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Thread: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

  1. #101
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Well, if some drunk hood rat is beating on my door at all hours, I would call the cops and keep my finger on the trigger.

    If he shot her through the door, he was not in fear of his life.

    This however, does not mean it's a hate crime.

    I'll consider shooting anyone beating on my door, race has no bearing on the issue.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  2. #102
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    Now, shooting through a door, unless they are actually attempting to kick it in is a bad idea. I might shoot them through the door for bothering me.


    I had an assclown beating on my door at 9:30 pm the other night. I got to bed pretty early. I met him at the door, armed and made no bones about making SURE he knew I was armed.

    Guess who it was?

    One of Obama's sons/supporters trying to get us to vote for a billion dollar tax increase in Colorado. I told him 1) It's after 8PM, 2) get off my porch, 3) I wouldn't vote for another socialist tax increase to save your life son.

    He left. Rapidly.

    As I walked back toward my bedroom I noted my wife coming out of another room with her weapon in one hand the cell phone in the other. LOL

    Now THAT is backup. (she was watching him out the window).

  3. #103
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    You have Kenyans canvassing your neighborhood at 9:30pm? No wonder you want to move.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  4. #104
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    It's a first, actually. I was a bit shocked. In fact, that's a first as far as I know.

    But there's a law about canvassing. I think it's 8 pm. Unless posted (like "no Soliciting" and they can still knock if it is political, I run them off no matter which side they are on - I don't think it's any of their fucking business who I vote for or what I do and don't vote for).

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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes


    Posted by tomfernandez28 on November 22, 2013
    Posted in: Uncategorized. Tagged: 11/22/2013, America, Breitbart, congress, Democrats, George Zimmerman, GOP, HEALTHCARE.GOV, KING SAMIR SHABAZZ, NEW BLACK PANTHER, Obama, obamacare, President Obama, Republicans, the Affordable Care Act, THE BLAZE, The United States, The White House, Washington D.C.. 2 comments

    In a video posted at on Tuesday, a New Black Panther Leader identified by The Blaze as possibly being King Samir Shabazz, said that blacks will have to kill white babies “seconds” after they’re born, while suggesting bombing nurseries.

    The Blaze also noted that the host, presumably Shabazz, also said that “blacks are ‘too scared’ to drag whites out of their houses, skin them, hang them in trees, drag them behind trucks, and pour acid on them. He talks about that as he announces the desire for a new ‘military.’”

    In another piece of audio posted at Breitbart, New Black Panther Party Chief of Staff Michelle Williams said the black community in Tampa is “under siege,” and attacked white people as well as black conservatives.

    While ranting about why she hates white people, she “vowed that as long as whites keep characterizing blacks as ‘ni***rs,’ her ‘feet [will be] on your motherf*****g necks,’” The Blaze added.

    In April, we reported that Williams was one of the New Black Panther Party members calling for violence against white people.

    “I just want to say to all the listeners on this phone call, that if you are having any doubt about getting suited, booted, and armed up for this race war that we’re in that has never ended, let me tell you something…the thing that’s about to happen to these honkies, these crackers, these pigs, these people, these motherf****r…it has been long overdue,” she said.

    The Blaze reminded readers that she played a role in the $10,000 bounty placed on George Zimmerman.

    She later apologized, but Jonathon M. Seidl wrote that “one has to wonder how heartfelt that apology was” after her latest comments.

    So far, Obama’s Justice Department has refused to take any actions against the hate group.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Girl Who Got Punched In Head Gives Lame Liberal Speech Humanizing Her Attackers [VIDEO]

    November 20, 2013

    Phoebe Connolly, who was punched in the face and laughed at by a group of teenagers playing the random and sometimes fatal “Knockout” game in my own obscenely terrible neighborhood of Columbia Heights in Washington, D.C., appeared with Greta Van Susteren Wednesday night to describe her ordeal.

    At the end of her segment, Connolly used her platform to ramble on in a ridiculous, naive and distinctly Gen-Y speech about the importance of youth programs.

