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Thread: Beer!

  1. #181
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Fire Damages Yuengling Brewery

    October 28, 2013

    While Florida fire investigators work to determine what exactly sparked a weekend fire at Yuengling Brewing in Tampa, the initial report is that the fire was accidental in nature.

    The fire sent flames through the roof of a storage building at the brewery.

    The fire caused an estimated $1 million in damage to the building, according to a report in the Tampa Tribune.

    One firefighter was taken to the hospital to be treated for a minor injury.

  2. #182
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    Muslims did it. They hate beer.

  3. #183
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beer!

    Was down at Party Source the other day and saw they had a selection of Evil Twin Brewing's beers featured so, I thought I'd put myself together a bit of a sampler pack with several singles.

    Tonight I'm starting with the biggest and baddest of them, Molotov Cocktail.

    This weighs in at a whopping 13% ABV! Poured a red-gold into a shaker with a moderate head. The head quickly faded to just a slight covering. The aroma on this one is cream and heavy hops, citrus. Body is sticky thick. Taste is very sweet and the alcohol is very well masked to the point that if you had a 6er, it could get dangerous! Also tasted is bitter grapefruit and caramel malt.

    This is in the same category as other big DIPAs like Dogfish's 120, Bell's Hopslam, and Mikkeller Double Eye PA. If I had to rate it among those 3, I'd give 120 #1, Hopslam #2, Molotov Cocktail #3, and Double Eye #4.

  4. #184
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    Don't throw that!

  5. #185
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Certainly not!

    It's too tasty to do that to.

  6. #186
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Got a bit of a surprise review tonight... Strolled into Jungle Jim's on lunch just to kill some time and found a new Dogfish on the shelves I hadn't heard about (admittedly I don't keep up with news from some of my favorite breweries, I just don't have the time)!

    Of course with a surprise like an unexpected, new Dogfish brew I had to try it tonight.

    This one is called Kvasir (pronounced Va-seer). It's the newest in their Ancient Ales series they do.

    Most Dogfish beers are an adventure in their making and this one is no exception. Here's some cool backstory on the inception of this one:

    Dogfish Head's Ancient Ale Kvasir Revives Hybrid Scandinavian Grog

    Sam and Dr. Pat share a laugh while brewing a test batch of Kvasir in Delaware

    In ancient Europe, before wine arrived from the Near East, alcoholic beverages were cocktails of sugar-rich ingredients like honey, fruit and grain.

    With the help of biomolecular archaeologist Dr. Patrick McGovern and Swedish brewer Lasse Ericsson, Dogfish Head is re-creating another ancient hybrid ale, this time from the Nordic climes of Scandinavia.

    "Last year, we brewed an Ancient Ale from southern Europe," says Dogfish Head Founder and President Sam Calagione, "so it's been interesting to see the differences driven by the Scandinavian climate and terroir."

    The recipe for Kvasir, which clocks in at 10% ABV, was developed with the help of chemical, botanical and pollen evidence taken from a 3,500-year-old Danish drinking vessel. The vessel, made of birch bark, was found in the tomb of a leather-clad woman who Dr. Pat says was probably an upper-class dancer or priestess.

    The analysis pointed to the ingredients Dogfish and friends are using in this unique new brew: wheat, lingonberries, cranberries, myrica gale, yarrow, honey and birch syrup.

    The base of Kvasir is a toasty red winter wheat, and the bog-grown berries will deliver a pungent tartness. While a handful of hops will be used, the earthy, bitter counterpunch to the sweet honey and birch syrup will come from the herbs.

    "I'm psyched about doing this Nordic grog," says Dr. Pat. "We're bringing back to life an innovation of our prehistoric ancestors at the most northerly limits of the planet."

    In early April, Sam and Dr. Pat will fly to Sweden to brew a batch of Kvasir at Ericsson's brewery, Nynashamna Ã…ngbryggeri, which will handle European distribution.

    "This beer is something no one has done here in Scandinavia for thousands of years," says Ericsson. "We are super stoked to be trusted to be part of bringing it back alive."

    Dogfish Head's version of Kvasir will debut in July in 750-ml bottles. It will be available throughout Dogfish's 27-state distribution network, pending local approval.
    This is so new, there aren't really any decent pictures out there so here's my own...

