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Thread: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards)

  1. #441
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    garneringrightideas ‏@garneringrighti 7m
    How #Flexible will #Obama be when #Russia invades #Ukraine?

    Chances of War Growing Between Russia and Ukraine

    by John Galt
    March 23, 2014 14:20ET

    From ABC News and the Sunday morning talk show This Week with George Stephanopoulos earlier today:

    Disturbing? Quite. The Russians have essentially imprisoned the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force in Crimea, seized several warships including the only submarine in the Ukrainian fleet, and positioned even more troops on Russian-Ukrainian border than were there ten days ago. In fact, according to a BBC News report, the Ukrainian command ship, the Slavutych was seized after a two hour confrontation in the port city of Sevastopol:

    Russian troops storm Ukrainian bases in Crimea

    Russian forces appear to be stepping up their efforts to push all Ukrainian forces out of the region.

    In another development, Ukraine’s warship Slavutych has been seized.

    The command vessel was seized by Crimean “self-defence” units and Russian troops after a two-hour assault in Sevastopol, a Ukrainian defence spokesman said.

    The BBC’s Ian Pannell in Belbek says the Ukrainian troops on the peninsula feel beleaguered and abandoned by their commanders.

    This however, is not the end of the Crimean conflict with the Ukraine and the West, but apparently the start of something much more dramatic:

    NATO says Russia has big force at Ukraine’s border, worries over Transdniestria

    For my readers wondering where Transdniestria is and why it will become a critical piece of the puzzle regarding Moldova and the Ukraine along with the Russian government’s warning that it will protect Russian citizens wherever they reside, the article from Asharq Al-Awsat linked above provides some insight:

    NATO’s top military commander said on Sunday that Russia had built up a large force on Ukraine’s eastern border and he was worried Moscow may be eying Moldova’s mainly Russian-speaking separatist Transdniestria region after annexing Crimea.

    NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove, voiced concern about Moscow using a tactic of snap military exercises to prepare its forces for possible rapid incursions into a neighboring state, as it had done in the case of Ukraine’s Crimea region.

    Russia launched a new military exercise, involving 8,500 artillerymen, near Ukraine’s border 10 days ago.

    Breedlove said the Russian tactic should lead the 28-nation Western military alliance to rethink the positioning and readiness of its forces in eastern Europe so that they were ready to counter Moscow’s moves.

    “A snap exercise puts an incredible force at a border. The force that is at the Ukrainian border now to the east is very, very sizable and very, very ready,” he said, speaking at an event held by the German Marshall Fund, a think tank.

    “You cannot defend against that if you are not there to defend against it. So I think we need to think about our allies, the positioning of our forces in the alliance and the readiness of those forces…such that we can be there to defend against it if required, especially in the Baltics and other places.”

    Why is NATO so nervous about this threat? The article continues with this key statement:

    He voiced concern that Russia could have Transdniestria in its sights after Crimea, saying that, in Russia’s view, the separatist region of Moldova was the “next place where Russian-speaking people may need to be incorporated.”

    Some of the elements of the Crimea scenario are also present in Transdniestria, which lies on Ukraine’s western border but is just a few hundred kilometers from Crimea.

    “There is absolutely sufficient [Russian] force postured on the eastern border of Ukraine to run to Transdniestria if the decision was made to do that and that is very worrisome,” Breedlove said.

    The military understands that there is nothing NATO could do about war erupting in the Ukraine or Moldova nor is their sufficient political will to engage the Russians at any level to stop their current course of action.

    Meanwhile, the propaganda war continues with protests in Odessa staged by pro-Ukraine and pro-Russian demonstrators hitting the streets of the strategically crucial city of Odessa. The Voice of Russia did not miss this opportunity to encourage more action by pro-Russian citizens in the Ukraine:

    Thousands of Odessites protest against coup d’etat and political repressions in Ukraine

    If a shooting war does begin, especially in the Transdniestria region near Moldova, look for the Russian military to seize Odessa as one of the first major actions to neutralize the remaining elements of the Ukrainian Navy and to start the process of completely encircling the beleaguered Ukrainian military and government. The week ahead will be a major test to see if NATO is nothing more than a modern day version of the League of Nations or even weaker than that.

    Finance News ‏@ftfinancenews 2h
    Visa and MasterCard resume Russia payments

    Gregor Peter ‏@L0gg0l 2h
    Power outage in Crimea?
    Seems like a reasonable pretext for Putin to go into Eastern Ukraine!
    Steve Komarnyckyj ‏@SteveKomarnycky 1h
    Self inflicted power cuts in Crimea may be used as pretext
    by Russia for moving into Ukraine to protect utilities infrastructure
    ^^^Or is this the reason?

    Gregor Peter ‏@L0gg0l 3h
    Chinese Crimea brewing? Big protests underway in Taiwan!
    Tom Nichols ‏@TheWarRoom_Tom 1m

    So the Crimean PM who was all hot to have #Russia take over is now bitching that #Ukraine is cutting amount of power it supplies. #naglost

    Діяти ‏@diyatyorg 51s

    New turn in #CrimeaCrisis: Ukraine cut #Crimea's electricity supply in half, several towns are blacked out.
    #Ukraine #Russia

    John King ‏@jmkfire 40s

    @MVDatsenko 4) #Crimea hasn't paid the bill. Remember you broke away from #Ukraine. No more free stuff. Gotta pay for services now.

    resistance ‏@arabresistance 1m

    BREAKING: #Ukraine state energy company lowered energy supply to #Crimea by 50%. Many cities without electricity. #Kiev #Russia #

    What Flash Mobs do in Odessa:

    irysia ‏@irysia_blog 2m

    Sent chills down my spine. Flashmob in market of #Odessa plays Ode to Joy, Beethoven's anthem for Europe. … #Ukraine

    Natalia Melnychuk ‏@pravolivo 17s

    Polish, Hungarian and Romanian MFAs got letters from Russian State Duma w/ offers to grab 7 western #Ukraine regions

    ian bremmer ‏@ianbremmer 4h
    Ukraine Crisis Losers: US, EU, #Ukraine, Russia, Global Economy

    Winners: China, Iran

    Аlexei Marouthis ‏@Marouthis 5h
    Российских войск на территорию Украины точно нет, а вот западные военные
    инструкторы есть
    "Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine do not have one, but Western military
    instructors have"

    How Erik Prince, Founder Of Blackwater, Will Help China Subjugate Africa

    Secret Us Hit Squads Murdering People All Over The Globe

    Russian troops poised to 'run' into Moldova, Nato commander warns
    A pro-Russian enclave of Moldova could be Moscow's next target after Crimea, Nato warns

    By Colin Freeman
    12:52PM GMT 23 Mar 2014
    Comments 1206

    Fears that Russia could claw back a second chunk of former Soviet territory in Europe grew on Sunday night after Nato warned that Moscow’s troops were poised to move into a pro-Russian enclave of Moldova.

    Nato’s top commander said that Russian troops massed on Ukraine’s eastern border were well placed to take Transdniester, a Russian-speaking enclave that has declared independence from the rest of Moldova.

    About a third of Transdniester’s half-million people are ethnic Russians, many of whom want to return to rule from Moscow. To this day, the streets of the capital, Tiraspol, are decked out with statues of Lenin and other symbols of the Soviet Union, of which Moldova was a member until its break-up in 1991.

    US Air Force Gen Philip Breedlove, who is Nato’s supreme allied commander in Europe, said that gave President Vladimir Putin a pretext to send troops in there as a “protection” force for ethnic Russians, just as he has done in Crimea.

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    “There is absolutely sufficient [Russian] force postured on the eastern border of Ukraine to run to Transdniester if the decision was made to do that, and that is very worrisome,” he said at a meeting in Brussels hosted by the Marshall Fund, a German think tank.

    Gen Breedlove’s comments came as Ukraine’s new pro-Western government said it feared that Russia planned further military annexations of the east of the country. On Saturday, Russian forces attacked another Ukrainian military base in Crimea, as part of their drive to force Ukrainian troops out the peninsula.

    The commander of the base, Col Yuli Mamchur, is now in Russian custody, prompting accusations last night from the Ukrainian president, Oleksandr Turchynov, that he had been “abducted”.

    Meanwhile, Andriy Parubiy, the head of Ukraine’s national security and defence council, issued a dire warning of the Kremlin threat at a mass rally in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. “The aim of Putin is not Crimea but all of Ukraine,” he said. “His troops massed at the border are ready to attack at any moment.”

    His words were echoed by Tony Blinken, the US deputy national security adviser. He said that, while the Russian troop build-up was probably just for show, “it’s possible that they are preparing to move in”.

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany’s foreign minister, also warned of the huge repercussions of Russia’s attempt to redraw national borders in Europe, describing it as a “Pandora’s Box”.

    A statue of Lenin outside Tiraspol's Parliament building (Julian Simmonds)

    Russia’s defence ministry boasted yesterday that its flag was now flying over 189 Ukrainian military installations on the Crimean peninsula.

    At a Ukrainian base at the Crimean port of Feodosia, marines were negotiating to hand over to Russian forces. “Our only issue is that we want to leave this place with honour, weapons and vehicles,” one Ukrainian soldier said.

    Vladimir Chizhov, Moscow’s ambassador to the European Union, insisted yesterday that Russia had no intention to move troops outside Crimea, but Nato feels that the Kremlin’s ambitions may go well beyond just Ukraine. An incursion into Transdniester would bring a Russian territorial dispute close to the doorstep of the European Union.

    Since it fought a brief separatist war to break away from Moldova in 1991, Transdniester has been home to “peacekeeping” garrison of about 1,000 Russian troops. Until now, the Kremlin has treated the enclave as being too small to be worth incorporating into the Russian Federation and has officially recognised Transdniester as being part of Moldova. But events in Ukraine may have shifted Moscow’s calculation.

    Recently, the speaker of Transdniester’s parliament urged Russia to incorporate the region. Gen Breedlove said he suspected that the Kremlin now viewed the enclave as the “next place where Russian-speaking people may need to be incorporated”.

    He warned: “The (Russian) force that is at the Ukrainian border now to the east is very, very sizeable and very, very ready.” He did not specify how the Russian forces would get there. Transdniester is landlocked, and a conventional ground operation would require Russian troops to travel through much of western Ukraine. However, Russian forces based in the eastern side of the Black Sea and Crimea might be airlifted.

    Moldova, a nation of five million people, is Europe’s poorest.

    It has ambitions eventually to become part of the European Union and is currently negotiating a free-trade agreement with Brussels, similar to the one that Ukraine’s now-ousted president, Viktor Yanukovych, abandoned last November under pressure from the Kremlin.

    Signing the agreement would take Moldova firmly into the European fold, but Transdniester’s unresolved status would make full membership of the EU or Nato more complicated.

    Some analysts believe the Kremlin therefore has a direct vested interest in fomenting trouble in the region.

    Mike Truman ‏@mike_truman 6m

    #Ukraine not worth one drop of US sweat. @DutchDL @KWaters10 @jensan1332 @Mike_USPatriot @hankishtwit @LotusSLeo @LeMarquand @ladydonnalands

    Shai Franklin ‏@shaifranklin 2m

    #Ukraine's gas broker, arrested in #Vienna, may reveal corrupt details of #Putin & #Gazprom: @theage #Russia

    Joseph Maloney ‏@MJoemal19 6m

    #Ukraine being used by Obama to pay off China's interests in the IMF. Legarde and Min. … "Big Oil' Exxon in Black Sea

    Euromaidan ‏@InfoEuromaidan 3m

    It's how shops in #Ukraine help customers to avoid buying Russian goods by accident

    Interpreting Putin's Decision

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/23/2014 20:47 -0400

    Submitted by Wei Zongyou* via The Diplomat,

    People around the world were astounded by Vladimir Putin’s rapid decision to
    annex Crimea in response to the latter’s referendum to secede from Ukraine
    and join Russia, which Kiev and the West view as illegal.
    The decision also drew
    worldwide criticism and vehement condemnation by the West and Ukraine, and
    triggered a second wave of economic sanctions from the United States, and soon
    afterwards Europe. Relations between Russia and the West are at their chilliest
    since the end of the Cold War.

