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Thread: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

  1. #421
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

    It's all been a trap.

    And America fell for it.

    Hook, line and sinker.

    We're doomed unless we fight back.

    Barack Alinsky’s New Book: Rules For Liberals

    Milton Friedman said “If the government was in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there would be a shortage of sand”. Vladimir Lenin said “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state”. In 1927, an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said “The American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism, the American people would adopt every fragment of the socialist program”.

    These quotes are now in action. Obamacare is here like it or not. The Liberals have won that battle (for now) as it is already crumbling. However, Liberals/Socialists and Obama are set to win the next battle as well. An even more outrageous attack on our Constitution. The Debt Ceiling. If you have listened to Obama, and his drones Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc., their talking points all lead to one disturbing point. They say over and over “We must not “default” on our paying our bills. The Lemmings that make up Obama’s liberal base buys into this, and sadly so do many Republicans. When you hear them use the word default, realize this is propaganda. Truth is, they are lies. If the Debt Ceiling is not raised, there is no default on our credit, or paying. The Constitution says so. Therefore you are being lied to, and if you don’t know the Constitution you just might buy into the ruse.

    Understand the Constitution. Article one, section 8, clause 2 (read it here). This states the Congress (and only Congress) has the authority to pay the debts and are bound by law to do so. No matter if the debt ceiling is raised or not, it must be paid. It does not state the President has this authority. If the debt ceiling is not raised, and here it is folks… Obama may attempt to grab this power illegal to raise the debt limit without Congress. If he does this he will get away with it although he will be taken to court (The Supreme Court), but the time it will take to have it heard it will already be too late. By Obama grabbing this power to raise the debt limit on his own without Congress, he can therefore spend as much money as he wishes. This is also why in the past 4 years Harry Reid illegally has never passed a budget that by law says he must each year. Liberals can not spend enough, and have no reigns to be fiscally responsible. The Republican have presented several offers to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling all to Harry Reids shunning the offers. This is also on purpose. By not accepting any Republican offer, Obama, in their minds, is free to put the power grab in place. By purposely going into this “Default” by not raising the debt ceiling, President Obama is breaking the Constitution, the highest law in the land. This is an impeachable offense. Again, he will get away with it as there would not be enough support among Democrats to vote for an impeachment. Therefore, the Constitution is fundamentally changed. America is being fundamentally changed, and you might just say, it is the only promise this President has kept. As it was he who stated in Grant park Chicago that he will fundamentally change America. He has, and will continue to do so.

    I am not saying this will happen. I am saying by his speeches and interviews he is thinking about it. If he does not do it, it is only because it is being discussed on Conservative talk radio, and he will fear it exploding in his face if it goes to major TV media and print. If a deal is struck, I believe it is because he gave Harry Reid permission to agree on a deal to avoid backlash of doing something so drastic.

    Republicans are caving on this issue once again. Republicans are not getting this. They are not talking about this to the media or anywhere. Instead Republicans are fighting among themselves. Moderate Republicans have taken over the Republican party. They despise Ted Cruz for being a Constitutionalist Conservative. They spew toward him the same propaganda rhetoric as they did with Sarah Palin, Jim Demint, and the Tea Party. They reject Reaganism. This helps the Democrats even more. With the Republican party near a breaking point, Democrats will win much more elections than if the Republican Party was united. Take NJ for instance. The DNC has pumped a huge vast amount of money to the Cory Booker campaign. However Steve Lonegan, a true Conservative like Reagan, the RNC has given him nothing… NOTHING! Result? today is the election in NJ. I am about to vote for Mr. Lonegan, but he is double digits behind. With Cory Booker’s many flaws, some despicable, he will probably win. The Republican Party can not run from Reaganism fast enough. Instead, they say they need to be more modern. Truth is they are becoming Liberals.

    Obamacare was just one of many phases to Socialism. The debt Ceiling takeover is another (if it happens). There have been many, and after this? There will be much more to come. Can this President be stopped? I say no. With half the country on his side, the Senate on his side, the media on his side, it may just be a losing battle. President Obama is a Socialist. There is no longer any doubt. Not by opinion I say this, but by his actions. They are socialistic. To say otherwise is just a metaphor of a liberals head in the sand like an Ostrich. Even Al Sharpton said when the President was first elected “Let’s not forget, the American people voted for Socialism” (when referring to Obama being elected). Liberals will be hurt by Obamacare, yet they will blame Republicans, blame the insurance companies, even though we have been warning them this would happen for years now. They are all falling for Obama’s Rules For Radicals strategy, and he is winning. Why is it Liberals are blind to all the negatives that is Obamacare or Obama himself? Why do liberals put up with Democrats always saying they are for the little guy, the middle class? Campaigning to make their lives better. Then when elected they harm the very same people who voted for them? Do they buck their support? No! They just keep on defending them, demonizing conservatives to the point where it is all their fault. Never learning from history. Acting more like a bunch of Lemmings jumping off a cliff following ever word the President says as truth instead of propaganda.

