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Thread: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U.S.

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Exclusive: FBI Video Shows Al Qaeda in Kentucky Handling Heavy Weapons

    Nov. 20, 2013
    QUANTICO, Virginia

    Brian Ross More from Brian »
    ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent
    Cindy Galli More from Cindy »
    Investigative Producer
    James Gordon Meek More from James »
    Investigative Producer
    via Good Morning America

    Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The discovery in 2009 of two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky -- who later admitted in court that they'd attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq -- prompted the bureau to assign hundreds of specialists to an around-the-clock effort aimed at checking its archive of 100,000 improvised explosive devices collected in the war zones, known as IEDs, for other suspected terrorists' fingerprints.

    "We are currently supporting dozens of current counter-terrorism investigations like that," FBI Agent Gregory Carl, director of the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC), said in an ABC News interview to be broadcast tonight on ABC News' "World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Nightline".

    "I wouldn't be surprised if there were many more than that," said House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul. "And these are trained terrorists in the art of bombmaking that are inside the United States; and quite frankly, from a homeland security perspective, that really concerns me."

    As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said. In 2011, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis were resettled as refugees in the U.S., half the number from the year before, State Department statistics show.

    Suspect in Kentucky Discovered to Have Insurgent Past

    An intelligence tip initially led the FBI to Waad Ramadan Alwan, 32, in 2009. The Iraqi had claimed to be a refugee who faced persecution back home -- a story that shattered when the FBI found his fingerprints on a cordless phone base that U.S. soldiers dug up in a gravel pile south of Bayji, Iraq on Sept. 1, 2005. The phone base had been wired to unexploded bombs buried in a nearby road.

    An ABC News investigation of the flawed U.S. refugee screening system, which was overhauled two years ago, showed that Alwan was mistakenly allowed into the U.S. and resettled in the leafy southern town of Bowling Green, Kentucky, a city of 60,000 which is home to Western Kentucky University and near the Army's Fort Knox and Fort Campbell. Alwan and another Iraqi refugee, Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 26, were resettled in Bowling Green even though both had been detained during the war by Iraqi authorities, according to federal prosecutors.

    Most of the more than 70,000 Iraqi war refugees in the U.S. are law-abiding immigrants eager to start a new life in America, state and federal officials say.

    But the FBI discovered that Alwan had been arrested in Kirkuk, Iraq, in 2006 and confessed on video made of his interrogation then that he was an insurgent, according to the U.S. military and FBI, which obtained the tape a year into their Kentucky probe. In 2007, Alwan went through a border crossing to Syria and his fingerprints were entered into a biometric database maintained by U.S. military intelligence in Iraq, a Directorate of National Intelligence official said. Another U.S. official insisted that fingerprints of Iraqis were routinely collected and that Alwan's fingerprint file was not associated with the insurgency.

    "How do they get into our community?"

    In 2009 Alwan applied as a refugee and was allowed to move to Bowling Green, where he quit a job he briefly held and moved into public housing on Gordon Ave., across the street from a school bus stop, and collected public assistance payouts, federal officials told ABC News.

    "How do you have somebody that we now know was a known actor in terrorism overseas, how does that person get into the United States? How do they get into our community?" wondered Bowling Green Police Chief Doug Hawkins, whose department assisted the FBI.

    Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Peter Boogaard said in a statement that the U.S. government "continually improves and expands its procedures for vetting immigrants, refugees and visa applicants, and today [the] vetting process considers a far broader range of information than it did in past years."

    "Our procedures continue to check applicants' names and fingerprints against records of individuals known to be security threats, including the terrorist watchlist, or of law enforcement concern... These checks are vital to advancing the U.S. government's twin goal of protecting the world's most vulnerable persons while ensuring U.S. national security and public safety," the statement said.

    Last year, a Department of Homeland Security senior intelligence official testified in a House hearing that Alwan and Hammadi's names and fingerprints were checked by the FBI, DHS and the Defense Department during the vetting process in 2009 and "came in clean."

    After the FBI received the intelligence tip later that year, a sting operation in Kentucky was mounted to bait Alwan with a scheme hatched by an undercover operative recruited by the FBI, who offered Alwan the opportunity to ship heavy arms to al Qaeda in Iraq. The FBI wanted to know if Alwan was part of a local terror cell -- a fear that grew when he tapped a relative also living in Bowling Green, Hammadi, to help out.

    The FBI secretly taped Alwan bragging to the informant that he'd built a dozen or more bombs in Iraq and used a sniper rifle to kill American soldiers in the Bayji area north of Baghdad.

    "He said that he had them 'for lunch and dinner,'" recalled FBI Louisville Supervisory Special Agent Tim Beam, "meaning that he had killed them."

    Alwan even sketched out IED designs, which the FBI provided to ABC News, that U.S. bomb experts had quickly determined clearly demonstrated his expertise.

    'Needle in a Haystack' Fingerprint Match Found on Iraq Bomb Parts, White House Briefed

    The case drew attention at the highest levels of government, FBI officials told ABC News, when TEDAC forensic investigators tasked with finding IEDs from Bayji dating back to 2005 pulled 170 case boxes and, incredibly, found several of Alwan's fingerprints on a Senao-brand remote cordless base station. A U.S. military Significant Action report on Sept. 1, 2005 said the remote-controlled trigger had been attached to "three homemade-explosive artillery rounds concealed by gravel with protruding wires."

    "There were two fingerprints, developed on the top of the base station," Katie Suchma, an FBI supervisory physical scientist at TEDAC who helped locate the evidence, told ABC News at the center's IED examination lab. "The whole team was ecstatic because it was like finding a needle in a haystack."

    "This was the type of bomb he's talking about when he drew those pictures," added FBI electronics expert Stephen Mallow.

    Word was sent back to the FBI in Louisville.

    "It was a surreal moment, it was a real game changer, so to speak, for the case," FBI agent Beam told ABC News. "Now you have solidified proof that he was involved in actual attacks against U.S. soldiers."

    Worse, prosecutors later revealed at Hammadi's sentencing hearing that he and Alwan had been caught on an FBI surveillance tape talking about using a bomb to assassinate an Army captain they'd known in Bayji, who was now back home – and to possibly attack other homeland targets.

    "Many things should take place and it should be huge," Hammadi told Alwan in an FBI-recorded conversation, which a prosecutor read at Hammadi's sentencing last year.

    Then-FBI Director Robert Mueller briefed President Obama in early 2011 as agents and Louisville federal prosecutors weighed whether to arrest Alwan and Hammadi or continue arranging phony arms shipments to Iraq that the pair could assist with, consisting of machine guns, explosives and even Stinger missiles the FBI had secretly rendered inoperable and which never left the U.S.

    But agents soon determined there were no other co-conspirators. An FBI SWAT team collared the terrorists in a truck south of Bowling Green in late May 2011, only weeks after al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan and Obama had visited nearby Fort Campbell to thank the SEALs and Army Nightstalker pilots for their successful mission. The Kentucky al Qaeda case drew little attention as the nation celebrated Bin Laden's death.

