near... Russians became apocalyptic and holy monks told God's Tsar
    that antichrist would soon arise. The year came and went in Russia with seemingly
    no change. But far to the west something was happening that would change the
    destiny of Russia and the world. The year was 1492, the year Columbus "discovered"
    a new world that would eventually birth a new secular world order.


    There was another event in Spain in 1492 that relates to Columbus... and both relate
    to Rev 13... the dragon stood on the shoreline and the beast rose from the sea.


  8. #228
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorongil2012 View Post

    'Russia' is not the Enemy of America, but the first Victim of the Bolsheviks, of Communism.

    In 1857 a speech was given to congressmen in Washington DC that advocated the
    USA use war and revolution to destroy the Russian monarchy.

    60 years later... during WW1... the war US President Wilson said would make the world
    safe for democracy... the February democratic revolution that Pres Wilson supported
    and praised deposed God's Tsar, destroyed the 900 year old Christian Russian monarchy,
    destabilized Russia and paved the way for the horrific Oct bolshevik revolution.


  9. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Is45 View Post
    There was another event in Spain in 1492 that relates to Columbus... and both relate
    to Rev 13... the dragon stood on the shoreline and the beast rose from the sea.

    1492 was also the beginning of the reign of Roman Pope Alexander VI (Alexandre Borgia) and exactly one generation after the fall of New Rome to the Turks, one might say that providentially the West will need a place to make a final stand when Europe is overrun by Bolshevism, which place was discovered as the New World, and also Providentially the New World and Europe will be saved by an Orthodox Russia, just as Russia's fleets in Union harbors prevented British and French intervention in the American Civil War and thus helped save America then-a little known fact. Russia had to pay for that intervention, and pay she did, beginning in 1914.

  10. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorongil2012 View Post

    Putin is crypto-Communist/false russian nationalist.

    Like Peter the Great, VVP is now traveling incognito...
    who is able to see the real man behind his brilliant disguise ??

    Like Cyrus' army... he seems to blend in well with the Babylonians.

    VVP's op-ed piece in the NYT proves he is a master of global chess.
    He wrapped himself up in all the nwo ideology and catch-phrases of
    America-Babylon... it was disgusting.

    Only God knows VVP's heart...
    the heart of the Tsar is in the hands of God.

    ohhh... and something else interesting...

    Orthodox Christmas 2012, VVP was interviewed in the church
    in which he was baptised... in that interview he revealed his
    secret spiritual name... a very symbolic name in the Bible...
    and in Russian history.


  11. #231
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorongil2012 View Post

    1492 was also the beginning of the reign of Roman Pope Alexander VI (Alexandre Borgia) and exactly one generation after the fall of New Rome to the Turks, one might say that providentially the West will need a place to make a final stand when Europe is overrun by Bolshevism, which place was discovered as the New World, and also Providentially the New World and Europe will be saved by an Orthodox Russia, just as Russia's fleets in Union harbors prevented British and French intervention in the American Civil War and thus helped save America then-a little known fact. Russia had to pay for that intervention, and pay she did, beginning in 1914.

    I was referring to the 1492 edict of expulsion of the jews [dragon] from Spain.
    Some of those jews funded Columbus and sailed with him on his 1492 "discovery"
    of the new world [the beast from the sea.]

    President Thomas Jefferson... the antichrist deist who rewrote the Bible purposefully
    omitting all references to the deity, resurrection and miracles of Jesus Christ... who
    also promoted the idea of the USA's "manifest destiny" to expand US territory nationally
    and eventually globally... doubled the size of the USA when he bought the Louisiana Purchase
    from Napoleon. Napoleon... who used that American money to fund his invasion of Russia.

    As for supporting the USA in the American civil war... too bad Tsar Alexander had not read
    that speech given to congressmen in Washington DC in 1857 that advocated the USA totally
    destroy Russia's Christian monarchy via war and revolution [which was accomplished just as
    the speech had advocated 60 years later in 1917.]