    Poured this into an English Pint glass. It poured a clear, deep red-amber with a hearty white head. Head doesn't last too long though. Nose is honey, cranberry, and a slight sour note. Taste is sweet honey, (not overly) tart cranberry, rye, and some herbal spice. Body is medium heavy and dry. The 10% ABV is not at all noticeable, hidden very well by the overall flavor.

    This is a very tasty brew. Definitely recommend picking it up if not just to support Dogfish always pushing the boundaries of brewing science.

  7. #187
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Tonight I'm having a beer with one of the longest names I've ever seen!

    This is another one from Evil Twin, Christmas Eve At A New York City Hotel Room.

    Poured near black into a snifter. Fairly small dark brown head that vanished quickly. Aroma of coffee, roasted malt, and some astringent alcohol. Taste is definitely chocolate and slightly bitter coffee. Both flavors come through strong. This beer makes no effort to hide the 10% alcohol in it but it isn't overpowering. The body on this one is heavy and filling. Quite a good beer if not a little on the pricy side.

  8. #188
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Since it's the weekend I'm going for a second new beer tonight.

    Another one from Evil Twin, this one is Ryan And The Beaster Bunny

    Going to the opposite end of the spectrum with this one... It pours a hazy light gold with a big, white head into a tulip. Head fades reasonably fast into a thin remnant. The nose on this one is very inviting! Smells of lemon, pear, as well as some herbs and spice. Taste is a lot like the nose. I also get some hoppy bitterness and a little honey sweetness. Body is crisp and thin. Tasty but I do like the Christmas Eve At A New York City Hotel Room better.

  9. #189
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Even though it is Sunday night, tonight is going to be another two-fer. Both brews from Evil Twin. When you see the name of this first one, you'll understand.

    First up tonight is Evil Twin's Yin.

    Interestingly, this one is brewed at Brew Dog according to RateBeer!

    Poured about as dark as CEAANYCHR () into a snifter with a thin brown head that didn't last long. Aroma on this one is malt chocolate, alcohol, and smoke. Taste is bitter coffee balanced by some sweet malt chocolate and some smokey flavor. Body is moderately heavy on this. The 10% is there but it isn't a big presence. A pretty good beer!

  10. #190
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    And this one is, quite obviously, Evil Twin's Yang!

    Also brewed at Brew Dog per RateBeer...

    Poured a hazy red-brown into a snifter. Thin off-white head that faded. Nose is melon, citrus, and a kind of syrupy sweetness. Taste is bitter hoppiness and resin. Yeasty and bitter aftertaste. This is 10% but the alcohol doesn't come through very strongly. Honestly, the bitterness makes it a little hard to nail down much else. Body is moderate. This one was a little challenging to finish because of the bitter bite to it.

    Apparently folks make Black and Tans with Yin and Yang. May have to go back and pick up a bottle of each to give it a try.

    Evil Twin also has a pre-made Black and Tan called, not surprisingly, Yin & Yang. I didn't see this at Party Source when I picked up the rest.

  11. #191
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    I also wanted to post about an apparently new Brew Dog beer that is officially on my radar. You folks are going to love this... Nanny State

    The best part is it is only 0.5% ABV! No, that is NOT a typo!

    The guys at Brew Dog are definitely libertarian minded and have a great sense of humor. This beer really shows it.

    I WILL have this bottle in my collection!

  12. #192
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    I picked this one up a couple weeks back and I've really been wanting to try it so I figured tonight was as good as any.

    This is a new one from Bell's called Wheat Love Ale.

    Poured a cloudy gold into a snifter with a thin white head that didn't last long. Aroma of spices like a Saison. Lemon and wheat are also in there. Taste is pretty close to the nose with this one. Sweet. Body is on the thinner side and a bit dry. Bell's calls this a barleywine but it definitely reminds me more of a Saison. Still, I really do like it and kind of wish I had bought more than one bottle!

  13. #193
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    My beer was free yesterday. All day.

    I walked in and was given beer because I'm a vet!

    I love the benefits! haha

  14. #194
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    LOL! There were a lot of places giving away free food.

    My brother could have gone to Applebee's, Quaker Steak, Texas Roadhouse, and Golden Corral (and probably a few others) doing nothing but eating all day!

    I know he did take a couple places up on their free food offers but I'm not sure where all he went.

  15. #195
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    I walked into Rock Bottom (and it's like Cheers for me, everyone knows my name there) and they brought the beer over without me even asking. They just brought my favorites. Had to pay for the wife's stuff of course.