    Suspects Linked to Attack That Killed 4 US Soldiers

    Pennsylvania National Guard soldiers who had served in Bayji in 2005 saw news reports about the two arrests, and Army Staff Sgt. Joshua Hedetniemi called the FBI to alert them to an Aug. 9, 2005, IED attack that killed four of their troopers in a humvee patrolling south of the town. The U.S. attorney's office in Louisville eventually placed the surviving soldiers in its victim notification system for the case, even though it couldn't be conclusively proven that Alwan and Hammadi had killed the Guardsmen.

    The four Pennsylvania soldiers killed that day were Pfc. Nathaniel DeTample, 19, Spec. Gennaro Pellegrini, 31, Spec. Francis J. Straub Jr., 24, and Spec. John Kulick, 35.

    "It was a somber moment for the platoon, we had a great deal of love and respect for those guys and it hit us pretty hard," Hedetniemi said in an interview in the Guard's armory near Philadelphia. "I think that these two individuals are innately evil to be able to act as a terrorist and attack and kill American soldiers, then have the balls to come over to the United States and try to do the same exact thing here in our homeland."

    Confronted with all the evidence against them, Alwan and Hammadi agreed to plead guilty to supporting terrorism and admitted their al Qaeda-Iraq past. Alwan cooperated and received 40 years, while Hammadi received a life term which he is appealing. A hearing for Hammadi's appeal took place Tuesday in the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Ohio.

    "We need to take this as a case study and draw the right lessons from it, and not just high-five over this," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, who headed the military's Joint IED Defeat Organization until last May. "How did a person who we detained in Iraq -- linked to an IED attack, we had his fingerprints in our government system -- how did he walk into America in 2009?"

    Barbero is credited with leveraging the Kentucky case to help the FBI get funding to create a new state of the art fingerprint lab focused solely on its IED repository in a huge warehouse outside Washington. The new FBI lab assists counterterrorism investigations of suspected bombmakers and IED emplacers and looks for latent prints on 100,000 IED remnants collected over the past decade by the military and stored in the vast TEDAC warehouse.

    The only man in the Humvee to survive the 2005 IED bombing in Bayji, Daniel South, who is now an Army Black Hawk helicopter pilot in Texas, said he was stunned to learn al Qaeda-Iraq insurgents were living in Kentucky -- but he's glad they were finally brought to justice for attacking U.S. troops in Iraq.

    "I kind of wish that we had smoked [Alwan] when it happened, but we didn't have that opportunity so I guess this is second best," South told ABC News.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Obama and Kerry Want 30,000 Middle Eastern Refugees in 2014

    December 30, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield 15 Comments

    How many do you think will be Syrian and Egyptian Christians? Somehow I suspect not very many.

    The State Department said Thursday that its goal is to welcome 35,000 permanent refugees from the Middle East and South Asia in fiscal 2014.

    30,000 Syrians are slated to be moved into permanent or long-term homes abroad by October if the U.N. refugee agency meets its goals, The Washington Post reported.

    The target would include vulnerable Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians and Pakistanis, as well as Syrians.
    The United States does offer a form of short-term asylum, however. Syrians who were already in the country on work, student or other temporary visas as of last June are eligible to remain at least into 2015. In 2013, more than 1,300 Syrians applied for and received that extension.
    As has already been pointed out, short-term asylums can run indefinitely.

    Last week, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that TPS had been extended for at least 70,000 Hondurans and Nicaraguans “for an additional 18 months, beginning July 6, 2013, and ending Jan. 5, 2015.” Thanks to American generosity, these TPS winners have been here since 1998 — when Hurricane Mitch hit their homeland.

    That was 15 years ago.

    Another 250,000 illegal aliens from El Salvador first won TPS golden tickets after an earthquake struck the country … in January 2001. In addition, 60,000 Haitians received TPS after the earthquakes in 2010. Last fall, Napolitano extended their stay until at least 2014. Several hundred Somalis remain in the country with TPS first granted in 1991, along with some 700 Sudanese who first secured TPS benefits in 1997. Last March, the Obama administration extended TPS to an estimated 3,000 Syrian illegal aliens. Guatemala and Pakistan are lobbying for their own TPS designations.
    And then good lucking getting rid of them and their kids

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Muslims Gang Rape American Woman In Colorado, In Rare And Horrific Ways

    By Ted on January 19, 2014 in General
    By Theodore Shoebat

    America helped Iraq, and now the immigrants who the nation has brought within its borders, are introducing to the people the reality of Muslim cruelty and deviancy.

    Five Iraqi men have been arrested in Colorado Springs in connection with a rape so disturbing, that
    Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s special victim’s unit, said:

    We don’t see these types of assaults typically in Colorado Springs

    The victim was an elderly woman who was invited by the Iraqis for what she believed to be lemonade, and what occurred afterwards, the woman cannot even remember. Here is a video explaining:

    One of the Iraqis involved, Sarmad Fadhi “Levi” Mohammed, 26, is already serving 16 years to life in prison after being found guilty of placing his penis in the woman’s mouth.

    Mohammed Hasin Ramadon, a 21-year-old Iraqi immigrant, has been identified by prosecutor Michael Allen, as the one who brutalized the woman to the point that she suffered severe internal injuries.

    Ramadon, shoved his hand so deep into her rectum that it caused serious internal bleeding. According to the prosecutor, a co-defendent of Ramadon is expected to testify that he saw feces on Ramadon’s hand as he pulled it out of the victim’s body.

    The prosecutor also said that the ordeal ended when Sarmad Fadhi “Levi” Mohammed, after smelling “the unmistakable odor of feces filled the room,” demanded that she and Ramadon leave their apartment.

    Sarmad Fadhi Mohammed

    Mustafa Sataar Al Feraji, arrested on suspicion of accessory to sexual assault

    Jasim Mohammed Hassin Ramadon

    Who helped bring Ramadon to America? First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex, who Ramadon worked with in Iraq fighting terrorists, not realizing that the very Iraqi he was assisting was a terrorist himself.

    This is what happens when people, unfamiliar with the Islamic heresy, assist the very subscribers to this heresy for the sake of “democracy” and “charity,” — Cain killed Abel after inviting him to “go out to the field” (Gen. 4:8), and so will the Muslims kill Americans because of people who sympathize with them.

    Read this story, comprehend their brutality, and then realize that this scumbag, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex, has a responsibility in the horrid and sadistic rape of this woman, because he sympathized with the Muslims.

    Also understand, that the cruel Muslims who did this are the same types who are butchering Christians in Iraq and Syria.

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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Muslims training with US Army attempt kidnapping of 12-year-old girl in Missouri, Authorities drop the charges

    Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst
    Women and children in Islam


    Kidnapping and attacking infidel girls is a growing phenomenon in Western countries. Wherever there is large Muslim immigration (i.e., the hundreds of Muslim child sex trafficking gangs in the UK), attacks on native girls and women spike (i.e., Sweden, Norway etc.).

    But what is striking about this story is that we are training Muslim soldiers on home soil and the authorities let these savages go. They are sending them back to their countries, where they are free to kidnap and attack non-Muslim girls there. Monstrous.

    These men were sought to enjoy the sex slaves allowed by the Qur’an (men may enjoy “what your right hands own,” 4:3) and Islamic law from among unbelieving women (here).

    At this risk of being repetitive, once again, no media on this story. This story happened in October; why are we only hearing about it now?

