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Thread: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

  1. #21
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    By the way - as another example... I'm 55, I'll be 56 in August. I do a one mile WALK in 14 minutes, I circle our building four times (it's 1/4 mile around the inside perimeter) and time myself.

    I don't run any more. I used to do slightly over 4 minute miles on average though and I would run at least 6 miles. My knees don't like that any more and my high blood pressures makes me wonky so I don't do it now. Now, I'm RETIRED since 2002. Guys my age (55-59) have to run 1.5 miles, in 16:22. (As I said I do a MILE WALKING in 14). Since I was in they have added pushups, situps and some kind of body measurement.
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    Panetta to lift ban on women in combat

    This alone is a dubious harbinger for our culture. Proves we've slipped far from the moral standard originally established for our nation. Not even the debased and depraved ancient Roman armies allowed women to fight in any significant numbers.

  3. #23
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Gen. Dempsey: If Women Can’t Meet Military Standard, Pentagon Will Ask ‘Does It Really Have to Be That High?’

    January 25, 2013

    Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Thursday that with women now eligible to fill combat roles in the military, commanders must justify why any woman might be excluded – and, if women can’t meet any unit’s standard, the Pentagon will ask: “Does it really have to be that high?”

    Dempsey’s comments came at a Pentagon news conference with Defense Sec. Leon Panetta Thursday, announcing the shift in Defense Department policy opening up all combat positions to women.

    Dempsey, who is at the pinnacle of the military’s top brass, was asked by a reporter: “You indicated that -- well, at least it sounds like that there may be certain combat operational forays that women might be excluded from still. I mean, what would be the reasons for that? What sorts of operations?”

    Dempsey replied: “No, I wouldn't put it in terms of operations, Jim. What I would say is that, as we look at the requirements for a spectrum of conflict, not just COIN, counterinsurgency, we really need to have standards that apply across all of those.”

    He added: “Importantly, though, if we do decide that a particular standard is so high that a woman couldn't make it, the burden is now on the service to come back and explain to the secretary, why is it that high? Does it really have to be that high? With the direct combat exclusion provision in place, we never had to have that conversation.”

    As reported, the military acknowledges that women will not be able to fill every combat role:

    But Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday that "everyone is entitled to a chance."

    “If members of our military can meet the qualifications for a job--and let me be clear, we’re not talking about reducing the qualifications for a job--if they can meet the qualifications for the job then they should have the right to serve,” Panetta said at a Pentagon press conference.

    The Defense Department announced Thursday that it would rescind its 1994 policy restricting women from serving in combat-focused positions such as infantry units, potentially opening up 230,000 positions to female service members.

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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    Good video... and true
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  5. #25
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Hagel: Troops' Workplaces Will Be Checked For 'Degrading' Images Of Women

    May 7, 2013

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered a close-up and comprehensive inspection of all military offices and workplaces worldwide to root out any “materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment.”

    The extraordinary searches will be similar to those the Air Force conducted last year and prompted officers to scour troops’ desks and cubicles in search of photos, calendars, magazines, screen-savers, computer files and other items that might be considered degrading toward women.

    The inspections will now target soldiers, sailors and Marines. They come amid heightened concern about sexual assault in the military and a new Defense Department report that suggests more than 70 troops every day experience some type of sexual assault.

    Also on Tuesday Pentagon officials were reeling from reports that the officer in charge of the Air Force’s sexual assault prevention program, Lt. Col. Jeff Krusinski, was arrested Sunday and charged with sexual battery after he allegedly groped a woman in a parking lot several miles from the Pentagon in Crystal City, Va.

    “We need a cultural change where every service member is treated with dignity and respect,” Hagel said Tuesday in announcing a list of new initiatives to prevent sexual assault.

    Hagel also unveiled the Defense Department’s annual report on sexual assault, which estimates that about 26,000 troops experienced some form of “unwanted sexual contact” during the past year. That’s roughly one in every 50 troops in the active-duty force. Those numbers are derived from anonymous surveys designed to estimate the prevalence of sexual assault in the military.

    Those surveys suggest that only a fraction of troops who are the victims of sexual assault ultimately come forward to make a formal report with the intent of either filing a criminal complaint or seeking medical treatment. The number of official reports of specific military sexual assaults in 2012 was 3,374, or less than 15 percent of the total assaults that occurred based on the anonymous surveys, according to the report.

    Office Searches Coming Soon

    The workplace searches will be conducted by “component heads” before July 1, and Hagel expects each service to submit a report summarizing the findings. The Air Force leadership will submit a report based on inspections it ordered in late 2012 and will not be expected to conduct a new round of searches.

    The searches by the Air Force last year were sparked by an enlisted airman at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., who filed a complaint with the inspector general and senior Air Force leaders in October 2012 describing how her chain of command ignored for months her reports of sexual, violent and graphic images, songbooks and other documents on a computer server. She went public with her complaint in November.

    The inspections were controversial and many airman complained that it felt like a “raid” and arbitrarily targeted materials such as fitness magazines and beer posters. Air Force officials said the prevalence of those items may be correlated to sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace.

    Hagel outlined several other measures aimed at cracking down on sexual assaults. He ordered the service chiefs to develop ways to hold commanders accountable for maintaining a command climate of “dignity and respect”.

    Hagel set a deadline of November for the chiefs to provide details on how that will be measured and how, if at all, that assessment might be integrated into the promotion or command-screening process.

    Another initiative will require the results of all command climate surveys to be provided to commanders the next level up the chain of command. That’s an effort to give high-level commanders insight into potential problems within their subordinate commands.

