'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson skips Barbara Walters interview to duck hunt

Barbara Walters famously called out Katy Perry for making her wait last year. This time around she may be calling out a 'Duck Dynasty' star. You'd think these celebs would show Babs some respect after she chose them as most fascinating people!on.aol.com

December 17, 2013

Barbara Walters recently taped an interview with the Robertson family from “Duck Dynasty” for her “Most Fascinating People of the Year” television special. According to a December 17 article on The Christian Post, the family patriarch and inventor of the duck call that started it all, Phil Robertson, skipped the interview to go duck hunting. Barbara Walters was very perplexed by the elder Robertson’s actions:
He would rather shoot ducks than talk to us, yes?
Miss Kay Robertson responded in her normal good-natured way. She explained that she knows better than to die during duck season because Phil might miss her funeral.

The family explained that it is not unusual for their father to miss family events because of his obsession with duck hunting. He was in a duck blind when his son Jase was born. Of course, his loyal wife defended his behavior as being due to youth and immaturity. The Robertsons have always been quick to point out that Robertson changed greatly after his conversion experience. When the couple renewed their wedding vows in an earlier episode, Miss Kay honestly stated that Phil had not always being as nice as he is now.

It is no secret that the Duck Commander, as he and his signature duck call are known, is not so enthralled with the showbiz angle of “Duck Dynasty.” Rumors have circulated that this may be his last season on the show. You can read more about Phil's possible departure from the show here.

Barbara Walters shouldn't be so surprised that Phil Robertson missed an interview with an Emmy winning journalist to go duck hunting. He gave up the chance of a promising football career because it interfered with duck hunting season.