    So why has Putin risked Russia’s economic welfare and political space to swallow
    Crimea, push Ukraine out, and alienate the entire Western world? Is Putin
    in another world” as German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed he is?
    In my opinion, there are at least two considerations behind Putin’s decision.

    The first is the realist, geo-political consideration. In Putin’s world, since the
    collapse of the former Soviet Union, Russia has lost nearly one fourth of its
    geography, one half of its population, and more than half of its GDP. Among the
    “lost” territories are those that are strategically important or militarily advanced,
    such as Ukraine and the Baltic states. With the eastward expansion of NATO,
    and the integration of former Soviet satellite states and republics in Eastern Europe
    and the Baltics into Europe, the traditional buffer zone between Russia and the West
    is increasingly squeezed and Russia’s space for strategic maneuvering becomes
    smaller with each year. When Russia craved for entry into the West, this might not
    have been particularly worrisome or embarrassing for Moscow. But since Russian
    leaders decided long ago that joining the West was neither particularly helpful to
    Russia’s political standing nor particularly attractive in terms of economic gains,
    it has begun to view the expansion of the West at its own strategic expense
    as both ill-intentioned and threatening.

    Ukraine holds a unique position in Russia’s geo-strategic consideration. First,
    it is crucial territory in the passage of Russia’s oil exports to Europe.
    Each year more than one third of the oil Russia ships to Europe travels via
    the Ukraine pipeline. Second, Crimea gives Russia’s Black Sea Fleet access
    to the Black Sea. If the pro-West Kiev government were to have decided to end
    its lease to the Russian naval base in Crimea, Russia would have lost its strategic
    gateway to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Third, Ukraine is deemed
    the most crucial member of Russia’s Eurasia Union project, an economic and strategic
    plan to closely connect Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Central Asia. If all goes
    according to plan, this union will integrate these former Soviet republics and now
    independent countries economically, politically, and diplomatically with Russia,
    and go some way to restoring the glory of the Soviet empire at its peak.
    The “coup d’état” in Kiev and the political orientation of the new government
    put all these things in jeopardy, if Russia remains disinterested and passive.

    The second consideration is more psychological in nature. Following the end
    of Cold War, embracing the West was the first priority of Russian foreign policy.
    But to Moscow’s dismay, it found that the West still harbored strong reservations
    and considerable distrust. Years spent courting and wooing provided little of what
    Russia craved most: equal membership in the West and economic prosperity.

    Though Russia became part of the exclusive G8, it never enjoyed the full status
    and say of the other seven members, always remaining an “other.” Economically,
    the shock remedy proposed by the West and faithfully implemented by Boris Yeltsin
    didn’t bring the expected economic benefit. Instead, it took Russia’s economy into
    freefall, leaving the average Russian worse off than before. Russia’s look West
    ended in humiliation and disaster.

    It was Putin who saved Russia from its miserable condition. He readjusted both
    Russia’s domestic and foreign policies, and distanced the country from the West,
    instead seeking opportunities to resurrect past Soviet glories. As the Russian
    economy improved, the West found that its time was passing. The 2008 economic
    crisis hit the U.S. and Europe hard and they found themselves more reliant on the
    emerging powers, Russia included. It is Britain, France, and even Germany who are
    now busy appealing to Russian oil bacons to buy more and invest more. The balance
    of power between Russia and the West has shifted. The small war in Georgia in the
    summer of 2008 only strengthened this trend and the response from the West
    impressed Russia greatly: Europe is rotten and the U.S. has become too weak to
    lead. Then came the Arab Spring and the Syria crisis. In the former case, the U.S.
    “led from behind,” and in the latter it was Russia that decided the course of the
    Syria civil war.

    Russians, and especially Putin learned a hard lesson from the post-Cold War
    romance with the West: For all the talk of democracy and freedom, the fact
    remains that the strong dictate to the weak.

    With Europe rotten and United States weakened, a resurgent and confident Russia
    will definitely not let a geo-strategically important former Soviet republic fall entirely
    into the West’s camp. By annexing Crimea, Putin not only secured Russia’s naval base
    and its strategic gateway to the Black Sea, he also sent a powerful message to
    Ukraine and the West:
    Ignore Russia’s legitimate strategic concerns at your own peril.

    Wei Zongyou, is Professor and Vice Dean of the Institute of
    International and Diplomatic Affairs, Shanghai International
    Studies University, Shanghai, China. His main research
    interests cover Sino-U.S. Relations, american foreign policy,
    humanitarian intervention and R2P.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  2. #442
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    The previous 1-11 episodes can be found posted here.

    The previous 12-14 episodes can be found posted here.

    Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Fifteen)

    Published on Mar 19, 2014
    Subscribe to VICE News here:

    Just a few days after Crimeans overwhelmingly voted in a referendum to join Russia, the crisis across the peninsula has taken its first life. In dispatch 15, VICE News' Simon Ostrovsky attends the funeral of the young Tatar man whose body was found this week after he was beaten by Cossacks. Despite this death, residents across Crimea are hopeful that joining Russia will bring them a brighter future.

    Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Sixteen)

    Published on Mar 20, 2014
    Subscribe to VICE News here:

    The day after Crimea's controversial referendum, in which 97 percent of the peninsula's population supposedly voted to join the Russian Federation, Ukraine's newly-formed National Guard began training in anticipation of further Russian aggression.

    Against the backdrop of exploding RPGs, the crackling of heavy machine guns, and the rumbling cannons of the BTRs, Ukrainian officials and the international media got a first look at the ragtag civilian force that could be on the front lines of the new cold war.

    Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Seventeen)

    Published on Mar 22, 2014
    Subscribe to VICE News here:

    In the aftermath of the referendum in which 97% percent of the Crimean population supposedly voted to join the Russian federation, VICE News' Simon Ostrovsky returns to the Ukrainian Naval headquarters in Sevastopol, after self defense forces stormed the premises and took over the base.

    Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Eighteen)

    Published on Mar 23, 2014
    Subscribe to VICE News here:

    Despite overwhelming support within Crimea to join the Russian Federation, Ukrainian forces refused to give up their naval and airbases to the Russians last week. In this dispatch, VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky visits the Belbek airbase, which was being overrun by Cossacks and members of Russian forces, who believe they had liberated Crimea — though local forces don't seem to agree.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  3. #443
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Krauthammer: "Obama admits he is living in a fantasy world" - when Obama said "this is the kind of thing that should have ended with the cold war".

    It didn't.

    Putin says he's here to take back the Soviet Empire.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  4. #444
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·5 mins
    SOS! #Russian occupiers storming #Feodosiya right now. A few helicopters spotted & shots heard. @VladislavSeleznev FB |PR Post #Crimea

    Шанс‏@ShibanovAndrey·20 mins
    Вертолеты так и продолжают летать над домами и частью. Звуков стрельбы больше не слышно. #феодосия

    Helicopters and continued to fly over the buildings and part of a. Sounds of gunfire can be heard no longer. Theodosius #/jfFou8e7gt

    Shelton Bumgarner‏@bumgarls·33 secs
    well, that was quick. seems Feodosia has fallen to the Russians without any bloodshed. #Ukraine

    Crimea Russia‏@RUCrimea·4 mins
    Urgent: It appears that #Ukraine has been defeated at Feodosia marine base

    kriszta satori‏@fulelo·11 mins
    #Crimea: #Russia forces attack and occupy #Feodosiya naval base spox Vladislav Seleznyov tells me (#BBC)

    kriszta satori‏@fulelo·12 mins
    on #Feodosiya naval base:all #Ukraine officers arrested,hands allegedly tied,during attack automatic gunfire heard, #Russia mil vehic around

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·3 hrs
    Ukrainian Marines who were not on base at the time of the attack say they've been told no one was injured in the raid, which began about 4AM

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·2h
    GRU spetsnaz used helicopters and APCs to storm the base, cuffed all the officers and threw them in the back of Ural trucks - Ukr mil source

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·1 hr
    Ukrainian marines not in the base overnight denied entry, gathered outside to receive instructions from commander

    and Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·40 mins
    75 to 80 marines were captured and taken to a Russian navy base here. About half of them have been released.

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·27 mins
    We here the Ukrainian commander, Lt Col Dmitry Delatitsky, and deputy were taken away separately on a helicopter. Whereabouts unknown.

    Gregor Peter@L0gg0l2m

    Just Hovens Greve ‏@JustHovensGreve 1m
    BREAKING:#Ukraine's defence ministry has given orders to its armed forces to withdraw from #Crimea, the acting president has said. (Reuters)

    Russian Market ‏@russian_market · 4 min
    Russian Defense Minister Shoigu inspecting sites in Crimea - Interfax

    RT ‏@RT_com · 1 min
    #CRIMEA: Military installations under Russian jurisdiction, all Ukrainian troops left peninsula - Crimean officials

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog15m … Russian forces deployed to Transdnistria begin platoon level training

    WSJ Europe@WSJeurope2h
    Russian annexation of Crimea reignite tensions in the self-styled breakaway republic of Transnistria via @JoeWSJ

    @20committee: "This is uncharted territory": US SIGINT is suddenly deaf on Crimea, Russia o64-wsj& 10001424052702304026304579453331966405354.html …

    Mike Giglio@mike_giglio4h
    "Putin is animated by nationalist impulses and historic grievances..immune to [Obama's] modern tools of diplomacy" …

    Andrew S. Weiss@andrewsweiss8 mins
    Amid Russian military moves & EU/U.S. sanctions, the lack of progress in Merkel-Putin telcon speaks volumes #UKraine

    15:06 Russia prepares additional resources in case of power cuts in Crimea - Kozak

    15:05 Shoigu appoints ex-Ukrainian Navy Commander Russian Black Sea Fleet Deputy Commander
    Gregor Peter ‏@L0gg0l 19s
    $$ Hearing a Russian ICBM test launch from Plesetesk could be imminent

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog16m
    ICBM test imminent? Flight closer area around Plesetsk launch center today

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog15m
    Area closures east of Plesetsk could be 1st stage and 2nd stage drop off areas...Far Eastern impact area I guess.

    The Soyuz-2.1b rocket with a Glonass-M navigation satellite has been launched from Plesetsk spaceport on Monday, Colonel Alexei Zolotukhin, a spokesman for the Air and Space Defence Forces (VKO) in the RF Defence Ministry's press service, said.

    "At 02.54, Moscow time, VKO crews successfully launched the Soyuz-2.1b rocket with a Glonass-M spacecraft," Zolotukhin specified.
    The GLONASS system is intended for operational navigation-and-timing support to an unlimited number of land-, sea-, air-, and space-based users. Access to GLONASS civilian signals at any point of the globe is provided, by a decree of the RF President, for Russian and foreign users free of charge and without limitations.
    Voice of Russia, TASS

    Russian PM Medvedev says international negotiations needed to solve Crimea's energy and water provision - @Reuters

    French military mission will make a surveillance flight over #Russia, #Belarus #France #aviation

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog25 mins
    Interestingly shaped closure area off Kerch Straits in effect until 27 Mar

    Euromaidan PR@EuromaidanPR9m
    Russian troops sank another ship in #Donuzlav lake. Exit to the sea is now impossible. ukrpravda |PR News #Crimea

    max seddon@maxseddon45m
    Moscow has planned to annex all of Russophone Ukraine since January, if one believes this leak to @kgorchinskaya …

    Ukrainian Updates@Ukroblogger43 mins
    #Kyiv targeted in #Russian war plan for #Ukraine (leaked memo) #Russia #RussiaInvasion


    15:46 Russia's southern grid operator steps up security because of Ukraine crisis

    15:51 Ukraine nationalists rob Russian passengers on Moscow-Chisinau train - Russian Foreign Ministry

    16:01 Tbilisi demonstrators protest Georgia's NATO accession

    zerohedge ‏@zerohedge · 54 min


    gandalf greybeard@gerrydogma20 mins
    WSJ : Americas spy chiefs worried that Russian leaders might be able to cloak their next move by shielding more communications from the US

    FRESH GLONASS NAVIGATION SATELLITE LAUNCHED BY RUSSIA - Russia launched a Soyuz rocket Sunday with a fresh satellite for the country's Glonass navigation system, which broadcasts positioning and timing signals to Russian military forces and civilian users worldwide. The Soyuz 2-1b rocket lifted off at 2254 GMT (6:54 p.m. EDT) from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, a military-run facility in the Arkhangelsk region about 500 miles north of Moscow.