    “I ultimately, I’ve moved past it and I really have no hard feelings about what has happened. And I just see it as another reason why we need to better support our youth with activities and youth programs, which is actually what I do for work, and it’s great to see teenagers do incredible things when they’re supported and empowered,” Connolly said.

    Yeah, those kids didn’t seem at all “empowered.”

    For the record, this woman got viciously punched in the head for no apparent reason. She also lives in a crappy apartment like many of us in this economy, according to the background of her Skype shot.

    And yet she still holds the kind of liberal guilt that convinces her, against all evidence to the contrary, that she is infinitely more privileged than the vicious teenagers who inexplicably assaulted her in an act of pure evil. She still cannot say something along the lines of, “Put these kids in jail and throw away the key.”

    No. Of course not. She has to talk about youth programs, because games of pickup four-square moderated by college resume-padding suburbanites are, like, transformational and will totally prevent kids from engaging in the kinds of random brutality that is tearing apart our inner cities every day in a crisis of unprecedented proportions.

    And, while we’re at it, why does Phoebe assume that these kids need more support from “youth” programs? What about them, Phoebe, tells you that these kids are just diamonds-in-the-rough suffering from the consequences of income inequality?

    Did your attacker say “I really wish a responsible adult would listen to me” before he cold-cocked you? Did he have a little poem in his shirt pocket that he was really hoping an inspirational teacher would let him read to the class before he split your face open with one blow?

    No, actually the kid who punched you yelled “Wapow” before his friends laughed, according to your segment.

    Is this what we’re becoming as a country? Violent hooligans run rampant in our streets like out of some kind of dystopian fantasy and we all have to “move past” it and appreciate that they just need some more pointless after-school activities mostly funded by wasted taxpayer dollars that could have gone to police budgets?

    More importantly, I think the question here is why do Ted Cruz and the Koch Brothers seethe with such hatred for underprivileged children that they don’t want to allocate billions in federal subsidies so that our young felons can have some Master’s degree moron read them “Goodnight, Moon”?

    Just remember: the delinquents committing unspeakable acts of atrocity that fly in the face of decency, civility, and humanity itself are the real victims here.

    Thanks, Phoebe, for that very special message. I certainly feel empowered.

    Folks, just remember John Darbyshire's rules in The Talk...

  8. #108
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    I gave "the talk" to my kids.

    "If someone tries to hurt you, kill them, dead."

  9. #109
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    Philip Chism, Boy Genius, Indicted on Murder Charges

    Posted on November 22, 2013 by freegirl100
    (AP) Colleen Ritzer, RIP. May you get justice.
    Philip Chism, the 14-year-old speaker of three languages who allegedly raped and bludgeoned (with a box cutter from the art room) Danvers High School teacher Colleen Ritzer before tossing her body in a recycling bin and then dumping it in a wooded area behind the high school where she taught, was indicted by an Essex County grand jury in Massachusetts on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated rape, and armed robbery, according to the Boston Globe.

    Chism is facing the murder charge as an adult. He was indicted as a youthful offender on the rape and armed robbery charges. Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett’s office says Chism allegedly attacked Ritzer when she stayed after school to talk with him about an upcoming exam. “The indictments returned today detail horrific and unspeakable acts,” Blodgett said in a statement. However, prosecutors did not provide any motive for a teen who was, the Globe is quick to point out, “developing a positive reputation in his new high school.”

    Does this mean that the Globe (nor any other paper) has no plans to investigate Philip Chism or his family? There seem to be no on the ground reports about the case, except what comes out of the prosecutor’s office. That’s not reporting, that’s press release publishing.

    The latter charges will initially be handled in Salem Juvenile Court, but prosecutors said they “would move to join these indictments with the murder indictment in Superior Court.”

    Chism allegedly sexually assaulted Colleen Ritzer with a yet to be identified object. After that prosecutors say Chism, box cutter in hand, killed Colleen, and stole her credit cards, iPhone, and underwear.