    “Muslims training with US Army attempt kidnapping of 12 yr old girl in Missouri,” Missouri Today, January 18, 2014 (thanks to Bob D)

    WAYNESVILLE, Mo. • Pulaski County authorities have dropped charges against two foreign military officers who were training at Fort Leonard Wood when they were arrested.

    The Rolla Daily News reports that Mohammed Mahmoud Omar Mefleh, of Jordan, and Antoine Chlela, of Lebanon, were charged in October with enticement of a child and harassment. Court records say the men allegedly approached a 12-year-old girl at a bus stop and asked her to enter their vehicle.

    Pulaski County prosecutor Kevin Hillman said Friday that the charges were dropped as part of an agreement that includes the men paying the cost of their incarceration. Hillman says they were taken by Fort Leonard Wood officials, and he expects them to be out of the U.S. by Monday. Under terms of the plea, they will not be allowed to return to the country.

    The men were taking courses at Fort Leonard Wood when they were arrested.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    American Muslim Stabs Wife’s Neck 30 Times, For Not Being Muslim

    By Ted on January 19, 2014 in General
    By Theodore Shoebat

    An American Muslim, Robert William, has been found guilty for murdering his wife by stabbing her neck 30 times, and then dumping her body into his closet. He now faces 25 years to life.

    Chief Assistant District Attorney David Rossi, said:

    He may regret where he sits today. He does not regret what he did.
    During an interview with the Muslim murderer, a detective showed a photo of his wife to him, and described her as a Muslim woman. The Muslim murderer’s response? This:

    Muslim woman? If she was a Muslim woman none of this (expletive) would even exist.
    Sick indeed. Islam is a drug that needs to be abolished, plain and simple. The mark of a civilized country is is proscription of evil ideas.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  6. #46
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    This happened almost two years ago now.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Muslims Gang Rape American Woman In Colorado, In Rare And Horrific Ways

    By Ted on January 19, 2014 in General
    By Theodore Shoebat

    America helped Iraq, and now the immigrants who the nation has brought within its borders, are introducing to the people the reality of Muslim cruelty and deviancy.

    Five Iraqi men have been arrested in Colorado Springs in connection with a rape so disturbing, that
    Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s special victim’s unit, said:

    We don’t see these types of assaults typically in Colorado Springs

    The victim was an elderly woman who was invited by the Iraqis for what she believed to be lemonade, and what occurred afterwards, the woman cannot even remember. Here is a video explaining:

    One of the Iraqis involved, Sarmad Fadhi “Levi” Mohammed, 26, is already serving 16 years to life in prison after being found guilty of placing his penis in the woman’s mouth.

    Mohammed Hasin Ramadon, a 21-year-old Iraqi immigrant, has been identified by prosecutor Michael Allen, as the one who brutalized the woman to the point that she suffered severe internal injuries.

    Ramadon, shoved his hand so deep into her rectum that it caused serious internal bleeding. According to the prosecutor, a co-defendent of Ramadon is expected to testify that he saw feces on Ramadon’s hand as he pulled it out of the victim’s body.

    The prosecutor also said that the ordeal ended when Sarmad Fadhi “Levi” Mohammed, after smelling “the unmistakable odor of feces filled the room,” demanded that she and Ramadon leave their apartment.

    Sarmad Fadhi Mohammed

    Mustafa Sataar Al Feraji, arrested on suspicion of accessory to sexual assault

    Jasim Mohammed Hassin Ramadon

    Who helped bring Ramadon to America? First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex, who Ramadon worked with in Iraq fighting terrorists, not realizing that the very Iraqi he was assisting was a terrorist himself.

    This is what happens when people, unfamiliar with the Islamic heresy, assist the very subscribers to this heresy for the sake of “democracy” and “charity,” — Cain killed Abel after inviting him to “go out to the field” (Gen. 4:8), and so will the Muslims kill Americans because of people who sympathize with them.

    Read this story, comprehend their brutality, and then realize that this scumbag, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex, has a responsibility in the horrid and sadistic rape of this woman, because he sympathized with the Muslims.

    Also understand, that the cruel Muslims who did this are the same types who are butchering Christians in Iraq and Syria.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U


    Published on Jan 21, 2014
    Tennessee State Rep. Rick Womick and retired pilot, acknowledged his part in the forced transporting of illegal Muslims secretly to America. And he has devoted his political career to stopping this rape of this great country.

    "He was part of a team of experts coordinated by his D.C.-based Center for Security Policy that produced a report last year titled "Shariah: The Threat to America."

    "Adherents to Shariah are fundamentally and unalterably opposed to the survival of the Constitution of the United States."

    "Tennessee state Rep. Rick Womick, who participated in a panel called "Defending Liberty in Legislatures," is an Boeing 777 airline pilot who has flown five flights with Somali immigrants on board from London to New York City."

    Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE...
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    TENNESSEE State Representative Rick Womick (R-TN) calls for the purging of Muslims from the military!

    U.S. Antiterrorism Laws a Hurdle for Syrian Refugees


    Heads Up Warriors_audio (made with Spreaker)

    DISTURBING VIDEO -- State Rep. and Retired Commercial Pilot Both Acknowledge Pilots Being Forced to Transport Tens of Thousands of Illegal Muslims into the United States...

    (BIN) -- Tennessee State Rep. Rick Womick and retired pilot, acknowledged his part in the forced transporting of illegal Muslims secretly to America. And he has devoted his political career to stopping this rape of this great country. "He was part of a team of experts coordinated by his D.C.-based Center for Security Policy that produced a report last year titled "Shariah: The Threat to America."

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Companion Thread: Framing ‘Anti-Government’ Right-Wing Groups for Terror Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Militia Leader Publicly Threatens President: “We Now Have Authority to Shoot Obama”

    Mac Slavo
    November 26th, 2013
    Comments (187)
    Read by 10,023 people

    The frustration and anger in America are growing.

    So much so that one militia leader has publicly called for the assassination of the President of the United States.

    In a post on his Facebook page, Christian American Patriots Militia leader Everest Wilhelmsen has claimed authority under the U.S. Constitution to take matters into his own hands.We now have authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him.
    Obama Administration Eases Restrictions On Asylum Seekers With Loose Terror Ties

    The Obama administration has unilaterally eased restrictions on asylum seekers with loose or incidental ties to terror and insurgent groups, in a move one senator called "deeply alarming."

    The change, approved by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry, was announced Wednesday in the Federal Register. It would allow some individuals who provided "limited material support" to terror groups to be considered for entry into the U.S.

    Supporters of the change, including Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., argued that the current ban on anyone who has ever aided terrorists has unfairly blocked thousands of refugees.

    "The existing interpretation was so broad as to be unworkable," Leahy said in a statement. "It resulted in deserving refugees and asylees being barred from the United States for actions so tangential and minimal that no rational person would consider them supporters of terrorist activities."

    But critics say despite the good intentions, the change raises security concerns, particularly after a report published Thursday on asylum fraud.

    "In light of these and other facts, it is thus deeply alarming that the Obama administration would move unilaterally to relax admissions standards for asylum seekers and potentially numerous other applicants for admission who have possible connections to insurgent or terrorist groups," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said in a statement on Thursday. "We need to tighten security standards for asylum, not relax them even further."