  12. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Is45 View Post
    My comments here so far have been rather reserved.

    The American Revolution was the product of the Age of Enlightenment...
    the demise of the belief in the "divine right of kings" and the rise of the
    belief that man, not God, controlled the destinies of individuals and nations.
    The demise of the belief in Bible-based law... and the rise of secular law.
    The demise of the authority of priest and church... and the rise of rule
    by humanistic reason. The demise of the sovereignty of God... and the
    rise of the sovereignty of the individual and individual opinion in all things...
    political and religious.

    America's founding fathers were all religious men. Every one. The "demise" of the belief in the "divine right of kings" really hasn't come about. We still have kings and queens. England in particular still has a "family" of kings and queens. But really, the last time in history I can think of a "divine right" of kings was probably 15ht Century France. Before that, Egypt where they believed the Pharaoh was descended from the gods. We all know that isn't true. We all know that no one is "descended from the gods" today.

    In fact - all of mankind may (or may not) be created by God Himself. But who knows?

    Better... who cares?

    This is akin to people who believe the human race was created by aliens who live on the planet Nibiru and they will come back to extract the gold from the planet, blah blah blah.

    Religion is a BELIEF. Not a FACT. People can believe what they will - usually for no other reason than someone else convinced them to "believe". /shrug

    When I was growing up the Ten Commandments were posted prominently in nearly every school I attended. So you're wrong that the demise of "Bible based law" happened in the 1700s.

  13. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Is45 View Post

    When the last year of Russia's ancient calendar inherited from Byzantium
    was drawing near... Russians became apocalyptic and holy monks told God's Tsar
    that antichrist would soon arise. The year came and went in Russia with seemingly
    no change. But far to the west something was happening that would change the
    destiny of Russia and the world. The year was 1492, the year Columbus "discovered"
    a new world that would eventually birth a new secular world order.

    When the "last year" of any calendar approaches, everyone becomes apocalyptic. At the turn of the 20th Century, how many people went nuts and sold or gave away their "crap"? How many people committed suicide? How many waited for "the mother ship"? (Nichele Nichols, Uhura from Star Trek, own brother killed himself with a group of people who were waiting for the "mother ship"). When 1900 came around, a hundred years before, people killed themselves, each other, went nuts, sold or gave away their crap.

    When a computer "end" was around (y2k) people went stupid with fear.

    When 21 December came around last year, folks were waiting for ... something to happen. It didn't.

    In fact, everything we have, everything that happens IS in the imagination of mankind. It's not preordained, it isn't written in stone.

  14. #234
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    1. 'Russia' is not the Enemy of America, but the first Victim of the Bolsheviks, of Communism. Subscribing basically to the thesis of Strategic Deception revealed by dissidents and defectors like Jan Sejna and 'Anatoly Golitsyn, I say that 'Russia' is still Communist-Controlled territory, and Putin is crypto-Communist/false russian nationalist.
    Russia... TODAY, the government of Putin... is the Enemy of the United States.

    Russia... the people and the American people are not enemies per se. They are enemies because of their diametrically opposed beliefs. Some Russians have embraced Capitalism. Many have not, particularly those in charge of the Government.

    Russia, therefore is an enemy of America by default of the Government.

    Now, to be clear, you are using a bunch of bullshit words... "Crypto this" and "False that". There's nothing "crypto communist" about Communism. It is what it is.

    Using the word "neo" attached to something to make it sound devalued, or hidden is ridiculous.

    If you're not a Communist, you're something else.

    Progressives are, simply put, Communists by another name. Liberals are Progressives. Most Democrats are Progressives. Most kids between 16-30 are Progressives because they've been brainwashed by the school system.

    Don't put a label on someone unless it's accurate. I want to know who to shoot when the time comes without worrying about it.

  15. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Russia... TODAY, the government of Putin... is the Enemy of the United States.

