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Thread: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

  1. #121
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    And this one:

    Knockout Game: Did 60-year-old Woman Beulah Montgomery Kill 2 Teens After Getting Punched?

    By Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times | November 21, 2013Last Updated: November 25, 2013 4:10 pm

    The “knockout game” is spreading across the nation, and stories about new incidents are coming out every day. But one that tells of a 60-year-old woman shooting two teens after one of the teens played the game on her appears to be fake.

    The game–which is also described as “point-em-out, knock-em-out”–refers to a new phenomenon where teens try to punch random passersby so hard in an attempt to knock them out. The victims are typically strangers to the punchers.

    The story in question claims that a 60-year-old woman in an undisclosed location was walking home when a group of seven teens approached her before one hit her.

    The woman, which the article claims is Beulah Montgomery, then grabbed her gun from her purse and shot in the direction where the teens were fleeing. Two of them were hit and later died a result of the gunshot wounds, the story claims.

    Montgomery says that she always carries a gun after getting mugged before. ”Its a shame you can’t walk through your own neighborhood where you are supposed to feel safe without being assaulted and mistreated,” she said. “I purchased the gun hoping I would never have to use it, but I’m glad to still be in the land of the living.”

    There’s several elements that point to this story being a fake. The original source,, appears to be a site and forum where many stories are shared, some of which appear to be legitimate or semi-legitimate. But there is a lack of any location in this story. There is no street, city, or state listed as to where the purported incident took place.

    Second, the person who posted the story on the site is listed as “guy.” Not exactly reassuring.

    Third, besides, the story has only appeared on forums and on alternative news sites that mostly aggregate stories–some of which are false.

    No legitimate media entities have covered this story. With knockout game stories getting such heavy coverage over the past few weeks, a story of this magnitude would be likely be splashed across mainstream media.

    So it appears the story is fake until further notice.

    There was a story that came out recently about a teen who tried to knock out a man in Lansing, Michigan as part of the knockout game. But he failed, and the man shot the teen twice. The teen was then sentenced to a year in jail.

    There have been at least several deaths because of the game, but they have all been victims of the punchers, not the punchers themselves.

    On November 19, Lawrence Hsieh, a Yale University postdoctoral associate in neurosurgery, was hit in the head and suffered a broken nose when teens attempted to knock him out. “The whole ordeal was over in 30 seconds,” he was quoted as saying.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Brooklyn Group Of Black Youths Blocks White Couple's Car, Bloody Victims In Racial Attack: Cops

    Authorities say Ronald and Alana Russo were pummeled by attackers — ranging in age from 12 to 18 — who showered them with racial slurs. One Brooklyn teen says he was falsely arrested because he was wearing the same outfit as one of the assailants.

    October 22, 2013

    A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.

    “Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

    The confrontation erupted about 7 p.m. Monday, as the marauding group crossed Avenue U at E. 58th St. near Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin.

    Ronald Russo, 30, and his wife, Alanna, apparently had the green light and the husband honked at the group to get out of the way. The rowdy kids started kicking the car, according to the criminal complaint. Ronald Russo got out to check on potential damage to his vehicle.

    And that’s when all hell broke loose.

    Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.

    In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

    Alanna Russo, 30, was calling 911 when the 12-year-old girl pulled the woman’s hair and threw her to the ground. The victim’s head slammed into the concrete. She suffered a black eye, bleeding and difficulty breathing, prosecutors said, but she refused medical attention.

    Her husband’s iPhone was stolen during the melee, according to cops.

    The kids scattered after the brazen attack. But two teens, Kashawn Kirton and Daehrell Finch, were arrested at a nearby Lowe’s store parking lot minutes afterward.

    Also arrested, cops said, were the 12-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy.

    Kirton, 18, of East Flatbush, who has no prior arrests, faces gang assault, harassment and menacing charges, all as hate crimes. He was released on $50,000 bond.

    In an interview at his home Saturday evening, Kirton told the Daily News he would never be part of such an attack, noting he has Caucasian cousins.

    “I have relatives who are white. Cousins and stuff,” said the freshman at St. Francis College. “My school is mainly white. More than half my friends are white. I wouldn’t use words like that.”

    Kirton said he was inside a Lowe’s store when the beatdown happened outside and was arrested because he was wearing the same outfit as one of the assailants.

    Finch, 17, of Gravesend, was charged with gang assault, assault, menacing and harassment but does not face hate-crime charges in Monday’s attack. He has prior arrests for assault, theft of services and trespass, officials said, and is being held on Rikers Island in lieu of $75,000 bond.

    Cops are looking for six more suspects.

    A man who answered the door at the victims’ Mill Basin home declined to comment on Saturday.

    A neighbor said he’s seen no racial tension in the area. But “it’s different” near the Kings Plaza mall.

    “It’s not just a black and white thing. It’s stupid teenagers thinking they can do whatever they want,” the neighbor said.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Vigilante Justice Simmers In Wake Of WWII Vet Beating

    November 22, 2013
    Allen West

    According to a story from the New York Daily News, Kenan Adams-Kindard and Demetrius Glenn, both 16, accused of murdering Delbert Belton in Spokane, WA are now in protective custody because of a bounty placed on their heads. The hunters have become the hunted.