    Sessions also complained that the administration was, on its own, altering the Immigration and Nationality Act. "What is the point of Congress passing a law if the administration abuses its 'discretion' to say that law simply no longer applies?" he said.

    The change would apply to people the U.S. government does not consider a threat but could nevertheless be tied to terror groups, and therefore barred from entry. A Department of Homeland Security official said these individuals have been "adversely affected by the broad terrorism bars of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)."

    The official offered several examples of how the change might help otherwise innocent refugees -- including a restaurant owner who served food to an opposition group; a farmer who paid a toll to such a group in order to cross a bridge or sell his food; or a Syrian refugee who paid an opposition group to get out of the country.

    "These exemptions cover discrete kinds of limited material support that have adversely affected refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants and other travelers: material support to non-designated terrorist organizations that was insignificant in amount, provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, or humanitarian interactions, or provided under significant pressure," the official said.

    The official said the change would let the administration apply the exemptions on a "case-by-case basis" after a review that already includes rigorous security screening. "Our screening procedures check applicants' names and fingerprints against a broad array of records of individuals known to be security threats, including the terrorist watch list, and those of law enforcement concern," the official said.

    Though the change would apply to those who helped non-designated terror groups, Sessions noted that Al Qaeda, for example, was not officially designated as a foreign terror organization until 1999.

    Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, claimed the change was another effort to maximize the number of people being allowed into the country.

    "This administration no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt in making these kinds of rule changes," he said. "The consequences are potentially dire for ... public safety."

    The Washington Times also reported Thursday that a 2009 fraud assessment found at least 70 percent of asylum applications had signs of fraud.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Jihad Migrating to Red States — With Obama’s Blessing

    February 10, 2014 by Nonie Darwish 24 Comments

    President Obama has unilaterally changed the immigration law to allow asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists, to immigrate to the US. This is happening at a time when force is being used in Egypt — and elsewhere in the Middle East — against the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, terrorists and their sympathizers. This is a time when Islamists have few places to go to in the wide-open desert atmosphere of the Middle East, except perhaps to join the mess in Syria and Iraq, or otherwise reform and become ordinary citizens.

    Obama could not have picked a worse time to ease immigration requirements for those linked to terror, and who have nowhere else to go and have suddenly found themselves, after the counter-revolution in Egypt, as targets for imprisonment, contempt, or even shooting.

    Islamists are now undoubtedly celebrating Obama’s decision to ease the pressure on immigration of terror-linked individuals. Indeed, where else can they go to practice their fanaticism and find newly found respectability and hospitality? To America.

    By weakening immigration laws that protect Americans from Islamic terror, Obama is now sending the wrong message both to his own citizens and to the Muslim world. He is basically saying that he does not mind taking in fleeing terrorists and their sympathizers. And he does not seem to care at all about appearances or if he this casts more suspicion on his reputation, despite the constant rumors we all know about, that he is a secret Muslim and that his brother Malik has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    What is also strange is the US State Department is not welcoming fleeing Christians in the Middle East as they should. Most of the visa applications submitted by the desperate and oppressed Egyptian Christians are denied. It was reported that only about 800 to 900 applications were approved by the US for Christian Egyptian immigrants out of 20,000 applications.

    This also comes amidst accusations and rumors in Egypt that President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are aiding terrorists and conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood. One would think that the US would be happy that the Egyptian government and others are clamping down on radical Muslim groups who are ruining the lives of the ordinary citizens in the Middle East. But instead, the Obama administration changes immigration laws for their “eyes only” to welcome escaping Muslim troublemakers whose activities are now unwelcome in Egypt.

    Obama is doing this not only amidst claims that he is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, but he also appears to the Muslim world as responding positively to the radical Sunni Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who recently called on the US government to wage jihad for Allah, to help support the “freedom fighters,” meaning terrorists, in Syria, and adding that “Allah willing, your [US] aid will increase.” This is the first time in history that a radical Muslim leader publicly asks America to join in the jihad for the sake of Allah.

    This is also the same administration that revoked the asylum visa already granted to a German Christian family by a Memphis immigration judge. Obama’s Department of Justice is forcing the deportation of a peaceful Christian German family that seeks refuge in the US to home-school their children. It is the same administration that is allowing the illegal immigrant relatives of Obama to live in US public housing and that granted Obama’s Kenyan brother a 501c3 non-profit status within 30 days of his application, while patriotic Tea Party citizens have not received theirs yet after a three and four year wait.

    Reverse discrimination is being practiced in the open by the Obama administration against Christians, whites and other patriotic citizens like Dinesh D’Souza and the Tea Party.
    To the savvy analyst of Muslim culture, Obama’s immigration policy is clearly supporting the Islamic jihad agenda and helping to transplant jihadists’ activities in a new unsuspecting land. It is aiding the spread of the “Religion of Peace” propaganda in our public schools and making the questioning of Muslims taboo even for our homeland security. This administration is creating a new generation of Americans that is being indoctrinated at a similar level of indoctrination that is occurring to Arab kids in the Islamic Middle East. All the while, the Islamists to claim their supposed victim-hood as an excuse for their belligerence and dominance. And they use and abuse US fears of being called racist or Islamophobic every time an American objects to Islam as oppressive. This way they can build mosques everywhere, including on the ruins of 9/11, while churches are being destroyed in the Middle East.

    One can’t help but marvel at how easy America has capitulated after only one major terror attack.

    The reckless and dire situation regarding Islamic immigration and penetration — and putting certain foreign interests ahead of American citizens — has really gotten out of hand. Most sane-minded Americans are frozen, defeated and helpless. America, with Obama’s blessings, is slipping away and surrendering to the Islamic invasion. And if anyone objects, they are called the “R” word: Racist.

    In whose best interest is Obama working for? Not even the liberals should celebrate this. While pacifying the radical left with the failed Obamacare and other environment and energy projects, the president keeps them busy defending him against the big bad Republicans. What need does the US meet when it welcomes in those who had some connections with terror groups? Who is America pandering to or targeting to give asylum to? Why gamble with the safety, security and peace of American citizens to that extent?

    If this situation continues, the American people will wake up one day with Muslim-only zones across the US, women and gays harassed and persecuted in every US city that will be prone Chechnya-style terrorism and calls for a separatist movement. This is the history of Islam repeating itself wherever it goes.

    It is time for a Tahrir ‘freedom’ square movement in America against the progressives who put Obama in office.
    Don’t miss Jamie Glazov’s video interview with Walid Shoebat, who sheds disturbing light on the Obama administration’s Islamist odyssey, the terror links of Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, The Case for Islamophobia, and much, much more:

    Obama Grants Asylum-Seeking Aliens Who Gave Terror Groups ‘Limited Material Support’ Easier Access to U.S.

    Feb. 10, 2014 5:34am Elizabeth Kreft

    The Obama administration relaxed its rules this month for potential asylum seekers and refugees to the U.S. who may have terrorist links or who have given “limited material support” to groups classed as terrorist organizations, the RT Network reported.

    The move is one of the first executive actions on immigration following President Obama’s promise to use more executive directives in his State of the Union address last month.