    Russia... the people and the American people are not enemies per se. They are enemies because of their diametrically opposed beliefs. Some Russians have embraced Capitalism. Many have not, particularly those in charge of the Government.

    Russia, therefore is an enemy of America by default of the Government.

    Now, to be clear, you are using a bunch of bullshit words... "Crypto this" and "False that". There's nothing "crypto communist" about Communism. It is what it is.

    Using the word "neo" attached to something to make it sound devalued, or hidden is ridiculous.

    If you're not a Communist, you're something else.

    Progressives are, simply put, Communists by another name. Liberals are Progressives. Most Democrats are Progressives. Most kids between 16-30 are Progressives because they've been brainwashed by the school system.

    Don't put a label on someone unless it's accurate. I want to know who to shoot when the time comes without worrying about it.

    "Now, to be clear, you are using a bunch of bullshit words... "Crypto this" and "False that". There's nothing "crypto communist" about Communism. It is what it is.

    "Crypto" is a term i'm using in the context that V. Putin is the one trying to hide what he is, i'm pointing out that he's the 'bullshitter', period. Same with the term 'False' i used in that it's in the context of him not being a real 'Russian Nationalist'. I'm not the one being wishy-washy or parsing words, i'm indicating to the contrary exactly what Putin is and is trying to do by use of the labels I made of him.

    "Don't put a label on someone unless it's accurate. I want to know who to shoot when the time comes without worrying about it.

    I would say that the labels I use about V. Putin are accurate, so I can't quite understand the reason why you made the first comment I highlight, that to you and me both he is exactly a hidden secret communist and not a real Russian patriot- i.e., someone who doesn't really have the real interests of his nation Russia at heart.

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    Then don't use bullshit phrases. It makes you sound stupid. Worse it shows your lack of a grasp of reality.

    The problem I have with the phrasing is simple. When "Conspiracy Theorists" run out of actual facts, they make up words. Words like "Neo-Con" and "Crypto-communist".

    All of those things are just made up words which aren't even generally defined in specific terms. Words that are made up are a lazy way to argue a point because it's nothing more than a lame attempt on the part of the person using the word or phrase to make the other party to appear ignorant.

    I can't even tell you the number of times I've heard people attempting some vague argument throwing out a dozen words which most have never even heard. Its shuts down real communication and real debate immediately because people don't want to be made to feel "ignorant" on the subject they are discussion.

    Stick to real words. Stick to real phrases. Explain what you mean and don't throw out idiotic words that have no meaning. Now... to be clear, I know the phrase has been used in a book back in the 1940s. I also know the phrase was made up by the author.

    I also know that today there's no such thing. You might be a "cryto-communist" if you're hiding your feelings or beliefs and secret support for communism. But today? No, none of the Liberals and Progressives are hiding their feelings or beliefs and secret support for communism. And neither does Putin.

    Putin can't HIDE his beliefs. We know his history, we know his background and we know his dossier. He's a communist plain and simple. He's not to be trusted. Period.

    The sad part is - we agree on most what both of us are saying, but disagree on how to say it.

  17. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Then don't use bullshit phrases. It makes you sound stupid. Worse it shows your lack of a grasp of reality.

    The problem I have with the phrasing is simple. When "Conspiracy Theorists" run out of actual facts, they make up words. Words like "Neo-Con" and "Crypto-communist".

    All of those things are just made up words which aren't even generally defined in specific terms. Words that are made up are a lazy way to argue a point because it's nothing more than a lame attempt on the part of the person using the word or phrase to make the other party to appear ignorant.

    I can't even tell you the number of times I've heard people attempting some vague argument throwing out a dozen words which most have never even heard. Its shuts down real communication and real debate immediately because people don't want to be made to feel "ignorant" on the subject they are discussion.

    Stick to real words. Stick to real phrases. Explain what you mean and don't throw out idiotic words that have no meaning. Now... to be clear, I know the phrase has been used in a book back in the 1940s. I also know the phrase was made up by the author.

