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Thread: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

  1. #241
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Only the Leftist media is saying "she snapped".

    Didn't they burn Joan of Arc for "snapping"?

  2. #242
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    He uses the foolish to shame the wise. A paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 1:27

    Biblical record is rife with normal individuals called by God to verbally instruct or chastise a king, government or people. There's no reason to believe God would change the way He does things.

  3. #243
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    He uses the foolish to shame the wise. A paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 1:27

    Biblical record is rife with normal individuals called by God to verbally instruct or chastise a king, government or people. There's no reason to believe God would change the way He does things.
    We talked not too long ago of the concept of 'Holy Fools'. Frequently the people who were called 'Holy Fools' were the very ones who managed to chastise the Great with a prophetic message. Today is no different than yesterday, this stenographer is wiser in the eyes of God than the half of the the population that voted for Obama twice in the past two elections, or those who voted for the RINO's like McCain and Graham and McConnell who surrender to Obama and his lackeys on a continual basis.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorongil2012 View Post
    We talked not too long ago of the concept of 'Holy Fools'. Frequently the people who were called 'Holy Fools' were the very ones who managed to chastise the Great with a prophetic message. Today is no different than yesterday, this stenographer is wiser in the eyes of God than the half of the the population that voted for Obama twice in the past two elections, or those who voted for the RINO's like McCain and Graham and McConnell who surrender to Obama and his lackeys on a continual basis.
    Here is an example of a Holy 'fool for Christ' who spoke truth to power;

    "‘Fools for Christ’ were distinguished by rare fearlessness. Blessed Nicholas ran throughout the streets of Pskov pretending insanity rebuking the people for their hidden, sins and prophesying that which will befall them. When Ivan the Terrible entered Pskov, the entire town was in fear and terror of the Terrible Tsar. As a welcome to the Tsar, bread and salt was placed in front of every home but the people did not appear. When the mayor of the town presented the Tsar with bread and salt on a tray before the church, the Tsar pushed the tray away and the bread and salt fell to the ground. At that time, Blessed Nicholas appeared before the Tsar in a long shirt tied with a rope, hopping around on a cane as a child and then cried out: ‘Ivanuska, Ivanuska, eat bread and salt and not human blood.’ The soldiers rushed out to catch him but he fled and hid. The Tsar learning about this Blessed Nicholas, who and what he is, visited him in his scant living quarters. It was the first week of the Honorable Fast [The First Week of Lent]. Upon hearing that the Tsar was coming to visit him, Nicholas found a piece of raw meat and when the Tsar entered his living quarters, he bowed and offered the meat to the Tsar. ‘Eat Ivanusha, eat!’ Angrily, the Terrible Tsar replied: ‘I am a Christian and I do not eat meat during the Fast Season.’ Then the man of God quickly responded to him: ‘But you do even worse: you feed on men’s flesh and blood, forgetting not only Lent but also God!’ This lesson entered profoundly into the heart of Tsar Ivan and he, ashamed, immediately departed Pskov where he had intended to perpetrate a great massacre."
    St. Nikolaj (Velimirovic)

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorongil2012 View Post
    We talked not too long ago of the concept of 'Holy Fools'. Frequently the people who were called 'Holy Fools' were the very ones who managed to chastise the Great with a prophetic message. Today is no different than yesterday, this stenographer is wiser in the eyes of God than the half of the the population that voted for Obama twice in the past two elections, or those who voted for the RINO's like McCain and Graham and McConnell who surrender to Obama and his lackeys on a continual basis.
    Here is an example of a Holy 'fool for Christ' who spoke truth to power;