    In case you don’t recall, Mr Belton was the 88-year-old US Army World War II veteran who survived Okinawa, only to be – allegedly — beaten to death outside his car in the parking lot of a city ice rink in August.

    Of course, there was no march by Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, no vocal condemnation by the National Urban League or the NAACP in this case. However, we can all but bet our paychecks that the report of the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacist group, placing a $10,000 bounty on the heads of accused teens Adams-Kinard and Glenn who are black will get attention.

    Consider the rise of this new game called “knockout” which seems to be wholeheartedly racially motivated, as we discussed earlier this week, and you have a recipe for disaster.

    We were supposed to be living in a new post-racial era because of the election of the first African-American president, but tension seems to be exacerbated.

    This is the unfortunate result of the hypocrisy that has occurred over the past few years in crime cases involving blacks and whites. We cannot continue to have a double standard where there is outcry in some cases – generally politically motivated — yet silence in others.

    Let’s flip the coin here and suppose Mr. Belton was a black World War II veteran who was beaten to death by two white teens. Does anyone reading this commentary not believe the media would be fully engaged in that case?

    Anyone not believe there would be incessant marches and the President and Attorney General Eric Holder would levy their full weight?

    I sincerely condemn the actions of the Aryan Brotherhood if indeed reports are correct, and there has been a bounty placed upon the heads of these two despicable young boys.

    However, none of us can deny there is a seething sentiment in America that has been fomented because of a biased liberal progressive media and race-baiting politicians and charlatans.

    The media ensured the entire nation was enthralled by the Treyvon Martin case, yet in 3 short months, an American hero, a treasure, Delbert Belton has been all but forgotten.

    Yes, that angers me, as well as it should all of you, but vigilante justice is not the answer. Neither is this misguided progressive socialist version of social justice. I challenge the media: don’t forget Delbert Belton, keep his memory alive.

  4. #124
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Philip Chism is WHITE? Danvers, Mass Police Say So!

    November 13, 2013

    A dear reader noted that according to a copy of the police report related to the slaying of Colleen Ritzer, her alleged and accused (and self-confessed) murderer Philip Chism is white. His mother looks white, but his father must be African American since Philip Chism looks pretty much like Barack Obama, in terms of his complexion – not to mention his facial features. In fact, if Barack Obama had a son he really would look like Philip Chism!

    So, if this report is authentic, why did the Massachusetts police categorize Chism as white – with a dark complexion (as if he was Mediterranean or something)?

    Is is part of the effort of both Eric Holder’s Justice Department (which, in 2008, stopped reporting demographics along side homicide statistics, although they still collect the information – they just don’t publish it) and the soft-headed leaders in the Danvers, Mass police Department to hide that fact that this was another black on white crime, and that black on white crime is a much bigger problem than the famous “black on black crime” that does happen and that Conservative Inc. likes to talk about because talking about the real problem would be, ur, a problem for them?

    Danvers, Mass, by the way, is no stranger to violent crime.

    As if, when people watch the trial, they won’t understand and recognize that Chism would be in all other circumstances be viewed as African American or at a minimum, a “person of color”? If Chism excelled in school or saved someone from drowning or did something admirable (killing a white woman is not yet considered admirable in the US, unless you’re OJ Simpson), he would have been declared African American absolutely.

    Once that designation becomes a statistic, it goes into a big black hole that is categorized as white crime against whites. Let’s follow this story – and find out if this report is authentic. If so, reporters should be asking questions. But they won’t because they are cowards.

    Philip Chism – white!

  5. #125
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    New York Chef Suffers Broken Jaw, Nose In Likely 'Knockout Game' Attack In Philadelphia

    November 28, 2013

    A Manhattan chef who was brutally assaulted on a pre-Thanksgiving trip to Philadelphia may have been the latest victim of the “knockout game,” he told The Daily News Thursday.

    Diego Moya, 30, described his Tuesday night attack in online exchanges with The News as his father drove him back to New York to celebrate Thanksgiving at home.

    The slender, dark-haired culinary artist was unable to speak after a three-hour surgery a day earlier left his jaw wired shut. His attackers broke his nose in several places and fractured his jaw. The thugs left him — unconscious and bleeding — on a stoop around 11 p.m. Tuesday night in Old Town Philly, he said.

    “I recall zero, was a few doors down from my hostel. Woke up on a stoop with blood on my hand,” he wrote The News.

    “Ate dinner with friends and on my way back to hostel got pizza as I walked down the alley I was hit from behind. Nothing was stolen from me which leads me to believe this was that ‘game.’ I hope I'm the last person this happens to,” the befuddled chef said.

    Police told him they believe he was attacked by a group of six to eight men, ranging in age from 16 to 21.

    He wasn’t robbed and nobody’s been able to find a motive for the random crime. That’s why police suspect it may have been a “knockout game” assault, Moya said.

    “They mentioned it as a possibility,” he wrote, as his dad brought him home for a little TLC.

    The beatdown means Moya will be out of work for the next four weeks while his jaw is wired shut so the broken bones can heal.

    “I'm not well, a lot of swelling and overall pain. Should be four weeks until I lose the wires and can eat normally, which is devastating being a chef. Means I can't work,” he wrote.