    I also know that today there's no such thing. You might be a "cryto-communist" if you're hiding your feelings or beliefs and secret support for communism. But today? No, none of the Liberals and Progressives are hiding their feelings or beliefs and secret support for communism. And neither does Putin.

    Putin can't HIDE his beliefs. We know his history, we know his background and we know his dossier. He's a communist plain and simple. He's not to be trusted. Period.

    The sad part is - we agree on most what both of us are saying, but disagree on how to say it.
    "Then don't use bullshit phrases. It makes you sound stupid. Worse it shows your lack of a grasp of reality."

    In the context of recent posts, I think we're dealing with certain individuals with a tenuous grasp of reality, unfortunately. If a man like Putin piously attends televised Orthodox church services for example, and yet acts as the Communist he is, I try to educate people who fawn over the man that he is hiding something, his communism, from them. Hence the term 'Crypto-Communist'. I don't assume that my reader knows these things and couldn't stand some basic education.

    "The problem I have with the phrasing is simple. When "Conspiracy Theorists" run out of actual facts, they make up words. Words like "Neo-Con" and "Crypto-communist"."

    I don't like these barbarous and stupid words either to try to explain myself either, but we live in the 'new dark ages' a stupid and barbarous time in history.

    "All of those things are just made up words which aren't even generally defined in specific terms. Words that are made up are a lazy way to argue a point because it's nothing more than a lame attempt on the part of the person using the word or phrase to make the other party to appear ignorant.

    That's a risk I agree, but it's a risk with any attempt at writing. In recent years i've been so appalled at having to 'dumb down' what i'm saying for people online, who have the attention span of a Gnat and are unfortunate graduates of our wonderful public schools and have little clue what i'm saying. I'm not a great writer by any means, and i'm searching for a better way. I do know what I like to read, some real classics, but they're becoming relics in an age of ignorance and dumb uncomprehension.

    "I can't even tell you the number of times I've heard people attempting some vague argument throwing out a dozen words which most have never even heard. Its shuts down real communication and real debate immediately because people don't want to be made to feel "ignorant" on the subject they are discussion.

    Happens all the time with me online, but with common words like 'extremist', 'fascist', and 'racist'.

    "Stick to real words. Stick to real phrases. Explain what you mean and don't throw out idiotic words that have no meaning. Now... to be clear, I know the phrase has been used in a book back in the 1940s. I also know the phrase was made up by the author."

    That's my effort, but fighting these people has their hive-mind inspired language that actually nullifies real thought rubbing off on you if your not careful.

    "I also know that today there's no such thing. You might be a "cryto-communist" if you're hiding your feelings or beliefs and secret support for communism. But today? No, none of the Liberals and Progressives are hiding their feelings or beliefs and secret support for communism. And neither does Putin.

    But he does 'hide' it in the sense that he does have a fan base of rather conservative people all over, he's 'hiding' it from them, let's put it that way.

    "Putin can't HIDE his beliefs. We know his history, we know his background and we know his dossier. He's a communist plain and simple. He's not to be trusted. Period.

    WE may see it quite clearly, but have you tried explaining about the real Putin to friends, family or co-workers lately? I have to depressing results. They may even see Putin as a thug, but not as an antichristian thug with an worldview based on a 'dead' ideology like Communism? They laugh at me like i'm some relic of the Cold War. That's why the psycological warfare of the communists 'erasing' their existence was so successful; the overwhelming fear of nuclear destruction and the relief that that long nightmare being 'over'.

    "The sad part is - we agree on most what both of us are saying, but disagree on how to say it.

    True, but only if our dialogue ends, whereas it's still ongoing as I see it. I for one am at a point in my life where fear of changing my opinions for good reason, like clothes that no longer fit, no longer bothers me like it used to.

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    No, I don't try to explain the "real Putin" to anyone. No one I know honestly CARES who Putin is. They have other things in their lives more important than worrying about who the current head of the Russia government happens to be.