    Liberals want the government to take care of them. Oh, they will say that is not true, and they themselves will believe they do not want that. They do not realize that with every new entitlement or “Freebie”, their taxes go up to pay for it. It doesn’t matter the topic (Welfare, EPA regulations that makes the individuals energy costs go up, The stimulus plan, Redistribution of wealth in many ways caused by this administration, Democrats wanting to raise the minimum wage, etc.). All of these and much, much more all sound great to the Liberal. Who doesn’t want clean air? Who doesn’t want low level starting jobs to have a higher pay? Who doesn’t want the poor to be given money? Yet, with each Liberal individual agenda it brings pain to the wallet to those who wanted it “Be careful what you wish for, it may come true”.

    Yet is is all a facade to the bigger picture of how they think. It is how they are made to think. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky states to seduce the masses with social benefits to all, with the end game being socialism. Carl Marx wrote this too in the Communist Manifesto. I sometimes wonder if Conservatives are the only ones reading these books to spread the word what Socialism is really about and how to see it. Then I realize that Michelle Obama quoted Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in one of her speeches. They know it too, and they are using it. I also ponder (Many times) if a middle class liberal read these books would they see themselves in it? No. They are blind as I said to the obvious. They have no idea they are the problem, and Conservatism is the solution. The Socialistic viewpoints and Liberals are exactly the same, but they will never acknowledge that. Why? Because they have been manipulated to how they think. And told what to believe.

    All of what President Obama does is a game plan right out of Saul Alinsky’s book Rules For Radicals. I say it is his political Bible. I invite any liberal to read this book and tell me you do not see President Obama’s policies in it and what he is doing, and has done. You can read it here, and I hope you do: Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals, Again, his actions, policies are directly from this book.

    This is the darkest period of America’s modern hist Nikita Khrushchev have been right? That America will fall from within? With more Liberals voting then Republicans, and if amnesty occurs with an instant 22 million new Democrats, and let us not forget massive voter fraud that Democrats say does not exist, we have our work cut out for us. The light at the end of the tunnel is too far away to be seen, but we must keep faith that one day someone like Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Mike Lee can prove once again as Reagan did, we can be that shinning city on the hill. God Bless America (if he isn’t too disgusted with this country by now).

  2. #422
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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

    Yep...don't know how we can get them to relinquish the power they have taken now short of a revolution.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Obama and Jarrett Seizing Power of the Purse From Congress

    October, 16, 2013 — nicedeb Due to Obama’s hardline “no-negotiations” stance, Republicans have been forced to negotiate with themselves notes Seton Motley at PJ Media:

    We are into Week Three of the 17% federal government slowdown. (If 83% of the nearly $4-trillion-a-year Leviathan is still open, it isn’t a shutdown.)

    There is so little (to no) damage done by this, President Barack Obama has been creating as much artificial pain as possible. Often illegally – and routinely absurdly. His ridiculous attempted closures of open-air monuments andopen oceans have cost the National Park Service $76 million a day – in addition to being capricious and obnoxious.

    Before we even got to to the slowdown, House Republicans passed a bill funding every nook and cranny of the gi-normous government save for the incredibly effective and popular ObamaCare – the Democrats wouldn’t budge.

    On both the slowdown and the debt ceiling, the President has throughout flatly stated “I will not negotiate.

    If the guys and gals on the other side of the aisle won’t sit down at the other side of the negotiating table – that’s their failing, not yours. Negotiation isn’t a one-way street. Republicans – having no one else with whom to negotiate – have for weeks been one-way-street negotiating with themselves.
    According to author, Ed Klein, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett orchestrated the chief executive’s strategies in the government shutdown.

    The New York Post reported that Ms. Jarrett held several late-night sessions with Mr. Obama at his residence and from there came the strategy of “no negotiation,” Mr. Klein believes.
    The latest on the debt ceiling negotiations via The National Journal show outmaneuvered Republicans with no cards left to play. Beaten and humiliated they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

    Home » 2012 presidential campaign

    Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question:

    1. a Palestinian state and
    2. the advancement of Islam in America.

    The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency.

    And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job?

    Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America.

    Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: “The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.” Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.

    Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.

    Lastly, it’s very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, “the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.” (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let’s face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense.Pat Dollard

    Excerpted from Daily Interlake: Searching old newspapers is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have tried to use them many times to shed light on current events — or to inform readers about how the past is prologue to our very interesting present-day quandaries.

    Recently, I came across a syndicated column from November 1979 that seemed to point 30 years into the future toward an obscure campaign issue that arose briefly in the 2008 presidential campaign.