    “(My) family is great, I don't want to see anyone for a couple of days since I feel a bit ashamed about how I look but the overall support is amazing,” he added.

    Although his injuries were severe, Moya said he was glad it wasn’t worse. He didn’t suffer a concussion or any internal bleeding from the punishing kicks of his attackers.

    “Broken nose in a few places and a fractured jaw. Just want this nightmare to be over and hopefully by shedding more light it won't happen again,” he said, referring to the “knockout game” that’s gone viral.

    Reports have spread in recent days of the terrifying new "game" that involves sucker punching innocent victims for amusement.

    The "knockout game" has already caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey as marauding teens try to see if they have the strength to knock someone unconscious with just one punch. Several injuries have been reported in Brooklyn's Crown Heights and some suspect a racial component. One of the alleged New York victims said he believes he was targeted because he’s an Orthodox Jew.

    A recent report from New York's CBS 2 showed footage of a 46-year-old man from Hoboken, N.J., who apparently died after being struck by a blow to the head.

    He was found dead with his neck broken, according to Video footage caught him moments before walking past a group of teenagers as one of them turns and hits him with a deadly punch.

    Michael Nutter, mayor of the City of Brotherly Love, held a press conference the day before Moya's attack warning Philly teens of serious consequences if they're caught in a "knockout" attack.

    Participants would face a minimal charge of aggravated assault -- but possibly even third-degree murder if caught in an incident where someone was fatally injured, Nutter said.

    Philadelphia police did not respond to calls for comment.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    Vigilante Justice Simmers In Wake Of WWII Vet Beating

    November 22, 2013
    Allen West

    According to a story from the New York Daily News, Kenan Adams-Kindard and Demetrius Glenn, both 16, accused of murdering Delbert Belton in Spokane, WA are now in protective custody because of a bounty placed on their heads. The hunters have become the hunted.

    In case you don’t recall, Mr Belton was the 88-year-old US Army World War II veteran who survived Okinawa, only to be – allegedly — beaten to death outside his car in the parking lot of a city ice rink in August.

    Of course, there was no march by Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, no vocal condemnation by the National Urban League or the NAACP in this case. However, we can all but bet our paychecks that the report of the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacist group, placing a $10,000 bounty on the heads of accused teens Adams-Kinard and Glenn who are black will get attention.

    Consider the rise of this new game called “knockout” which seems to be wholeheartedly racially motivated, as we discussed earlier this week, and you have a recipe for disaster.

    We were supposed to be living in a new post-racial era because of the election of the first African-American president, but tension seems to be exacerbated.

    This is the unfortunate result of the hypocrisy that has occurred over the past few years in crime cases involving blacks and whites. We cannot continue to have a double standard where there is outcry in some cases – generally politically motivated — yet silence in others.

    Let’s flip the coin here and suppose Mr. Belton was a black World War II veteran who was beaten to death by two white teens. Does anyone reading this commentary not believe the media would be fully engaged in that case?

    Anyone not believe there would be incessant marches and the President and Attorney General Eric Holder would levy their full weight?

    I sincerely condemn the actions of the Aryan Brotherhood if indeed reports are correct, and there has been a bounty placed upon the heads of these two despicable young boys.

    However, none of us can deny there is a seething sentiment in America that has been fomented because of a biased liberal progressive media and race-baiting politicians and charlatans.

    The media ensured the entire nation was enthralled by the Treyvon Martin case, yet in 3 short months, an American hero, a treasure, Delbert Belton has been all but forgotten.

    Yes, that angers me, as well as it should all of you, but vigilante justice is not the answer. Neither is this misguided progressive socialist version of social justice. I challenge the media: don’t forget Delbert Belton, keep his memory alive.
    I guess this is no different from the New Black Panthers doing the same thing to Zimmerman in my book:

    Report: Aryan Brotherhood Puts $10G Bounty On Black Teens Accused Of Killing WWII Vet

    November 21, 2013 12:55 PM

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    File photo of a courtroom. (credit: MARTIN BUREAU/AFP/Getty Images)

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    Aryan Brotherhood, Delbert Belton, Demetrius Glenn, Kenan Adams-Kinard, Spokane Police Department