    In fact, *I* don't care about Putin. I find it amazingly short-sighted of those Americans who idolize the man, or even the Russians.

    This is AMERICA. Not Russia. We should not be looking like Europe, Russia or Central America and yet that's precisely what some American's want out of life. They want to be more like Russia, Europe or love the Central American way of doing things (complete with drugs, gangs, corruption and evil leaders).

  19. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    No, I don't try to explain the "real Putin" to anyone. No one I know honestly CARES who Putin is. They have other things in their lives more important than worrying about who the current head of the Russia government happens to be.

    In fact, *I* don't care about Putin. I find it amazingly short-sighted of those Americans who idolize the man, or even the Russians.

    This is AMERICA. Not Russia. We should not be looking like Europe, Russia or Central America and yet that's precisely what some American's want out of life. They want to be more like Russia, Europe or love the Central American way of doing things (complete with drugs, gangs, corruption and evil leaders).

    "No, I don't try to explain the "real Putin" to anyone. No one I know honestly CARES who Putin is. They have other things in their lives more important than worrying about who the current head of the Russia government happens to be.

    That's the way America was, and should still be, until we got involved in the affairs of others and let them do likewise in ours. The only reason why I can see an international role for America is economics and our national security

    "In fact, *I* don't care about Putin. I find it amazingly short-sighted of those Americans who idolize the man, or even the Russians.

    The Americans who do so want a strong man as our Executive, among other reasons, and our politicains come up way short in that department. So does Putin, in reality, but his illusion of strength, nationalism, and no-nonsense dictatorial attitude leaves some wondering over here if that kind of man is what we need.

    "This is AMERICA. Not Russia. We should not be looking like Europe, Russia or Central America and yet that's precisely what some American's want out of life. They want to be more like Russia, Europe or love the Central American way of doing things (complete with drugs, gangs, corruption and evil leaders).

    Amen to all that. Every Nation has a mission in my view given it by Divine Providence to fulfill in the World and only America can be America, Russia be Russia, etc.... But when a Nation strays from that Mission, it dies and other nations take up the march of human progress and civilization. I might add that some countries roles can be complementary when things are right in the world order. The United States was aided by Czarist Russia during our Civil War, and we aided Russia-not the Soviet Union as such!-to defeat Nazi Germany in WW2. In the future, we will I doubt not be allies with Russia against Islam and China.
    Last edited by Avvakum; October 6th, 2013 at 21:56.

  20. #240
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    American Patriot posted this event as it broke here.

    House Stenographer Says Holy Spirit Moved Her to Shout, 'God Will Not Be Mocked'

    Charisma News ^
    | 18 October, 2013 | Gina Meeks
    Posted on Friday, October 18, 2013 9:10:24 AM by Errant

    A stenographer from the House of Representatives was forcibly removed from the floor Wednesday evening during the vote to end the partial government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling after an odd outburst.

    Dianne Reidy, 48, made her way to the Speaker’s Chair while the vote was taking place, “ranting about God, Free Masons and the inability of the nation to serve two members,” The Washington Times reports.
    “Praise be to God,” she said. “He will not be mocked, He will not be mocked. Don’t touch me. He will not be mocked.”

    She was also heard saying in an audio recording: “The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God. It never was. Had it been, it would not have been. No. It would not have been. The Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise forever.”

    Reidy says the Holy Spirit made her to do it.

    “For the past 2 1/2 weeks the Holy Spirit has been waking me up in the middle of the night and preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message in the House Chamber,” she told Fox News’ Chad Pergram in a statement. “That is what I did last night.”

    A woman tried calming Reidy as others alerted police. The presiding officer, Florida Rep. Illeana Ros-Lethinen, banged the gavel several times to restore order, but Reidy persisted. “You cannot serve two masters,” she shouted as she was removed from the floor.