    The new notice relaxes limitations under 8 U.S.C. 1182 for persons seeking asylum who may have helped terror organizations without realizing it (Image via Shutterstock).

    The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department published the new notice, dubbed the “Exercise of Authority Under Section 212(d)(3)(B)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act” Wednesday in the Federal Register.

    The notice reads: “Following consultations with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State have determined that the grounds of inadmissibility … bar certain aliens who do not pose a national security or public safety risk from admission to the United States and from obtaining immigration benefits or other status.”

    The goal: if those seeking asylum gave unintentional support to the terrorist network, they can enter the United States.

    The ease in restrictions may – for example – allow someone who inadvertently delivered correspondence for a terrorist organization to pursue asylum in the United States (Image via Shutterstock).

    The measures were introduced in the wake of 9/11 and affected everyone seeking to enter the US or extend a visa, if they were believed to have given such limited support and no exceptions were made, RT Network reported. Now, the Obama administration now wants to examine whether support could have been either limited or part of “routine commercial transactions or routine social transactions.”

    According to 8 U.S.C. 1182, “material support” can include things like providing a safe house, transportation, communications, funds, false documentation or identification, weapons, explosives, or training, to any individual the actor knows or has reason to believe has committed or plans to commit a terrorist activity.

    As a refresher, the code also defines “terrorist activity” as:
    “… any activity which is unlawful under the laws of the place where it is committed (or which, if it had been committed in the United States, would be unlawful under the laws of the United States or any State) and which involves any of the following:

    (I) The highjacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle).

    (II) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue to detain, another individual in order to compel a third person (including a governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or detained.

    (III) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person (as defined in section 1116(b)(4) of title 18 ) or upon the liberty of such a person.

    (IV) An assassination.

    (V) The use of any—

    (a) biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or device, or

    (b) explosive, firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more individuals or to cause substantial damage to property.

    (VI) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.”
    The House and Senate Foreign Relations Committees did not immediately respond to TheBlaze for comment, but RT Newtork reported the Homeland Security Department said the rule change will not open the country to terrorists, as those seeking refugee status or a visa will still be subject to “thorough security checks

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    Still more signs that this administration favors moslem radicals;

    FEATURED STORY: Obama Appoints New National Security Director For Mideast; Robert Malley Heads Group With Board Members Tied To Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas

    By gmbwatch
    US media is reporting that President Obama has selected Robert Malley, the program director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group (ICG), as the senior director at the National Security Council responsible for devising US policy in the Middle East. According to a New York Times report:
    Robert Malley

    February 18, 2014 WASHINGTON — The last time Robert Malley went to work for the White House, it was as a Middle East peacemaker, advising President Bill Clinton during his futile effort to broker an agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians at Camp David in 2000. Now, Mr. Malley is coming back to the White House, administration officials said on Tuesday. This time, he will manage the fraying ties between the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf, a job that says a lot about how America’s role in the Middle East has changed. As a senior director at the National Security Council, Mr. Malley will help devise American policy from Saudi Arabia to Iran. It is a region on edge, with the Saudis and their Sunni neighbors in the gulf fearful that the United States is tilting away, after decades of close ties with them, toward a nuclear accommodation with Shiite Iran. With his many contacts throughout the Arab world, Mr. Malley, who has been program director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group, would seem well suited for such a post. But he has also been something of a lightning rod in a field that can be culturally and ideologically treacherous. In 2008, Mr. Malley was forced to sever his ties as an informal adviser to the campaign of Barack Obama when it was reported that he had met with members of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, which the State Department classifies as a terrorist organization. The meeting, Mr. Malley said in a letter to The New York Times, was hardly a secret and came in the course of his work with the I.C.G., a nonprofit group focused on preventing conflict. Still, he felt obliged to distance himself from Mr. Obama to avoid misperceptions of the “candidate’s position regarding the Islamist movement. Read the rest here.
    Reporting by the GMBDW raises serious questions about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas within the ICG, founded in 1995 as “an international non-governmental organization on the initiative of a group of well known transatlantic figures who despaired at the international community’s failure to anticipate and respond effectively to the tragedies in the early 1990s of Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia.” The ICG is currently chaired by former US Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering and former UN official Mark Malloch-Brown. Notable members of the board include former Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, financier George Soros, former Nato commander Wesley Clark, and former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer. In 2008 our predecessor publication reported that International Crisis Group (CG) had issued a report recommending that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood be integrated in Egyptian political life and that Brotherhood posted a statement on its website saying that the group agrees with the recommendations. The GMBDW has reported since 2007 on the Muslim Brotherhood and/or Hamas background of two of the ICG Trustees which may help to explain the ICG position on the Brotherhood. Palestinian-born Wadah Khanfar is a current member of the ICG board. In 2003, Khanfar became head of the Al Jazeera Baghdad bureau and shortly thereafter became the station General Manager, serving until his resignation in 2011. A report in the Nation Magazine attributes the support by the Al Jazeera television station for Islamic movements to Khanfar’s influence. According to the Nationreport, Al Jazeera coverage changed dramatically to a far more “populist/Islamist approach.” when Khanfar took over in March 2003. This change should not have been surprising given Khanfar’s background in the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. According to a report in a Mideast business publication, Wadah Khanfar was born and educated in Jordan where, consistent with a Muslim Brotherhood background, he was educated as an engineer and where he reportedly was arrested as part of the Brotherhood there. The same report indicates that he also was a student activist, organizing a student union, an activity also consistent with a Muslim Brotherhood background. In a TV interview, Khanfar stated that started his career as a journalist as an analyst on African affairs, mainly on Al Jazeera, while living in South Africa where he was doing graduate study in international politics and African studies at the time. He also described himself in the interview as “a researcher and consultant in Middle Eastern economics and political affairs.” In 1997, Khanfar became the Al Jazeera correspondent in South Africa. However, while living in South Africa, Khanfar was also was the Director of Human Resource Development for the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO), an organization closely tied to the global Muslim Brotherhood. A memo said to be a 1998 briefing document prepared for the former South African President Thabo Mbeki had long been posted on the Internet and described the IIFSO as working closely with Hamas.The memo also identified an individual called Wahdan Abu Ahmed KHUNFUR who it says was a Trustee of the Al Aqsa Foundation in South Africa as well as a Hamas contact. The Al Aqsa Foundation is one of the organizations comprising the Union of Good, the worldwide coalition of charities collecting money for Hamas and directed by global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi. The memo appears to be genuine, containing substantial detail and matching the time that Khanfar was known to be living in South Africa. It should also be noted that a Jordanian newspaper reported that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gave Qatari officials a file demonstrating Khanfar’s Hamas/Brotherhood connections and an analysis posted by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs traced Mr. Khanfar’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood:
    The director general of the network, Wadah Khanfar, was a member of the organization in Jordan, where he was arrested. Today he is one of the closest advisers of the emir. Sheikh Qaradawi is also a member of the inner circle of the emir and is known to work closely with Khanfar. Both support Hamas. Arab researchers have succeeded in uncovering a number of other Brothers working for the network, but it is surmised that there are many more. The general consensus is that Yusuf al-Qaradawi is the visible tip of the iceberg. In an article published in 2003 in the London-based Arabic daily Asharq Alawsat, Maamun Fendi, a well-known Egyptian liberal thinker today living in the United States, wrote that some 50 percent of the network’s personnel belong to the Muslim Brothers. He added that their influence in Qatar was rising both in the network and among government circles. According to him, the Brothers had intended to hold their world summit in Qatar in 2003 but had to scuttle their plan when it became known. These summits are usually held in a European capital far from Arab countries, in conditions of the utmost discretion, if not secrecy.
    Another former board member of the ICG is former Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim who has many ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood including helping to found the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) where he currently serves as a director, representing Asian youth and serving as a trustee for the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) during the 1970′s and early 1980′s, and appearances at numerous Brotherhood-linked conferences. His ICG bio omitted this background. The GMBDW or its predecessor publication has been the original source for all of the major stories concerning the Muslim Brotherhood ties of individuals serving in the Obama administration beginning with our 2008 report on then Obama campaign advisor Mazen Asbahi. Other original stories have included:
    • Exposing the Brotherhood ties of Rashad Hussain, the US envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)