    SPOKANE, Wash. (CBS Seattle/AP) — Two black teenagers accused of fatally beating an 88-year-old World War II veteran during a robbery reportedly are being targeted by a white supremacist group.
    The Spokesman-Review reports that court records show that police found that the Aryan Brotherhood put a $10,000 bounty on Kenan Adams-Kinard, 16, and Demetrius Glenn, 16. The teens are accused of fatally beating 88-year-old Delbert Belton in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge in August.
    During an August hearing, District Court Judge Debra Hayes was told by Spokane Police Sgt. Tom Hill that he was informed that the California-based white supremacist group placed a bounty on the two young suspects.
    According to The Spokesman-Review, Hayes told Adams-Kinard’s defense attorney the reason the teen was moved to protective adult custody instead of returning to a juvenile detention center was to avoid “tragic results” having him being led through an open courtyard.
    The teens are reportedly being held at the Spokane County Jail. Both are charged with first-degree murder and first-degree robbery. The charges carry a potential life sentence.
    Police said Belton, who was wounded in the Battle of Okinawa, was beaten in his vehicle as he waited for a friend in the parking lot of an Eagles Lodge in north Spokane. Officers found Belton with serious head injuries, and his wallet had been taken. He died in the hospital.
    Court records show that in 2011, Glenn and people he was with surrounded and confronted another teenager in a park because they saw a black bandana on the ground, which they took as an act of disrespect. Glenn was convicted of assault, riot and obstruction after attacking the person with a stick or bat studded with nails. He was placed on probation and later agreed to pay restitution.
    Earlier this year, Glenn had two run-ins with law enforcement. On Feb. 9, he was charged with malicious mischief after damaging a garage door, and on March 18, he was arrested and charged with driving without a license.
    Adams-Kinard was also arrested earlier this year after snatching a cellphone from a girl on a city bus. The girl suffered scratches on her hand, and Adams-Kinard pleaded guilty to theft and assault.
    Belton was born and raised in Spokane. He survived being shot in the leg in 1945 at Okinawa, one of the fiercest battles of the war, and went on to spend 33 years working for Kaiser Aluminum before retiring in 1982.
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    (TM and © Copyright 2013 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2013 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

    Report: Aryan Brotherhood Puts $10G Bounty On Black Teens Accused Of Killing WWII Vet

    November 21, 2013 12:55 PM

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    File photo of a courtroom. (credit: MARTIN BUREAU/AFP/Getty Images)

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    Aryan Brotherhood, Delbert Belton, Demetrius Glenn, Kenan Adams-Kinard, Spokane Police Department

    SPOKANE, Wash. (CBS Seattle/AP) — Two black teenagers accused of fatally beating an 88-year-old World War II veteran during a robbery reportedly are being targeted by a white supremacist group.
    The Spokesman-Review reports that court records show that police found that the Aryan Brotherhood put a $10,000 bounty on Kenan Adams-Kinard, 16, and Demetrius Glenn, 16. The teens are accused of fatally beating 88-year-old Delbert Belton in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge in August.
    During an August hearing, District Court Judge Debra Hayes was told by Spokane Police Sgt. Tom Hill that he was informed that the California-based white supremacist group placed a bounty on the two young suspects.
    According to The Spokesman-Review, Hayes told Adams-Kinard’s defense attorney the reason the teen was moved to protective adult custody instead of returning to a juvenile detention center was to avoid “tragic results” having him being led through an open courtyard.
    The teens are reportedly being held at the Spokane County Jail. Both are charged with first-degree murder and first-degree robbery. The charges carry a potential life sentence.
    Police said Belton, who was wounded in the Battle of Okinawa, was beaten in his vehicle as he waited for a friend in the parking lot of an Eagles Lodge in north Spokane. Officers found Belton with serious head injuries, and his wallet had been taken. He died in the hospital.
    Court records show that in 2011, Glenn and people he was with surrounded and confronted another teenager in a park because they saw a black bandana on the ground, which they took as an act of disrespect. Glenn was convicted of assault, riot and obstruction after attacking the person with a stick or bat studded with nails. He was placed on probation and later agreed to pay restitution.
    Earlier this year, Glenn had two run-ins with law enforcement. On Feb. 9, he was charged with malicious mischief after damaging a garage door, and on March 18, he was arrested and charged with driving without a license.
    Adams-Kinard was also arrested earlier this year after snatching a cellphone from a girl on a city bus. The girl suffered scratches on her hand, and Adams-Kinard pleaded guilty to theft and assault.
    Belton was born and raised in Spokane. He survived being shot in the leg in 1945 at Okinawa, one of the fiercest battles of the war, and went on to spend 33 years working for Kaiser Aluminum before retiring in 1982.
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    (TM and © Copyright 2013 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2013 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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    Soldier Killed Buying Christmas Present Leaves Behind Legacy

    December 6, 2013

    Friends and family say a National Guardsman killed while trying to buy a Christmas present was a selfless and loving family man.

    Sgt. First Class Jim Vester died while answering a Craigslist ad for an iPad at an apartment on the west side.

    Police arrested brothers Tyron Kincade, 19, and Tyshaune Kincade, 18, for the crime Friday.

    Friends said Vester was a great cook, loving father and faithful man.

    Vester leaves behind his wife Jamie and one-year-old son Gavin.

    “He would drop everything and cross town to help you and your family,” friend Master Sgt. Jerry Wurm said.

    Jamie’s friend, Sarah Benson, saw that firsthand. As she was going through a divorce, with a young daughter to care for, Jamie and Jim took her in.

    “I have a picture of my daughter at the age of two, she’s seven now, playing in Jim’s boots,” Benson said.

    Jim and Jamie spent years trying to start their own family. Finally, just a year ago, they welcomed their son Gavin.

    “Just the joy and happiness and so much relief for them, because that’s what they wanted,” Benson said.

    To his National Guard family, too, he was a rock. He did an 18-month tour in Iraq from 2005-2006. Jim was also known for his great cooking.

    “I was (always) telling young soldiers that never had Jim’s food, I said, ‘Hey if Jim’s cooking, you better show up because it’s good and you won’t be disappointed,’” Wurm said.