    Ros-Lethinen says Reidy “came up to the podium area beneath where I was standing and asked me if the microphones were on. I said that I didn't know. I assumed that perhaps I was chatting too much to the helpful parliamentarians around me. Then she suddenly faced the front and said words like, ‘Thus spoke the Lord,’ and, ‘This is not the Lord's work,’ ” according to Fox News.

    “I hammered to get control and hush her up. She said something about the devil. It was sudden, confusing and heartbreaking. She is normally a gentle soul.”

    Fox News says Reidy is well-liked and not the radical partisan type. The network reported the incident caused several members to express concern for her mental health.

    “I think there’s a lot of sympathy, because something clearly happened there,” the Times reported Rep. Gerry Connolly saying.

    Rep. Joaquin Castro added: “I’ve seen her around when I’ve been on the floor. Other members who have been here longer said she always seemed nice.”

    Reidy was sent for a mental evaluation after being questioned by U.S. Capitol Police. It was not immediately clear if criminal charges would be filed.

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    Why House Stenographer Dianne Reidy Snapped

    by Michael Daly The husband of Dianne Reidy tells Michael Daly that he knew the government shutdown had her stressed. He just didn’t know what—or who—was keeping her up at night.

    The husband of the 48-year-old woman who is now the most famous stenographer in America knew his wife had been getting up in the middle of the night for the past four weeks.

    In this image from House Television, with partial voting totals on the screen, a woman, at the rostrum just below the House presiding officer, seen between the "yea" and "nay" wording, is removed from the House chamber after she began shouting during the vote for the bill to end the partial 16-day government shutdown and to fund the government. (House TV/AP)
    But he did not know why until after the Capitol Police had hustled her from the podium at the House of Representatives to a hospital for psychiatric observation.

    Only then did Dianne Foster Reidy tell 54-year-old Dan Reidy that she had been repeatedly awakened by the Holy Spirit and urged to deliver a message on the House floor, where she has worked for the past eight years.

    She did not have to tell him how torn she must have felt at the prospect of violating congressional decorum.

    “That’s so out of character,” he says. “She so respects the Capitol and the traditions of the House of Representatives.“

    She particularly loved the job after working in the court system, amid what her husband terms “the darkness of murder.” She had demonstrated her dedication to the House back when she was pregnant with twins and wracked by morning sickness. She had still reported for duty, equipped for any sudden nausea.

    “Bringing a bag with her,” he says.

    But she’s also a person of deep faith, and she would later tell him there was no question in her mind that it was indeed the Holy Spirit rousing her night after night, even before the shutdown and the looming default.

    “Waking several times a night feeling that God’s just been pressing on her to open a Bible and get into his word,” Dan Reidy says. “Reading a Bible is not foreign to us, but getting up in the middle of the night definitely is. It’s just not a part of our life.”

    The circumstances were so unusual as to make a command from on high seem all the more real to her.

    “If that’s not’s God’s spirit…” Dan says.

    He goes on, “What she was finding out was that God was impressing on her heart that He had a message He wanted her to share with the House of Representatives.”

    She kept resisting the command only to be woken up by it yet again.

    Dianne Foster Reidy and her family (via Facebook )
    “If she had told me, ‘I think God wants me to get up and say something,’ I’d be the first one to say, ‘No you don’t!’”
    “The reason it took four weeks was because of her reluctance and her doubt,” the husband says. “She didn’t want to do it.”

    She continued to resist even as the shutdown made Congress look all the more woefully in need of divine guidance.

    “This whole mess has just kind of sickened her to the whole process,” her husband says. “The alliances between people who aren’t really allies. The finger-pointing on the dais, [then] the arms around each other… Where are the people being served in this whole deal?”

    He recalls, “She was just like, ‘Gosh, this is not what it’s about.’”

    Another day of serving as a stenographer in an unholy mess would end with another night of being awakened by what she took to be the Holy Spirit. She kept resisting out of a sense of congressional sanctity that the representatives themselves were besmirching.

    “That’s what my wife was battling, with this late-night wrestling with God,” the husband says.