    • Exposing the ties to the Saudi Muslim World League of the parents of Huma Abedin, a Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton

    • Exposing the Muslim Brotherhood ties of Obama administration faith advisor Dahlia Mogahed

    • Exposing the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas ties of US Department of Homeland Security advisor Mohamed Elibiary

    Unfortunately most of these stories were “appropriated” by other media who gave the GMBDW no credit for the reporting.
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    The Beast : Obama eases restrictions for Islamic TERRORIST who seek Asylum in U.S. (Feb 10, 2014)

    Published on Feb 11, 2014

    News Articles:

    Obama Ending Restrictions On Islamic Asylum Seekers With "Loose" Terrorist Ties

    New Policy Could Allow in Syrians with "Limited" Terror Ties

    Exclusive: US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees

    US eases law on 'limited' terror tie refugees

    U.S. relaxes rule about 'limited' ties to terrorist groups

    Obama administration ends some terror asylum restrictions

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    UN Demands Europe "Open Its Doors" As Syrian Refugees Reach "Saturation Point"
    Syrian refugees, whose numbers are set to pass 3 million in the next few weeks,
    are almost all in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, with smaller numbers in Iraq and
    Egypt. But, as Reuters reports, that looks set to change:

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/11/2014 13:22 -0400

    UNHCR chief spokeswoman Melissa Fleming exclaimed that Europe must
    open its doors to more Syrian refugees
    , having welcomed only a
    "miniscule" number while Syria's neighbors have reached "saturation point."

    As Reuters reports, in more than 3 years of war, very few Syrians have made
    it to continental Europe

    "The trend is obvious now, they're moving beyond the neighboring
    countries. The neighboring countries have reached saturation
    point. And many Syrians are now seeking refuge in Europe and
    we're asking Europe to do more

    There have been 123,600 asylum requests, mostly in Sweden and
    Germany, but that figure includes double counting, since some have
    asked for asylum in several countries.

    "Relative to the 2.9 million refugees in the countries immediately
    surrounding Syria, these numbers are small, in fact they're miniscule.
    They represent only 4 percent of Syrian refugees," Fleming told a
    news briefing in Geneva.

    "Just to put this into perspective, Europe has a population of 670 million
    people. Contrast that to Lebanon, which has a population of 4.4 million
    people and has received 1.1 million refugees."

    Although the European Union (EU) has been a leading donor for the
    humanitarian aid effort in Syria, some countries on the continent
    have "terrible" conditions for receiving refugees
    . Some detain
    them, and some - Bulgaria, Spain and Greece - have tried to reject
    them before they land in unseaworthy boats.

    The UNHCR calls out Russia specifically...

    One country in Europe - Russia - has sent 12 refugees back to
    Syria, breaking an international law principle
    that no would-be
    refugees should be sent back to a place where their life or liberty would
    be at risk, the report said.

    Russia - an ally of President Bashar al-Assad - has not granted refugee
    status to a single Syrian
    , although it granted 1,193 temporary asylum
    requests in 2013, it added.
    But she is insistent that Europe open up...

    Fleming told Reuters that European countries should admit
    "everyone who wants to come"
    , which she said was a minority of the
    overall refugee population, since many wanted to remain closer to home
    in an Arabic-speaking community.

    "We’re asking for other forms of protection which include family
    reunification, extending student visas, offering scholarships, all kind of
    different mechanisms that could allow for the admission of more

    * * *

    We have an idea - Europe pays for flights from Syria to South America and then all
    the refugees can pop across the border into Texas... problem solved
    (you're welcome).

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Here’s why Somali Muslim Refugees are moving to Cheyenne, Wyoming, Prepare to be shocked

    By Pamela Geller
    November 17, 2014

    They are going there to get subsidized Section 8 housing vouchers to take to another state.

    Refugee resettlement is a euphemism for importing whole Muslim communities, importing jihad. I have long documented the targeting of gateway cities (smaller cities) overwhelmed with Muslim refugee immigration( from countries like Somalia — cities like Emporia, Kansas, Nashville, Greeley and Fort Morgan, Colorado, Lewiston, Maine et al. The over-saturation and drain on city resources has driven these immigrants northward to settle in Wyoming, according to these reports. (http://refugeeresettlementwatch.word...yenne-wyoming/)

    Organizations like Lutheran Family Services profit enormously(http://refugeeresettlementwatch.word...ent-contracts/) from the Federal government handling these refugees.

    The sharia compliant enemedia, like Wyoming’s Tribune Eagle, attacks(http://refugeeresettlementwatch.word...s-calls-names/) critics of mass refugee immigration into Wyoming as “bigots.” Shocka.


    Most Americans are unaware that under the “Refugee Resettlement Program,”( whole Muslim communities from hostile nations are imported into the United States, circumventing whatever immigration laws that are still intact. This is made even more dangerous by what organization determines who are refugees and who aren’t. It’s the UN, driven largely by the world’s largest international body, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The OIC is a modern-day caliphate made up of 56 countries and the Palestinian terrorists.


    Cheyenne’s Somali population has grown rapidly in the last couple of years. That’s surprising because Wyoming doesn’t have an official refugee resettlement program, and most jobs around here require fluent English. But Cheyenne has one really big draw: housing assistance. Faiso Abdi moved to Cheyenne last year. She says she was happy living in Greeley Colorado, but she couldn’t even get on the waitlist for that city’s section 8 housing voucher program.


    Read more:





    If this author is correct Americans will soon be facing danger throughout America. Why would the Obama State Dept., force Somalia-Muslims on towns in Minnesota, Wyoming, Tennessee, Colorado. Haven't we seen a number of these "refugees" return to Somalia as terrorists. Truly something is wrong with the people at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Their aim seems not to be in the interest of these United States of America. Their oaths of office have become Lies and Weapons directed at the People.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Obama is trying desperately to dillute the USA. He figures if he can get enough blacks and muslims in, the white power structure will fail and the era of paradise with Sharia law, burqas and clitorectomies will be ushered in.
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Yep, exactly. Tear everything down and rebuild it, a la Cloward-Piven.

    It's sad really, the playbook is right out in the open yet people choose to allow it to continue to happen.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Ryan, they don't know it is there because they are uneducated, stupid Americans!

