Syria Mulls S-300PMU2 System
Syria has been discussing the procurement of the advanced S-300 air and missile defense system from Russia.

Industry sources said Syrian President Bashar Assad was briefed on the S-300PMU2 during his visit to Moscow. They said Bashar has agreed in principle to procuring the S-300 and focused on price and other details with his Russian interlocutors.

"Syria wants a strategic air defense system that would present a major threat to Israeli warplanes," a source said. "I think Assad will buy and deploy the S-300 over the next few months."

The S-300PMU2, known as Favorit and produced by Almaz, has been priced at more than $600 million per unit. The sources said Russia has agreed to reduce the price of the long-range air defense systems in exchange for Russian Navy basing rights at the Syrian ports of Latakia and Tartus.