    Hagel said he wants these measures to “really drive the cultural change.”

    The anonymous surveys of troop show that victims of sexual assault are distinctly unhappy with the way they are treated, said Army Maj. Gen. Gary Patton, the director of the Defense Department’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office.

    “They perceive retaliation in the form of social retaliation, in the form of leadership retaliation,” Patton said.

    Only a fraction of troops accused of sexual assault face a court martial, the report shows. Of the 1,714 troops who were specifically targeted with an allegation of sexual assault in 2012, about 302 ultimately faced a court martial and about 238 of those were convicted on at least one count, official said.

    The majority of cases were resolved through other means, including the sexual assault allegations being dropped, non-judicial punishment or discharge from the military, according to the report.

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    Wonder if that also applies for pictures of men? Oh wait, that could be an infringment to one groups right to "openly serve".

  7. #27
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    This article is a couple months old but I missed it when it was first published.

    How To Lose Great Leaders? Ask The Army

    February 5, 2013

    The U.S. military is one of America’s premier leadership factories. But the product it manufactures is in decline.

    Seven years ago, the number of young officers willing to recommit after their initial tours of duty dropped precipitously. Before the Iraq war, three-quarters of Army officers stayed for a career, a number that dropped to just two-thirds starting in 2006. The broken pipeline was initially blamed on the sputtering war effort in Iraq, but in fact the problem is a deep-rooted one. The Army has bled talent for decades, a consequence of a deeply dysfunctional organization that poorly matches jobs with talent and doesn’t trust its officers to make choices about their own careers.

    The solution, however, isn’t beyond reach. The next step in the evolution of the Pentagon’s leadership system should be what I call a “total volunteer force”—one that treats officers as human capital with autonomy rather than as physical capital in inventory.

    Let me explain. The retention crisis, even in an era of cutbacks and sequestration, is a decades-long dilemma that the military doesn’t often talk about. The Senate investigated the “critical and delicate” problem of a military brain drain as far back as 1954, after President Eisenhower called for Congressional action. Yet after public attention flared following a 2011 survey of junior officers, retired U.S. Army general Frederick Kroesen mocked the issue in the publication ARMY, declaring that “no other profession has developed better ways to identify, develop and reward its leaders.”

    There is at least one top military leader who will talk about the problem. In a farewell address to the cadets of West Point in Feb. 2011, former secretary of defense Robert Gates, admired for his service under Presidents Bush and Obama, expressed his frustration. He wondered how the Army “can break up the institutional concrete, its bureaucratic rigidity in its assignments and promotion processes, in order to retain, challenge, and inspire its best, brightest, and most-battled tested young officers?”

    Sec. Gates understood something that neither the Army nor its critics do. Critics like to think that the most talented young leaders simply leave, whereas many generals refuse to admit any problem exists. The real problem is that the talent is bleeding inside the organization. High quit rates are just a symptom of the deeper problem that too many military members are mis-matched with their jobs.

    In truth, military officers are only volunteers for one day: the day they sign up. Afterwards, they’re treated with the same kind of inflexible, coercive management that has defined militaries since history began. No electronic “job boards” list openings for the thousands of available jobs in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. No junior officers know where their next job assignment will be, or if it will fit with their interests, strengths and talents. And no commanders are trusted to directly hire the subordinates they feel their teams need.

    Rather, junior officers are generally limited to rank-ordering the base locations they prefer. Commanders are limited to making a “by-name request” of some officers, but this is more often than not ignored by higher-ups. Labor supply is coordinated with labor demand by large bureaucracies that haven’t changed much since Harry Truman was president in the 1950s.

    Why does this nonsensical and anachronistic approach persist? The mantra from the central planners in the bowels of the Pentagon has always been that the “needs of the military come first.” That’s dumb. Smart organizations in the private sector have learned that putting employees’ needs first—ahead of corporate ones—only seems unproductive to short-term thinkers. Just look at the way Silicon Valley companies pamper their talent because of how it helps to maximize the bottom line. Compulsion just won’t work in today’s labor market.

    Unfortunately, most career generals think that only coercion will get fighting men and women to enter a war zone. But that’s an insult to our troops. Many generals in the 1960s warned that without a draft, the Army would never attract enough volunteer soldiers during a shooting war. Iraq and Afghanistan proved them wrong. It is motivation, not intimidation, that wins battles.

    The military has changed before, and it can change again. As the Army shifted from a conscripted force to an all-volunteer one following the Vietnam War, productivity, retention, motivation and labor quality increased. Today, for example, roughly 97 percent of military enlistees are high-school graduates, which is 17 percentage points higher than the civilian average. And contrary to conventional wisdom, there are three recruits from America’s wealthiest neighborhoods for every two from its poorest ones.

    Since the 1950s, America’s defense budget shrank from 17 percent of GDP to less than 4 percent today. The Pentagon has historically responded by doing more with less, focusing on quality instead of quantity. It has learned how to motivate the workers who remained, cultivating independent judgment and adaptability as key skills among its youngest officers. Now it’s time to make the Pentagon’s talent management as flexible and adaptable as its talent.

    To create a “total volunteer force,” I believe the Pentagon needs to radically reform. That will mean giving commanders, rather than bureaucrats, hiring authority. It will require the Pentagon to establish a job board which allows qualified officers and enlistees the freedom to apply for any open position. And it will mean instituting substantive evaluations that recognize merit more than seniority.