    Though by no means definitive, it provides an interesting insight, at least, into how Chicago politics intersected with the black power movement and Middle Eastern money at a certain point in time. Whether it has any greater relevance to the 2012 presidential campaign, I will allow the reader to decide. In order to accomplish that, I will also take the unusual step of providing footnotes and the end of this column so that each of you can do the investigative work for yourself.

    The column itself had appeared in the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Evening Independent of Nov. 6, but it was the work of a veteran newspaperman who at the time was working for the prestigious Chicago Tribune and whose work was syndicated nationally. (1)

    So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the “rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions.” The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, “It’s not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states.”

    Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.

    Al-Mansour told Jarrett that he had presented the “proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz” in September 1979, and that “the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December.” Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified. (Continued after the jump)

    You would think that a program to spend “$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans” would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven’t found any other word of it.

    Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn’t, but what’s particularly noteworthy is that this black Islamic lawyer who “for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America’s blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students” was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.

    That tale had surfaced in 2008 when Barack Obama was a candidate for president and one of the leading black politicians in the country — Percy Sutton of New York — told an interviewer on a Manhattan TV news show that he had been introduced to Obama “by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.” (2)

    This peculiar revelation engendered a small hubbub in 2008, but was quickly dismissed by the Obama campaign as the ditherings of a senile old man. I don’t believe President Obama himself ever denied the story personally, and no one has explained how Sutton came up with this elaborate story about Khalid al-Mansour if it had no basis in fact, and in any case al-Mansour no longer denies it. (3)

    Back in 2008, while actually supporting Hillary Clinton in the New York primary, Percy Sutton was interviewed on TV and said that he thought Barack Obama was nonetheless quite impressive. He also revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, “there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”

    Sutton concluded in the interview, “I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly.”

    Until now, there really has been no context within which to understand the Sutton story or to buttress it as a reliable account other than the reputation of Sutton himself as one of the top leaders of the black community in Manhattan — himself a noted attorney, businessman and politician. But the new discovery of the 1979 column that established Khalid al-Mansour’s interest in creating a fund to give “financial help to disadvantaged students” does provide a clue that he might indeed — along with his patron, Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal — have taken an interest in the “genius” Barack Obama.

    It also might be considered more than coincidence that the author of that 1979 newspaper column was from Chicago, where Barack Obama settled in 1986 a few years after his stint at Columbia University. It is certainly surprising that the author of that column was none other than Vernon Jarrett, the future (and later former) father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who ultimately became the consigliatore of the Obama White House.

    It is also noteworthy that Vernon Jarrett was one of the best friends and a colleague of Frank Marshall Davis, the former Chicago journalist and lifelong communist who moved to Hawaii in the late 1940s and years later befriended Stanley and Madelyn Dunham and their daughter Stanley Ann, the mother of Barack Obama. (4)

    And to anyone who has the modicum of a spark of curiosity, it is surely intriguing that Frank Davis took an active role in the rearing of young Barack from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year of college at Occidental College in Los Angeles. (5)

    It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed. The fact that President Obama has studiously avoided releasing records of his college years is suggestive also, but has no evidentiary value in the present discussion. (6)

    The nature of Vernon Jarrett’s relationship to Khalid al-Mansour is likewise uncertain, but it is very likely they had known each other as leaders of the black civil-rights movement for many years. Under his previous name of Donald Warden, al-Mansour had founded the African American Association in the Bay Area in the early 1960s. He had also helped inspire the Black Panther Party through his association with black-power leaders such as Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Seale, of course, had a famous association with Chicago later, when he was part of the Chicago Eight charged with conspiracy and inciting to riot at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (7)

    In any case, it doesn’t matter if Vernon Jarrett and Khalid al-Mansour had a personal relationship or not. For some reason, al-Mansour had used Jarrett as the messenger to get out the word about his efforts to funnel Arab oil money to black students and minority colleges at about the same time that Barack Obama began his college career. That doesn’t mean either Jarrett or al-Mansour knew Obama at that time, but eight years later when Obama was a rising star in Chicago, a friend of Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, it is much more likely that he did indeed have the assistance of very important people in his meteoric rise. The words of Percy Sutton about what al-Mansour told him regarding Obama certainly have the ring of truth:

    “His introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends back there… Would you please write a letter in support of him? (That’s before Obama decided to run.) … and he interjected the advice that Obama had passed the requirements, had taken and passed the requirements necessary to get into Harvard and become president of the Law Review. That’s before he ever ran for anything. And I wrote a letter in support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them that I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly…” (2)

    What possible significance could all this have? We may never know, but Vernon Jarrett, back in 1979, thought that OPEC’s intention to fund black and minority education would have huge political ramifications. As Jarrett wrote:

    “The question of financial aid from the Arabs could raise a few extremely interesting questions both inside and outside the black community. If such contributions are large and sustained, the money angle may become secondary to the sociology and politics of such an occurrence.” (1)
    He was, of course, right.