    RT @Galrahn: Smells like Snowden fallout. Probably more complicated than that, but hard to ignore the coincidences.

    Russia might have got a head start on its takeover of Crimea by evading U.S. eavesdropping , The Wall Street Journal reports.

    Officials told the WSJ that the U.S. detected Russia's military build-up along its border last month with Crimea, a peninsula Russia annexed from Ukraine last week.

    U.S. intelligence agencies, however, did not intercept any communications that would have exposed their plans in advance.

    "Even though there was a warning, we didn't have the information to be able to say exactly what was going to happen," a senior U.S. official told the WSJ.

    As a result, sources said the U.S. has been ramping up its satellite coverage and capabilities to monitor communications across the Baltic States, Ukraine and Russia.

    One senior official told the WSJ that the U.S. has gone into “crisis-response mode” and intelligence officials are worried Russia will continue to elude spying from the U.S.

    Another person involved in the intelligence improvements said the Obama administration is “very nervous” because “this is uncharted territory.”

    03/24 17:35 Laying cable to supply power to Crimea to take 1.5 yrs - Russian Grids

    Electricity cuts Ukraine's subversive act - Crimea PM -Interfax

    RT @W7VOA: #Ukraine gov’t officials decline to answer question about why electricity in #Crimea (supplied from #Ukraine) went off last night.

    Lugansk is very close to URK/RU border

    gandalf greybeard‏@gerrydogma·40 mins
    Ukrainian military train, Lugansk

    RT @SimonOstrovsky: .@freddiepaxton and I withdrawing from #Crimea in a convoy of Ukrainian marines

    russian navy blog‏@russiannavyblog·16m
    ICBM test imminent? Flight closer area around Plesetsk launch center today

    russian navy blog‏@russiannavyblog·15m
    Area closures east of Plesetsk could be 1st stage and 2nd stage drop off areas...Far Eastern impact area I guess.

    NATO general warns of further Russian aggression:
    President Barack Obama said he does not believe that the escalating crisis in Ukraine is a "zero-sum game" between the United States and Russia, and believes views to the contrary represent an outdated Cold War mentality.

    "The United States does not view Europe as a battleground between East and West, nor do we see the situation in Ukraine as a zero-sum game. That's the kind of thinking that should have ended with the Cold War," Obama said in an interview published by the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant on Monday, according to Fox News.

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·9 mins
    Rus vessel approaching "Konstantin Olshansky" Ukr warship in #Donuzlav lake, Ukr vessel responded by smoke screen. Seleznev via FB

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·5m
    BREAKING Storming of #ukrainian mil/ ship "Oshansky" has started in Donuzlav lake, #Crimea @ukrpravda_news |PR News

    Euromaidan PR@EuromaidanPR2 mins
    Smoke screen produced by "Konstantin Olshansky" Ukr warship in #Donuzlav lake as the Rus vessel approaches. @KRYMSOS

    zerohedge ‏@zerohedge 4m


    Raymond Pritchett‏@Galrahn·2 mins
    Olshansky started making smoke as 200 Russians tried boarding vessel. Unclear if vessel was taken or not.

    RT @W7VOA: #Ukraine’s cabinet minister Parubiy: #Russia given ultimatum to return generals and admirals of #Ukraine who are being held.

    Raymond Pritchett@Galrahn1m
    Looks like Olshansky has been taken, according to local reports.

    MFA Russia@mfa_russia16 mins
    Sergey #Lavrov and John Kerry's meeting in Hague @RusEmbUSA

    Marcin Wojciechowski‏@maw7546m
    Russian FM Sergey Lavrov left @NSS2014 in the Hague
    during the speech by UA's FM @AndriiDesh
    Not good prognostic for dialogue & deescalation


    20:44 Russia early warning jet starts patrolling Belarus air space - ministry

    Russia opens air base in Belarus for its modern fighter

    Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians – Tymoshenko in leaked tape

    Published time: March 24, 2014 16:06
    Edited time: March 24, 2014 16:56

    Yulia Tymoshenko (Reuters/Cathal McNaughton)

    Ukrainians must take up arms against Russians so that not even scorched earth will
    be left where Russia stands; an example of former Ukrainian PM Yulia Tymoshenko’s
    vitriol in phone call leaked online.

    Tymoshenko confirmed the authenticity of the conversation on Twitter, while pointing
    out that a section where she is heard to call for the nuclear slaughter of the eight
    million Russians who remain on Ukrainian territory was edited.

    She tweeted “The conversation took place, but the '8 million Russians in Ukraine'
    piece is an edit. In fact, I said Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians.
    Hello FSB : ) Sorry for the obscene language.”

    The former Ukrainian PM has not clarified who exactly she wants to nuke.
    Розмова була, але про 8 млн росіян в Україні - монтаж. Насправді
    сказала: росіяни в Україні - це українці.Привіт ФСБ: )Вибачте за

    — Юлія Тимошенко (@YuliaTymoshenko) March 24, 2014
    Shufrych's press service flatly contradicted Tymoshenko, slamming the tape as fake.
    The press release reads "The conversation didn't take place." The phone conversation
    with Nestor Shufrych, former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense
    Council of Ukraine, was uploaded on YouTube on Monday by user Sergiy Vechirko.

    The leaked phone call took placed on March 18, hours after the Crimea & Sevastopol
    accession treaty was signed in the Kremlin.

    While Shufrych was “in shock,” Tymoshenko was enraged by the results of the
    Crimean referendum .

    “It’s going too far! Bugger! We must grab arms and go whack those damn katsaps
    [a Ukrainian word used to refer to the Russians in a negative tone] together with
    their leader,”
    Tymoshenko said.

    The ex-pm declared if she was in charge “they [Russia] would’ve never gotten Crimea,
    god dammit.”

    Shufrych nade the valid point that Ukraine “didn’t have any force potential” to keep

    But Tymoshenko, who plans to run in Ukraine’s presidential election, expressed
    confidence that she would have found “a way to zap those assholes [Russia].”

    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, freed from prison, while making a speech on Independence
    Square in Kiev. (RIA Novosti/Andrey Stenin)

    “I’ll use all my connections, I’ll raise the whole world – as soon as I’m able to – in
    order to make sure.. Bugger!.. not even scorched earth won’t remain where Russia
    she promised.

    Despite being incapacitated by spinal disc hernia the ex-PM stressed she’s ready to
    “grab a machine gun, you know what I’m saying, and go shoot this bastard [Putin]
    in the forehead.”

    Tymoshenko rose to power as a key figure in the pro-European Orange Revolution
    in 2004, becoming Ukrainian prime minister 2007-2010.

    She was imprisoned in 2012, under president Viktor Yanukovich, after being found
    guilty of exceeding her authority by signing a gas supply and transit deal with Russia.

    The deal is claimed to have cost Ukraine's national oil and gas company, Naftogaz,
    around US$170 million.

    Tymoshenko served part of her seven-year sentence in prison before being relocated
    to a Kharkov hospital.

    She was released immediately after the Kiev coup which ousted Yanukovich.

    Ukraine Leader In New Leaked Recording: 8 Million Russians In Ukraine "Must Be Killed With Nuclear Weapons"

    After a month ago a leaked phone call between US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt confirmed that it was the US that was pulling the strings in what was about to be a violent coup overthrowing Ukraine's president Yanukovich, "someone" has just leaked another phone conversation, this time between parliamentarian Nestor Shufrych and former PM and ideological leader of the Ukraine "revolution" Yulia Tymoshenko and most probable future president of West Ukraine, in which Tymoshenko makes several new threats but the the smoking gun, and where Putin once again shows just how masterful of a chess player he is, is the following statement by Tymoshenko, after asked, rhetorically, by her counterparty, "what should we do now with the 8 million Russians that stayed in Ukraine. They are outcasts"... to which she replies: "They must be killed with nuclear weapons." And just like that Putin has his provocation carte blanche - because the second something, anything happens to any ethnic Russian in east Ukraine, Putin can point to precisely this conversation as proof of how Ukraine's "government" feel toward the ethnic minorities in the east, and why "they deserve to be protected." Which has been precisely Putin's ploy all along.

  5. #445
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Russia behaving 'like an adversary', says SACEUR

    Brooks Tigner, Brussels
    IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
    23 March 2014

    Russia's adversarial behaviour neccesitates a strategic response, General Philip
    Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) has said. Source: Russian
    Presidential Press and Information Office

    NATO's response to Crimea must go beyond heightened patrols along its eastern
    border to embrace a more strategic repositioning of allied forces, says NATO's top
    military commander.

    This means changing NATO's deployment, readiness and force structure on its home
    territory in response to a Russia that is now acting "like an adversary", General Philip
    Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) said at the Brussels Forum
    of security and economic policymakers on 23 March.

    "We need to think about the positioning of our forces within the alliance and the
    readiness of those forces so that we can respond to any pressure on the Baltics or
    anywhere else," he said.

    "Moving forces is not a trivial matter. If you allow your opponent to do this - position,
    prepare and provision his forces - but you don't, then you are fatally behind. We now
    need to be positioned differently, and we have the forces to do that," said Gen
    Breedlove, noting that: "it is very clear that Russia is acting much more like an
    adversary than a partner".

    The NATO commander rejected out of hand Russia's arguments that Crimea's revolt
    was home-grown or spontaneous.

    "There are many, many indicators that point to deep Russian involvement in the
    takeover of Crimea. Cables were cut into the peninsula, and Ukraine's C2 (command
    and control) network was jammed and heavily targeted by cyber-attacks, while the
    invasion of Russian forces went according to a very precise agenda," he said. "Those
    forces weren't patched; there was a thin veneer of folks in black, with a lot of green
    backing them up, but we knew exactly who they were all along. It was executed so
    well that any opposition would have been a mess."

    As for NATO's future, he said Crimea means: "changing our deployment, readiness
    and force structure. We have moved F-16s from Italy to Poland and the Baltics and
    we have shifted some of our naval assets to be engaged in the Black Sea.
    There are
    other things we are considering but I cannot make that public right now."

    Asked if the alliance should put countervailing pressure on Moscow by conducting
    exercises close to the border of Kaliningrad, its enclave in the Baltic region, Breedlove
    said no.

    "I don't think that would be a good idea. There are lots of ways we can position
    forces by moving them eastward to reassure our allies
    . But having an exercise around
    Kaliningrad would be very escalatory and not help things," he said.

    Meanwhile, the European allies should not expect a full-scale re-pivot of US forces to
    their continent
    in response to Crimea, warned Michael Turner, Republican member of
    the US House of Representatives who sits on its Armed Services Committee.

    "There will not be a direct military response to Russian forces in Crimea, but there is
    going to be a response - and re-investment in Europe's military capabilities has to be
    one of them. The US is not going to pack up a lot of troops and equipment and move
    it all back to Europe."

    There now must be a new dialogue on how Europe "will step up to the plate," he said.
    "Russia's GDP is the size of what - Italy's? - but they are investing heavily in their
    military. We must look to a deterrence effect on Putin, and this means Europe must
    stop sending its defence bill to the US," Turner told the forum.

    Turner also called on the allies to revisit the matter of NATO's enlargement.
    "NATO has cooled to enlargement; it has become a bureaucratic process.
    However, I think we need to lean into it
    : give the MAP [membership action plan]
    to Georgia, resolve the conflict between Greece and Macedonia [so the latter can
    finally join the alliance], resolve the constitutional issues of Bosnia-Herzegovina
    and offer membership to Montenegro. These are the kind of responses that would
    produce a world different than that which Putin expects."

    Montenegro's long historical ties to Russia should raise no questions about its loyalty
    or desire to join NATO, declared Milo Djukanovic, Montenegro's prime minister.

    "We respect our relations with Russia, but we have no dilemma about our strategic
    prospects. We are convinced that our future and that of other western Balkan
    countries is in the EU and NATO
    . Further strengthening of the Euro-Atlantic
    partnership is something we support" said Djukanovic. "However, we should continue
    with communication and partnership with Russia for the stability of Europe."

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    we can't discuss that, right now. Or ever... cuz Obama will veto anything like that
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Why are Polish men in London getting military call-up papers?