    "‘Fools for Christ’ were distinguished by rare fearlessness. Blessed Nicholas ran throughout the streets of Pskov pretending insanity rebuking the people for their hidden, sins and prophesying that which will befall them. When Ivan the Terrible entered Pskov, the entire town was in fear and terror of the Terrible Tsar. As a welcome to the Tsar, bread and salt was placed in front of every home but the people did not appear. When the mayor of the town presented the Tsar with bread and salt on a tray before the church, the Tsar pushed the tray away and the bread and salt fell to the ground. At that time, Blessed Nicholas appeared before the Tsar in a long shirt tied with a rope, hopping around on a cane as a child and then cried out: ‘Ivanuska, Ivanuska, eat bread and salt and not human blood.’ The soldiers rushed out to catch him but he fled and hid. The Tsar learning about this Blessed Nicholas, who and what he is, visited him in his scant living quarters. It was the first week of the Honorable Fast [The First Week of Lent]. Upon hearing that the Tsar was coming to visit him, Nicholas found a piece of raw meat and when the Tsar entered his living quarters, he bowed and offered the meat to the Tsar. ‘Eat Ivanusha, eat!’ Angrily, the Terrible Tsar replied: ‘I am a Christian and I do not eat meat during the Fast Season.’ Then the man of God quickly responded to him: ‘But you do even worse: you feed on men’s flesh and blood, forgetting not only Lent but also God!’ This lesson entered profoundly into the heart of Tsar Ivan and he, ashamed, immediately departed Pskov where he had intended to perpetrate a great massacre.
    St. Nikolaj (Velimirovic)

    And to further elaborate, this quote from Christos Yannaras, Greek Philosopher, that 'Holy Fools' ;

    "…seem to reject the Apostle Paul’s admonition to accept any personal deprivation and sacrifice in order to avoid scandalizing the faithful (1 Cor. 8:13). But what kind of scandal is St. Paul talking about? It is something that causes confusion in the realm of truth, and may thus deprive others of the possibility of participating in truth–the possibility of salvation. If by eating food offered to idols you give your brother’s ‘weak conscience’ grounds for supposing that there is some connection between idol worship and the truth and life of the Church, then the responsibility for the confusion you cause is great indeed.

    The challenge of the fools, however, does not create confusion in people’s faith, nor does it obscure the Church. It simply surprises those who have identified faith and truth with the secularized concept of moral uprightness and conventional decorum. Fools for Christ have the gift, and the audacity, to manifest openly the human fall and sin which is common to us all: this is the reality of our nature, and it is not cancelled out by individual cases of ‘improvement,’ nor by concealment behind social externals.
    In this sense, every monk in the Orthodox East is a kind of ‘fool for Christ.’ He wears a garment of mourning, openly declaring that he accepts our common fall and sin; and he withdraws into the ascetic life, waging war on this fall and this sin on behalf of us all. This same acceptance is the calling of every member of the Church. If we persist in ignoring the Gospel of salvation and continue to identify the regeneration of man with the social recognition of individual virtues, with worldly success in gaining individual moral respectability, then the fault is ours alone–and it is an error which bars us from truth and life.
    The prototype to which the Church has always looked is not individual moral self-sufficiency, but the monks’ lament of repentance. This lament is ultimately joyful–a ‘joyful sorrow’–and turns sin into a measure of the acceptance of Christ’s love. Man is able to mourn and lament only when he knows exactly what he has lost, and experiences this loss as a personal deprivation, a personal thirst. This is why repentance, the personal sense of the loss of God, is also a first revelation, our first acquaintance with His person, our first discovery of the extent of His love.
    In the case of the fools for Christ, certainly their shocking freedom from every law, rule, restriction or code of obligations is not simply didactic in its purpose, reminding us of the danger of identifying virtue and holiness with conventional social decorum and egocentric moral rectitude. No one can ever really teach simply by calling into question mistaken concepts and ways of life: one has to make the fulness of the saving truth incarnate in oneself. The shocking freedom of the fools is first and foremost a total death, a complete mortification of every individual element in their lives. This death is the freedom which can break and destroy every conventional form; it is resurrection into a life of personal distinctiveness, the life of love which knows neither bounds nor barriers.
    The example of the ‘fools for Christ,’ then, is neither extreme nor inexplicable, as it may perhaps seem to many people. It is the incarnation of the Gospel’s fundamental message: that it is possible for someone to keep the whole of the Law without managing to free himself from his biological and psychological ego, from corruption and death. And that on the other hand, it is enough is someone humbly accepts his own sin and his fall, without differentiating it from the sin and fall of the rest of mankind, trusting in the love of Christ which transfigures this acceptance into personal nearness and communion, into a life of incorruption and immortality."
    Christos Yannaras

  6. #246
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    The message was delivered, but was it received?