    As Jarrett suggests, any black institutions and presumably individuals who became beholden to Arab money might be expected to continue the trend of American “new black advocacy for a homeland for the Palestinians” and presumably for other Islamic and Arabic interests in the Middle East. For that reason, if for no other, the question of how President Obama’s college education was funded is of considerably more than academic interest.

    Percy Sutton on Obama and Khalid Mansou

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Obama Administration Caught in Software Piracy at

    Seriously? Oh, this is rich. Or was this intentional on someone’s part? Insider sabotage?
    Whistleblowers come in all shapes and sizes and I can’t believe this fiasco with Obamacare unfolded all on its own. ~ BP

    Obama administration caught in blatant software piracy; script powering ripped off from UK company

    Oct 18, 2013

    (NaturalNews) The Obama administration has been caught red-handed engaged in software piracy. Computer code used on was stolen (and then modified in an effort to conceal the theft) from a UK company called Spry Media.

    To my best knowledge, this story was broken by in a blog authored by Jeryl Bier.

    The computer code that was stolen is called DataTables, and it is exclusively provided under a GPL v2 license which requires anyone who uses the software code to keep the copyright notice visible in the code itself. This allows the original author of the code to receive attribution for creating it.

    An analysis of the code running reveals that the Obamacare development team maliciously removed the copyright notice and credit attributions from the code while copying and using the rest of the code. In the field of journalism, this would be called “plagiarism.” In the field of computer software, it’s called “piracy” according to the U.S. government.

    Here’s an image capture of the copyright notice which is supposed to remain in the code:

    On, however, the copyright attribution is removed, leaving only the functional code of the script (which is a piracy violation):

    Nearly all of the remainder of the script is identical to the Spry Media code, proving beyond any doubt that the Obama administration pirated this code in its construction of the failed website

    The Weekly Standard says they contacted SpryMedia for a comment: “A representative for the company said that they were ‘extremely disappointed’ to see the copyright information missing and will be pursuing it further with the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency that runs the site.”
    Will DHS now seize

    The Department of Homeland Security has seized hundreds of other websites that it says were engaged in piracy.
    These website seizures are conducted completely outside of law and utterly without due process. When sites are seized by DHS, the following notice is placed on the website home page:

    This notice reads, in part:

    Willful copyright infringement is a federal crime that carries penalties for first time offenders of up to five years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, forfeiture and restitution.
    Will the developers of who pirated the DataTables software from SpryMedia now be sentenced to federal prison?

    Don’t hold your breath on that one. Prisons aren’t used to lock up actual criminals anymore. They are “work camps” with the sole purpose of locking up black Americans so they can be exploited as a “human resource” of ultra-cheap labor. Yes, the prison labor industry needs more output, and that’s why the entire “war on drugs” is allowed to continue even though it is a complete failure.

    Sounds like Obamacare, come to think of it: A disastrous program that wastes billions of dollars while enslaving innocent Americans in a system where they will be financially raped for life.

    Am I the only one who thinks we might be better off if we forced all politicians to trade places with all prison inmates?

  4. #424
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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

    Former Obama Official Warns Americans: 'Back Off' Opposition To Obamacare
    By Mark Finkelstein | October 18, 2013 | 10:42
    It was enough to make a conservative yearn for the good old Bush-era days of "Dissent Is Patriotic" . . .

    For there on Morning Joe today was former Obama official Melody Barnes, warning Americans to "back off" their Reagan-inspired opposition to big government in general and Obamacare in particular. Instead, instructed Barnes, Americans should focus on making Obamacare work. View the video after the jump.

    Joe Scarborough was having none of it, asking why he should back off opposing something that he and millions of other Americans, thinks is harmful to the country. Opposing Obamacare is not "unpatriotic", observed Scarborough.

    MELODY BARNES: It is to everyone's benefit that people back off of what was the Reagan administration legacy that government is bad, government workers are bad and think about how we're going to make this work because what we've seen time and time again with Katrina and moving forward is if we don't have an effective federal government people get hurt. In fact people can die.

    JOE SCARBOROUGH: Hold on a second. why would I back off if I think health care policy is bad for the country in the the long run, the federal government is not competent enough to run it, and the launch has been terrible.

    Sam Stein asks the question are Republicans going to do their best to help this implementation? No, I don't think they are.

    And I don't think it means they are unpatriotic if they don't. Obviously what happened over the past few weeks, Sam, absolutely idiotic and self-defeating but why should the Republicans say hey listen we want to help you implement a program that we think will end private insurance over the next decade? That goes against everything I believe and millions and millions of Americans believe.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

  6. #426
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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

    by wkchild

    Obama administration caught in blatant software PIRACY; script powering ripped off from UK company

    by Mike Adams, Natural News:

    The Obama administration has been caught red-handed engaged in software piracy. Computer code used on was stolen (and then modified in an effort to conceal the theft) from a UK company called Spry Media.