    Finally, there should be no more “force shaping” with incentives paid to soldiers who retire early. Rather, there should be a free market that lets officers leave if they cannot find a military billet and allows former officers to return to the ranks if a commander will hire them.

    It seems odd to explain to the guys in charge of our missiles that this isn’t rocket science. But leadership is about more than producing great leaders. Great organizations trust those young leaders, too, especially when it comes to managing their own careers.

  8. #28
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Soldier Told Not to Read Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity While in Uniform

    June 7, 2013

    A veteran member of the U.S. Army Band said he is facing retribution and punishment from the military for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his car, reading books written by conservative authors like Mark Levin and David Limbaugh, and serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at his promotion party.

    Master Sgt. Nathan Sommers, a 25-year Army veteran and conservative Christian based at Fort Myer in Washington, believes his outspoken opposition to gay marriage prompted higher-ups to take a closer look at his beliefs. The recipient of an Army Commendation Medal and a soloist at the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford, Sommers said his core beliefs are enough to mark a soldier for persecution in today’s military.

    “It seems like with the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – that the Christians have been the ones who’ve had to go underground and in the closet – for fear of retaliation and reprisals,” Sommers told Fox News. “Christians feel like they can’t be forthright with their faith. They have to hide.”

    Ret. Navy Commander John Bennett Wells is representing the master sergeant. He said there is no doubt in his mind that the U.S. military is discriminating against Christians – and specifically his client.

    “There’s no question about it,“ Wells told Fox News. “Because he is religious, because he feels that homosexual conduct is wrong for religious reasons, he is basically being persecuted.”

    Lt. Col. Justin Platt, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon released a statement to Fox News noting that the military branch cannot comment on ongoing investigations or administrative actions.

    “With respect to the political activities, soldiers are expected to carry out their obligations as citizens in accordance with applicable regulations,” Platt said.

    Army documents obtained by Fox News indicate Sommers was told that his actions bordered on being disrespectful to President Obama and the “slightest inference of disrespect towards superiors can have a demoralizing effect on the unit.”

    “You should strive to express your opinion while being aware of the overall ramifications of your statements,” the Army noted.

    Sommers’ troubles began last April when he was told to remove pro-Republican, anti-Obama bumper stickers that were on his privately owned car.

    The stickers read: “Political Dissent is NOT Racism,” “NOBAMA,” NOPE2012” and “The Road to Bankruptcy is Paved with A**-Fault.”

    His superior officer told the solider that the bumper stickers were creating “unnecessary workplace tension.”

    “The types of stickers on your car were creating an atmosphere detrimental to morale and were creating unnecessary workplace tension,” the officer wrote in an Army document obtained by Fox News. “A Soldier must balance their personal feelings with the mission of the U.S. Army. Even the slightest inference of disrespect towards superiors can have a demoralizing effect on the unit.”

    Attorney Wells said once he got involved, the military backed off of filing a formal reprimand.

    “He’s allowed to have those bumper stickers on his car,” he said. “The DoD regulation allows it. There was nothing obscene about it.”

    During the summer months, Sommers came under fire for reading the works of Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and David Limbaugh.

    Sommers was reading Limbaugh’s “The Great Destroyer” backstage at a U.S. Army Band concert at the U.S. Capitol. A superior officer told him that he was causing “unit disruption” and was offending other soldiers.

    “I wasn’t reading aloud,” he said. “I was just reading privately to myself. I was told they were frowning on that and they warned me that I should not be reading literature like that backstage because it was offensive.”

    In another episode, he had been caught backstage reading a copy of Levin’s “Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America.”

    Sommers said he was told to refrain from reading the book “while in uniform or within sight of anyone from the band.”

    “This is the first time since (my superior officer) indicated I had offended others with my choice of reading material, that I was officially counseled about it,” he said. “The statement took my breath away. I was speechless.”

    In spite of those incidents, the Army promoted the soldier in September to the rank of master sergeant. But the promotion would also mark the launch of an effort by the military to punish the soldier.

    His promotion coincided with a controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A. The company’s president told a reporter that he was “guilty as charged” when it came to supporting traditional marriage. Gay rights activists pounced- calling for a boycott of the Christian-owned company. And some Democratic officials vowed to block Chick-fil-A from opening restaurants in their cities.

    In response to that, Fox News Channel host Mike Huckabee launched a national Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day to rally support for the restaurant chain.

    “I was inspired by Gov. Huckabee’s appreciation day,” Sommers told Fox News. “And since I wasn’t able to participate in the event, I decided to serve Chick-fil-A at my promotion party.”

    It’s a long-standing tradition within the U.S. Army Band for promoted soldiers to host a party for their fellow troops. So the soldier decided to have Chick-fil-A cater the meal.

    “My family likes Chick-fil-A and we like what they stand for,” he said. “I can make a statement and at least express a religious point of view at my promotion party – theoretically without any fear of reprisal.”

    The soldier also tweeted about the party: “In honor of DADT repeal, and Obama/Holder’s refusal to enforce DOMA act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A at my MSG promo reception for Army today.”

    He also tweeted to radio host Mark Levin: “@Marklevinshow ‘luv ya, Mark! Fellow Virginian & MSG, Army. Being promoted today, serving Chick-fil-A @ reception in honor of DADT repeal.”

    Both tweets were cited in an official military document.

    “As a Soldier you must be cognizant of the fact that your statements can be perceived by the general public and other service members to be of a nature bordering on disrespect to the President of the United States,” the document stated.

    Sommers said he paid for the party with personal money, not government funds.

    “I had no idea a Chick-fil-A sandwich would get me in trouble,” he said.