    20 October 2013:
    Following the vote to suspend the debt ceiling last Wednesday night, 48 year-old Dianne Reidy, a floor stenographer for the U.S. House of Representatives for the last 8 years, surprised everyone when she briefly but unexpectedly took over the microphone on the House floor at about 10:00 pm.
    C-Span footage shows her calmly walking to the dais where she began making statements about God, the founding of the United States, our Constitution, and the influence that Freemasonry played in the founding of our country. She warned House members that they could not serve two masters and that God will not be mocked. Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Reidy was whisked from the dais and ultimately taken to George Washington University Hospital for “mental evaluation.” She was released after about two hours of evaluation.

    The media, including nearly all conservative and even Christian reporters, columnists and pundits who even bothered to cover the story, portrayed Diane Reidy as someone who suffered a humiliating and very public mental breakdown. They used patronizing language and empathetic inflection usually reserved for the most fragile mental patients, attributing her actions to long hours and stress. They have not only dismissed the actions of Diane Reidy, but dismissed her message as well, even as they continue to decry the state of our nation.

    Obviously, they did not pay attention to her message, nor did they listen to the interview of her husband by Rick Wiles of TruNews the next day. Mr. Reidy revealed critical details about events that led to her actions on the House floor, providing important context not just to her actions, but to the content of her message.

    The message
    To be clear, let’s examine the words spoken by Diane Reidy speak into the microphone. The following is the text of her message, compiled from two separate audio sources:
    “God will not be mocked. The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God. It never was. Had it been, it would not have been. No. It would not have been. The Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise forever.”

    So, that was her message, or as much as she was able to get out before being forcibly removed by two members of the House security detail.

    The “run-up” to her message
    According to her husband, they are both practicing Christians of firm faith. In four-(4) weeks preceding Wednesday’s incident, Mrs. Reidy would awaken early, sometimes in the middle of the night, and spend time reading the Holy Bible. She would spend a few hours reading and often return to bed, something she had not done before.

    Despite this change of behavior, her activities at home were not affected, nor were her duties at work. The former was verified by her husband, while the latter was verified by her co-workers through publicized interviews subsequent to Wednesday’s incident. But something changed, according to her husband, and herein lies the story behind the headlines and mischaracterizations by the media.

    Mr. Reidy emphasized that his wife took her job extremely seriously and would never do anything to willingly jeopardize her position or disrespect the protocol of the House chambers. During the four weeks of immersing herself in the Bible, admittedly a behavioral change according to her husband, however, he could tell that she was struggling with some type of inner conflict.

    It was as if she was being led to do something, knowing that if she did, her actions would have ramifications to her position as a House stenographer. It was as if she was a reluctant participant, knowing that if she followed the instructions given to her through the Word of God, there would be blowback. This, of course, became clearer to him after the incident and the discussion that ensued between the two.

    Message delivered
    During his interview on TruNews, Mr. Reidy stated that she did not share the burden of her mission with him, nor did she appear to have any particular plan. He stated that his wife told him afterward that she felt led to speak when she did, although she denied knowing what she was going to say or when she was to speak. It was as if she was merely a vessel, or just a messenger prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak the words she did at the time she spoke them. It was a message intended for those to hear.
    It is interesting if not particularly relevant to note how her husband described his wife’s demeanor after being led away from the microphone and escorted to the hospital for evaluation. Not only was she calm, but she seemed utterly relieved, according to her husband. It was as if her job, the specific job of acting as a messenger, was over.

    Furthermore, she was very calm throughout the entire process, as if she was mentally prepared for the consequences, and accepted the process with quiet resignation. She knew that her actions would not only have a negative impact on her job, but that she would be publicly and privately depicted as mentally imbalanced. Yet, according to her husband, she did what she believed she was guided to do, albeit reluctantly, then knowingly and willingly accepted the consequences.

    Diane Reidy feels that the event is over, the message has been delivered, and she does not want any attention. She just wants to spend time with her children and her family.

    Dismissal due to discomfort
    Most people, including many Christians, will be quick to dismiss the actions and words of Diane Reidy and characterize her in unflattering terms. It would appear that Diane Reidy knew and expected that, as her subsequent actions indicated. It would appear that she struggled with – and even fought against the task she was given, and was relieved when it was over.