    Why are Polish men in London getting military call-up papers?

    Poland feels vulnerable to Putin’s aggression: and let’s not forget, we’d be bound to help - as we did in 1939
    LAST UPDATED AT 11:21 ON Mon 24 Mar 2014

    NEXT time you take a tray of tea and custard creams to the nice gang of Polish builders renovating your semi, they may seem a little distracted and anxious. Ask them why, and they will answer that some of them have in the last few weeks received call-up papers as army reservists.

    This happened to a friend of mine in London at the end of last week. At least 7,000 reservists have been recalled to the colours for immediate exercises lasting between 10 and 30 days.

    They’re told by the Polish authorities that the call-ups are “routine”: but the men say they haven’t been asked before and they’re well aware of the growing alarm in Warsaw at President Putin’s aggression. Three weeks ago, their Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, called a press conference to warn that “the world stands on the brink of conflict, the consequences of which are not foreseen… Not everyone in Europe is aware of this situation.”

    My own view is that Putin was initially more concerned with righting a specific historical wrong in Crimea than starting a new Cold War. This is still probably the case despite the dawning truth that the EU/Nato Emperor really has no clothes at all.

    But in the worst case scenario of a truly revanchist Russia, Poland certainly has the borders from hell. Starting from the top, it abuts Kaliningrad (the Russian exclave on the Baltic carved at the end of the war from East Prussia), Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine.

    None of these borders relies on any natural barriers like rivers or mountain ranges – they are just lines on a map drawn by Stalin in the full flush of victory. No wonder the Poles are feeling vulnerable.

    And we should be worried, too. Poland is both a Nato and EU member. We are bound by solemn treaty to defend her in case of attack. Violation of Poland’s territorial integrity was after all why we went to war reluctantly in 1939.

    Thanks to the marvellous 2012 film, The King’s Speech, we are well aware of the historical and personal drama behind King George VI’s radio address to his people on 3 September 1939 after the declaration of war against Germany. The King’s speech was couched in general terms – an appeal to international law and the Almighty.

    But earlier that day the prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, had broadcast to the nation from Number 10 Downing Street in more specific terms that we should remember today: “This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final Note stating that, unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us.”

    Listen to a recording, if you can. Chamberlain’s pause at this point is heartbreaking. He went on, his voice slightly lower, “I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.”

    That we should defend Poland today seems to me reasonable. I am still a reservist – until my 55th birthday in December. If Russian tank columns attacked Warsaw, I would be prepared to do my bit – preferably manning a desk in the MoD, “flying a mahogany bomber” in the jargon, but if necessary, further forward. (Hopefully, not in the winter, though luckily the silk-lined combat jacket that kept me warm in the Rhine Army and South Armagh a generation ago is somewhere in the attic.)

    We are as a country still in a position to help defend Poland, if necessary. The UK has tanks, armoured infantry and artillery based in Germany though they are due to be repatriated over the next few years. General Lord Dannatt has suggested today that not only should we keep our garrisons on the north German Plain for the foreseeable future, but we should reinforce them. I cannot think of a better way to warn off President Putin from any further adventurism. Perhaps David Cameron might consider reversing some of his defence cuts as well.

    Poland is one thing but there are other states in Russia’s shadow who are members of both Nato and the EU. Would we fight for the vulnerable Baltic states should President Putin turn the screws on them?

    They lie geographically from north to south in alphabetical order: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. All have significant and often restive Russian minorities. The populations of Estonia and Latvia are nearly a quarter ethnic Russian. The proportion in the eastern parts of Estonia is much higher. Latvia’s capital, Riga, is nearly half Russian. Lithuania is only five per cent Russian and as a result more aggressive towards them - a few days ago the government pulled the plug on a pro-Russian TV station.

    In the case of Estonia, I feel a regimental, and therefore personal, connection. A company of Estonians fought gallantly with the Welsh Guards in Afghanistan in 2009. Three Estonian soldiers were killed in action, as were a number of Welsh Guardsmen, including Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, the most senior officer to die since Colonel ‘H’ in the Falklands.

    Welshmen feel a strong affinity for Estonians – a small and proud nation just like them that has had a difficult history, and with an acute sense of honour. The British system chose not to give Thorneloe a medal even though many other officers whose lives were never at risk picked up gongs. The Estonians, bless them, gave him posthumously their Distinguished Service Decoration.

    But I fear they are going to have to work out their future with more Russian influence and pressure on their countries than they had anticipated. Both Nato and the EU have made promises they can’t possibly keep. We have led them up the garden path with our empty guarantees. ·

    Russia imposes retaliatory sanctions against Canada

    Moscow has imposed sanctions on Canada in response to sanctions that Ottawa earlier introduced against some Russian officials in connection with the situation in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.

    “This step comes in response to unacceptable actions by the Canadian side which seriously hurt bilateral relations,” the Ministry's spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said.

    The sanctions were slapped on 13 high-ranking Canadian officials, lawmakers and public activists.

    Russia, however, remains open for constructive and honest cooperation with Canada, which was notable for its pragmatism and a large area of mutual interests, particularly regarding Arctic region issues, Lukashevich said.

    “But we need this cooperation as much as Ottawa does. That said, we make no secret that we will react accordingly to unfriendly moves – no matter what motives they are explained by. We hope that Canadian officials and politicians will draw adequate conclusions,” the diplomat added.

    Moscow “regrets” that Ottawa ignored the free declaration of the will of the people in Crimea, the overwhelming majority of whom decided in favor of reunion with Russia at the March 17 referendum, Lukashevich said. He underlined that the voting was held “in full accordance with international law and the UN Charter.” But Canada chose to support current “illegitimate regime in Kiev.”

    The list of the Canadian citizens who are banned from entering the territory of the Russian Federation was published Monday on the Foreign Ministry’s website. It includes:

    1. Christine Hogan – foreign affairs and defense policy adviser to the Prime Minister

    2. Wayne G.Wouters - Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet

    3. Jean-Francois Tremblay – Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet

    4. Andrew Sheer – House of Commons Speaker

    5. Peter Van Loan - faction leader of the Conservative Party in the House of Commons

    6. Raynell Andreychuk – the chairwoman of the Senate’s committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade

    7. Dean Allison – the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, House of Commons

    8. Paul Dewar – deputy chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, House of Commons

    9. Irwin Cotler – vice-chairman of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, House of Commons

    10. Ted Opitz – Conservative MP

    11. Christia Freeland – Liberal MP

    12. James Bezan – Conservaite MP

    13. Paul Grod – President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress

    Last Tuesday, Canada joined the US and the EU in introducing sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian officials over the referendum in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on the Black Sea. The sanctions, which included travel bans and asset freezes, targeted 10 people. Among them, was the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Presidential aide, Vladislav Surkov, the Speaker of the upper house, Valentina Matvienko, as well as Crimea's leader, Sergey Aksyonov, and former Ukrainian presidential chief of staff, Viktor Medvedchuk.

    AJAM Live

    Meeting between Russia's Lavrov, Ukrainian counterpart Deshchytsya happening now-@PhilipIttner

    Julian Borger@julianborger32m
    Lavrov: If western countries think the G8 format has no future - so be it. We are not clinging to that format


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says he's only 'somewhat confident' a Ukraine aid bill will achieve the 60 votes needed in 5:30 pm ET vote today - @mpoindc

    kathy B ‏@katidid7 5m

    @mkraju @eriContrarian hey @SenatorReid why do we need to send $$ to #Ukraine ,,it is just going to end up in #putins coffers ?

    Photo: US Secretary of State Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov before a meeting on the sidelines of Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague
    - State Department on Flickr

    Natasha Mozgovaya‏@mozgovaya·7 mins
    #Lavrov: "We r not forcing anyone 2 believe us. We used 2 trust our western partners; we realize how much western promises r worth" #NSS2014
    zerohedge is reporting a truly inflammatory comment. gives putin just the rationale for protecting ethnic russians, he proposed. scripted?

    John Schindler‏@20committee25 mins
    #Ukraine MoD admits "about half" of its troops in Crimea have defected to the Russians so far - UNIAN

    RT @W7VOA: U.S. official quoted saying #Russia intervention in E/S #Ukraine or violence in #Crimea likely to trigger additional sanctions.

    John Schindler@20committee1 hr
    “Putin is Putting Europe on the Verge of World War III” says top Ukrainian Intel General …

    Gregor Peter‏@L0gg0l·11 mins

    The standoff between Russia, Ukraine, and the West has reached the “eleventh hour,” Andrei Kozyrev, the first post-Soviet Russian foreign minister, told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday.

    “The [stakes are] still very, very high,” he said. “Let me just remind whoever concerned that Russia is still [a] nuclear superpower. So the [stakes] might be life and death. And maybe sooner than somebody is thinking.”

    “It’s [the] eleventh hour for Russians, and for anybody else, to reconsider.”

    NATO Alarmed by Russian Troops After Crimea Annexation

    • By Natalya Krainova
    • Mar. 24 2014 00:00
    • Last edited 21:49

    Gleb Garanich / ReutersA boy in military gear at an anti-war rally in Kiev on Sunday, as Russia’s Defense Ministry said 189 military facilities in Crimea now hosted Russian flags.

    As President Vladimir Putin finalized the annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia on Friday, European officials voiced concerns that Russia may have plans to expand into Moldova’s separatist self-proclaimed Transdnestr republic and the Baltics.

    NATO's top military commander on Sunday said that Russia had built up a "very sizable" force on Ukraine's border and was "acting more like an adversary than a partner," Reuters reported.

    The commander, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, said at an event in Brussels held by the German Marshall Fund think tank that NATO forces should rethink their positioning in case Russia attempts to invade Moldova.
    Breedlove's warning came a day after Russian troops seized the last remaining Ukrainian military facilities in Crimea.

    Meanwhile, the European Union expanded the list of Russian officials hit by sanctions over the annexation.

    Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier echoed Breedlove's fears, saying in an interview with the Welt am Sonntag newspaper published on Sunday that Russia may have opened "Pandora's Box" with its actions in Ukraine.

    "We can not overlook the fact that Russia, with its action in Crimea, is flouting the central foundations of the peaceful order in Europe," Steinmeier said.

    Several senior Russian officials sprang to appease European officials, however, saying that Crimea's reunification with Russia did not violate military and political stability in Europe.

    "The amount of forces and arms based in Crimea is so insignificant that it is simply unsubstantial to talk about any kind of imbalance," Mikhail Ulyanov, head of the Foreign Ministry's security and disarmament department, told Itar-Tass Sunday. Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said that Russia was in full compliance with international agreements limiting the number of troops near its border with Ukraine, Itar-Tass reported.

    Moscow's Ambassador to the European Union, Vladimir Chizhov, also seemed to try and calm the West, telling BBC television on Sunday that Russia did not have any "expansionist views."

    Despite these reassurances, however, U.S. Senator John McCain lashed out at Putin on the same BBC show, comparing Putin to Hitler.

    As the rhetoric became more heated on Sunday, republicans in the U.S. Congress urged the Obama administration to send small weapons and other military aid to Ukraine so that it could defend itself against Russian troops that had amassed at the eastern border.
    House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers called for "noncombatant military aid," medical supplies, radio equipment and unspecified "defensive posture weapons systems," Reuters reported.

    Putin on Friday signed off on a law to annex the republic of Crimea and the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, which both voted by a majority to secede from Ukraine and join Russia in mid-March under Russian military presence, the Kremlin website reported.
    Putin's signature formalized the transition of the two territories to Russia, after a treaty was signed between Putin and authorities in Crimea and Sevastopol late last week and ratified by the Russian parliament.

    The European Union on Friday increased from 21 to 33 the number of senior Russian officials to face travel bans and asset freezes over what the West believes to be an illegal annexation of Ukrainian territories.

    Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, presidential aides Sergei Glazyev and Vladislav Surkov, State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Dmitry Kiselyov, head of Kremlin-backed news agency Rossia Segodnya, are on the EU's list, among others.

    On Friday, Putin's spokeman Dmitry Peskov said Russia would react to any foreign sanctions "based on the principles of reciprocity" and would "react each time," Interfax reported.