    He was later summoned by a superior officer, who the soldier said is openly gay, and was told that unidentified individuals were offended by the tweets and some considered them to be racist.

    Sommers was reprimanded, threatened with judicial action and given a bad efficiency report. An investigation was also launched.

    “It’s an obvious attempt to set him up and force him out of the military,” Wells said. “They recently did an NCO evaluation that effectively torpedoed his chance at promotion and he could be forced out of the Army.”

    During the course of their investigation, the military unearthed a tweet from 2010 that included a derogatory word for homosexuals. The soldier admitted that he had retweeted someone else’s original tweet.

    “Lordy, Lordy, it’s f****t Tuesday. The lefty loons and Obamabots are out in full force,” the retweet read.

    The soldier was hauled in to explain himself before a superior officer.

    “He explained to me that homosexual Soldiers were now afraid of me,” Sommers said. “He showed me a letter from an Army Band colleague that demanded that I publicly apologize (to) the band for my statements and that I should be removed from positions of leadership and influence.”

    Sommers admitted the retweet was a case of bad judgment on his part, but he said he believes that a group of homosexual soldiers are on a witch hunt and they were “attempting to dig up any negative information they could in order to silence me or ruin my career.”

    Attorney Wells said Sommers is taking a “courageous course.”

    “He’s not going to abandon his beliefs,” he said. “It would be easy for him to stand up and say, ‘Oh, I’ve seen the light. Yes, I was wrong – and I’m going to do everything I can to embrace the political correctness and all will be forgiven.’”

    But Wells said the soldier’s “conscience won’t allow him to do that.”

    Sommers said he has worked alongside gay soldiers for quite some time and does not have a problem serving with them.

    “My point is everybody has a right,” he said. “Christians also have a right to express their points of view and that’s what’s being squelched here. There is no tolerance or dissent from the military’s point of view.”

    The soldier fears that the military is becoming less tolerant.

    “Ironically, the liberals are preaching tolerance,” he said. “They are saying, ‘We can tolerate you.’ But if you have a certain belief that doesn’t align with what the military wants you to believe – particularly religious beliefs – you’re no longer welcome in the U.S. military.”

    Attorney Wells said his client is not going down without a fight – and they are vowing to file a federal lawsuit and reach out to Congress if necessary.

    Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty said stories like this are becoming commonplace in the military post-repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

    “These stories are the ones that have not been told – about some of the more subtle ramifications of the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy,” he said.

    One service member received a severe reprimand for expressing his faith’s religious position about homosexuality in a personal religious blog.

    A chaplain was relieved of his command over a military chapel because he could not allow same-sex weddings to take place in the chapel.

    And a chaplain who asked senior military officers whether religious liberty would be protected in the wake of the repeal of the law against open homosexual behavior in the military was told to “get in line” or resign.

    Crews said they are sharing these stories to let other service members know there is a place to get help. He said Chaplain Alliance publishes a religious liberty palm card – explaining constitutionally protected liberties to service members.

    “If you believe your religious liberties have been violated, here’s what you can do,” he said. “We will see that you get the help that you need.”

    And what about Sommers?

    “We’re going to stand with this soldier who did nothing wrong,” Crews said. “There is nothing wrong in saying he wants to celebrate DOMA – which happens to be federal law."

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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    Oh, man, I forgot to post that here when I saw it the other day. I was resending it on Facebook and Twitter though.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Federal Suit Filed; OLF Practices Suspended - Whidbey Island Carrier Landing Practice

    July 19, 2013

    A Central Whidbey community group aiming to close Outlying Field Coupeville has taken its fight to federal court.

    Citizens of the Ebey’s Reserve for a Healthy, Safe & Peaceful Environment filed a lawsuit Monday.

    Capt. Mike Nortier, commander of Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, and Adm. Bill Gortney, Commander Fleet Forces Command, are both named as parties in the suit.

    In a Thursday statement, the Navy declined to comment on details of the suit, but it did reveal a major change of airfield operations.

    “It would be inappropriate for the Navy to comment on the specifics of pending litigation.

    “Last month, however, the Navy decided to temporarily suspend field carrier landing practice (FCLP) operations at OLF Coupeville until the end of the calendar year.

    “This decision will create operational impacts, and is not considered to be sustainable for the long term. Conducting all FCLPs at Ault Field will interfere with other necessary operations, entailing delays and operational conflicts.”

    EFFORTS TO engage Navy leaders about jet noise concerns have failed and legal action was the last recourse, said representatives of the citizens group.

    “The only way we could get them to talk to us was to file a suit,” said Maryon Attwood, a member of the group’s board of directors.

    In June, the organization’s attorneys, Seattle-based Gendler & Mann, gave the Navy 30 days to begin an in-depth review of operations at the airfield based on National Environmental Protection Act standards.

    The letter also included a privately funded noise study that claimed aircraft performing touch-and-go maneuvers at the airfield are so loud they represent a health risk.

    According to Attwood, the Navy did not respond.

    THOUGH SPECIFICALLY named in the lawsuit, Nortier declined to comment, saying it would be inappropriate to talk about pending litigation.

    Congressman Rick Larsen, a Second District Democrat and member of the Armed Forces Committee, also declined to weigh in.

    “As a member of Congress, Rep. Larsen does not weigh in on pending lawsuits so he will not be commenting,” wrote an aide, in an email to the Whidbey News-Times.

    The complaint, filed in U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington in Seattle, alleges that the Navy failed to meet requirements outlined in the National Environmental Protection Act.