    This incident is not without precedent. To Christian and Jewish believers, Biblical history documents God speaking through scribes. Even in antiquity, they did not relish the task and were mocked, ridiculed and persecuted. Nonetheless, they did what they were led to do and accepted the consequences and their place in history.

    I do not believe this is about Diane Reidy, however, nor should it be. It was and always will be about the message, not the messenger. Given God’s historical track record and the prophetic utterances that were often used to warn both men and nations, I suggest that we take heed to the message, for it is not only simple, but true. “God will not be mocked.”

    Looking at this message through the lens of Biblical eschatology, can you think of a better place or time for a modern-day scribe to rise up and deliver such a message? For it is within those walls of power that men and women leaders have sold their very souls to embrace and endorse the immoral and the profane. Through their laws, they have perverted God’s laws. Instead of reinforcing the laws of God, they have mocked Him by redefining them.

    Through the various secret and occult societies of man, our nation has been captured from within. It is under the current leadership, however, by both sides of the political aisles, that our nation has been placed on the ultra fast-track of self destruction as we are willingly subjugating ourselves to an un-Godly agenda of a one world order and all of its trappings, including a diluted form of Christianity that so many now readily embrace.

    It can be uncomfortable for even the most awake among us to come to terms with not only the relationship with the occult and secret societies had by many of our founders, but the existence of that same relationship by our modern day political leaders. It is disturbing to learn the unvarnished truth about our founders and the leaders many consider to be conservative, Christian and above-reproach. But we must become disturbed and be awakened from our spiritual slumber to understand that the events of today were set into motion a long time ago.

    Let us not forget that during the inauguration of former President George W. Bush on January 20, 2001, he twice made specific references to an angel that “rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm” while facing the Masonic Obelisk we commonly call the Washington Monument. It was exactly thirty-three-(33) weeks later, a number of significance to occult secret societies, that events took place that would change life in America as we know it.

    There is more, much more evidence to be offered, but it is this common thread of cryptic and coded messages, word-crafting, subtle yet clear messaging (past and present) that is open to be seen and heard by those with eyes to see and ears to hear, that we are being led into a “new order of the ages.” And this new order is not one inspired by God, but by the angel of darkness.

    Last Wednesday, a message was delivered, but how many really heard it?

  7. #247
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    No, the Congress certainly didn't hear it.

    I'm waiting for the pillars of fire, or floods or locusts to devour DC.

  8. #248
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    Fire. Lots of fire. That's at least how the Book reads. Amongst other horrible events.

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    Viral photo of Reopened Mt. Rushmore: What do you see?

    Megan Ahrens
    October 17

    Mt. Rushmore reopened for the first time in 2 weeks on Monday morning, we happened to be driving through to Denver and stopped here around 7:30am on Monday. What do you see in this picture?

    Megan Ahrens Not what I was expecting for my first time seeing Mt. Rushmore.

    Brandon Ahrens Wow, you mean you to tell me this your photo and you did NOT photo shop it? Id put in on!

    Yesterday at 1:26pm · 2

    Megan Ahrens Not photo shopped! I was seriously there right when it opened Monday morning, October 14th, and snapped this myself!

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  10. #250
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    I just want to point something out..... is BLOCKED

    But fucking Obama Bullshit ain't blocked here.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    No, the Congress certainly didn't hear it.

    I'm waiting for the pillars of fire, or floods or locusts to devour DC.
    DC won't end with a bang but with a whimper. At some point the overseas Communists will attempt to exploit America's weakened position. They won't let the homegrown Bolsheviks play 'top banana', they don't want a strong Soviet United States either.

  12. #252
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    I predict DC will actually end in a "bang". A lot of bang, bangs...

  13. #253
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    Prophecy to Poland: You can change Europe, but Russia will try to economically conquer you

    Published on Dec 23, 2012

    Summary of a podcast I listened to last year from John Paul Jackson:

    Right before this Both Russia and China will begin projecting their influence over areas they once had control and influence over before and during the cold war. This has begun. One of things I remember hearing John Paul Jackson discussing this saying right before America goes to war China and Russia begin taking a much stronger tone against America telling her how it is going to be in future with ultimatums. This has not happened yet.