    To my best knowledge, this story was broken by in a blog authored by Jeryl Bier.

    The computer code that was stolen is called DataTables, and it is exclusively provided under a GPL v2 license which requires anyone who uses the software code to keep the copyright notice visible in the code itself. This allows the original author of the code to receive attribution for creating it.

    An analysis of the code running reveals that the Obamacare development team maliciously removed the copyright notice and credit attributions from the code while copying and using the rest of the code. In the field of journalism, this would be called “plagiarism.” In the field of computer software, it’s called “piracy” according to the U.S. government.

    Here’s an image capture of the copyright notice which is supposed to remain in the code:

    On, however, the copyright attribution is removed, leaving only the functional code of the script (which is a piracy violation):

    Nearly all of the remainder of the script is identical to the Spry Media code, proving beyond any doubt that the Obama administration pirated this code in its construction of the failed website

    The Weekly Standard says they contacted SpryMedia for a comment: “A representative for the company said that they were ‘extremely disappointed’ to see the copyright information missing and will be pursuing it further with the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency that runs the site.”

    Will DHS now seize

    The Department of Homeland Security has seized hundreds of other websites that it says were engaged in piracy.

    These website seizures are conducted completely outside of law and utterly without due process. When sites are seized by DHS, the following notice is placed on the website home page:

    This notice reads, in part:

    Willful copyright infringement is a federal crime that carries penalties for first time offenders of up to five years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, forfeiture and restitution.
    Will the developers of who pirated the DataTables software from SpryMedia now be sentenced to federal prison?

    Don’t hold your breath on that one. Prisons aren’t used to lock up actual criminals anymore. They are “work camps” with the sole purpose of locking up black Americans so they can be exploited as a “human resource” of ultra-cheap labor. Yes, the prison labor industry needs more output, and that’s why the entire “war on drugs” is allowed to continue even though it is a complete failure.

    Sounds like Obamacare, come to think of it: A disastrous program that wastes billions of dollars while enslaving innocent Americans in a system where they will be financially raped for life.

    Am I the only one who thinks we might be better off if we forced all politicians to trade places with all prison inmates?

    Source and Screen grabs Here:

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    What happens if you don’t pay Obamacare’s tax penalty?

    Comment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist, Oath Keeper and Patriot.
    Our good friend “The Tater,” weighed in with this beauty today.
    Has this administration ever shown a proclivity for following the law?

    “If there’s no tax refund, where else can the IRS get its $95? Typically, the IRS does have a number of steps by which to recoup unpaid taxes.

    It can garnish your wages, for example, or, in rare cases, seize property. But with the health mandate, the law’s drafters specifically barred the agency from any of those more aggressive tactics.”

    Not to worry Tater they will figure out how to dock our “Social Insecurity Payments.”

    The Washington Post

    By Sarah Kliff,

    Welcome to Health Reform Watch, Sarah Kliff’s regular look at how the Affordable Care Act is changing the American health-care system — and being changed by it. You can reach Sarah with questions, comments and suggestions here. Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon for the latest edition, and read previous columns here.

    Gene is a self-employed New Yorker who currently purchases his own health insurance. He also is a strong opponent of Obamacare. And starting next year, Gene plans to drop his health coverage in express protest of the health law’s mandate.

    “I will cancel my insurance the instant I can no longer be denied insurance for preexisting conditions,” Gene wrote in an e-mail Sunday night. “I will not fill out the special IRS form.”

    Gene asked that I not use his last name as he’s talking specifically about disobeying a federal mandate. But he had seen that, from time to time, I use this space to answer readers’ questions about the law. And Gene put his questions to me.

    Entire Article Below.

    “I am especially interested to know what happens, if anything, when my 2013 federal tax return does not include the Obamacare form and when I refuse to comply with any request to produce one?” Gene asked in his e-mail. “Am I correct that if I do not provide the form, there is nothing the IRS can do to me? And if they can do something to me, what is it that they can do?”

    To answer these questions, I called up Catherine Livingston. Up until January, she was the health-care counsel in the Internal Revenue Services’s Office of Chief Counsel. She now works as a partner at the law firm Jones Day.

    The first thing I asked her was what happens if you don’t send in a form that specifies whether you do or don’t have insurance coverage. That, she told me, isn’t actually clear yet.

    “We don’t know yet whether there will be a special additional form nor how the IRS will treat a return that comes in with missing information, she says. “Sometimes if something is missing the IRS can work without it. Sometimes the IRS will correspond and say, ‘We’re going to assume X is true unless you respond with different information.’ There’s a set of compliance procedures the IRS will need to develop to complement the approach to the form.”

    Even if the Internal Revenue Service did find that an individual lacked health coverage, they would still need to look at whether he or she qualified for one of the nine exemptions from the individual mandate. These include clauses that allow Americans with religious objections, incarcerated individuals and those who cannot find an affordable plan to not carry health coverage without penalty.