    The group is asking a federal judge to intervene and force the commission of an in depth review, known as environmental impact statement.

    “Basically, we’re trying to get them to do what they should have done in 2005,” Attwood said.

    THE NAVY completed an environmental assessment in 2005 that examined the base’s planned transition from the EA-6B Prowler to the EA-18G Growler aircrafts.

    The lawsuit contends the new planes are not only louder than the Navy’s assessment claims, but the jets are flying more frequently than predicted.

    “(The group) and its membership have been significantly harmed by a significant increase in flight operations at OLF Coupeville,” the complaint said. “Members suffer a variety of health impacts, including a loss of hearing, loss of sleep and loss of ability to focus or work.”

    According to the lawsuit, the 2005 study estimated flight operations would fall 20 percent, from 7,682 in 2003 to 6,120 in 2013.

    The group alleges, however, that operations have exceeded that prediction since 2010, topping out at nearly 9,670 last year.

    Also, the organization’s recently funded noise study asserts that recorded noise levels that are “well above the levels requiring hearing protection and are high enough to potentially result in permanent hearing loss.”

    The noise study is one of the cornerstones of the lawsuit but not everyone is sold on its conclusions.

    “I QUESTION the validity of any study commissioned by a special interest group,” Island County Commissioner Jill Johnson, referring to the anti-OLF group’s findings.

    “I grew up under a flight path and I hear just fine,” she said.

    Like many who believe the noise complaints are superfluous, Johnson called the lawsuit “unfortunate” and said that it puts the base’s future in jeopardy.

    During a recent meeting with Navy leadership, Johnson said she learned that airbases with carrier-based squadrons need an outlying field within 50 miles or two parallel runways.

    “We don’t have two parallel runways,” Johnson said.

    “The linkage between OLF and NAS Whidbey makes this conversation dangerous for the future economy of Whidbey Island,” she said.

    ISLAND COUNTY Commissioner Helen Price Johnson’s position on the issue is less clear. Asked to comment on the lawsuit during an interview Wednesday, she said it’s a separate matter from her efforts to find immediate solutions.

    “I want to stay focused on what I think I can do,” Price Johnson said.

    She and Mayor Nancy Conard recently hosted a community meeting in Coupeville in an attempt to generate mitigation strategies.

    They contend the airfield fate is not in their hands, but that they can work with Navy leadership to reduce the impact while the matter is being decided.

    Price Johnson did say, however, that the reality of flight operations is not what was outlined in the Navy’s 2005 study.

    “It is different than what was expected.”

    THE CITIZENS of the Ebey’s Reserve’s lawsuit is seeking a “temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction and/or permanent injunction” that would require the cessation of flight operations at the airfield until the study is completed.

    Joe Kunzler, a Navy and OLF supporter, said he favors having an additional study, but called the group’s request “over the top.”

    “I’m just outraged,” Kunzler said. “That’s not a solution.”

    Environmental impact studies can take years to perform and pilots can’t go without a place to train for so long, he said.

    Kunzler said he launched an online petition to save the airfield.

    The Navy 60 days to respond to the lawsuit.

    The Navy confirmed in its statement this week that it is already looking at “the need for further NEPA action for Growler operations at NAS Whidbey Island and OLF Coupeville.”

    Navy officials promise to keep the community informed of study plans.

    “The Navy will notify the public if and when any further NEPA action commences.”

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    Companion Threads and Articles:

    Unisex Uniforms Debut As Army Opens Units To Women

    July 28, 2013 10:26 AM

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    The US Army debuted its new unisex combat uniform as women are welcomed into units. (Source:

    FORD GORDON, Ga. (AP) — A new combat uniform with special consideration to the female body is now available at Fort Gordon, almost a month after the Army announced plans to open all units and military jobs to women by 2016.

    The March debut of the Combat Uniform-Alternate is the first in a series of moves the Army hopes to make in the next three years to help female soldiers feel like more professional members, officials said.

    With narrower shoulders, a slightly tapered waist and a more spacious seat, the unisex clothing line has been in the works since 2009 and is being issued to all installations – except Fort Benning in Columbus, Ga. – for men and women with a smaller or more slender body.

    Soldiers will soon be able to order the new uniform at the Fort Gordon Military Clothing store, according to Stefan Marks, the post exchange’s general manager.

    Marks said all 16 sizes of the new line will be available to try on at the store in two to three weeks.

    “After a soldier finds the right fit, they may place an order for the uniform, which will then be delivered to the store,” Marks said.

    Unlike the decades-old Army combat uniform, which comes in 36 sizes and was designed principally by men for men, the alternate clothing line was created to fit a broader range of body types, officials say.

    The trousers feature wider areas at the hips, waist and backside; elastic around the waistband instead of pull string; adjusted pockets and knee-pad inserts; and a shortened rise in pants.

    The jackets include adjusted rank and name tape positioning, adjusted pockets and elbow-pad inserts, slimmer shoulders, a thinner and more fitted waist, and a longer and wider coat bottom.

    Also, buttons are replacing the fabric fastener pockets.

    According to a 2008 Army focus group report, “unisex” combat uniforms designed for men fit many women badly in the shoulders, bust, hips and crotch and left many buying larger sizes.

    The Army designed a solution and had 400 active-duty and 200 National Guard and Reserve female soldiers fit-test the line in 2011.

    Eighty-six percent said the coat fit better and 71 percent said the trousers fit better, Maj. Laverne Stanley, the assistant product manager of soldier clothing and individual equipment, said in a statement.