    There were a dozen or more military active and vets in the place when I got there yesterday. Most of them (including me) didn't KNOW we were going to get free beer. I just was planning on having one and going back to prep for the interview I was doing with a realtor.

    It was kind of nice though.

  16. #196
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    It's Friday (well, Saturday now) and it's been a long day at work...

    Decided to open up a nice barleywine. This one is New Holland's Pilgrim's Dole.

    Poured a clear, dark red-brown into a snifter. Almost no head. Nose is dark fruits, vanilla, caramel, and grains. Taste is plum and raisin with an oakey note. Very rich. This is rated at 12% but it is very subtle! Body on this is thick and sticky sweet. Excellent beer for sipping. Pleasantly warming on a cold night.

  17. #197
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Right now I'm enjoying another Evil Twin brew. This one is called Lil' B, an Imperial Porter.

    Poured pitch black into a shaker. Very little, dense brown head. Smells like roasted malts, coffee, and alcohol. Tastes is heavily sweet chocolate, a little bitterness, and some alcohol though not as much as the 11.5% it is. Heavy body on this one. Gets more flavorful as it warms. This one is pretty good! Don't think I've had one yet from Evil Twin I don't like.

  18. #198
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    'Here We Go': Disabled Man Returns To Burning Home To Save His Beer

    October 25, 2013

    Party right with Bud Light: Superfan Walter Serpit ran into a burning home to save his prized Bud Light

    Most people have surely pondered what they would save if their house was burning down. A disabled Georgia man went back into a burning home this week to retrieve his beer.

    Walter Serpit's house was on fire Thursday, but that did not deter him from going back in for his most prized possession, a case of Bud Light.

    Six adults and two young children made it out, but Mr Serpit - who walks with a cane - narrowly escaped death as he ambled back in for his beloved lager.

    'I told them to get the kids out and everything, and me myself, being an alcoholic, I was trying to get my beer out,' Mr Serpit, Of Columbus, told WTVM.

    I went back into the house like a dummy and the door shut on me because this back draft was about to kill me,' he added.

    Remarkably, he made his way to the fridge, grabbed the beer and escaped certain fiery doom.

    News footage showed Mr Serpit's case of beer on the ground while he spoke to the media.

    No one was injured as a reult of the blaze and it is not clear in what condition the house remains, based on multiple local reports.

    The Red Cross was on the scene to provide assistance to those affected by the blaze, WTVM noted.

    A new water heater is suspected in the blaze, but the investigation is still ongoing.

  19. #199
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    "myself, being an alcoholic"....

    They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Though as non-nonchalant as his statement is it sounds as if he doesn't think of it as being a "problem".


  20. #200
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Beer As Good As Therapy? German Health Official Says Drink Can Effectively Treat Psychological Problems, Sparks Controversy

    November 8, 2013

    Josef Hecken, chairman of the Federal Joint Committee (GBA), Germany’s highest decision-making body of the self-government of doctors, dentists and health insurance funds, made a media splash this week after commenting on beer’s ability to take care of minor psychiatric problems.

    Hecken, whose comment was probably taken out of context by the media, said that not “every second” person needed psychotherapy, and that a beer could do the job just fine. He later said he was aware that his comment, dropped during a GBA meeting, could be easily “misunderstood.”

    “Generally GBA meetings are dry, specialist affairs,” Germany's The Local writes, “where representatives from doctors’ associations, statutory health insurers and hospitals discuss what treatments are effective for patients and value for money.” Hecken made the comment in the midst of a debate over whether more psychotherapists should be included in a statutory healthcare provision.

    Hecken later said that his comment was “unfortunate” and that he did not intend to make light of psychiatric illness, or “to describe the use of alcohol as an effective alternative to psychotherapeutic treatment.” He added that “personally I do not see every disorder such as for example having occasional problems getting to sleep, as [a] pathological condition in need of immediate treatment – rather I think that sometimes the old home cure of a bottle of warm beer can help.”

    German psychiatrists have been angered by his comments, saying Hecken is making light of psychiatric illnesses and stigmatizing people who do have severe mental issues. The controversial statement sparked a “protest letter” that has been circulating among psychotherapists.

    In a statement, Hecken emphasized that he was not trying to list alcohol as an alternative to psychotherapy. “I … know and am aware, that there are significant interdependencies between alcohol consumption and psychological diseases, which are documented in studies,” he said. “That is why the last thing I want to do is to trivialize psychological diseases or to even describe alcohol consumption as an appropriate alternative for psychotherapeutic treatment.”

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