    The community has rallied around Vester’s family. More than $50,000 had been raised through this fundraising page in just a couple of days.

    Vester’s family tell Fox 59 he would want them to pray for the teenagers accused in the crime.

    There's video at the link.

    There's no pictures of the perps in the article but, they happen to have Facebook pages...

    The family wants prayers for the killers? Okay, I pray for:

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    I saw this on the news this morning.


    Apparently Craigslist is NOT a place you should be answering ads for things like iPads and shit like that. Seems like all the shootings and robberies lately have involved an ad for electronics items and the victim shows up ready to pay for something - and then gets robbed, or in this case, killed.

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    I've always gone to Craigslist meetings for expensive or electronics related things armed and in pairs with one of my brothers.

    Woe unto the person with bad intentions.

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    I think you guys read or saw about the gal that got shot in Detroit.

    She crashed her car into a parked car. Was drunk, stunned, had been using drugs. Demolished her car and another car.

    Had people standing there trying to help her and went crashing into some WHITE guy's door. He shot her point blank.

    They are trying to decide if they "have enough evidence to try him for second degree murder"...

    Here's some more information:

    Witness describes car crash before woman was shot

    By ED WHITE, Associated Press

    Updated 10:49 am, Wednesday, December 18, 2013

    DEARBORN HEIGHTS, Mich. (AP) — A young, drunk woman fatally shot on a man's porch in suburban Detroit was hurt, scared and confused a few hours earlier when she crashed her car into a parked car, a witness testified Wednesday.

    Carmen Beasley provided details about the hours preceding the death of Renisha McBride, 19, who was shot in the face by a 54-year-old homeowner in the dark, early morning of Nov. 2.

    A Dearborn Heights judge is holding a hearing to determine if there's enough evidence to send Theodore Wafer to trial on a second-degree murder charge. Defense attorneys claim he feared for his life, but prosecutors say the shooting was not justified.

    Beasley said she heard a "boom" outside her Detroit home about 1 a.m. and discovered that her car had been smashed. She called 911, went outside and found McBride, who had walked away but returned to the scene.

    McBride was bleeding and pressing her hands to her head, Beasley testified.

    "She couldn't find her phone. She was patting her pockets. ... She just kept saying she wanted to get home," Beasley said.

    Beasley went back into her house to call an ambulance, but McBride had walked away again by the time help arrived.

    McBride was "discombobulated" and appeared to be in a "confused state of not knowing where she was and not being able to give a phone number or anything," Beasley said.

    More than three hours later, around 4:30 a.m., McBride was fatally shot by Wafer on his front porch in Dearborn Heights. He called 911 to report that he fired after someone was "banging on my door."

    Dr. Kilak Kesha, who conducted the autopsy, testified that McBride was shot in the face at close range. He said her blood-alcohol level was about 0.22, more than twice the legal limit for driving, but that it was probably even higher before she was shot as blood-alcohol levels drop over time. He said she had also been using marijuana.

    During cross-examination, defense attorney Cheryl Carpenter focused on alcohol, drugs and a possible head injury from the car crash.

    "Could a person get more aggressive after a brain jury?" she asked.

    "That's possible," Kesha replied, later saying McBride "absolutely" could have been quiet and withdrawn while drunk.

    In the courtroom, McBride's supporters wore shirts bearing her image and the message, "Don't shoot. Call 911." They wish Wafer had called police instead of shooting McBride from inside his home.

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    Theodore Wafer in court for shooting Renisha McBride, Detroit teen killed on porch

    by Carrie Healey |


    Theodore P. Wafer, 54, of Dearborn Heights, appears at his arraignment in 20th District Court in Deaborn Heights, Mich., Friday, Nov. 15, 2013. Wafer faces second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the death of 19-year-old Renisha McBride. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

    Theodore Wafer is scheduled to appear in court this morning, 46 days after he fatally shot 19-year-old Renisha McBride.

    Wafer’s court appearance will determine whether there is enough evidence to bring the case to trial. The 54-year-old faces charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter in the Nov. 2 death of McBride.

    The Detroit teen was seeking help following a car accident when she was shot in the face on Wafer’s front porch. Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy believes Wafer used his 12-gauge shotgun and shot McBride through a screen door.

    In the 911 tape from that night, Wafer clearly states that he shot someone on his front who was banging on his door.

    According to a toxicology report, McBride had alcohol and marijuana in her system at the time of her death.

    The case has drawn national attention from civil rights groups like the NAACP and Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network who feel McBride’s race played a factor in the shooting.

    Wafer could face a maximum sentence of life in prison if the case is taken to trial and he is found guilty of second-degree murder, 15 years for manslaughter and a mandatory penalty of two additional years for a felony firearms charge.

  12. #132
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    Have we heard his story yet?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  13. #133
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    Only that they didn't arrest him for a day or so or something.

    Apparently he was awakened by someone beating the shit out of his door at about 4:30 am (and please note, I ANSWER the door with a weapon in my hand after dark now), he opened the door, she yelled, he shot. That's all I know at this point (I think this story was posted elsewhere, but I don't remember where and couldn't find it). Maybe its in the gun section?