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich on Saturday told reporters that Russia "reserves the right to make a relevant response to the undertaken action."
    Also Friday, the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, with the participation of Russia, voted in consensus to deploy 100 international monitors to Ukraine by late Saturday for a period of six months to "contribute to reducing tensions and fostering peace," the organization said on its website.
    Russia's Foreign Ministry said it hoped the OSCE mission would contribute to "stopping the rampant nationalistic banditry" and to "eliminating ultraradical tendencies" in Ukraine, according to a statement posted on the ministry's website.

    The OSCE mission's powers don't apply to Crimea and Sevastopol since they have become part of Russia, the ministry said.

    Ukraine's Foreign Ministry spokesman Yevgeny Perebiynis refuted this, however, noting that Russia was the only OSCE country that believes the OSCE's mission doesn't apply to Crimea.

    A Ukrainian Air Force commander is being held after his base in Crimea was stormed by pro-Russian forces, and the acting president called for his release Sunday.
    Col. Yuliy Mamchur is the commander of the Belbek Air Force base near Sevastopol, which was taken over Saturday by forces who sent armored personnel carriers smashing through the base's walls and fired shots and stun grenades. One Ukrainian serviceman was reported wounded in the clash. It was unclear if the forces, who didn't bear insignia, were Russian military or local pro-Russia militia.

    Ukraine President Oleksandr Turchynov, in a statement, said Mamchur was "abducted" by the forces. He did not specify where Mamchur was believed to be held.

    However, prominent politician Vitali Klitschko said Sunday that Mamchur is being held by the Russian military in a jail in Sevastopol, the Crimean city that is the base of Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

    (The Associated Press)
    Contact the author at

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    SACEUR pictured above

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    Senior Member Avvakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·5 mins
    SOS! #Russian occupiers storming #Feodosiya right now. A few helicopters spotted & shots heard. @VladislavSeleznev FB |PR Post #Crimea

    Шанс‏@ShibanovAndrey·20 mins
    Вертолеты так и продолжают летать над домами и частью. Звуков стрельбы больше не слышно. #феодосия

    Helicopters and continued to fly over the buildings and part of a. Sounds of gunfire can be heard no longer. Theodosius #/jfFou8e7gt

    Shelton Bumgarner‏@bumgarls·33 secs
    well, that was quick. seems Feodosia has fallen to the Russians without any bloodshed. #Ukraine

    Crimea Russia‏@RUCrimea·4 mins
    Urgent: It appears that #Ukraine has been defeated at Feodosia marine base

    kriszta satori‏@fulelo·11 mins
    #Crimea: #Russia forces attack and occupy #Feodosiya naval base spox Vladislav Seleznyov tells me (#BBC)

    kriszta satori‏@fulelo·12 mins
    on #Feodosiya naval base:all #Ukraine officers arrested,hands allegedly tied,during attack automatic gunfire heard, #Russia mil vehic around

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·3 hrs
    Ukrainian Marines who were not on base at the time of the attack say they've been told no one was injured in the raid, which began about 4AM

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·2h
    GRU spetsnaz used helicopters and APCs to storm the base, cuffed all the officers and threw them in the back of Ural trucks - Ukr mil source

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·1 hr
    Ukrainian marines not in the base overnight denied entry, gathered outside to receive instructions from commander

    and Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·40 mins
    75 to 80 marines were captured and taken to a Russian navy base here. About half of them have been released.

    Roland Oliphant‏@RolandOliphant·27 mins
    We here the Ukrainian commander, Lt Col Dmitry Delatitsky, and deputy were taken away separately on a helicopter. Whereabouts unknown.

    Gregor Peter@L0gg0l2m

    Just Hovens Greve ‏@JustHovensGreve 1m
    BREAKING:#Ukraine's defence ministry has given orders to its armed forces to withdraw from #Crimea, the acting president has said. (Reuters)

    Russian Market ‏@russian_market · 4 min
    Russian Defense Minister Shoigu inspecting sites in Crimea - Interfax

    RT ‏@RT_com · 1 min
    #CRIMEA: Military installations under Russian jurisdiction, all Ukrainian troops left peninsula - Crimean officials

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog15m … Russian forces deployed to Transdnistria begin platoon level training

    WSJ Europe@WSJeurope2h
    Russian annexation of Crimea reignite tensions in the self-styled breakaway republic of Transnistria via @JoeWSJ

    @20committee: "This is uncharted territory": US SIGINT is suddenly deaf on Crimea, Russia o64-wsj& 10001424052702304026304579453331966405354.html …

    Mike Giglio@mike_giglio4h
    "Putin is animated by nationalist impulses and historic grievances..immune to [Obama's] modern tools of diplomacy" …

    Andrew S. Weiss@andrewsweiss8 mins
    Amid Russian military moves & EU/U.S. sanctions, the lack of progress in Merkel-Putin telcon speaks volumes #UKraine

    15:06 Russia prepares additional resources in case of power cuts in Crimea - Kozak

    15:05 Shoigu appoints ex-Ukrainian Navy Commander Russian Black Sea Fleet Deputy Commander
    Gregor Peter ‏@L0gg0l 19s
    $$ Hearing a Russian ICBM test launch from Plesetesk could be imminent

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog16m
    ICBM test imminent? Flight closer area around Plesetsk launch center today

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog15m
    Area closures east of Plesetsk could be 1st stage and 2nd stage drop off areas...Far Eastern impact area I guess.

    The Soyuz-2.1b rocket with a Glonass-M navigation satellite has been launched from Plesetsk spaceport on Monday, Colonel Alexei Zolotukhin, a spokesman for the Air and Space Defence Forces (VKO) in the RF Defence Ministry's press service, said.

    "At 02.54, Moscow time, VKO crews successfully launched the Soyuz-2.1b rocket with a Glonass-M spacecraft," Zolotukhin specified.
    The GLONASS system is intended for operational navigation-and-timing support to an unlimited number of land-, sea-, air-, and space-based users. Access to GLONASS civilian signals at any point of the globe is provided, by a decree of the RF President, for Russian and foreign users free of charge and without limitations.
    Voice of Russia, TASS

    Russian PM Medvedev says international negotiations needed to solve Crimea's energy and water provision - @Reuters

    French military mission will make a surveillance flight over #Russia, #Belarus #France #aviation

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog25 mins
    Interestingly shaped closure area off Kerch Straits in effect until 27 Mar

    Euromaidan PR@EuromaidanPR9m
    Russian troops sank another ship in #Donuzlav lake. Exit to the sea is now impossible. ukrpravda |PR News #Crimea

    max seddon@maxseddon45m
    Moscow has planned to annex all of Russophone Ukraine since January, if one believes this leak to @kgorchinskaya …

    Ukrainian Updates@Ukroblogger43 mins
    #Kyiv targeted in #Russian war plan for #Ukraine (leaked memo) #Russia #RussiaInvasion


    15:46 Russia's southern grid operator steps up security because of Ukraine crisis

    15:51 Ukraine nationalists rob Russian passengers on Moscow-Chisinau train - Russian Foreign Ministry

    16:01 Tbilisi demonstrators protest Georgia's NATO accession

    zerohedge ‏@zerohedge · 54 min


    gandalf greybeard@gerrydogma20 mins
    WSJ : Americas spy chiefs worried that Russian leaders might be able to cloak their next move by shielding more communications from the US

    FRESH GLONASS NAVIGATION SATELLITE LAUNCHED BY RUSSIA - Russia launched a Soyuz rocket Sunday with a fresh satellite for the country's Glonass navigation system, which broadcasts positioning and timing signals to Russian military forces and civilian users worldwide. The Soyuz 2-1b rocket lifted off at 2254 GMT (6:54 p.m. EDT) from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, a military-run facility in the Arkhangelsk region about 500 miles north of Moscow.

    RT @Galrahn: Smells like Snowden fallout. Probably more complicated than that, but hard to ignore the coincidences.

    03/24 17:35 Laying cable to supply power to Crimea to take 1.5 yrs - Russian Grids

    Electricity cuts Ukraine's subversive act - Crimea PM -Interfax

    RT @W7VOA: #Ukraine gov’t officials decline to answer question about why electricity in #Crimea (supplied from #Ukraine) went off last night.

    Lugansk is very close to URK/RU border

    gandalf greybeard‏@gerrydogma·40 mins
    Ukrainian military train, Lugansk

    RT @SimonOstrovsky: .@freddiepaxton and I withdrawing from #Crimea in a convoy of Ukrainian marines

    russian navy blog‏@russiannavyblog·16m
    ICBM test imminent? Flight closer area around Plesetsk launch center today

    russian navy blog‏@russiannavyblog·15m
    Area closures east of Plesetsk could be 1st stage and 2nd stage drop off areas...Far Eastern impact area I guess.

    NATO general warns of further Russian aggression:

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·9 mins
    Rus vessel approaching "Konstantin Olshansky" Ukr warship in #Donuzlav lake, Ukr vessel responded by smoke screen. Seleznev via FB

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·5m
    BREAKING Storming of #ukrainian mil/ ship "Oshansky" has started in Donuzlav lake, #Crimea @ukrpravda_news |PR News

    Euromaidan PR@EuromaidanPR2 mins
    Smoke screen produced by "Konstantin Olshansky" Ukr warship in #Donuzlav lake as the Rus vessel approaches. @KRYMSOS

    zerohedge ‏@zerohedge 4m


    Raymond Pritchett‏@Galrahn·2 mins
    Olshansky started making smoke as 200 Russians tried boarding vessel. Unclear if vessel was taken or not.

    RT @W7VOA: #Ukraine’s cabinet minister Parubiy: #Russia given ultimatum to return generals and admirals of #Ukraine who are being held.

    Raymond Pritchett@Galrahn1m
    Looks like Olshansky has been taken, according to local reports.

    MFA Russia@mfa_russia16 mins
    Sergey #Lavrov and John Kerry's meeting in Hague @RusEmbUSA

    Marcin Wojciechowski‏@maw7546m
    Russian FM Sergey Lavrov left @NSS2014 in the Hague
    during the speech by UA's FM @AndriiDesh
    Not good prognostic for dialogue & deescalation


    20:44 Russia early warning jet starts patrolling Belarus air space - ministry

    Russia opens air base in Belarus for its modern fighter

    Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians – Tymoshenko in leaked tape

    Published time: March 24, 2014 16:06
    Edited time: March 24, 2014 16:56

    Yulia Tymoshenko (Reuters/Cathal McNaughton)

    Ukrainians must take up arms against Russians so that not even scorched earth will
    be left where Russia stands; an example of former Ukrainian PM Yulia Tymoshenko’s
    vitriol in phone call leaked online.

    Tymoshenko confirmed the authenticity of the conversation on Twitter, while pointing
    out that a section where she is heard to call for the nuclear slaughter of the eight
    million Russians who remain on Ukrainian territory was edited.

    She tweeted “The conversation took place, but the '8 million Russians in Ukraine'
    piece is an edit. In fact, I said Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians.
    Hello FSB : ) Sorry for the obscene language.”

    The former Ukrainian PM has not clarified who exactly she wants to nuke.
    Розмова була, але про 8 млн росіян в Україні - монтаж. Насправді
    сказала: росіяни в Україні - це українці.Привіт ФСБ: )Вибачте за

    — Юлія Тимошенко (@YuliaTymoshenko) March 24, 2014
    Shufrych's press service flatly contradicted Tymoshenko, slamming the tape as fake.
    The press release reads "The conversation didn't take place." The phone conversation
    with Nestor Shufrych, former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense
    Council of Ukraine, was uploaded on YouTube on Monday by user Sergiy Vechirko.

    The leaked phone call took placed on March 18, hours after the Crimea & Sevastopol
    accession treaty was signed in the Kremlin.

    While Shufrych was “in shock,” Tymoshenko was enraged by the results of the
    Crimean referendum .

    “It’s going too far! Bugger! We must grab arms and go whack those damn katsaps
    [a Ukrainian word used to refer to the Russians in a negative tone] together with
    their leader,”
    Tymoshenko said.

    The ex-pm declared if she was in charge “they [Russia] would’ve never gotten Crimea,
    god dammit.”

    Shufrych nade the valid point that Ukraine “didn’t have any force potential” to keep

    But Tymoshenko, who plans to run in Ukraine’s presidential election, expressed
    confidence that she would have found “a way to zap those assholes [Russia].”