    “An overwhelming majority, 94 percent of all respondents, said that the cut of the new ACU-A allowed them to present a better military appearance,” she said.

    Roughly one in every six soldiers is a woman, and last month, the Army announced that the ratio likely will increase by early 2014, when the service will continue its efforts to open all closed units and military occupational specialties to women.

    In 2012, the Army opened 14,000 positions in closed units to female soldiers, and this year, senior leadership has signaled its intent to open an additional 6,000 infantry, armor and field artillery positions before accepting female applicants into reconnaissance, surveillance, and targeting and acquisition battalions.

    The Army is planning to develop gender-neutral standards to ensure all soldiers have fair access to jobs.

    Beginning in July 2014, the Army will open military occupational specialties within its engineer branch then follow up with positions in its field artillery, armor and infantry branches.

    The changes will lead to more than 116,800 new opportunities for women in the Army.

    The service said it is developing body armor, flight suits and physical training uniforms for women.

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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    As the Axis has been raising the standards for their militaries readiness for 2015, 2016 and beyond...

    Military lowering standards to qualify women for combat

    July 27, 2013 by Tom Tillison 10 Comments

    Photo Credit

    Don’t look now but affirmative action is coming to the U.S. military as it considers different training for men and women.

    Instead of “Army Strong,” perhaps the new motto should be “Army Fair.”

    When former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced the lifting of the ban on women serving in combat earlier this year, he said not everyone can meet the qualifications to be a combat soldier but everyone is entitled the opportunity, as reported by Fox News.

    Since the decision to lift the ban, there has been a lot of debate about the physical requirements of serving in front-line positions, with concerns about lower standards being part of that discussion.

    Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who supported the decision, spoke of this when he said the military, and particularly elite special forces units, should maintain their “rigorous physical standards.”

    Six months later, we learn that the U.S. military is looking at ways to modify its training for women to help them qualify for direct ground combat roles in the infantry, tanks and special operations, according to the Washington Times.

    The idea was proposed by Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Mass., at a House Armed Services Committee hearing this week.

    “To put in place a training regimen that is ill-suited to maximizing the success of women is not really the outcome any of us want to see,” she said.

    Army Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, deputy chief of staff for personnel, appears to agree with Tsongas.

    “We are looking at that, and we’re not looking at it just for the integration of women,” he testified. “We’re looking at it for the total soldier, because just as you have a 110-pound male who may lack some type of physiological capability or physical capability, he or she may both need to be trained differently.”

    Lt. Gen. Robert Milstead Jr., deputy Marine Corps commandant for manpower, is also on board. While pitching for gender-segregated boot camp, he spoke of how men and women “need to be nurtured different.”

    As it stands, all four women who’ve attempted to pass the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course have failed. The demanding 13-week course is considered to be among the toughest in the U.S. military.

    And while much of today’s combat takes place at a distance, al-Qaida must be looking forward to meeting this new “nurtured” soldier up close and personal on the battlefield.

    Apparently, “maximizing the success of women” is a greater priority for some than living and dying.

    Of course, if you understand the progressive left, you could see this coming. Just as Obamacare is but a foot in the door that will lead to single payer, the announcement in January was just the beginning of the emasculation of the U.S. military.

    Which leaves one to wonder if the final earthly thoughts of these new American soldiers, as they lay dying on the battlefield, will be to wish that there had been a little less gender equality within their unit.

    Women in combat no later than 2016, Pentagon says

    The next steps to prepare for women in combat include setting physical standards for previously male-only jobs and reassuring Congress that combat won't expose more women to sexual assault.

    By Anna Mulrine, Staff writer / July 25, 2013

    Female soldiers from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, train on a firing range while testing new body armor in Fort Campbell, Ky., in preparation for their deployment to Afghanistan 2012 file photo. Women are scheduled take up official combat roles as early as 2016, the Pentagon told a congressional panel this week.

    Mark Humphrey/AP/File


    Women could be officially moving into combat roles by 2016, according to top US military officials.

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    But some lawmakers continue to express concern about whether the Pentagon will be able to make this move without lowering physical standards.

    Others express concern that the integration of women into fighting units could increase incidents of sexual assault.

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    Top Pentagon officials traveled to Capitol Hill this week in an effort to reassure Congress that performance standards would remain high, and that rather than exposing women to sexual assault, integrating female troops into combat units could actually make them less likely to be harassed or raped by their male peers.

    On these points, some lawmakers remained skeptical.

    "Have you anticipated what’s going to happen?" asked Rep. Jackie Walorski (R) of Indiana of a senior defense official during a hearing before the House Armed Service's military personnel subcommittee Wednesday, as she expressed concern that putting women into small combat units could inspire their male comrades in arms to sexually assault them.

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    "What’s happening now doesn't work," she added. "Is there research? Is there a plan?"

    Juliet Beyler, the Pentagon’s director of Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management, said that rather than expose them to risk, treating women equally to their fellow male troops could help resolve the problem of sexual assault.

    "The more we treat service members equally, the more likely they are to treat each other with respect," she said.
    More than physical standards, others have questioned the impact of female troops on the morale of all-male units, such as those in the Special Operations Forces.

    "Our concern about integration generally centers upon the impact of unit cohesion," said Maj. Gen. Bennet Sacolick, director of Force Management and Development for US Special Operations Command. "These concerns include both social cohesion – referring to the extent to which team members feel emotionally bonded with each other – and task cohesion, referring to the mutual commitment among the individual team members in achieving the group objective."

    And so General Sacolick says that he has commissioned a RAND Corporation study to design a survey "for every single SOF operator to assist in first identifying – and then eliminating – barriers to integration."