    But he learned this only later, even though he is a nondenominational Christian pastor and she would not have doubted his faith.

    “I knew she was up and I knew God was dealing with her, but she didn’t feel she should share everything with me,” the husband says. “I didn’t know what the outcome would be.”

    She would have been right to worry that he would seek to dissuade her.

    “If she had told me, ‘I think God wants me to get up and say something,’ I’d be the first one to say, ‘No you don’t!’” he reports.

    He had no inkling of what was about to happen as she set off for work on Monday, though he was aware that the crisis in Congress was taking more of a toll on her than any murder case in her courthouse days.

    “Personally and emotionally,” he says.

    He knew she would be working late as the saner minds in Congress sought to end the crisis.

    He tucked in their 7-year-old twin girls and he himself had gone to bed when he became the one to be woken up—not by the Holy Spirit, but by ringing phone. A caller informed him that his wife had stepped to the podium at the House of Representatives and delivered a message of some kind to the members just as they voted to end the shutdown. She had been taken to George Washington Hospital for psychiatric evaluation.

    A friend watched the twins while Dan drove from their Fort Washington, Maryland, home to the hospital. He found his wife in an examination room, where she told him what had been getting her up in the night. She said that the moment she had long resisted had finally just presented itself.

    “The big vote, the whole crew was there, and she just felt the Holy Spirit knows the time she was to go up,” he reports.

    She told him that the words she had spoken were not her own, that she had just been the messenger.

    “She said she didn’t know what she was going to say,” he reports.

    What she had said was playing again and again on television. Many were calling it raving.

    “He will not be mocked!” she had begun. “The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God….”

    Now that is was done, she told her husband that she felt greatly relieved.

    “She felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted off her shoulders,” he says.

    He recalls, “I said, ‘You know what, honey, this is like when you were pregnant and agonized…’ She was obedient to God and gave birth to His message.”

    She had suffered postpartum depression after the birth of the twins. The comparison ended there. The husband did not even consider that she was now suffering from some kind of mental disorder.

    A psychiatric resident came in to speak with Dianne and the husband saw he was wearing a yarmulke. The Reidys are devout Christians, but the husband did not feel that a difference in faiths in any way precluded a discussion of faith.

    “But he was there to see Dianne on a psychiatric basis,” the husband says. “That’s why he would say things like religious experience can be very nebulous. I would say, ‘No, this is a living God.’”

    The resident did not seek to reconcile theology and psychiatry.

    “I’m sure he has an opinion, but he didn’t share it with me,” the husband says.

    After 45 minutes, the psychiatrist said that Dianne could go.

    “He was a wonderful man,” the husband says of the resident. “I really enjoyed our time with him. He was very nice.”

    Dan drove his wife home, arriving around 5 a.m. She went to bed with no expectation of being roused by the Holy Spirit.

    “She feels fine,” Dan says.

    The twins were still asleep and awoke with no sense that anything was amiss beyond the absence of their mother’s car, which was still at the Capitol. They began another day in the second grade. There remains the question of whether the mother will be allowed to go back to work.

    “Obviously, it is not in the job description to get up and make statements,” the husband says, adding, “She wasn’t trying to disrupt or disrespect the House in any way. She was just being obedient to what God had placed in her heart.”

    The husband figures the message also reflects what most Americans are feeling.

    “I think she speaks for a majority who are really fed up with the whole process,” he says.

    In her favor, her co-workers and supervisors at the Capitol have only good things to say about her.

    “She’s wonderful lady, and I don’t just say that because she’s my wife,” he says. “I’m a very blessed man.”

    Dianne Foster Reidy declined to speak to reporters on Thursday.

    “She said, ‘I don’t have anything to say. I said what I said,’” the husband reports.

    He says the psychiatric resident did ask her to see her primary-care physician.

    “In case of another episode,” Dan Reidy says. “Believe me, Dianne is not interested in another episode.”

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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