Woman calls radio station, gloats about sitting at home collecting welfare

Posted on November 22, 2013 by Dr. Eowyn | Leave a comment

This will get you hopping mad, as it should.

A woman who calls herself “Lucy” called in to News Radio KLBJ 590 AM/99.7 FM in Austin, Texas, to gloat about how she and other welfare recipients just sit at home instead of work.

Below is a transcript I took from audio of the radio show.

Host: “Lucy, you’re on KLBJ.”

Lucy: “Hi, how are you. I just want to say while workers out there are people like you that are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us? I mean, I get to sit home, I get to go visit my friends all day, I even get to smoke weed. And I’ve seen people that I know are illegal immigrants that don’t contribute to society, we’re still gonna get paid. Our checks are coming in the mail every month and it’s gonna be on time, and we get subsidized housing. We even get presents delivered for our kids at Christmas. Why should I work? So you know what? Y’all get the benefit of … erh … you know, saying ‘Oh, look at me. I’m a better person,’ but when y’all come back how y’all a better person cause y’all go to work, we’re the ones getting paid! So can you really blame us?”

Host: “Are you talking on an Obama phone as well?”

Lucy: “Yeah, I get an Obama phone.”

Host: “How much … have you added up the total of what you get each month, Lucy?”

Lucy: “No, I haven’t.”

Host: “But what do you get? Just quickly go down the list of the things you get from taxpayers.”

Lucy: “Well, I only pay $50 a month for rent. It’s supposed to be $600 something, so there’s $550 right there. I get $425 a month for food stamps. I get $150 month to pay my electric bill. I get a cell phone and then I get $100 a month paid towards for water.”

Host: “And that’s from the City of Austin?”

Lucy: “Yes.”

Host: “Do you have any kids, Lucy?”

Lucy: “I have three kids.”

Host: “Does your husband work?”

Lucy: “He’ll work every now and then. Part time. But he doesn’t work very much. He doesn’t feel the need for it.”

Host: “Does he get benefits as well?”

Lucy: “Yeah. Those are family benefits.”

Host: “And Lucy is asking everyone listening right now why should she get up and drive in the rain to work all day and pay taxes when she can get those kinds of help from those who’re going to work. Lucy, don’t you feel guilty about gaming the system and taking everybody else’s money just because you can lay down and watch TV on Riverside Drive every day of the year and smoke wee.”

Lucy: “But you know, if somebody offered you a million dollars, no strings attached, would you walk away from it?”

At that point, I stopped listening and stopped transcribing.

Not only do I blame welfare sloths like Lucy, I blame every politician who panders to the Lucys and who has helped in the creation of America’s obscene and utterly unsustainable Welfare State.

H/t my hubby and FOTM’s Wild Bill Alaska