    If an individual does not carry insurance coverage and does not have exemptions, that’s where a tax penalty could come into play. In 2014, the health law includes a $95 penalty for not carrying health insurance. This penalty is administered by the Internal Revenue Service through the tax return system. In order to collect, the IRS will typically dock that amount from an individual’s tax return.

    Gene has, however, already thought this issue through. He plans to adjust his “quarterly estimated payments to ensure I do not have a tax refund, which I understand to be the only source from which the IRS can extract any penalties that I refuse to pay voluntarily.”

    This, Livingston said, is actually a strategy that might just work. For that to happen, the tax filer would need to be cognizant of the estimated tax penalty, which the IRS can levy against filers that pay far too few taxes. But keeping that in mind, dodging a refund could mean dodging the mandate fine.
    “The needle you would have to thread to execute this is making sure you’ve paid enough taxes to avoid the estimated tax penalty,” Livingston said, “But not so much that you would get a refund.”

    If there’s no tax refund, where else can the IRS get its $95? Typically, the IRS does have a number of steps by which to recoup unpaid taxes. It can garnish your wages, for example, or, in rare cases, seize property. But with the health mandate, the law’s drafters specifically barred the agency from any of those more aggressive tactics.

    “In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section,” Section 1501 of the Affordable Care Act reads, “Such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure.”

    If a penalty does not come out of a refund, it does not fully disappear. Instead, it gets carried over to next year’s tax filings and held on the filer’s account. The Internal Revenue Service is also allowed to charge interest on any unpaid tax penalty (More on that in the very thrilling Sec. 6601 of the Internal Revenue Service Code). The rate currently hovers around 3 percent.

    So the tax penalties accumulate, and the interest goes up and up. But even in an extreme example, where someone doesn’t pay the health law’s penalties for decades, the powers that the Internal Revenue Service has to collect the unpaid fines don’t change.

    “The IRS remains very clearly limited in its ability to collect the penalty,” Livingston says, “And the accumulation over time does not change those legal limitations.”

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    Consumer Reports: Stay away from Lucifercare website!

    Posted on October 21, 2013 by Dr. Eowyn | 2 Comments
    Cheryl K. Chumley reports for The Washington Times, Oct. 21, 2013, that Consumer Reports — the magazine that tests and rates products — has harsh words of advice for those trying to enroll in ObamaDoesn’tCare via the official website,
    Consumer Reports began testing the Unaffordable Care Act’s website since the site’s launch day to test its ease of use. But from the beginning, Consumer Reports experienced problems same as those of countless Americans. The site would slow to a crawl, then crash.
    On Oct. 8, the Consumer Reports writers said: “One week in, is barely operational.” By Oct. 10, the writers were losing patience: “ is slightly less terrible today. The bad news, is that it’s still next to impossible to create a user name and password that you can actually use to sign in. I myself have tried five times without success. Our readers report similar frustrations.”
    Consumer Reports’ final advice: “Don’t bother even trying for another couple of weeks. But if all this is too much for you to absorb, follow our previous advice: Stay away from for at least another month if you can.”
    Ron Fournier of the National Journal writes that the problems with the site go beyond what Obama this morning dismisses as mere hiccups or “kinks,” but are “embedded deeply in the online system,” including:
    • Outright inaccurate information provided to people about federal tax credits.
    • Low-income people erroneously told they don’t qualify for Medicaid.
    • Insurance companies getting confusing information about who has signed up.

    Fournier, who seems to favor the Unaffordable Care Act, takes Obama to task for dismissing the extent of the website’s problems while, at the same time, deflecting blame by saying that the Republicans had fought the law (as if the GOP had something to do with website’s problems!). Fournier concludes:
    The public’s faith in government is at a record low, just as Obama is fighting Republicans on several fronts over the size and power of the federal bureaucracy. His administration needs to rapidly improve the online exchanges to stand any chance of convincing, say, young Americans to pay for insurance they don’t think they need. Beyond Obamacare, the Democratic Party’s reputation for competency is as stake. The cost of the site is already $394 million, a massive amount compared to private-sector CMS work, and sure to grow. [...]
    Dismissing the extent of the problem and reminding voters that Republicans fought the law — which is essentially all Obama did in his Rose Garden remarks — is a deflection, which shouldn’t be confused with implementation or governing.

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    She must have just looked up her new premiums.

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    Was probably Obamamania-Faints

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    John McAfee on Obamacare: ‘This is a hacker’s wet dream’ [VIDEO]

    Jeff Poor 7:30 PM 10/03/2013

    On Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto” on Wednesday, computer programmer and founder of McAfee, Inc. John McAfee said the online component of Obamacare “is a hacker’s wet dream” that will cause “the loss of income for the millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities.”