    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, freed from prison, while making a speech on Independence
    Square in Kiev. (RIA Novosti/Andrey Stenin)

    “I’ll use all my connections, I’ll raise the whole world – as soon as I’m able to – in
    order to make sure.. Bugger!.. not even scorched earth won’t remain where Russia
    she promised.

    Despite being incapacitated by spinal disc hernia the ex-PM stressed she’s ready to
    “grab a machine gun, you know what I’m saying, and go shoot this bastard [Putin]
    in the forehead.”

    Tymoshenko rose to power as a key figure in the pro-European Orange Revolution
    in 2004, becoming Ukrainian prime minister 2007-2010.

    She was imprisoned in 2012, under president Viktor Yanukovich, after being found
    guilty of exceeding her authority by signing a gas supply and transit deal with Russia.

    The deal is claimed to have cost Ukraine's national oil and gas company, Naftogaz,
    around US$170 million.

    Tymoshenko served part of her seven-year sentence in prison before being relocated
    to a Kharkov hospital.

    She was released immediately after the Kiev coup which ousted Yanukovich.

    Ukraine Leader In New Leaked Recording: 8 Million Russians In Ukraine "Must Be Killed With Nuclear Weapons"

    After a month ago a leaked phone call between US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt confirmed that it was the US that was pulling the strings in what was about to be a violent coup overthrowing Ukraine's president Yanukovich, "someone" has just leaked another phone conversation, this time between parliamentarian Nestor Shufrych and former PM and ideological leader of the Ukraine "revolution" Yulia Tymoshenko and most probable future president of West Ukraine, in which Tymoshenko makes several new threats but the the smoking gun, and where Putin once again shows just how masterful of a chess player he is, is the following statement by Tymoshenko, after asked, rhetorically, by her counterparty, "what should we do now with the 8 million Russians that stayed in Ukraine. They are outcasts"... to which she replies: "They must be killed with nuclear weapons." And just like that Putin has his provocation carte blanche - because the second something, anything happens to any ethnic Russian in east Ukraine, Putin can point to precisely this conversation as proof of how Ukraine's "government" feel toward the ethnic minorities in the east, and why "they deserve to be protected." Which has been precisely Putin's ploy all along.
    This vicious nazi bitch Tymoshenko has been saying things like this and encouraging the others who say and do likewise for years. And yet somehow her leaked outburst showing her genocidal, maniacal hatred of Russia is in some way PUTIN'S fault. Putin I don't like; he's a hard man, not a good man perhaps, but he's not stupid.

    What, this isn't commentary that fits the popular narrative? All the articles I put here showing links between these Nazi vermin and gangsters who are now ruining Ukraine and their past dalliance with the Third Reich go unnoticed? Oh wait, it's a game of ' would-be dictators we do like versus dictators we don't', at least until the inevitable happens and those we support, like Saddam against the Iranians, become Saddam against us in Kuwait.... Blowback is a bitch.

    Just like with Syria.... Certain people out there love the Jihadists as long as they're killings Russian allies or hopefully even Russians-like the Volgograd bombing-and even a youtube video of these animals eating human hearts dosen't phase them, because they want US intervention on the Jihadist side. And now we have the same kind of devils in human form-Ukrainian Neo-Nazis running the streets of Lviv and Kiev, Kharvov and Donetsk, and yet again there is no shame because at least they're 'our sons of bitches' and oppose Russian interests.

    It makes me sick.
    Last edited by Avvakum; March 24th, 2014 at 23:11.
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Quote Originally Posted by ryan ruck View Post

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    G-7 Agrees to Exclude Russia, Increase Sanctions

    World Powers to Meet in Brussels in June Without Russia

    By Carol E. Lee,
    Matthew Dalton and
    Anton Troianovski

    Updated March 25, 2014 8:08 a.m. ET

    On Tuesday, the Kremlin said it had no information on the Group of Eight nations canceling planned talks and that Moscow was still interested in continuing contacts with G-8 partners. WSJ's Anton Troianovski reports from The Hague. Photo: AP

    THE HAGUE—The leaders of the world's largest advanced economies moved Monday to isolate Russia, severing a key link between Moscow and the Western world after nearly two decades.

    The leaders of the Group of Seven, or G-7, nations effectively disbanded the larger G-8 by excluding Russia until it changes course in Ukraine. They also agreed to exert punitive sanctions on Russia's energy, banking, finance and arms industries unless Moscow begins to dial back plans to absorb the region of Crimea.

    But the G-7 leaders, who met in emergency session, didn't specify how far they would go to isolate President Vladimir Putin and hammer Russia's economy. While chastising Moscow in a joint statement, they also left the door open for Russia to one day return to its chair in the G-8. They also offered praise for Mr. Putin's decision to partially endorse an international observer mission to Ukraine.

    "Russia has a clear choice to make," the leaders of the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada said in the joint statement. "Diplomatic avenues to de-escalate the situation remain open, and we encourage the Russian government to take them."

    President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a meeting at The Hague on Monday. Yves Herman/Press Pool

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov adopted a sanguine view toward his country's exclusion. "If our Western partners believe that this format has outlived its usefulness, then so be it," Mr. Lavrov said. "As an experiment, we can wait a year or year and a half and see how we live without it."

    The U.S. welcomed Mr. Lavrov's decision to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart on the sidelines of the same Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague where the G-7 meeting occurred. The State Department had tried unsuccessfully for nearly a month to arrange such a meeting, viewing it as a possible channel to defuse tensions.

    Afterward, the Ukrainian government said in a statement that the two sides had agreed on high-level emergency consultations "in the case of exacerbation of the situation." Mr. Lavrov said he told Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsia that Ukraine needed constitutional reforms to protect Russian speakers in the country.

    President Obama, seeking to shift the trajectory of the crisis in Ukraine, will press U.S. allies to suspend Russia from the G-8 as G-7 leaders move the June summit to Brussels from Sochi. Jerry Seib joins the News Hub.

    U.S. officials said that Secretary of State John Kerry expressed alarm to Mr. Lavrov about the continued mobilization of tens of thousands of Russian forces along its western border with Ukraine—and the prospect that it could move to annex more territory in Ukraine or elsewhere, such as the breakaway Moldovan territory of Transnistria.

    "We are deeply concerned about Russian movements along that border," said Ben Rhodes, a deputy White House national security advisor who traveled to the Netherlands with the president. "We are watching it very closely, as is NATO, as is the Ukrainian government."

    The bulk of the G-7 statement took a heavily critical view of Russia and its intervention in Ukraine.

    It denounced as illegal the Crimean referendum this month seeking to join Russia, and condemned Mr. Putin's decision to annex Crimea. The seven leaders formally agreed not to attend a long-planned G-8 summit in Sochi, Russia in June.

    "This group came together because of shared beliefs and shared responsibilities. Russia's actions in recent weeks are not consistent with them," the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Canada, Japan and Italy said in a joint statement. "We will suspend our participation in the G-8 until Russia changes course and the environment comes back to where the G-8 is able to have a meaningful discussion."

    Related Video: Russian troops seized the marine base in the port of Feodosia, Crimea on Monday. They detained up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen and took two injured Ukrainians away by helicopter. (Image: Dmitry Serebryakov/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images)

    Instead of going to Sochi, world powers said they would gather in Brussels in June—without Russia.

    "We believe that there's no reason for the G-7 countries to engage with Russia going forward based on its behavior," said Mr. Rhodes. "We believe those broader sanctions are necessary."

    Arriving in the Netherlands for the international gatherings, President Barack Obama was seeking stiffer sanctions from European allies and a formal move to indefinitely suspend Russia's participation in the G-8.

    The formal communiqué adopted by the seven world leaders didn't specifically exclude Russia, however, agreeing instead to jointly refrain from participating in any G-8 events with Mr. Putin's government.

    U.S. and Western officials explained later that consensus rules governing international organizations such as the G-8 necessitated that approach. Unless all members agree, the group is unable to act. Officials stressed there was no disagreement among national leaders about whether to remove Mr. Putin from future gatherings.

    "In short, Russia is suspended from the G-8, pending its current activities in Ukraine," a senior U.S. official said.

    The leaders walked a fine line in a bid to avoid Cold War overtones in what has become the most acute East-West confrontation since the fall of the Soviet Union. For instance, they met on the seemingly neutral turf of the Dutch prime minister's residence, avoiding either the U.S. embassy or U.S. ambassador's residence, even though the U.S. had initially called for the G-7 meeting.

    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, speaking after the G-7 meeting, said the international reaction to Russia's occupation "isn't going to be brief."
    "This is going to be an ongoing pressure to indicate that a large part of global community is simply never going to accept this, because this is a precedent that's just too dangerous for global peace and security," he said.

    His comment, like others at the summit, pointed to a rupture in relations that likely won't mend unless Russia decides to backtrack on its Crimean annexation.

    U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet at the U.S. ambassador's residence in The Hague on Monday. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Russia began formally taking part in G-8 events in 1998, after Western officials allowed post-Soviet leaders to ease their way into international gatherings and planning sessions. The potential costs to Russia of being indefinitely cut off from the G-8 aren't easily measurable. While the G-7—before Russia joined the group—was envisioned as a group concerned with economic matters, the G-8 was framed more in terms of international security. But without membership in the G-8, Russia still will find itself more isolated from the world's two largest economies—the U.S. and the EU.

    Asked whether Russia can be trusted not to launch a military incursion into eastern Ukraine, Mr. Lavrov harangued the West for failing to keep promises after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    "We are not forcing anyone to believe us," Mr. Lavrov said. "We for a long time believed our Western partners, starting with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when all kinds of spoken and written promises were made."

    The U.S. and Europe have begun instituting sanctions against Russia, freezing assets and banning travel rights. The measures have begun to bite because some of those sanctioned are wealthy Russian business executives. The U.S. targeted a well-connected Russian bank, as well.

    Monday's summit, called by Mr. Obama, didn't yield backing for immediate economic sanctions on Russia. The European powers—Germany, France, the U.K. and Italy—have said that step will come if Russia escalates the situation in Crimea.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said any decision to place economic sanctions on Russia would need the approval of all 28 EU nations.

    "We are a group of large industrial countries, but we are simultaneously members of, for example, the European Union," Ms. Merkel said.

    The G-7 agreed on the possibility of sanctions on large sectors of Russia's economy unless Moscow moves to de-escalate the military situation in and around Ukraine. Potential targets include Russia's energy, finance, banking and arms sectors, the senior U.S. official said, a move sought by Mr. Obama.

    The leaders discussed that moving to sectorial sanctions would have economic consequences on the global economy but agreed that Russia has more to lose economically and the "cost of inaction" was greater, the senior official said. There was concern among leaders that if Russia wasn't penalized, it would set a global precedent for aggression by other nations.

    "The biggest hammer that we can drop is sectoral sanctions," the senior U.S. official said.

    The crisis in Ukraine overshadowed what until recently was one of the most urgent U.S. foreign policy priorities—its relationship with China and the stability of the waterways of Asia, where Beijing has confronted U.S. allies in the region politically, economically and militarily.

    Mr. Obama met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, discussing the regional issues, but also touching on the crisis in Ukraine. The U.S. leader stressed the importance of nations respecting the sovereignty of others, U.S. officials said.

    "We would find it as a constructive step for them to refrain from supporting Russia's action," Mr. Rhodes said. He added that Mr. Xi told Mr. Obama in their meeting that principle is fundamental to China's approach and Beijing wants a political solution in Ukraine. "It matters if traditional friends of Russia cannot express support for [its] position," he said.

    —Paul Vieira, Jay Solomon
    and Maarten van Tartwijk contributed to this article.
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·33m
    Military experts reports about 700 russian APCs & tanks along the eastern border of #Ukraine from #Russia side - D.Tymchuk | PR News

    The Interpreter@Interpreter_Mag24m
    Unconfirmed reports that Right Sector leader Sasha Bely (Muzychko) has been found dead, 2 bullets to the head …

    Russia to beef up its Arctic Force
    Russia is planning to build up its special troops in the Arctic to be better prepared for possible security threats from the north.