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    Ted Wafer, Accused Renisha McBride Killer, Told 911 He Shot Someone On His Porch

    Posted: 11/18/2013 8:51 am EST

    After Theodore "Ted" Wafer was charged on Friday with shooting a teen girl to death through his screen door in Dearborn Heights, Mich., a tape of his 911 call was released.
    Wafer, 54, was arraigned on charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter Friday for allegedly shooting 19-year-old Renisha McBride on his porch with a shotgun Nov. 2. After she was in a car accident earlier that evening, McBride may have been seeking help when she knocked on Wafer's door. Exactly what she was doing in the time between the accident and the shooting remains unclear.
    In the audio obtained by the Detroit Free Press, he says, "I just shot somebody on my front porch with a shotgun, banging on my door." He gives the 911 operator his street address but hangs up before stating the city.

    At an arraignment hearing in Dearborn Heights' 20th District Court Friday afternoon, Judge Mark Plawecki set Wafer's bail at $250,000 with a 10 percent surety, noting the seriousness of the case.
    Mack Carpenter, one of Wafer's lawyers, told the judge his client was not a flight risk. Carpenter described Wafer as someone with strong ties to the community who had graduated from high school in the area, worked at the airport for a decade and was continuously employed. He also said Wafer took care of a younger brother, and that his record consisted of a couple drunken driving charges from 20 years ago.
    "The likelihood of him being a danger to society is very, very small," Carpenter said.
    Earlier, Cheryl Carpenter, Wafer's other attorney, told The Huffington Post their client woke to sounds in the night and thought his house was being broken into.

    McBride crashed into a parked car in Detroit just before 1 a.m. on the day of of her death. Disoriented and bloody, according to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, she left the scene on foot. Several blocks away and several hours later, she knocked on Wafer's locked screen door, which her family believes she did because she was looking for help after the accident. There was no sign of forced entry.
    A toxicology report released by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office Thursday showed McBride had a blood alcohol content of about .22, more than double the legal limit. She was drunk, and she might have been boisterous and noisy, said Gerald Thurswell, attorney for McBride's family, at a press conference Friday. But that wasn't any reason to shoot an unarmed, 5-foot-4 woman from inside a locked house, he said. If Wafer had just called 911 instead, Renisha McBride would still be here today, Thurswell added.
    Following several other high-profile shooting deaths of unarmed African-American victims, civil rights leaders and community members have called for justice for McBride. Some condemned authorities for taking nearly two weeks to press charges. However, Thurswell and McBride's parents said they were pleased with the charges and praised Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy for conducting a thorough investigation.
    They also objected to the framing of the case as a racially motivated killing, saying they didn't believe that was the reason she was shot.
    "I believe this man took my daughter's life for no reason at all," said her father, Walter Simmons. "I hope he spends the rest of his life in jail."
    Thurswell called it "human profiling," not "racial profiling."
    "This family will not have closure until he pleads guilty or is found guilty," Thurswell said.
    If convicted, Wafer faces a maximum sentence of life in prison for the second-degree murder charge and a maximum sentence of 15 years for manslaughter. An additional weapons charge would give him a mandatory two years for using a firearm while carrying out a felony.
    Wafer is due back in court Dec. 18.

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    New Details on Theodore Wafer, the Man Who Shot Renisha McBride

    The Michigan homeowner charged with fatally shooting a black teenager is described by an ex-girlfriend as someone who ‘drank a lot’ but was ‘never violent.’

    DETROIT — Following more than a week of national controversy, a 54-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder in the shooting of Renisha McBride, the 19-year-old woman who was killed as she stood on the porch of his Dearborn Heights home.

    Theodore Wafer will be prosecuted for the death of McBride, who reports say had wandered about a half mile to his front door after the car she was driving hit a parked car on Nov 2. The case has inflamed racial tensions around the country—McBride was black, Wafer is white—and drawn comparisons to the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida.
    The charges mark the first time Wafer’s name has been publicly disclosed, and few details are known about the man at the center of the case.

    According to a former girlfriend who asked not to be identified, Wafer was a heavy drinker during at least part of his life. She has not seen or spoke with him in many years.

    In an interview this week with The Daily Beast, the woman said she met Wafer in the mid-90s when he was driving a truck for a local auto parts distributor and she worked for an auto manufacturer. Wafer came from a large family and grew up in the Detroit area. She never knew him to have firearms in the year or so they were acquainted.

    “He drank a lot, but he was never violent,” the woman said. She added that she did not believe Wafer to be a racist by any stretch. Wafer’s attorney, Cheryl Carpenter, declined to comment for this article.

    Wafer would often ride a bike or taxi to drinking establishments in his neighborhood rather than risk driving, the woman said. “He was very conscious of losing his license and his job,” she said.

    He was nearsighted, she said, and wore thick glasses.

    She said her relationship with Wafer was nothing serious and ended in a civil dispute with Wafer with legal expenses of $3,000 on her end. “I ran into Ted a while later after than and I was not friendly,” she said. She told him the costs she had incurred. A few days later she came home to find $3,000 in cash stuffed in a bag inside her door.

    Wafer obtained the house he lives in, a corner lot in a residential enclave just north of the Detroit city limits, through family when a relative died, she said. He has lived there since 1994.