    For starters, McAfee said the way it is set up makes it possible for fake websites be set up to fool people to think they’re signing up for Obamacare.

    “It’s seriously bad,” McAfee said. “Somebody made a grave error, not in designing the program but in simply implementing the web aspect of it. I mean, for example, anybody can put up a web page and claim to be a broker for this system. There is no central place where I can go and say, ‘OK, here are all the legitimate brokers, the examiners for all of the states and pick and choose one.’”

    “Instead, any hacker can put a website up, make it look extremely competitive, and because of the nature of the system — and this is health care, after all — they can ask you the most intimate questions, and you’re freely going to answer them,” he continued. “What’s my Social Security number? My birth date? What are my health issues?”

    According to McAfee, there’s not a quick fix — and as long as it set up this way, it could be a playground for computer hackers.

    “Here’s the problem: It’s not something software can solve,” McAfee continued. “I mean, what idiot put this system out there and did not create a central depository? There should be one website, run by the government, you go to that website and then you can click on all of the agencies. This is insane. So, I will predict that the loss of income for the millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities — I mean, you can imagine some retired lady in Utah, who has $75,000 dollars in the bank, saving her whole life, having it wiped out in one day because she signed up for Obamacare. And believe me, this is going to happen millions of times. This is a hacker’s wet dream. I mean I cannot believe that they did this.”

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    Why ObamaCare is a fantastic success

    By Wayne Allyn Root

    There are two major political parties in America. I’m a member of the naïve, stupid, and cowardly one. I’m a Republican.

    How stupid is the GOP? They still don’t get it.

    I told them 5 years ago, 2 books ago, a national bestseller ago ("The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide"), and in hundreds of articles and commentaries, that ObamaCare was never meant to help America, or heal the sick, or lower healthcare costs, or lower the debt, or expand the economy.

    The GOP needs to stop calling ObamaCare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT.
    Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism.
    This is a brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism.

    It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success.

    It’s not a “trainwreck,” ObamaCare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government.

    Obama’s hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky -- a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide your own intentions.

    To scream that the other guy is “ruining America,” while you are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech…that you are “saving the middle class,” while you are busy wiping out the middle class.

    The GOP is so stupid they can’t see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned purposeful attack.

    The tell-tale sign isn’t the disastrous start to ObamaCare. Or the devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of full-time jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that.

    The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly calling Tea Party Republicans and anyone who wants to stop ObamaCare “terrorists.”

    There’s the clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that.
    They are calling the reasonable people…the patriots…the people who believe in the Constitution ... the people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believed…the people who want to take power away from corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion in debt…terrorists?

    That’s because they are Saul Alinsky-ing the GOP. The people trying to purposely hurt America, capitalism and the middle class…are calling the patriots by a terrible name to fool, confuse and distract the public.
    ObamaCare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure.

    Here is what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts:

    1. ObamaCare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream -- redistribution of wealth.
    Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote for Democrats).

    Think about it. If you’re rich or middle class, you now have to pay for your own health care costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other people’s costs too (through massive tax increases).
    So you’re stuck paying for both bills. You are left broke. Brilliant.

    2. ObamaCare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them dependent on government.
    Think about it. Even Obama’s IRS predicts that health insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year. But how would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K can’t possibly hope to spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless.

    Bingo. That’s how you make middle class people dependent on government. That’s how you make everyone addicted to government checks. Brilliant.

    3. As a bonus, ObamaCare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs.
    Why? Just to make sure the middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000 per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of the state. Brilliant.

    4. ObamaCare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve donations to the GOP.
    Think about it. Do you know a small business owner? I know hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by ObamaCare.
    Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and conservative causes? Small Business.

    Even if a small business owner manages to survive, he or she certainly can’t write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is the “mother’s milk” of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist. Bingo.
    That’s the point of ObamaCare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition and drying up donations to the GOP. Brilliant.

    5. ObamaCare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful.
    It adds thousands of new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy. The IRS has the right because of ObamaCare to snoop into every aspect of your life, to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets.

    By law your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign.

    Or have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama and conservative groups?
    Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother rules our lives. Brilliant.

    6. ObamaCare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers.
    That produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic candidates and socialist causes -- thereby guaranteeing Obama’s friends never lose another election, and Obama’s policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting business owners long after he’s out of office.
    Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism.
    This isn’t a trainwreck. It's purposeful suicide.

    It's not failing, it's working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.

    Oh and one more thing…Conservatives aren’t “terrorists.” We are patriots and saviors. We represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. We are the heroes and good guys. Unless you get all this through your thick skulls, America is lost…forever.

    Wayne Allyn Root is capitalist evangelist, entrepreneur, and Libertarian-conservative Republican. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee.

    Wayne's latest book is "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom." For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.