    In the Globe report, some students still expressed the hallmarks of the Disingenuous White Progressive (DWP): “It’s unreal that [Philip] would do something like that,” said Jessica DiPietro, 14, a freshman who had a math class with Ritzer.

    “It’s unbelievable,” she added. “I can not even process into words why he would do something like that. It’s devastating.”

    I am sure Jessica will grow up to automatically pull the D lever whenever she votes in any election.

    It certainly is devastating, but is it that unbelievable? When you understand the demographics of knock out game “players” (despite what the DWPs at NPR would desperately want you to believe), and when statistics like this are quite easy to come by, and statistics found by Colin Flaherty show that Philip Chism-Colleen Ritzer violence is not an anomaly but part of a larger pattern that now even Thomas Sowell has written about, it’s not really very difficult to process “why he would do something like that.”

    We are a fractured society, seeped in anger and resentment fueled by totalitarian Statists who pine for Balkanization and dream of their boot on the throat of every one of us. By steeping black (or half black, or “white” as the police have categorized Philip Chism) kids in the idea that America hates them, that white people hate them – when an innocent, young white woman reaches out to help a young (half) black kid in need of academic intervention, look what she gets. She gets dead. Colleen Ritzer bleed a lot.

    Thanks DWP! Thanks Cultural Marxists! Thanks Barack Obama for uniting us!

  10. #110
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Yep, was just about to post about that.

    Told you all I knew what it was going to end up being about.

    That article leaves out that she was found unclothed from the waist down.

  11. #111
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    Other articles are saying those things

  12. #112
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    Here's more on Black mob violence. You will have to go there to the original link to see video:


    Whistleblower: Black-mob violence flooding Philadelphia

    'Punching, stealing cell phones, laughing at the victims, fighting, assaulting police'

    The epidemic of black mob violence against whites – especially the “Knockout Game” in which an unsuspecting victim is hit on the head sometimes hard enough to kill – has been all over the media this week as reporters discover the racially motivated violence on which WND has reported for years.

    Still, there are doubters.

    “But it’s unclear if the trend even exists,” stated in a report today on a video of a suspect attacking a 23-year-old man on a train, apparently in an attempt to steal a phone.

    “Passengers rushed in to help the victim. It’s not clear if the incident was a case of a so-called ‘knockout’ attack some media are reporting as a trend, or a robbery gone violent,” the report said.

    The suspect was described as a bearded black male with a two-tone gray jacket, tan pants, sneakers and a black skull cap.

    “The attack is similar to what’s being reported as part of a so-called ‘knockout’ game trend, whereby innocent bystanders are attacked from behind,” the report said.

    Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

    The trend, however, does not lack documentation.

    Author Colin Flaherty in his “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It” reveals the extent of the problem in Philadelphia.

    A chapter called “The Philadelphia Syndrome” recounts “dozens of episodes of racial mob violence” in the city.

    “As I write this, the local news just finished a story on three black people who had been convicted of racial violence. The reporter said Philly had seen five cases of mob violence in the last year,” says Flaherty.

    “I’m not sure how he’s defining ‘mob violence’ because by my count there are many more than five episodes in Philadelphia. Many share the same characteristics: punching, stealing cell phones, laughing at the victims, sending text messages on stolen phones, fighting, and assaulting police officers.”

    His book includes codes that provide Web links to videos that document his reporting, which includes a report of 40 people in a “mob.”

    “The reporters never mentioned that these were just an offshoot of the thousands of black people who had swarmed the upscale bars, restaurants, and shops in South Philadephia with mayhem on their minds,” Flaherty writes.

    And there was the time then-Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter “declared that an outbreak of racial violence was nothing to worry about and was really the fault of bad reporting. The police chief had backed up the mayor, and the district attorney said a high school diploma is the best anti-crime tool. Just one year and a few dozen attacks earlier, the mayor and his crew had assured the people of Philadelphia that the flash mob crimes would stop because, uh . . . they said they were going to stop them,” Flaherty reported.

    In reality, he says, YouTube videos “showed thousands of black people roaming the streets of Philadelphia committing acts of vandalism, looting, and violence.”