    “I think he was the one in the family who had the least resources and so they arranged for him to take the house,” she said. “I can’t say for sure, but he may have been the baby of the family.”

    Wafer also had a habit of leaving lights on in his house during the night, and she speculated that McBride could have seen the lights and thought someone was awake, if indeed she was seeking help as some reports have stated.

    Toxicology reports found McBride was drunk, with a blood alcohol content of .218, almost three times the legal driving limit of .08.

    A 911 tape released indicated that Wafer called police after he shot McBride to report the incident, then hung up. He called back and told police that he didn’t know who it was he had shot.

    McBride was lying on the porch after the shooting, according to the tape.

    In a press conference announcing the charges Friday, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said the shooting took place at 4:45 a.m. on that Saturday morning, rather than 3:40 a.m., making it almost four hours after a call came in to Detroit police of a parked car struck by McBride.

    Worthy said the shooting was unjustified: “We don’t believe he acted in lawful self defense.”

    She downplayed the racial element as did the McBride family attorney Gerald Thurswell in an interview with The Daily Beast.

    “We make our decisions based on the facts and the evidence,” Worthy said. “It’s always interesting to me what the public makes its decisions on when it comes to one way or the other. We have the facts we have the evidence and we make our decision on that and that alone.”

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    Worthy said the shooting was unjustified: “We don’t believe he acted in lawful self defense.”
    "Believe" and "facts".....

  17. #137
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    Four Young Students Arrested in Alleged 'Knockout' Attacks, Police Say

    December 19, 2013

    Police have arrested four children in connection with a string of alleged "knockout game" attacks in Brooklyn, the NYPD said.

    A 14-year-old girl and three other children, aged 10 and 11, were arrested in connection with three assaults that took place between October and November.

    The victims included an 11-year-old boy who was punched on President Street, a youth who was hit with a rock while walking home from school and a youngster who was "mushed" in the face with a plastic bag, said Deputy Inspector George Fitzgibbon, the 71st Precinct's new commanding officer.

    "Kids are kids — when you’re talking 10 and 11 year olds getting involved in these type of things, sometimes they don’t realize the magnitude of what they’re doing," Fitzgibbon said.

    While the NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force worked on the investigation as well, police determined that the attacks were not motivated by bias.

    "Every time one of these incidents did occur, nothing was ever said with regard to any kind of bias, so to speak," Fitzgibbon said of the three attacks, which occurred in October and November.

    "The only commonality is that basically all the victims were Jewish."

    Police made the arrests after zeroing in on the neighborhood's middle-schoolers, who were both the victims and the suspects of several of the attacks.

    "The knockouts that we were experiencing seemed a lot towards youngsters," Fitzgibbon said. "My school team did a lot of work uncovering information, and the Hate Crimes team did a lot of good work following up on that information.

    "When people saw we were able to actually solve one of these incidents, word gets around to the local schools and to the kids that might be involved or haven’t been caught."

    It was not immediately clear if the three incidents were part of the so-called "knockout game," in which teens sucker-punch strangers in an attempt to knock them out, then flee without taking anything from them.

    The youths were arrested between Nov. 13 and Nov. 23 and were charged with assault, endangerment and criminal mischief, Fitzgibbon said.

    The names of the youths who were arrested were withheld by police because of their ages. The 14-year-old girl is being processed through the Family Court system, but updates on her case and the cases against the other three children was not immediately available.

    Police are still investigating several other potential knockout incidents involving older victims.

  18. #138
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    Fake Delivery Men Rob, Pistol Whip Elderly Couple In Dorchester, Massachusetts

    December 18, 2013

    Police say this man attacked a Dorchester resident

    Boston Police are investigating three similar attacks on city residents in which someone comes right up to their front door pretending to be delivering a package.

    In the most recent case, on Dorchester’s Lonsdale Street, a pair of criminals entered the victims’ home and pistol whipped the elderly couple that let them in.

    “We don’t usually see that, but it’s definitely what happened,” says Boston Lt. Detective Thomas Hopkins. “There have been two home invasions and one B&E where Asian victims were targeted, in two of the incidents people were duct taped with zip ties.”

    In the Lonsdale Street case, the suspects came to the door with a package addressed to the residents. But the men either didn’t know or didn’t care they were being recorded the whole time by the camera right on the home’s front porch.

    Investigators have released that video, hoping the images will encourage someone to come forward with information.

    “It is kind of scary because it is right next door,” explains neighbor Shawn Goughnour. “I hope they do catch them.”

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    Murder Charges Filed After Newlywed Shot In The Head Taken Off Life Support, Dies

    December 21, 2013

    Hospital officials in Charlotte say a volunteer firefighter, who was shot in the head during a robbery at his home, has died after he was taken off life support.

    According to a spokesman for Carolinas Medical Center, Marcus Kauffman died on Friday.

    His family announced on aFacebook page called "Praying for Marco" on Friday morning that they had planned to remove him from life support.

    "Yesterday God came and flooded us with peace. Even hope," the family wrote. "This morning the test results came back. We are choosing to bless God and let go of our dear Marco, for it seems God is calling him to Himself. Words fail, but through our pain and tears, we bless God."