    Here is the broadcast covering this at the 54:24 mark where John Paul is lead with urgency to share this word:

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  14. #254
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    Letting the terrorists go, wide open borders, full blown amnesty waiting in the wings...they may already have a predetermined solution.

    Is there a microchip implant in your future?

    By John Brandon
    Facebook5335 Twitter909 livefyre1249

    REUTERS/Kacper Pempel

    You can inject one under your skin and no one will ever notice. Using short-range radio frequency identification (RFID) signals, it can transmit your identity as you pass through a security checkpoint or walk into a football stadium. It can help you buy groceries at Wal-Mart. In a worst-case scenario – if you are kidnapped in a foreign country, for example – it could save your life.

    Microchip implants like the ones pet owners use to track their dogs and cats could become commonplace in humans in the next decade. Experts are divided on whether they’re appropriate for people, but the implants could offer several advantages. For soldiers and journalists in war zones, an implant could be the difference between life and death. A tracker could also help law enforcement quickly locate a kidnapped child.

    “In the long run, chip implants could make it less intrusive than some emerging ID systems which rely on physical biometrics (like your fingerprints or unique eye pattern),” says Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, author of the book “Distraction Addiction” and visiting scholar at Stanford's University’s Peace Innovation Lab.

    “This should be a matter of individual choice, but fighting crime should be much easier using chips,” adds sci-fi author Larry Niven, who predicted chip implants in the ’70s. Niven said he supports chip implantation for security reasons, provided it is an opt-in measure.

    Ramez Naam, who led the early development of Microsoft software projects and is now a popular speaker and author, said he envisions using chip implantation to help monitor the location of people with Alzheimer's disease.
    They could be used to track the activities of felons who have been released from prison.

    Chips are being used today to manage farm animals. Farmers can track sheep, pigs and horses as they move through a gate, weigh them instantly and make sure they are eating properly.

    “Those same chips have found their way into RFID devices to activate the gas pump from a key ring and for anti-theft devices in cars,” said Stu Lipoff, an electrical engineer and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers spokesman.

    “There have been people who volunteered to use them for opening the door of an apartment as a personalized ID using your arm. It could be used to track criminals targeted for patrol who might wander into a restricted area.”

    Possible uses in the future

    Implants are normally useful only at short ranges – as you walk through a portal or close to a transponder. So using chip implants to track people would require an infrastructure of transponders scattered around a city that read their identity in public buildings and street corners, Lipoff said.

    But consider the possibilities: People could unlock their homes or cars, gain access to a building, pass through an airport and even unlock their laptops without using a phone or watch. A pin code could be used to activate the chip – or to deactivate it to maintain privacy.

    They are easy to install and remove, and, because they are implanted under the skin, they are unobtrusive. The chips, which could be the size of a thumbnail, could be injected into an arm or a hand.

    If children were chipped, teachers could take attendance in the classroom. Lipoff said that GPS would not work because skin would block the signal, although new Near Field Communication chips like those in current smartphones could work because of their low-power requirement. However, no-one has yet tried to implant NFC chips.

    Police could track cars and read data without needing to scan license plates. At a hospital, administrators could locate a doctor without having to rely on a pager. And if you walked into a donut shop, the owner could read your taste preferences (glazed or not glazed) without needing a loyalty card.

    But is it ethical?

    Like any tech advancement, there are downsides. Concerns about the wrong people accessing personal information and tracking you via the chips have swirled since the FDA approved the first implantable microchip in 2004.

    Naam and Pang both cited potential abuses, from hacking into the infrastructure and stealing your identity to invading your privacy and knowing your driving habits. There are questions about how long a felon would have to use a tracking implant. And, an implant, which has to be small and not use battery power -- might not be as secure as a heavily encrypted smartphone.

    Troy Dunn, who attempts to locate missing persons on his TNT show “APB with Troy Dunn,” said a chip implant would make his job easier, but he is strongly against the practice for most people. “I only support GPS chip monitoring for convicted felons while in prison and on parole; for sex offenders forever; and for children if parents opt in,” he says. “I am adamantly against the chipping of anyone else.”