    We've all been "Grubered" haven't we?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Spying on Somali refugees keeps feds busy, busy, busy; and more Somalis on the way!

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on January 22, 2015

    Our supposed surveillance of the Somali “community” in Minneapolis didn’t catch this jihadist—one of many Somali youths we raised on your dime!

    Over the last 24 hours two stories came to my attention about how the federal government and local law enforcement supposedly have their hands full and are crafting programs and spending big bucks on surveillance of the Somali refugee “community” in several Office of Refugee Resettlement “preferred” resettlement cities—notably Minneapolis and San Diego. They are looking for budding terrorist activity.

    Both articles question how well the spy agencies and local FBI are doing. Both are leading readers to conclude that spying on Somalis is a waste of money and take away their civil liberties.

    The first article, published yesterday in the New Yorker is too long to keep my interest, maybe it will keep yours! I feel like saying yes, we know about San Diego’s nest of Somalis connected to Al-Shabaab. We have written about them on many occasions (click here for our San Diego archive).

    Although the writer is busy trying really hard to show that phone surveillance under the Patriot Act is catching only a small handful of little-fish funders of the jihad in Africa, I was most interested in what it never mentions!

    Not once in this giant tome is there any reference to how the Somalis got here in the first place through the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.

    Some readers, new to the whole Somali migration to America issue, would think that Somalis got in some migration ‘line’ in Africa and simply ‘found their way’ to San Diego. Although there is much discussion about where they live in San Diego, again, not a word about the federally-funded
    resettlement contractors
    (Alliance for African Assistance, Jewish Family Services, International Rescue Committee, and Catholic Charities) who found them their apartments, or the State Department that flew them there. The word “refugee” appears only once in the article and that is in conjunction with the word “camp” as in “refugee camp.”

    One thing that is mentioned as if it is just your normal every day occurrence is the discussion about Somalis (refugees remember! who have escaped PERSECUTION) simply traveling back and forth to Somalia (in one case to find a wife). If Somalia was safe enough for regular visits why in hell did we bring them here!

    Through remittances your money is holding up hell holes around the world!

    Then there is this section in the New Yorker piece (one of the few that got my attention!) that is only used to describe why the Somali star of the story needed to get involved with a hawala, Shidaal Express, a money transfer agency. (We first wrote about Shidaal Express in 2009 and have mentioned it a few times since, here).

    In 2013, foreign remittances to Somalia reached $1.3 billion, which accounts for roughly half of the country’s G.D.P. Most of this money moves through hawalas, informal networks of Islamic money-transfer agents. Some U.S. hawalas are underground; some are affiliated with licensed banks. It’s difficult for authorities to track which hawala transfers buy food and other necessities in Somalia and which might be support for militant groups. But most agree that the current system is preferable to Somali émigrés’ making periodic trips with bundles of cash.

    “Somehow the money’s going to move,” Carol Beaumier, a former federal bank examiner, said in a recent interview with American Banker.

    Although some of the $1.3 billion goes from other countries to Somalia, much of that comes from YOU (the US taxpayer)! through the myriad welfare programs and other state and federally funded “programs” Somali refugees tap into.

    Only last month we learned about a fraudulent day care scheme in Minneapolis where funds skimmed from the state were allegedly being sent to Africa!

    I will bet a buck that those ‘economic’ studies being used in cities by the pro-open borders propagandists at Welcoming America, which claim that immigrants and refugees bring boom times to troubled cities, do not include how much of a city’s money is leaving the country.

    You can read the whole New Yorker story (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’) yourself, if you find something you think needs to be flagged, add it as comment to this post.

    The Intercept

    The other story that came to my attention yesterday is from Minneapolis where the news magazine—The Intercept—a publication created and funded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar exposes NSA information in the wake of the Snowden leak.

    The article entitled, ‘Spies Among Us: How Community Outreach Programs to Muslims Blur Lines between Outreach and Intelligence,’ is apparently trying to make the point that the Somali “community” of Minneapolis is being snookered (and spied upon) by the FBI.

    Here is how The Intercept story begins:

    Last May, after getting a ride to school with his dad, 18-year-old Abdullahi Yusuf absconded to the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport to board a flight to Turkey. There, FBI agents stopped Yusuf and later charged him with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization—he was allegedly associated with another Minnesota man believed to have gone to fight for the Islamic State in Syria.

    To keep other youth from following Yusuf’s path, U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger recently said that the federal government would be launching a new initiative to work with Islamic community groups and promote after-school programs and job training–to address the “root causes” of extremist groups’ appeal. “This is not about gathering intelligence, it’s not about expanding surveillance or any of the things that some people want to claim it is,” Luger said.

    Luger’s comments spoke to the concerns of civil liberties advocates, who believe that blurring the line between engagement and intelligence gathering could end up with the monitoring of innocent individuals. If past programs in this area are any guide, those concerns are well founded.

    Documents obtained by attorneys at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, and shared with the Intercept, show that previous community outreach efforts in Minnesota–launched in 2009 in response to the threat of young Americans joining the al-Qaeda-linked militia al-Shabab, in Somalia—were, in fact, conceived to gather intelligence.

    A grant proposal from the St. Paul Police Department to the Justice Department, which the Brennan Center obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI, lays out a plan in which Somali-speaking advocates would hold outreach meetings with community groups and direct people toward the Police Athletic League and programs at the YWCA. The proposal says that “the team will also identify radicalized individuals, gang members, and violent offenders who refuse to cooperate with our efforts.” [I believe they need to be watched, but this is dumb!—CAIR must be jumping for joy!—ed]

    “It’s startling how explicit it was – ‘You don’t want to join the Police Athletic League? You sound like you might join al-Shabab!’ said Michael Price, an attorney with the Brennan Center.

    Read it all. Sure sounds like there is a movement afoot to throw cold water on any attempt by the federal government to monitor the growing Somali COMMUNITY for possible Islamic terrorist connections.

    Meanwhile, another arm of the federal government, the US State Department, is importing new Somalis to America at record speed!

    The State Department has admitted well over 100,000 in the last three decades, here. 9,000 were admitted in FY 2014 here. And, in this fiscal year (three months old) we have already admitted 2,801. If we keep that pace, FY2015 will see 11,204 NEW Somalis!

    So while everyone has angst about keeping an eye on them, many more are coming in every single day!

    And, remind me! What does America get out of this?

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  18. #58
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    The whole problem with this ignorance is that it kills people.

    The main thing about "stop harassing Muslims and provide them with monetary aid" is PRECISELY what they want and will CONTINUE to take hostages and kill people.

    If the fuckers EVER take me hostage alive (which they won't, I'll fucking fight them to the death and take as many with me as possible before they get me) then they WON'T get the chance to kill me by beheading or burning.

    If not, I Hope the US Government is smarter by then and nukes them (and me if necessary) to obliterate their asses.

    Obama to Quadruple the Number of Syrian Refugees Brought to America

    February 17, 2015 - 7:04 AM
    By Susan Jones
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    APTOPIX Mideast Iraq Syrian Refugees

    In this photo provided by UNHCR officials and taken on Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013. Syrian refugees cross the border toward Iraq at Peshkhabour border point at Dahuk, 260 miles northwest of Baghdad, Iraq. (AP Photo/HO)

    ( - The United States has "a long tradition of welcoming refugees," and it expects to welcome thousands more of them from Syria in 2015 and 2016, despite concerns about foreign fighters, the State Department said.