    "We worship Him," the statement continued. "While we certainly would not have written the story this way, we know God is the Master Author, and He makes no mistakes. And in light of eternity, we know this parting will be only a moment in time. Soon we will all be gathered around the throne of God, together forever more, worshipping our perfect and holy Lord. With Marco. "

    The family then stated they needed prayers "now more than ever" as they proceeded.

    A post the day before stated that the 23-year-old newlywed's condition had "worsened drastically" from Tuesday to Wednesday.

    "A CT scan last night showed new damage to his brain, and his pressure levels were worse than ever," The post stated.

    "This morning the doctors expressed that they have done everything they can and that it may be time to let go. Please pray for wisdom from God to know whether or not to remove him from life support. Pray for peace, and for an overwhelming assurance of God's presence and grace at this time."

    "We have wept and prayed, surrendered Marco into God's hands. We know that God is well able to heal him. But we also know that God does not always choose to heal. We have asked God to bring glory to His name in which ever way He chooses."

    Kauffman and his wife Maryanne, who is pregnant, were returning home on December 2 from visiting family. The Kauffman's noticed a suspicious vehicle parked near their home that appeared to be broken-down.

    Marcus dropped his wife off at a near-by friend's house, and returned to offer assistance.
    But when he returned, he discovered that the people at the car appeared to be removing items from his home. Some of those items, including a computer and a hand gun officials say may have been used in the shooting, have since been recovered.

    Kauffman called 911 to report the incident, but during the conversation, told the dispatcher that shots were being fired before the call was lost.

    He was found in his car with a very severe gunshot wound to his head.

    In the following two weeks, four people were arrested in connection to the case.

    Deputies say 18-year-old Tramel Devon Hart turned himself in at the Rowan County Magistrate's Office on three days later and was charged with accessory after fact.

    Jalend Daquan Turner, 19, was arrested four days after the shooting and charged with attempted murder. Michael Dwayne Teasley was also arrested. He is charged with accessory after the fact.

    Khari Dewayne McClelland, 23, was arrested in the Newton-Conover area a week after the shooting. He is charged with attempted murder, felony breaking and entering, felony larceny, and felony larceny of a firearm.

    According to arrest warrants issued for McClelland, officials believe he stole the laptop computer, a desktop computer, an Xbox gaming system, and a firearm.

    After Kauffman passed away Friday, the charges on McClelland and Turner were upgraded to first degree murder. They received no bond.

    The charges against hart and Teasley were also upgraded to accessory after the fact to first degree murder.

    Since the shooting, family, friends and strangers have showed support for Kauffman, both on the "Praying for Marco" Facebook page, and in other ways.

    Marcus Kauffman served on the Scotch Irish Volunteer Fire Department. Fellow firefighters are asking for prayers. At the Cleveland Community Volunteer Fire Department, strangers have been stopping in to donate money for Kauffman's family.

    Members who attend church with Kauffman at Cleveland Believer's Fellowship Church said,

    "We've been praying for the guy a lot. That God would somehow get through to him in this, and he wouldn't get away with it."

    Church members say Kauffman and his wife were supposed to have left two days after the shooting with the church choir to sing and preach at a Florida prison.

    According to the Praying for Marco Facebook page Kauffman's visitation will be held at Mac Grey Auditorium in Statesville on Sunday afternoon from 3-5 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.

    Kauffman's funeral will be on Monday at 1 p.m. at the Auditorium. The viewing will be 12 p.m.

    The Facebook page says the semi private burial will be at Cleveland Believer Fellowship in Woodleaf, North Carolina.

    Khari Dewayne McClelland, 23, is charged with first degree murder

    Jalend Daquan Turner, 19, is charged with first degree murder

    There is a video at the link.

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    4 Charged With Murder In Deadly NJ Mall Carjacking

    December 21, 2013

    Four men have been charged with murder, conspiracy and other counts in the death of a man shot in front of his wife outside an upscale mall in northern New Jersey last weekend, authorities said Saturday.

    The suspects were identified as 29-year-old Hanif Thompson, of Irvington; 31-year-old Karif Ford, of Newark; 32-year-old Basim Henry, of Newark; and 33-year-old Kevin Roberts, of Newark.

    They are accused in the Dec. 15 carjacking and killing of Dustin Friedland outside The Mall at Short Hills. The 30-year-old lawyer from Hoboken was shot in the head in the mall parking garage after being confronted by two carjackers, authorities said. The assailants drove off in his silver Range Rover, which was found the next morning in Newark, about 10 miles from Short Hills.

    The four have been charged with murder, felony murder, carjacking, conspiracy, possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose. They were arrested between late Saturday and early Sunday. Three of them were taken into custody in New Jersey, and Henry was arrested in Easton, Pa.

    The suspects are being held on $2 million bail each. It wasn't immediately clear if they had attorneys.

    Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray attributes the swift arrest to "good old-fashioned police work" and leads from the public.

    The carjacking occurred just as Friedland and his wife, Jamie Schare Friedland, were ending a shopping trip. Mourners at Friedland's funeral on Wednesday said he had just opened the door of his SUV for his wife when he was shot.

    Friedland had a law degree from Syracuse University and was project manager at his family's heating and air conditioning and heating company.

    More than $40,000 was offered for information leading to the arrest of the killers.

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