    “But not a word from the press about the racial component of these crimes. There were lots of video cameras. Local affiliates had plenty of video footage, but no one had the nerve to say what the video screamed: all the attackers and looters were black.

    He notes even Al Jazeera had a story: “Flash mobs can be quite effective when multiple people turn up in one place to attract attention to a just cause. … They can, however, be terrifying when they’re violent and unnecessary, as we have seen in ‘the City of Brotherly Love.’”

    He lists a few of the black mob attacks:

    • March 17, 2010. Dozens of black people fight in a clothing store while onlookers laugh and cheer.
    • Spring 2010. Police break up a black flash mob in the Tioga-Nicetown section of Philadelphia. Kids were bored and acting stupid, said the reporter. The video tells another story.
    • July 4, 2010. Hundreds of black people storm the streets of South Philadelphia beating, looting and destroying.
    • June 2011. More than 40 black people in a Philly suburb descended on a Sears and ransacked it in broad daylight. Afterwards, the police chief said he feared for the safety – of the rioters.
    • July 2011. Hundreds of black people created an “astonishing” amount of violence at downtown Philadelphia restaurants, hotels and bars.
    • July 4, 2011. Ten black people assault and stab a student from LaSalle University and his dog. The student is still alive, though many people do not know how. The dog probably saved him.

    Explains Flaherty: “This list goes on and on, and none of the reporters seemed to notice the race of the criminals. It was so glaring that hundreds of readers commented online and wanted to know why the newspapers repeatedly refused to identify the race of the attackers. Many of the comments were removed for being racist.”

    He also reported when Nutter “changed the game” by admitting blacks in his city have a problem with violence.

    In a church speech, the mayor said: “You have damaged your own race. Take those … hoodies down, especially in the summer. Pull your pants up and buy a belt ’cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt. Nobody. If you walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you? They don’t hire you ’cause you look like you’re crazy.”

    Flaherty reports the attacks, nevertheless, continued.

    But other media had fewer doubts.
    “It’s savagery. It’s very difficult to watch those tapes,” former CBS News correspondent Bernard Goldberg told Bill O’Reilly on “The O’Reilly Factor.”

    “The reason most of the people watching us tonight are probably shocked by these videos and don’t know anything about them … is because they’re getting precious little attention – no attention that we could find in the New York Times and the Washington Post or the network evening newscasts. And I think there’s a reason for this, and it’s not a journalistic reason.”

    “Just let’s imagine that what we’re seeing here is white kids attacking black people,” Goldberg continued, “that in cities like St. Louis and Washington and Milwaukee and Hoboken, N.J., and Syracuse, N.Y., and other cities, young white kids got together and said, ‘Let’s start this game. We’ll call it the Knockout.’ And they go around and some black guy is coming home from work and out of the blue, they just hit him in the face as hard as they can and he goes down. And then their idiotic white friends giggle about it like a bunch of hyenas, and then they post it on the Internet. That would obviously be a national news story because it’s orchestrated racial violence. But this isn’t.”

    Meanwhile on “Hannity,” former NYPD detective Bo Dietl blasted media suppression of the trend and criticized the way police agencies have handled the cases.

    “The liberal news media doesn’t want to say what it is. It’s gangs of black youths attacking whites,” Dietl told host Sean Hannity.

    “It’s a race-based thing. It’s the black youths against the white individual. Not even just a man. It’s against defenseless women and defenseless people and they hit ‘em in the face and they try to knock ‘em out. People have been killed. My problem is, they gotta take this crime, and they gotta categorize it the way it’s supposed to be categorized. It’s black-on-white crime. That’s racist.”

    Also appearing on the program was noted criminal defense attorney Remy Spencer, who agreed the “Knockout Game” was severely underreported.

    “I think people in today’s society are too politically correct and afraid to talk about violence from black people on white people,” Spencer said. “But if you reverse it, look at the George Zimmerman trial. That got national attention, not just because a young man died, but because of the race issue. I think media outlets are afraid of reporting this kind of crime.”