    Paul Sonne@PaulSonne2 hrs
    When Russia took Crimea, only 6,000 of the Ukraine's 41,000 land troops were even ready for combat.

    russian navy blog@russiannavyblog33 mins … 10,000 troops of the Omsk and Orenburg Missile Armies of the Strategic Rocket Forces conduct command post exercises

    Missilito@Missilito4 mins
    VIDEO: Russian tanks on train near Ukrainian border, reportedly at town Somovo in Voronezh region via @milinformant

    Gregor Peter@L0gg0l5h
    Two dead after shooting at U.S navy station in Norfolk …

    Ukrainian Updates@Ukroblogger1m
    Defense Minister replaced, National Guard HQ raided by police. WTF? … #Ukraine #RussiaInvasion

    James Mates@jamesmatesitv17m
    Report from @hrw Human Rights Watch on troubling cases of abduction and torture in #crimea since the Russian takeover …

    Daniel Sandford@BBCDanielS20m
    Still seeing fresh videos of Russian tanks near Ukrainian border. No indication which direction they are travelling

    bruce springnote@BSpringnote13 mins
    Ukraine border guards head says Russian Army training exercises are over but they aren't leaving. Instead they're moving closer to Ukraine

    Russian Market‏@russian_market·4 mins

    Polish Radio RMF reports that Obama plans to visit Kiev this summer.

    Joshua Kucera‏@joshuakucera2h
    Pentagon, Reliant On Russian Airplanes For Afghanistan,
    Looking At Other Options | new post @TheBugPit

    John Schindler@20committee3 mins

    Problem with the Obama "reset" is the White House didn't realize the Kremlin gets its own "reset" too, which we're in right now. #Ukraine

    Julian Borger‏@julianborger·2m
    Obama on Ukraine: We are organising even more intensively that we have contingency plans that we will act in Nato members' defence

    zerohedge ‏@zerohedge · 5 min

    Al Arabiya English ‏@AlArabiya_Eng 7 min

    #BreakingNews: Obama says preference is to resolve crisis in Ukraine diplomatically

    Julian Borger@julianborger11 mins
    Obama on Crimea: No expectation they can be dislodged by force. Can just try to ensure there is a cost.

    Julian Borger@julianborger10 mins
    Obama on Eastern Ukraine: I still think Russia is still making a series of calculations. They will depend on how intnll community respond

    Julian Borger@julianborger9 mins
    Obama on Ukraine: There has been no evidence that Russian speakers have been in any way threatened.

    Julian Borger@julianborger9 mins
    Obama on Ukraine: No comparison with Kosovo where thousands killed

    Julian Borger@julianborger8 mins
    Obama on Ukraine: We are organising even more intensively that we have contingency plans that we will act in Nato members' defence

    RT @W7VOA: Obama: “Russia’s actions are a problem” but not No. 1 national security threat to U.S.

    Julian Borger@julianborger8 mins
    Obama on non-Nato countries - will be pressure in their support but no military response. That is defined by Nato membership

    Julian Borger@julianborger7 mins
    Obama on US place in the world: World has always been messy. US can consistently mobilise international community around a set of principles

    Julian Borger@julianborger6 mins
    Obama on US place: We have not gone to war with Russia. There is precedent for that. But Russia is isolated

    Julian Borger@julianborger5 mins
    Obama on Russia as number one geopolitical foe: Russia is a regional power that is threatening its immediate neighbours..out of weakness

    Julian Borger@julianborger4 mins
    Obama on Russia: Fact that Russia had to go in military reflects less influence, not more.

    Julian Borger@julianborger4 mins
    Obama on Russia: Threat of a terrorist nuclear bomb going off in US far more serious, hence nuclear summit in The Hague

    Obama: Russia is just a "regional power" who resorts to bullying its neighbors.

    Julian Borger@julianborger3 mins
    Obama definition of Russia as 'regional power' aimed straight at Putin's self-image
    The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, will meet U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday 26 March 2014 in Brussels.

    OBAMA: I'm More Worried About A Nuke Hitting Manhattan Than I Am About Russia

    Brett LoGiurato

    59 minutes ago 2,037

    REUTERS/Sean Gallup/Pool

    During a press conference in the Netherlands with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Tuesday, President Barack Obama said he was more worried about a nuclear bomb going off in Manhattan than Russia's recent actions in Ukraine.

    Obama's comment came in response to a question from ABC's Jon Karl, who asked if former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney "had a point" when he referred to Russia during the 2012 campaign as America's top geopolitical foe.

    "Russia's actions are a problem," Obama said. "They don't pose the No. 1 national security threat to the United States. I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan."

    Obama went on to take a swipe at Russian President Vladimir Putin, casting Russia as a regional power that was threatening its neighbors out of "weakness," not strength. He compared it to the U.S.'s influence over its own immediate neighbors and said America "generally doesn't need to invade them" to have good relations with bordering countries.

    Obama also defended his administration's approach to the crisis in Ukraine and its response to Russia, which has included multiple rounds of sanctions. He said he is concerned about the possibility of Russian encroachment into eastern Ukraine, and he continued to threaten additional sanctions if Russia escalated the situation.

    PzFeed Top News‏@PzFeed·24 secs
    BREAKING NEWS: Russia adds 10,000 troops, air defense artillery, wheeled vehicles to positions near Ukraine eastern border. Via CNN

    Reservofficer @Reservofficer1
    #UKRAINE - where will it happen next?…

    OSINT ‏@osint_org · 3m
    Russian military holds exercises in breakaway Moldova region: agency

    David Seaman@d_seamanMar 3
    "Russian military gives Ukrainian forces in Crimea until 03:00 GMT on Tuesday to surrender or face assault, Ukrainian officials say” -BBC

    Euromaidan PR‏@EuromaidanPR·34 secs
    Breaking News: 10 heavy vehicles carrying tanks just passed simferopol towards north Crimea - crimea source |PR News #russiainvadesukraine

    Julia Ioffe‏@juliaioffe8m
    Russia is currently in discussions to put military bases in...the Seychelles.
    What is going on in the Kremlin?! …

    Poland Is Quietly Mobilizing Its Army Reservists

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2014 19:11 -0400

    It seems the words of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk warning that “the world stands on the brink of conflict, the consequences of which are not foreseen... Not everyone in Europe is aware of this situation," are a little more real than some (US equity buyers) might suspect. As The Week's Crispin Black reports, at least 7,000 Polish workers in Europe have received call-up papers as army reservists in the last few weeks. Polish authorities dismiss it as "routine" but the men note this has never happened before.

    As The Week's Crispin Black goes on to note,

    At least 7,000 reservists have been recalled to the colours for immediate exercises lasting between 10 and 30 days.

    They’re told by the Polish authorities that the call-ups are “routine”: but the men say they haven’t been asked before and they’re well aware of the growing alarm in Warsaw at President Putin’s aggression.

    Three weeks ago, their Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, called a press conference to warn that “the world stands on the brink of conflict, the consequences of which are not foreseen… Not everyone in Europe is aware of this situation.”

    My own view is that Putin was initially more concerned with righting a specific historical wrong in Crimea than starting a new Cold War. This is still probably the case despite the dawning truth that the EU/Nato Emperor really has no clothes at all.

    But in the worst case scenario of a truly revanchist Russia, Poland certainly has the borders from hell. Starting from the top, it abuts Kaliningrad (the Russian exclave on the Baltic carved at the end of the war from East Prussia), Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine.

    None of these borders relies on any natural barriers like rivers or mountain ranges – they are just lines on a map drawn by Stalin in the full flush of victory. No wonder the Poles are feeling vulnerable.

    RT @LibertyLynx: Please read quote via @Reuters If accurate, it's terrifying!! Seizure of Baltic region is ok? Expected? h/t @ervinsk

    Dana Rohrabacher @DanaRohrabacher
    @Kolya728 If majority of Alaskans want to be part of Russia, we should not try to stop them. It is called freedom. Jefferson wrote about it...

    Former ambassador to Russia --Mr. Putin has made a strategic pivot. Guided by the right lessons from our past conflict with Moscow, the United States must, too, through a policy of selective containment and engagement.

    Nuclear Security Summit 2014: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, India and Pakistan didn't sign...

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  13. #453
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    G-7 Agrees to Exclude Russia, Increase Sanctions

    World Powers to Meet in Brussels in June Without Russia

    By Carol E. Lee,
    Matthew Dalton and
    Anton Troianovski

    Updated March 25, 2014 8:08 a.m. ET

    On Tuesday, the Kremlin said it had no information on the Group of Eight nations canceling planned talks and that Moscow was still interested in continuing contacts with G-8 partners. WSJ's Anton Troianovski reports from The Hague. Photo: AP

    THE HAGUE—The leaders of the world's largest advanced economies moved Monday to isolate Russia, severing a key link between Moscow and the Western world after nearly two decades.

    The leaders of the Group of Seven, or G-7, nations effectively disbanded the larger G-8 by excluding Russia until it changes course in Ukraine. They also agreed to exert punitive sanctions on Russia's energy, banking, finance and arms industries unless Moscow begins to dial back plans to absorb the region of Crimea.

    But the G-7 leaders, who met in emergency session, didn't specify how far they would go to isolate President Vladimir Putin and hammer Russia's economy. While chastising Moscow in a joint statement, they also left the door open for Russia to one day return to its chair in the G-8. They also offered praise for Mr. Putin's decision to partially endorse an international observer mission to Ukraine.

    "Russia has a clear choice to make," the leaders of the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada said in the joint statement. "Diplomatic avenues to de-escalate the situation remain open, and we encourage the Russian government to take them."

    President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a meeting at The Hague on Monday. Yves Herman/Press Pool

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov adopted a sanguine view toward his country's exclusion. "If our Western partners believe that this format has outlived its usefulness, then so be it," Mr. Lavrov said. "As an experiment, we can wait a year or year and a half and see how we live without it."

    The U.S. welcomed Mr. Lavrov's decision to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart on the sidelines of the same Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague where the G-7 meeting occurred. The State Department had tried unsuccessfully for nearly a month to arrange such a meeting, viewing it as a possible channel to defuse tensions.

    Afterward, the Ukrainian government said in a statement that the two sides had agreed on high-level emergency consultations "in the case of exacerbation of the situation." Mr. Lavrov said he told Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsia that Ukraine needed constitutional reforms to protect Russian speakers in the country.

    President Obama, seeking to shift the trajectory of the crisis in Ukraine, will press U.S. allies to suspend Russia from the G-8 as G-7 leaders move the June summit to Brussels from Sochi. Jerry Seib joins the News Hub.

    U.S. officials said that Secretary of State John Kerry expressed alarm to Mr. Lavrov about the continued mobilization of tens of thousands of Russian forces along its western border with Ukraine—and the prospect that it could move to annex more territory in Ukraine or elsewhere, such as the breakaway Moldovan territory of Transnistria.

    "We are deeply concerned about Russian movements along that border," said Ben Rhodes, a deputy White House national security advisor who traveled to the Netherlands with the president. "We are watching it very closely, as is NATO, as is the Ukrainian government."

    The bulk of the G-7 statement took a heavily critical view of Russia and its intervention in Ukraine.

    It denounced as illegal the Crimean referendum this month seeking to join Russia, and condemned Mr. Putin's decision to annex Crimea. The seven leaders formally agreed not to attend a long-planned G-8 summit in Sochi, Russia in June.

    "This group came together because of shared beliefs and shared responsibilities. Russia's actions in recent weeks are not consistent with them," the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Canada, Japan and Italy said in a joint statement. "We will suspend our participation in the G-8 until Russia changes course and the environment comes back to where the G-8 is able to have a meaningful discussion."

    Related Video: Russian troops seized the marine base in the port of Feodosia, Crimea on Monday. They detained up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen and took two injured Ukrainians away by helicopter. (Image: Dmitry Serebryakov/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images)

    Instead of going to Sochi, world powers said they would gather in Brussels in June—without Russia.

    "We believe that there's no reason for the G-7 countries to engage with Russia going forward based on its behavior," said Mr. Rhodes. "We believe those broader sanctions are necessary."

    Arriving in the Netherlands for the international gatherings, President Barack Obama was seeking stiffer sanctions from European allies and a formal move to indefinitely suspend Russia's participation in the G-8.

    The formal communiqué adopted by the seven world leaders didn't specifically exclude Russia, however, agreeing instead to jointly refrain from participating in any G-8 events with Mr. Putin's government.