    Using chip implants to locate abducted children could actually have the opposite effect. Pang says a microchip would make a missing person easier to rescue, but “Kidnappers want ransoms, not dead bodies. The most dangerous time for victims is during rescue attempts or when the kidnappers think the police are closing in.”

    And beyond the obvious privacy issues, there’s something strange about injecting a chip in your body, Lipoff says. Yet pacemakers and other embedded devices are commonly used today. “People might find it a bit unsavory, but if it is not used to track you, and apart from the privacy issues, there are many interesting applications,” he says.

    At least it’s better than having a barcode stitched onto our foreheads.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  15. #255
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    I'm not getting a chip, barcode or anything else.

    Everyone can go pound sand.

    NO ONE has the AUTHORITY over me to order me or force me to do such a thing.

    If they try, they will die, and probably so will I. I will not stand and become a slave, a peasant, a serf or a piece of meat.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy? Russian Strategic Bombers Near Canada Practice Cruise Missile Strikes On US – Tests Nuclear Missle, 2 More in Waiting

    Posted on September 10, 2014 by a12iggymom

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    Two Russian strategic bombers conducted practice cruise missile attacks on the United States during a training mission last week that defense officials say appeared timed to the NATO summit in Wales.
    The Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers were tracked flying a route across the northern Atlantic near Iceland, Greenland, and Canada’s northeast.
    Analysis of the flight indicated the aircraft were conducting practice runs to a pre-determined “launch box”—an optimum point for firing nuclear-armed cruise missiles at U.S. targets, said defense officials familiar with intelligence reports.
    Disclosure of the nuclear bombing practice comes as a Russian general last week called for Moscow to change its doctrine to include preemptive nuclear strikes on the United States and NATO.

    Russia carried out a successful test of its new Bulava intercontinental nuclear missile on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014, and will perform two more test launches in October and November, the head of its naval forces said.

    Naval Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov said the test launch had been carried out from the White Sea and that the test missile had hit its target in Russia’s far east.
    “In October and November of this year, the naval fleet will carry out two more launches with two rocket cruisers equipped with ballistic missiles,” – Chirkov.
    Russia are saying that the missile was launched from a submerged submarine, maximising their stealth fire capabilities.
    Apparently when underwater fired, the missile has a range of 5000 miles, with a weight of 36 tons and up to 6-10 warheads.
    Read More:
    Putin says:
    “Sanction That”

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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    William Branham America Destroyed

    HIS PERSONAL SITE Here and wiki bio

    In Jun 1933 William Branham experienced a series of 7 prophetic visions of the events leading to the total destruction of America in the end times.

    VISION 1

    In the first vision, William Branham witnessed Benito Mussolini brutally invading Ethiopia and then himself coming to a shameful demise.

    VISION 2

    In the second vision, William Branham witnessed Adolf Hitler bringing the world into a second world war, pounding the Americans at the Siegfried Line, and coming to a mysterious end.

    VISION 3

    In the third vision, Fascism and Nazism were swallowed up into Communism. A voice in the vision instructed William Branham to "watch Russia" (rather than "watch the U.S.S.R.") indicating the eventual fall of the Soviet Union and the formation of Russia into a distinct State.

    VISION 4

    In the fourth vision, scientific acheivement produced a driverless vehicle, while cars continued to be shaped more and more like an egg.

    Google driverless cars will arrive in 2017

    VISION 5

    The fifth vision dealt with the morality of America, and the World. Just as scientific advancement was represented by a car in the fourth vision, the decline of morality was represented by women in the fifth vision. William Branham saw women cutting their hair, acting and dressing like men, and finally almost completely abandoning their garments.

    VISION 6

    In the sixth vision, a woman arose in the United States a most beautiful woman clothed in splendor, and great power was given to her. She was lovely of feature but there was a hardness about her that defied description. Beautiful as she was, she was yet cruel, wicked and cunning. She dominated the land with her authority, she had complete power over the people.

    VISION 7

    In the seventh and final vision there was an explosion, and the nation of America was turned into ashes from coast to coast.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  18. #258
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    VISION 7

    In the seventh and final vision there was an explosion, and the nation of America was turned into ashes from coast to coast.