    Greta Van Susteren, host of “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel, lashed into perpetrators of the “Knockout Game.”

    “”This is no game. It is a mean, dangerous and deadly crime,” she said.

    In a personal commentary, Van Susteren said Americans have to address the problem as soon as possible:

    “No one wants to get near the topic of race, but we also can’t run from this one. People are getting hurt, they’re getting murdered. And even those who live in these communities where this is happening, they have a right to be safe, and they don’t have to live in fear of having their children hurt or even poisoned by ugly peer pressure, right?

    Note: Media wishing to interview Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” please contact us here.

    Related commentary:
    Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
    See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:

    Last edited by American Patriot; November 22nd, 2013 at 20:28.

  13. #113
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    Surprise! Media finally wake up to Knockout Game

    'It's only new if you have been aggressively ignoring the epidemic of black mob violence'

    Colin Flaherty About | Email | Archive Colin Flaherty is an award-winning reporter and author of "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it." Follow him on Twitter.

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    A black mob in Philadelphia, Pa.

    (Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.

    Ever so slowly, reporters are starting to figure out a version of black mob violence called the Knockout Game.
    The first chip in the wall fell in New York, where Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said last week that Orthodox Jews in Crown Heights were the victims of eight episodes of mob violence and vandalism.
    He did not see a pattern.
    But the New York Post did, reporting: “The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often, some other member of the group records the event so that a video of that ‘achievement’ is put on the Internet to be celebrated.”
    The violence, caught on video, was so egregious even the CBS affiliate in New York had trouble ignoring it. The station reported that Rabbi Yaacov Behrman said “he believes the assaults are part of a disturbing game by some African-American teens.”
    The same station, however, reported on the Knockout Game in Hoboken just a few days before without mentioning the central organizing feature of the violence: The race of the perpetrators.
    In Washington, D.C., the CBS affiliate reported this week that at least two people were recent victims of the Knockout Game. But the station got it wrong on two counts. One was of omission: It did not mention that everyone involved in committing the Knockout Game is black.
    The station also did not report that white and Asian people throughout the district are subject to frequent black mob violence on bike trails, on mass transit, in entertainment districts, in “gay” neighborhoods and just about everywhere else, as documented in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.”
    Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
    The other error is of commission: They called it “new.”
    WND, however, has documented hundreds of examples of the Knockout Game around the country over the last two years. They include several stories from Washington.
    “It’s only new if you have been aggressively ignoring the epidemic of black mob violence around the country,” said Sherry Godfrey, of Springfield, Mo. “But it happened to my son and I had no idea it was happening around the country until I researched it and found the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot.”
    For reporters willing to look, hundreds of examples are easy to find – though more often the perpetrators are identified as “unruly teens” or “rambunctious” rather than creators of racial violence and mayhem.
    A smattering:
    In Hoboken, three black people punched a homeless person in September. He died. Not too much different from an earlier episode in Syracuse, where a black mob killed Michael Daniels in May.
    In August in Lansing, several black people tried to play the Knockout Game with a twist: They used a taser. It misfired. The victim’s gun did not. He wounded his attacker but stopped firing after the Knockout Artist begged for mercy.
    In January, several members of the University of Alabama national championship football team attacked two students in what many call the Knockout Game.
    At the University of Illinois in Champaign, the game has a different name: Polar Bear Hunting. But with dozens of examples, including a local TV reporter, the black mobs play by the same rules: Find a defenseless white or Asian person, and punch them in the face until your arms are tired. Or they are knocked out. Or dead.
    In Chicago last year, two black people killed a Mexican immigrant and grandfather as he was collecting cans in a downtown alley. The local press had trouble talking about the race of the perpetrators, but Mexican national news did not: Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #87: Spanish edition.
    CNN however, was eager to report that the families of the black people arrested and later convicted of the crime after posting it on Facebook were good boys who were just playing a “prank that got out of hand.”
    In St. Cloud, Minn., a car full of black people came upon a college student in an alley walking two girls home from the library. The car screeched to a stop, one man got out and hit 20-year old Colton Gleason in the face. He died. His attacker was convicted earlier this year after the jury rejected his defense that Colton and the two female college students he was walking home actually hit their car.
    In March of this year, six black people were convicted in the stabbing death of Matthew Chew in New London, Conn. The headline tells the story: 25-year-old victim loses Knockout Game.
    In Pittsburgh last year, several black people were caught on video punching a teacher in the face as they passed each other in an alley. That happened twice: Earlier that year, another teacher was almost killed as he slipped and fell in traffic while fleeing the Knockout Game, on video.
    Last year in Meriden, Conn., DeAndre Felton and his 10 of his friends thought they found an easy mark for a bit of the old Knockout Game. They chose the wrong guy: He pulled a knife and killed DeAndre and wounded one other attacker. The attackers’ parents said their children were innocent, just like Trayvon Martin in Florida.
    In St. Louis earlier this year, a black person was sentenced to life for the Knockout Game death of a 72-year old Vietnamese immigrant.
    In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes of the Knockout Game.
    In Oklahoma earlier this year, an accused killer of the Australian college student Chris Lane tweeted that he was “playing golf” and hitting “woods” prior to the murder earlier this month. Woods is short for “peckerwoods:” White people. The Knockout Game.
    He said he did that five times since the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin.
    Anyone looking at the hundreds and hundreds of examples – many on video – knows this: The victims can be white. Or Asian. Or women. Or homosexual. But this much they have in common: All of attackers in the Knockout Game are black.
    A St. Louis writer, activist and boxing coach talks about the Knockout Game in his video blog. He says police ignore many Knockout Game assaults because they make the city look bad.The perpetrators are black and the victims are not, he says. But the boxing coach knows why:Most of the people who get beat up are vegans, gays, artists, non-violent types. Many are kids from the suburbs or recent immigrants. People who are not prepared to defend themselves. There are white neighborhoods – blue collar, middle class neighborhoods – where these folks will not go because they know that people there are willing to defend themselves.
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    On Monday, April 23, 2012, an elderly lady was attacked by a group of teenagers at the bus stop on Grand and Page. There has been no media coverage of this event. I have met several victims and the story is always the same going back to 2005.