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    Federal Judge Suddenly Green-Lights Lawsuit That Could Stop Obamacare In Its Tracks

    October 22, 2013

    A federal judge on Tuesday refused to dismiss a case that could fatally cripple the Obamacare health insurance law.

    The Affordable Care Act forbids the federal government from enforcing the law in any state that opted out of setting up its own health care exchange, according to a group of small businesses whose lawsuit got a key hearing Monday in federal court.

    The Obama administration, according to their lawsuit, has ignored that language in the law, enforcing all of its provisions even in states where the federal government is operating the insurance marketplaces on the error-plagued website.

    Thirty-six states chose not to set up their exchanges, a move that effectively froze Washington, D.C. out of the authority to pay subsidies and other pot-sweeteners to convince citizens in those states to buy medical insurance.

    But the IRS overstepped its authority by paying subsidies in those states anyway, say the businesses and their lawyers.

    The subsidies serve as a trigger that determines who has to comply with the now-famous individual and employer mandates. So, the lawsuit claims, the Obama administration illegally enforced the Affordable Care Act – suddenly making millions of taxpayers and small employers subject to paying fines if they don't play ball.

    The Affordable Care Act authorizes subsidies only for policies purchased 'through an Exchange established by the State.'

    A different section of the law empowers the federal government to set up its own exchanges for each state that chose not establish one.

    But government lawyers have argued that 'Congress made clear that an exchange established by the federal government stands in the shoes of the exchange that a state chooses not to establish.'

    The Treasury Department, they contend, 'has reasonably interpreted the Act to provide for eligibility for the premium tax credits for individuals in every state, regardless of which entity operates the exchange.'

    But that amounts to the federal government ignoring the letter of the law, lawyer Sam Kazman says.

    And 'without those subsidies, the employer mandate isn't triggered,' he told MailOnline.

    And that could make the entire Obamacare system unsustainable.

    Kazman is general counsel for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free-market think tank that is coordinating the case.

    'The IRS cannot rewrite the law that Congress passed,' said Tom Miller, resident fellow at another think, the tank American Enterprise Institute.

    'Its regulation expressly flouts the statutory text of the Affordable Care Act, the intent of Congress and the reasoned choices of [36] states.'

    'The fiscal impact' of denying the Obamacare system millions of dollars in lost fines, 'while sizable, wouldn't be large enough to bring down the house,' Kazman added. The poltical one, however, is.'

    'You'd have 34 "refusenik" states exempting their employers and many of their citizens from the employer mandate and portions of the individual mandate,' he explained.

    'You'd have companies in participating states considering whether to move their operations' to states where they don't have to obey the Affordable Care Act. 'And you might even have some of those states seeking to undo their choice to participate.'

    The Competitive Enterprise Institute said in a statement that the IRS and the Department of Health and Human Services have pushed regulations that Congress didn't authorize, forcing some employers 'to cut back employees' hours' in order to dodge Obamacare's more economically challenging requirements, 'even though they are located in states that have refused to set up their own insurance exchanges.'

    U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman refused to dismiss the case, as the government requested, but also denied the plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the IRS and HHS from granting subsidies in what lawyer Kazman calls 'refusenik' states.

    Judge Friedman said Tuesday that he will rule on the merits of the case by February 15.

    By then the Obamacare law will be in full swing, nearing the end of its open enrollment period and providing health care services to Americans who sign up for coverage by December 15.

    Kazman said his organization would 'take an immediate appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals' in order to get a re-hearing on the motion for an injunction to stop the clock on Obamacare while the larger legal issues are worked out.

    At the lawsuit's heart is a set of distinctions that Congress drew between the 14 states – 15 including the District of Columbia – that chose to establish health insurance exchanges and the 36 that opted out.

    The plaintiffs, who all hail from 'refusenik' states, say the federal government has invalidated their state governments' choices.

    Kazman said that the Obamacare statute does not empower the IRS or HHS to 'give subsidy funding to people in states not authorized by Congress to receive it. That move, he agreed, had he effect of 'gutting a choice – to participate in the exchange program or not – that states were given by Congress.'

    The government is 'asking you to interpret "north" to mean "south,"' plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Carvin told Judge Friedman on Monday.

    The White House referred questions about the lawsuit to the Health and Human Services Department, which declined requests for comment and passed the buck to the Justice Department. The DOJ didn't respond to emails seeking a position on the lawsuit, which its lawyers are defending.

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    The judge also refused to put in an injunction too....

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    I heard this on the Five two days ago and now I'm really starting to wonder...

    @ericbolling only said what we all thought. The fainting lady was a staged event #Obamacare #epicfail #notcoveredyet
    Retweeted by ericbolling

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post

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    Are you friggin' SERIOUS?????

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    A swoon guarantees a mention on the news and adds to the mystique that Obama is a godlike figure. I said FIGURE.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    A staged swoon merely makes Obama a bigger buffoon.

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