    I dunno who this guy is. But can anyone say "Yellowstone"?

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  19. #259
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    I found this dream vision to be very interesting in 1999 before Y2K, today it's startling. I meant to post with the others but it slipped by me.

    Vision of the Presidents
    C. Alan Martin
    updated 6/01/97

    In 1971, I received a vision of the night in which I was shown a row of houses. It was not until 23 years later that the Spirit gave me a dream which held the key to the meaning of these houses. They represent presidential administrations, starting with Truman in 1953, and extending into the future for two more presidents (beyond Clinton).

    Linear Recounting of the Vision of the Night:

    "We were fleeing the persecution and calamity of the day. A brother was fleeing with me. He fell and I paused to help him up. We prayed "Lord Have Mercy". My friend vanished, and I looked around to see that I was at the top of a hill overlooking 12 houses. As I looked to the west, I noticed dark and ominous clouds gathering over one house (#10) and proceeding through to the last house (#12). I looked into the sky over #12, and saw an arc of what appeared to be 6 stars in the sky. One of the stars fell to the earth like a fig that was shaken off a limb. A voice came to me and said "look to the east!". I began to turn to the east, fully expecting to see the Lord coming in the clouds. The dark clouds opened up in two places and I saw the sun darkened and the moon turned to blood. As I looked to the east, instead of seeing the Lord in the sky, I saw an army. This army was made up of ancient armaments such as battering rams, catapults and siege ramps. I ran down and joined the army at house #5. Instantly I was transported into the future, and found myself before what I can only call a "temple fortress". The city was gray, in ruins, and desolate. A man had just emerged from the huge double doors of the temple fortress. He was dressed in a suit. A voice said to me "he says he is god, but he is of devil". The the vision ended.

    Significant events indicated in the vision:

    6th star falls to the earth. Understood to mean the fall of a ruler
    (or president).

    I do not believe this to be actual stars or a comet or any other such object. The stars appeared to be within the atmosphere of the earth, and there was not a huge explosion or calamity when the red "star" fell to the earth.
    The blood moon and lightless sun.

    More imagery that represents the fall of nations and change in the ages. The fall of a president is not enough to bring about changes on this scale. There will be great changes in the earth and alignment of nations.
    A wave ancient weapons of war, which I believe to represent the restoration the sign gifts:

    I waited for 23 years to receive a clue as to the meaning of these houses. In another dream in 1995, I was in the back yard of house #3. I looked down at my feet and saw a LIFE magazine, with a picture of JFK on the cover, and the words "In Memory of Dead Presidents". House number three is the house that represents the term of John Kennedy.

    The Houses
    As Stated above, each house represents a presidential administration.
    House 1 Truman:

    Nothing significant revealed about this house.
    House 2 Eisenhour:

    In a related dream, a model rocket was launched into the air and was drifting down into yard of this house. The rocket then turned into a glider and glided into the yard. My aunt used to refer to me as her "rocket boy" because of my early interest with model rocketry. It was in the Eisenhower Administration that I was born. (1954). It was during this dream that I ran through the back yard of house #3 (to retrieve the falling rocket) and was shown the Life Magazine with Kennedy on the cover. It was then that I knew that these houses represented presidential administrations.
    House 3 Kennedy:

    The yard in which I was shown the key to the meaning of the houses. The Life Magazine with JFK's face on it with a caption stating "In Memory of Dead Presidents" was in this yard. It has been suggested that all the presidents on this "street" must pass away before the events discussed in the remaining revelation can occur. This would mean all presidents up to Carter and maybe Reagan (his house is on a corner lot).
    House 4 Johnson:

    This house was occupied by a family of Jews named Levine. It was during the administration of LBJ that Jerusalem was returned to Israel during the 1967 Arab Israel war. Levine is a long form of Levite. This is a very significant event in the history of the world. With the retaking of Jerusalem, the temple can be rebuilt and the stage set for both the setting up of the anti-christ and the return of Jesus Christ.
    House 5 Nixon:

    It was into the yard of this house that I ran down and joined the army of God which was marching forward through time (the backyards of these houses). It was also in the Nixon administration that I was saved, filled with the Spirit, and had the vision I am now describing. Everything up to this point had already happened in time. However, everything recorded in the remaining houses had not yet happened. It is significant to remember this president, since it will be (according to the falling star and darkened house #10) the 6th administration after Nixon that will endure the beginning of judgment on America, including the fall of that 10th president.
    House 6 Ford:

    Nothing significant
    House 7 Carter:

    Nothing significant
    House 8 Reagan:

    A Major shift occurs in the time of this president. The house sits on a corner lot, and the row of houses changes direction TO THE RIGHT. It can be noted that the nations' politics took a sharp turn to the right during the Reagan administration. Right or wrong, This shift undoubtedly was in the plan of God for the series of events leading up to the last presidents and the fate of the nation.
    House 9 Bush:

    Nothing significant in this administration.
    House 10 Clinton:

    It is this administration that is the main focus of the vision of the night. Over the house was a very dark cloud, so dark that it seemed like night. The cloud was very low so as to almost touch the rooftop. There was something very significant about the "back door" of this house that may have some meaning. The lights were on in the house and they stood out brightly in the darkness created by the cloud. As I looked at this cloud hanging low over the 10th house, I ;also saw an arch of 6 stars in the sky to the west. The stars were of different colors, and the last (sixth from Nixon) of them fell to earth like a fig that was shaken loose from a limb. I have taken this to mean that this administration will preside over some very bad times in the USA, and that this administration will "fall."
    House 11 President:

    In the yard of this house is a large weeping willow tree. This tree represents mourning and sorrow. But under the draping limbs of this tree are children playing.
    House 12 President:

    This is the last house that I saw in this vision of the night. After this house was a dirt path that lead toward a collection of boulders arraigned in a semi circle which reminded me of a place where a trial was held and judgment rendered. In another dream which took place during the millennial age, I was standing among these rock looking at the ruins of a world rocked by the tribulation. In the ruins of these boulders I found a witch doll. I knew immediately that on of the reasons that the USA was judged was because she had gone after the occult and witchcraft.
    Across from the path after house #12 was a new row of houses stretching off into the distance. These I believe are the rulers of the land that Jesus will set up during the millennium.

    In the vision of the night (after I saw the star fall to the earth), I heard a voice say "Look to the east". I began to turn and fully expected to see Jesus coming in the clouds. As I turned I saw the clouds part and I saw the blood moon and the dark sun. Both of these are symbolic of judgment being levied on a nation and the fall of a nation. I continued turning to the east and saw the ancient army approaching from the east through the yards of all the houses of the presidents. It was then that I ran down to join this army in the yard of the house of Nixon. This was 1971, the year I was saved. Immediately the scene changed and I was in the middle of a city in gray ruins. I saw a man emerge from what I perceived to be a "temple fortress" who was dressed in a diplomatic suit and carrying a briefcase. A voice said "He claims to be God, but is of devil." Then the dream ended.

    Perhaps the greatest miracle concerning this vision of the night, and the hardest to conceive, is that the neighborhood described is an actual neighborhood from my childhood in Massena, New York!!!

    The street was called "Washington Street" ( for presidents?).

    The houses are just as I describe them, and were that way long before I had the dream.

    There really was a family of Jews named "Levi" in house #4.

    The street did (and still does) take a right turn at house #8.

    House #11 really does have a weeping willow tree under it, and children did play there... because I was one of them in my early childhood (early 60s).

    There really is a path leading up from house #12, and there really is a collection of boulders at the end of that path!

    There really is a row of houses stretching off into the distance on the other side of that path.

    These facts can be verified with little effort, as the streets and houses exist today as they did 25 years ago. Note this map of the area:

    Can you see the miracle that God somehow manipulated the houses, events, and even street names so as to coincide with this vision of the night!!!

    This in an undeniable, verifiable miracle where God used (and is using) an existing neighborhood to lay out His plan for America and the manifestation of the Antichrist.

    We are in house #10 now.

    Hold onto your hats, because the next dozen or so years are going to be a roller coaster ride!!!

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy III

    Visions are vague.

    Biblical prophecy is just as vague most of the time, and has to be interpreted to be "understood" by the person trying to understand it.

    Many different meanings can come from the "understanding" of both.
    Libertatem Prius!

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