    "The United States has admitted 524 Syrians since 2011. We’re likely to admit 1,000 to 2,000 Syrian refugees for permanent resettlement in Fiscal Year 2015 and a somewhat higher number, though still in the low thousands, in Fiscal Year 2016," spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday.

    But at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee last week, Chairman Mike McCaul (R-Texas) said it would be a "huge mistake" to bring refugees from Syria and Turkey into the United States where they "could potentially be radicalized."

    Psaki told reporters on Friday that national security "is absolutely a priority" in the decision to admit refugees -- a total of 70,000 this year (see below).

    "That’s why the process can take months, if not longer. And we have a lot of experience with this with Afghanistan, with Iraq, with Somalia, and other places where the United States has taken refugees in from.

    "Refugees are the most carefully vetted of all travelers to the United States," Psaki continued.

    "Every refugee under consideration for admission to the United States undergoes the same intensive security screening involving multiple federal intelligence, security, and law enforcement agencies. These include the NCTC, the Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Defense, the FBI. This process includes a lengthy overseas in-person refugee determination and security screening interview conducted by...specially trained DHS officers.

    Psaki repeated that "one of our values is bringing in and welcoming refugees who have fled horrors around the world, and that continues to be central to what we believe in."

    In response to a question, Psaki said she's aware of only "two incidents" involving "two Iraqis" who were admitted to Kentucky and were later accused of trying to send weapons and money to al Qaida in Iraq.

    "Additional measures were activated as a result of evidence that came in on two Iraqis after they were admitted to Kentucky. Those measures are now applied to all refugees. So we always evaluate and use information as it becomes available," Psaki said.

    At the Feb. 11 hearing, McCaul said he's written a letter to National Security Adviser Susan Rice expressing his concern about refugees from Syria and Turkey:

    "I've been over there and I've seen them. Yeah, most of them are women and children, but there are male actors that concern me. I think this would be a huge mistake if we bring in these (refugees) into the United States that could potentially be radicalized...We're not only trying to keep these guys, the foreign fighters, out, but under this would be a -- a federally sanctioned welcome party, if you will, to potential terrorists in the United States."

    Nicholas Rasmussen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told McCaul that the Syrian refugees are "clearly a population of concern."

    Rasmussen and two other witnesses told the committee that a rigorous vetting and screening process is applied to all refugees in an attempt to identify possible connections to foreign terrorist groups.

    In a memo last September, President Obama said the United States would admit "up to 70,000 refugees to the United States during Fiscal Year 2015," as justified by humanitarian concerns or the national interest.

    The number breaks down as follows:

    East Asia.............................13,000
    Europe and Central Asia................1,000
    Latin America and Caribbean............4,000
    Near East and South Asia..............33,000
    Unallocated Reserve....................2,000 is not funded by the government like NPR. is not funded by the government like PBS. relies on individuals like you to help us report the news the liberal media distort and ignore. Please make a tax-deductible gift to today. Your continued support will ensure that is here reporting THE TRUTH, for a long time to come. It's fast, easy and secure.

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    US Officials Admit Concern Over Syrian Refugee Effort (Is Obama letting ISIS in?)

    Feb 12, 2015, 5:28 PM ET

    World News Videos | US News Videos

    op U.S. counterterrorism officials say they worry a potential terrorist could be hiding among refugees who are looking to come to the United States after escaping the brutal war in Syria. "It's clearly a population of concern,” the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Nicholas Rasmussen, told the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday.

    Committee Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, went further, saying it would be a “huge mistake” to bring refugees from the conflict to the U.S. – even as an estimated 4 million children, women and men have been forced to flee Syria and another 7 million have been displaced from their homes there, unable to leave.

    Senior officials leading the State Department’s refugee efforts say the U.S. government has a long history of caring for the innocent victims of war.

    “It’s not a matter of should we do it, it’s really a matter of how we do it,” Larry Bartlett, the State Department’s director of Refugee Admission for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, told ABC News. “One of the fundamental principles of our country is that we care about others. We will help others.”

    Fresh Offensive, Hezbollah Troops Fast Approaching Israeli Border From Syrian Side

    US Spies Struggle With Intel 'Gap' On Ground in Syria

    Bartlett insisted every refugee is vetted through an “intensive” system, drawing on information and expertise from several U.S. intelligence agencies, including the Defense Department.

    “We have a very slow process of moving refugees through our pipeline, and part of it is because of the security vetting component,” Bartlett said.

    Homeland security officials also testified Wednesday that any potential refugees from Syria would receive “the most rigorous screening.”

    Lefteris Pitarakis/AP Photo

    PHOTO: Thick smoke rises following an airstrike by the US-led coalition in Kobani, Syria as fighting continued between Syrian Kurds and the militants of Islamic State group, as seen from Mursitpinar Turkey-Syria border, Oct. 13, 2014.

    "Any tasking we're given ... will be as thorough as we can make it," said Francis Taylor, the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence office.
    Yet that’s not reassurance enough for McCaul and other leading Republicans, who recently penned a letter to National Security Advisor Susan Rice cautioning that the U.S. government’s ability to screen refugees from Syria might not be sufficient.

    “The continued civil war and destabilization in Syria undeniably make it more difficult to acquire the information needed to conduct reliable threat assessments on specific refugees,” they wrote in the letter two weeks ago.

    With tens of thousands of Syrians joining groups in the region like the Islamic State, the U.S. government “cannot allow the refugee process to become a backdoor for jihadists,” they added.

    At the hearing Wednesday, an FBI official also questioned whether the U.S. intelligence community – with few assets on the ground in Syria and little insight into the country from elsewhere – can provide authorities with the information they need to properly determine whether any refugee could pose a threat.

    "You have to have information to vet,” said FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach, who heads the bureau’s counterterrorism division. “Databases don't [have] the information on those individuals, and that's the concern.”

    Still, Rasmussen vowed “the full weight of the U.S. intelligence community” would be employed to "unearth" any concerning information about potential refugees. And Bartlett and other State Department officials say the U.S. is far from opening the flood gates.

    Of the 7 million of Syrians seeking refuge, only about 500 have been let in the United States. Compare that with Syria’s neighbor, Jordan, whose Foreign Minister recently said they’ve let in over 80,000 Syrians -- a figure that represents nearly 21 percent of Jordan’s total population. Or compare it to the response to the Iraq war, with the U.S. admitting over 120,000 Iraqis.

    So far Germany and Sweden are leading the charge when it comes to accepting Syrians. Germany has let in nearly 12,000 refugees, not including those who have sought asylum there.

    Officials at the State Department were quick to report that overall the U.S. accepts more refugees than the rest of the world combined. Bartlett and others also say they expect the U.S. to steadily increase the number of Syrians it accepts as applications at the United Nations continue to pile up.

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    (Is Obama letting ISIS in?)

    Now there's an interesting question. Given everything he's done to support ISIS to date, and the fact that he's a dyed in the wool Muslim bent on conquest... of course he's letting ISIS in!

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