    Finally, this week, it all got to be too much for Greta Van Susteren of Fox News. She did an “off the record” commentary in which she talked about “young African American teenagers viciously and gratuitously attacking a random victim – a teacher – in Pittsburgh, Pa.”
    Greta gets points for identifying the attackers, but the victim was not random: He was white.
    Greta continued with her description of the Knockout Game, then her commentary took a strange twist: She appealed to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for help in stopping this racial violence.
    She totally ignored the role Sharpton had in encouraging racial violence when in 1991 he was involved in three days of black mob violence directed at Jews in Crown Heights.
    “I beg of Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and even President Obama to step up right now and speak out,” said Van Susteren.
    Maybe they can have a beer summit.


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    Satire: Knock Out Game Vigilante Sought In Thanksgiving Day Shooting of Bronx Thugs

    Truman Jackson / 1 day ago

    Photo is for illustrative purposes only

    In the early hours of Thanksgiving morning, three Bronx thugs who were out for a game of “Knock Out” with what they thought was an unsuspecting victim, a white male in his late fifties to early sixties, got more than they bargained for.

    The three men, all in their early twenties, were trailing the man down Morris Park Avenue, heading toward Williams Bridge Road when their prey veered into an alley way. They followed him into the alley and around a sharp, dark bend, only to find the barrel of a .45 magnum waiting on them. Two of them men were shot in the foot and the third was pistol whipped. Authorities nearby responded to 911 calls reporting the gunfire and called for ambulances. The men were taken to nearby Calvary Hospital where they were treated and released.

    The men were not charged, but authorities are asking anyone who has any information on the individual who shot two of the men and pistol whipped the third to come forward. He is described as a white male, approximately late fifties to early sixties. He is approximately 5’10″ and 165 pounds.