    The secretary of Defense has ordered the services to begin having assessments of how they will integrate women into combat units completed by July 2014.

    The head of US Special Operations Command, for example, then has another year – until July 2015 – to review the information and provide his recommendation about whether integrating women into SOF units is feasible and, if not, to explain why.

    By January 2016, services are to begin officially integrating women into positions that have previously been closed to them, if they have not already done so.

    The key now is designing tests that can be used to create physical standards. Even in many male-only jobs, such as loading tanks and artillery, there are currently no established physical standards for being eligible to have the job.

    In other words, as long as troops are male, they have been able to have the job without any physical tests, some lawmakers point out. Others argued that along with physical standards, perhaps, the US military should be equally concerned with developing mental standards for certain jobs as well.

    "I think we're all realizing that the mental agility required of today's tasks are much more than we realized in the past," said Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, the US Army's deputy chief of staff.

    "And so, within each military occupational specialty, that's an area we’re examining," he added. "It's a new area for us. We're certainly not as conversant in it as we should be at this point, but it's something we have to take on."

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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    Women in combat a dangerous experiment

    By Jerry Boykin, Special to CNN
    updated 10:35 AM EST, Sat January 26, 2013

    From left, Marines Sgt. Sheena Adams and Lance Cpl. Kristi Baker and Navy Hospital Corpsman Shannon Crowley work with a Female Engagement Team in Afghanistan in November 2010.


    • Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin: Allowing women to fill combat roles is a deeply flawed idea
    • He says women already serve ably without being placed in infantry, Special Forces
    • He says move an untenable social experiment that will affect effectiveness of ground forces
    • Boykin: Congress should form committee to examine impact of this decision on the ground

    Editor's note: Lt. Gen.(Ret.) Jerry Boykin, is executive vice president of the Family Research Council. He served in the U.S. Army for 36 years, is an original member of the Delta Force and former commander of the Green Berets. He formerly served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.

    (CNN) -- On Thursday, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced that the Obama administration would allow women to be placed in positions that will expose them more directly to fighting with enemy ground forces. It is said that this will allow women to fill hundreds of thousands of combat roles from which they are currently excluded.

    Substantively, this is a poor idea. Furthermore, the decision-making process used to bring this change about is deeply flawed.

    America's ongoing war against terror-supporting states and terror networks, commenced after 9/11, has seen an increased combat role for women in the U.S. armed forces. According to recent news accounts, more than 800 have been wounded and more than 130 have died. Clearly, women have fought honorably, bravely and with great distinction.

    The greater inclusion of women has allowed our armed forces to tap into an enormous pool of talent and character. And as the casualty figures above indicate, the current posture of the U.S. armed forces is not one in which women are leading cloistered, sheltered lives. They are often exposed to great danger. So, what is it then that President Obama and Panetta are doing?

    Under the policy, women may end up being placed in infantry and Special Forces battalions and other front line combat units. To doubt the wisdom of this action does not reflect on the courage or abilities of female service members. But the step crosses a line worthy of greater deliberation and public debate.

    Opinion: The challenge of incorporating women into the infantry

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    The proof that this decision is ideologically and not militarily based is its very sweeping nature. It appears that the people who did this are engaged in a vast social experiment in which hundreds of thousands of men and women will be the guinea pigs. We are now testing a hypothesis that may impair the military effectiveness of our ground forces.

    The slots that may be opened are in our infantry and Special Forces units. The purpose of such units is to directly and physically engage enemy forces. This can often involve personal, hand-to-hand combat in which women will now have to fight men.

    These units can often be deployed in prolonged operations that can last for months. The physical toll is constant and wearing. During operations of this kind there is typically no access to a base of operations or facilities. Consequently, living conditions can be abysmal and base.

    There is routinely no privacy or ability to maintain personal hygiene for extended periods. Soldiers and Marines have to relieve themselves within sight of others. Think back to those scenes of combat in Vietnam, the Pacific in World War II, or the frozen mountains of Korea. It isn't pretty, and the same is happening now in Afghanistan.

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    Debating women in combat roles

    Veterans debate women in combat roles

    This combat environment -- now containing males and females -- will place a tremendous burden on combat commanders. Not only will they have to maintain their focus on defeating the enemy in battle, they will have to do so in an environment that combines life-threatening danger with underlying sexual tensions. This is a lot to ask of the young leaders, both men and women, who will have to juggle the need to join and separate the sexes within the context of quickly developing and deadly situations.

    Is the experiment worth placing this burden on small unit leaders? I think it is asking too much.

    Something as momentous as this should be endorsed by the Congress of the United States. Ideas like these have been percolating within corners of the Defense Department for years waiting to be unleashed. One study by the Congressional Research Service recommended that "women should be excluded from direct land combat units and positions." Now, ideologues within the bureaucracy have prevailed, but a volunteer force has to maintain its legitimacy with the wider public. That is why the Constitution gives the Congress the power to shape and structure the military.

    I worry about the women who are currently in the military. They have to know that the lines keeping them from infantry and Special Forces battalions will get blurrier and blurrier. What protections will they have against being thrown into front-line infantry units as organizational dividers soften and expectations change? Very little protection, I am afraid. Will they leave the military? This policy change may have the ironic effect of forcing women to reconsider their place in the armed services. If true, that would be tragic.

    By the numbers: Women in the U.S. military

    Congress should examine what the Department of Defense is doing here -- really. The Congress must do some hard, nonideological work and assess job categories and physical requirements. Perhaps a special committee could be formed whose members actually served in the infantry and Special Forces. If it will not reverse the policy, then Congress needs to put in place a comprehensive, nonpoliticized system that will track the physical effects of these changes on women. The data needs to be made public, so there can be a fair, scientific assessment of this great experiment.

    President Obama and Panetta have their agenda of change and transformation. The American public, however, should not sit back and leave the brave members of our armed forces susceptible to the whims of ideology. Men and women can serve together in the armed forces productively, but that service needs to be prudently structured in a manner that reflects the differences between the sexes and the power of their attractions.

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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    The Marines are doing this too...

    Uniform Uniformity: Dress Blues Wear Test Could Bring Servicewide Changes

    Isn't it funny how we're supposed to "Celebrate Diversity" up until we recognize there are actually differences between the sexes.

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    I want you guys to hunt down a book.

    It's called "Earthblood". It's LONG out of print, but it is the shape of things to come - oh wait, here's a mass market paperback copy:

    Seriously, if you want some light reading, read that story. I have the original hardback and have read it several times, and it's probably my favorite story on the planet.

    Basically Humans are gone. There's nothing left but "Gooks and Geeks". ALL of them are humanoids, but none are human, except a few that are very, very CLOSE to human. The racism of the galaxy is rampant. No one race is in charge, intelligent quotients have dropped. Some are mere animals, but smart animals.

    One "embryo" is implanted and it turns out he is a REAL human. He goes to earth.

    The image above, with the androgynous uniformed person is what most "men" have become in a later part. I won't spoil the whole story line if anyone goes to get it but it IS a lesson in life and what IS happening to this Earth.

    We as humans are doomed.... because of the feminization of men, the "celebration of diversity", the want and need to "act like others who aren't us" and the forced "go along to get along" attitude of America and Western Civilization.

    I'll point something out, France, Italy, Spain, England and other countries "have been there for hundreds or thousand of years".... while places like Rome fell and never returned.

    The United States has been here for 237 years.... we are falling, failing and it's because everyone wants to be like Europe.

    Well, the FACT IS that those same countries I mentioned have ALL fallen. More than once. France's ass wouldn't BE here without the United States, and NEITHER WOULD ENGLAND. Spain is as corrupt as they come, and has been under Socialist rule, Marxist rule, Democratic rule and who knows what other "rule" and is contanstly changing.

    The fact is there is ONE and ONLY ONE Rock in the World right now and it IS the United States.

    This shit has to stop. We have to put these "changers" out of office. They aren't for change, they are CHANGELINGS!

    I'm disgusted with the military, the Pentagon, the President and the men (and I use that word loosely) who run the military.

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    DOD Documents Suggest Colonists Were 'Extremist' for Fighting British Rule

    August 23, 2013
    By AWR Hawkins

    Department of Defense (DOD) teaching documents show that DOD educational materials describe conservative groups as "hate groups" and suggest the colonists who fought against British rule were "extremist."

    Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 8, 2013, in an attempt to see what impact the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has on government agencies.

    Included in the documents is a Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute "student guide" titled "Extremism."

    The guide defines an extremist as a person "who advocates the use of force or violence, advocates supremacist causes based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national origin; or otherwise engages to illegally deprive individuals or groups of their civil rights."

    The SPLC has been clear in describing mainstream conservative groups as "hate groups," and other resources listed by the DOD guide "[consider] any politically or socially conservative movement to be a potential hate group."

    In discussing "extremist ideologies and movements," the DOD guide lists "the colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule" as an example.

    Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton reacted to the guide by saying, "The Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism. And now, in a document full of claptrap, its Defense Department suggests that the Founding Fathers, and many conservative Americans," fit the bill as well.

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    Welcome to my world.

    Terrorism? Terrorism is when someone attacks the American way of life. That makes the terrorists the government in my book, leftists, communists, progressives. Those are your terrorists.

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    Default Re: The Leftist Plot to Destroy the US Military

    Companion Threads:

    Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats

    By Jeane MacIntosh
    October 23, 2013 | 10:30pm

    The old hats (left) compared to the new ones (right).

    A change to the Marine Corps’ uniform hats could take the hard-nosed Leathernecks from the Halls of Montezuma to the shops of Christopher Street.

    Thanks to a plan by President Obama to create a “unisex” look for the Corps, officials are on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so “girly” that they would make the French blush.

    “We don’t even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women’s hats!” one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. “The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous.”

    The thin new hats have a feminine line that some officials think would make them look just as good on female marines as on males — in keeping with the Obama directive.

    One of the new hats worn by a female Marine.

    They have been dubbed the “Dan Daly” hat, after a sergeant from Long Island who won the Medal of Honor in World War I.

    But some Marines love the old hat, which has been in use since 1922 and think the new hat is a glorified “porter’s cap.”

    “The Dan Daly cap looks too French, and the last people we want to associate our Marines with would be the French military,” wrote one commenter on the Marine Times Web site.

    As of now, the new hats are only in the proposal stage.

    Officials have until Friday to cast their votes on whether to adopt them or keep the old hat with modifications. Marine Corps head Gen. James Amos will make the final decision.

    According to a memo obtained by The Post, replacing the hats could cost over $8 million.

    A poll of a Marine uniform advisory board found that “The group members did not like the appearance of the Dan Daly cap on the male Marine.”

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    But some Marines love the old hat, which has been in use since 1922 and think the new hat is a glorified “porter’s cap.”
    Goes well with the new umbrellas....

    "Semper Femmelis"

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    Looks like something those effete French would wear.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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