    Police fear a vigilante may be on the loose, intentionally inviting wayward youth into playing the new “knock out” game for the intent purposes of maiming, or perhaps even killing them.

    The knock out game is played when small to medium-sized groups of black youth seek out lone whites to attack and beat. They attempt to knock them out in the first punch. If this happens, the game is over. However, if the victim survives the first punch, the group sets upon them and pummels them profusely.

    So far there have been seven known deaths as a result of the knock out game. Authorities and main stream media alike refuse to call the game a hate crime or even admit that race is an issue.

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  15. #115
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Just a word of warning, The Liberty Digest from what I've seen posted there is a satire site.

  16. #116
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Thanks for the tip Ryan, I will change it to a satire post.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  17. #117
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes


    It's funny though, if it were real....

    Didn't an old granny shoot some kid in the brainpan the other day for this?

  18. #118
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    I'm not sure... I know this is real though.

    Sheriff: 76-Year-Old Was Target Because Of Money From Business

    November 26, 2013

    A 76-year-old woman killed in a shootout was targeted because of large sums of money she carried in connection to a business she worked at, the Anderson County sheriff says.

    Anderson County deputies say they executed a search warrant at Dorothy Hendrix's workplace. They confiscated 15 illegal gambling machines from 3454 Cinema Center in Anderson Tuesday afternoon.

    Family members tell deputies that Hendrix, who was killed in an exchange of gunfire at her home on Rayben Lane, was involved in the day-to-day operations at the business and often returned home in the early morning house with large sums of money.

    Investigator said the shooting happened during an apparent armed robbery, which they believe stemmed from the money she brought home from the business.

    Anderson County Sheriff John Skipper said, "This was not a random act. The robbery was planned, and she was specifically targeted. The trio had knowledge that Hendrix carried large sums of money home with her at night."

    Three people have been arrested in connection with this case.

    Steven Benard Hagood, 33, of Anderson, who was wounded during the shootout, is charged with murder and possession of a firearm be a convicted felon.

    Tereba Racquel Geer, 26, is charged with murder. She is being held at the Anderson County Detention Center.

    Bradacious Terrell Galloway, 23, is charged with murder.

    Hagood is under guard at AnMed Hospital recovering from his wounds. He was also served with a Family Court bench warrant for child support in the amount of nearly $80,000.

  19. #119
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Oh, look at that. 3 blacks kill a white elderly woman. Big surprise.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  20. #120
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Was a hoax.

    The story about an elderly St. Louis woman killing a “Knock-Out” game suspect is a hoax

    Posted on: 6:00 pm, November 26, 2013, by Dan Gray, updated on: 09:40am, November 27, 2013


    ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) — A story is bouncing around the internet about a 93-year-old St. Louis woman who shot and killed a man who was playing the knockout game.
    The “Knockout Game” is when people randomly assault strangers in an attempt to knock them out with one punch. It has happened in St. Louis and other cities, sometimes leading to death.

    The story looks legitimate, but it’s false. The headline says “93 Year Old Granny Kills Knockout Game Thug.” There’s a picture of a smiling woman holding a revolver. The cut-line under the photo says Gladis Bennett is showing the gun to reporters.

    The story claims that the woman was approached by a group of men as she waited for a bus and was punched from behind and knocked to the ground. But she reached in her purse pulled out a gun and shot and killed the main aggressor and the rest of the bad guys took off. The story appears on the National Report website, a website that carries a disclaimer that says, “The National Report is an online portal for “citizen journalists”. The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone.”

    The story also appeared on which also carries a disclaimer from editor in chief of the world: Paul Horner.

    The disclaimer says, This entire site is pretty much just a resume containing a collection of my writings and such for the off chance that someone like The Onion or The Daily Show ever happens to stop by.”

    It’s interesting to note that a St. Louis police detective named, Paul Horner, appears in the in the phony story. The St. Louis Police Department says it has no record of a Gladis Bennett as a crime victim and the department says it has no employees by the name of Paul Horner.

    We have contacted both websites and are still waiting for a reply.

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