    U.S. and Western officials explained later that consensus rules governing international organizations such as the G-8 necessitated that approach. Unless all members agree, the group is unable to act. Officials stressed there was no disagreement among national leaders about whether to remove Mr. Putin from future gatherings.

    "In short, Russia is suspended from the G-8, pending its current activities in Ukraine," a senior U.S. official said.

    The leaders walked a fine line in a bid to avoid Cold War overtones in what has become the most acute East-West confrontation since the fall of the Soviet Union. For instance, they met on the seemingly neutral turf of the Dutch prime minister's residence, avoiding either the U.S. embassy or U.S. ambassador's residence, even though the U.S. had initially called for the G-7 meeting.

    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, speaking after the G-7 meeting, said the international reaction to Russia's occupation "isn't going to be brief."
    "This is going to be an ongoing pressure to indicate that a large part of global community is simply never going to accept this, because this is a precedent that's just too dangerous for global peace and security," he said.

    His comment, like others at the summit, pointed to a rupture in relations that likely won't mend unless Russia decides to backtrack on its Crimean annexation.

    U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet at the U.S. ambassador's residence in The Hague on Monday. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Russia began formally taking part in G-8 events in 1998, after Western officials allowed post-Soviet leaders to ease their way into international gatherings and planning sessions. The potential costs to Russia of being indefinitely cut off from the G-8 aren't easily measurable. While the G-7—before Russia joined the group—was envisioned as a group concerned with economic matters, the G-8 was framed more in terms of international security. But without membership in the G-8, Russia still will find itself more isolated from the world's two largest economies—the U.S. and the EU.

    Asked whether Russia can be trusted not to launch a military incursion into eastern Ukraine, Mr. Lavrov harangued the West for failing to keep promises after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    "We are not forcing anyone to believe us," Mr. Lavrov said. "We for a long time believed our Western partners, starting with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when all kinds of spoken and written promises were made."

    The U.S. and Europe have begun instituting sanctions against Russia, freezing assets and banning travel rights. The measures have begun to bite because some of those sanctioned are wealthy Russian business executives. The U.S. targeted a well-connected Russian bank, as well.

    Monday's summit, called by Mr. Obama, didn't yield backing for immediate economic sanctions on Russia. The European powers—Germany, France, the U.K. and Italy—have said that step will come if Russia escalates the situation in Crimea.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said any decision to place economic sanctions on Russia would need the approval of all 28 EU nations.

    "We are a group of large industrial countries, but we are simultaneously members of, for example, the European Union," Ms. Merkel said.

    The G-7 agreed on the possibility of sanctions on large sectors of Russia's economy unless Moscow moves to de-escalate the military situation in and around Ukraine. Potential targets include Russia's energy, finance, banking and arms sectors, the senior U.S. official said, a move sought by Mr. Obama.

    The leaders discussed that moving to sectorial sanctions would have economic consequences on the global economy but agreed that Russia has more to lose economically and the "cost of inaction" was greater, the senior official said. There was concern among leaders that if Russia wasn't penalized, it would set a global precedent for aggression by other nations.

    "The biggest hammer that we can drop is sectoral sanctions," the senior U.S. official said.

    The crisis in Ukraine overshadowed what until recently was one of the most urgent U.S. foreign policy priorities—its relationship with China and the stability of the waterways of Asia, where Beijing has confronted U.S. allies in the region politically, economically and militarily.

    Mr. Obama met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, discussing the regional issues, but also touching on the crisis in Ukraine. The U.S. leader stressed the importance of nations respecting the sovereignty of others, U.S. officials said.

    "We would find it as a constructive step for them to refrain from supporting Russia's action," Mr. Rhodes said. He added that Mr. Xi told Mr. Obama in their meeting that principle is fundamental to China's approach and Beijing wants a political solution in Ukraine. "It matters if traditional friends of Russia cannot express support for [its] position," he said.

    —Paul Vieira, Jay Solomon
    and Maarten van Tartwijk contributed to this article.
    Yeah, I'm sure Putin will be heartbroken not seeing 'Hitler's Daughter' and 'Steve Urkel' at that meeting, lol....
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

  14. #454
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    This doesn't seem good.

    Report: Russian Groups Activate in Latvia, Estonia

    The group is now forming up in Latvia to “defend Russian schools and rights of non-citizens.”

    March 25, 2014

    According to sources located in Eastern Europe, Russian organizations in border countries including Latvia and Estonia have now become active. According to, the Russian International group formed “self-defense” units in Crimea prior to the invasion of the region by the Russian military. That same group is now forming up in Latvia to “defend Russian schools and rights of non-citizens.”

    RusIntern was apparently formed in Moscow in February, and is associated with top officials in the Kremlin. Deputy Chief of Latvian Security Police Juris Leitietis stated, “I believe this organization was formed in a way that allows it to have strong political backing. The people who are members of this organization have strong backing from Russian special services.”

    The Baltic News Network has seconded the report.

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    And this, my friends, is the precise reason we look "weak" to the Russians and world.

    This MAN is a weak minded, low intelligence throwback to his African Roots with no concept of history and worse doesn't CARE about history.

    Obama says crisis in Crimea should not be seen in Cold War terms

    President Obama stands in front of Rembrandt's "Night Watch" during a joint news conference with the Dutch prime minister. (Jerry Lampen / AFP/Getty Images / March 24, 2014)

    Congress to debate Ukraine aid amid worries about Russian troops Congress to debate Ukraine aid amid worries about Russian troops
    Three senior Ukrainian officers missing, believed held by Russians Three senior Ukrainian officers missing, believed held by Russians
    Taiwanese students protest trade pact with mainland China Taiwanese students protest trade pact with mainland China

    By Kathleen Hennessey

    March 24, 2014, 5:00 a.m.

    AMSTERDAM — The fight over control and influence in Ukraine should not be seen as a Cold War-era battle, President Obama said in an interview released Monday as he opened a European trip certain to be dominated by discussion of the West’s response to Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

    "The United States does not view Europe as a battleground between East and West, nor do we see the situation in Ukraine as a zero-sum game,” Obama told the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant in an interview published as he landed in Amsterdam. "That’s the kind of thinking that should have ended with the Cold War. The Ukrainian people do not have to choose between East and West.”

    As Marine One landed in a grassy plaza in the center of this capital city, Russian forces consolidated their hold on military sites in the Crimean peninsula. Obama and dozens of other foreign leaders were arriving for a summit on nuclear security at The Hague, but containing Russia and bolstering the Ukrainian government were expected to dominate the conversations.

    Obama will spend much of the week meeting with European leaders divided over whether to impose painful economic penalties on Russia for its annexation of Crimea. He signaled he would push them to prepare to ratchet up economic sanctions in what may be a long and slow push to isolate Moscow.

    “We would have preferred it not come to this. But Russia’s actions are simply unacceptable. There have to be consequences,” Obama told the newspaper. “And if Russia continues to escalate the situation, we need to be prepared to impose a greater cost.”

    Obama planned a meeting on Monday of the G-7 industrialized nations, noticeably leaving out Russia, which is part of the Group of 8 countries. The meeting itself was intended as a snub to Moscow, which is slated to host the G-8 summit in Sochi later this year. Leaders were likely to discuss penalties against Russia as well as a financial aid package that could help stabilize the new, pro-Western government in Kiev.

    Obama’s overseas trip — which includes stops in Brussels, Vatican City, Rome and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia — will include other diplomatic challenges. He will continue to have to explain controversial U.S. spying tactics that have angered leaders in Europe and elsewhere. Obama planned to meet Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, just two days after the latest reports, based on documents leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, indicated U.S. intelligence agencies had breached a Chinese telecommunications firm’s networks.

    Obama also came prepared with initiatives to tout. The White House said Monday that the U.S. and Japan had pledged to remove all highly-enriched uranium and separated plutonium from an aging Japanese nuclear facility. The agreement would arrange for hundreds of kilograms of potentially dangerous material to be secured and transported to the U.S. for disposal. Obama has made locking down loose nuclear material a high priority since taking office.

    The White House also announced that the U.S. and Netherlands had agreed to end support for public financing of coal-fired power plants abroad “except for rare exceptions.”

    Obama and Prime Minister Mark Rutte made the announcement Monday following a briefing meeting and a tour of the Rijksmuseum, a newly renovated home containing some of the most famous works of the Dutch Old Masters. Obama and Rutte stood in front of Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch,” a massive oil masterpiece depicting a militia rallying to fight. Obama joked that the painting was “easily the most impressive backdrop I’ve had for a press conference.”

    The leaders expressed their unity on climate change, trade and support for the Ukraine. The annexation of Crimea was a “flagrant breach of international law,” said Rutte.

    “We’re united on imposing a cost on Russia for its actions so far,” Obama said.
    Last edited by American Patriot; March 26th, 2014 at 13:17.
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Another "far right" dude dead.... looks like they are assassinating them all now.

    25 March 2014 Last updated at 12:20 ET Ukraine far-right leader Muzychko dies 'in police raid'

    Muzychko was wanted by the Ukrainian and Russian authorities

    A Ukrainian ultra-nationalist leader has been shot dead in what officials describe as a special forces operation.

    Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, died in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine, the interior ministry said.

    He was a leader of Right Sector, a far-right group which was prominent in the recent anti-government protests.

    Meanwhile, Ukraine's parliament has voted to accept the resignation of Defence Minister Ihor Tenyukh.

    Mr Tenyukh had been accused of indecision in the face of Russia's military takeover of Crimea.

    The shooting of Muzychko happened just hours after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had held talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Andriy Deshchytsia - their first meeting since Russia's move into Crimea triggered a diplomatic crisis.

    Oleksandr Muzychko, alias Sashko Bily

    • Born 1962 in Perm region, Russia
    • After Ukraine became independent in 1991 he set up nationalist groups in Rivne, western Ukraine
    • Spent several years in jail after conviction for extortion in 1999
    • Accused of leading "criminal gang" in Rivne
    • Russia accused him of atrocities in Chechnya
    • As a Right Sector leader he participated in Maidan anti-government protests in Kiev

    Ukraine's Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Yevdokimov said Muzychko died after opening fire at police and Sokol special forces, who had raided a cafe to arrest him and fellow ultra-nationalists. The authorities described Muzychko as a criminal gang leader.

    During the raid, Muzychko fired at police as he was trying to flee, wounding one of them. Police then returned fire and captured him and three others in his "criminal gang", Mr Yevdokimov said.

    "He was still alive as they were arresting him - but then the paramedics, called to the scene, found that he had died," Mr Yevdokimov said. The three arrested gang members have been taken to Kiev for questioning.

    A Right Sector organiser in Rivne has now threatened revenge for the killing of Muzychko, saying he had not been summoned by investigators.

    "We will avenge ourselves on [Interior Minister] Arsen Avakov for the death of our brother. The shooting of Sashko Bily is a contract killing ordered by the minister," said Roman Koval of the Right Sector in Rivne region, quoted by the Ukrayinska Pravda website.

    Conflicting account
    Earlier, a Ukrainian MP, Oles Doniy, gave a different version of events. He said two cars had forced Muzychko's car to stop, and he had then been dragged into one of the other cars. Later his body was found dumped, his hands tied behind his back and two bullet wounds in his heart, Doniy wrote overnight on his Facebook page.

    Correspondents say Muzychko acquired notoriety in Ukraine after he was filmed brandishing an AK-47 assault rifle at a town hall session in western Ukraine, and then harassing a local prosecutor. After that, in February, the Ukrainian interior minister condemned his behaviour and promised to investigate.
    Continue reading the main story “Start Quote

    What if shots are exchanged and lives lost? Will Putin then simply be reacting to the pace of events on the ground? Or will Moscow actually have helped to orchestrate those events in the first place?”
    Jonathan Marcus BBC diplomatic correspondent

    Moscow says the activities of Right Sector and other Ukrainian nationalist groups pose a threat to the large Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin gave that as one of his reasons for intervening in Crimea.
    However, some commentators say Russia has deliberately whipped up such fears, and that the influence of Right Sector in Ukrainian politics is exaggerated.
    Earlier, Russian authorities issued an arrest warrant for Muzychko, accusing him of atrocities against Russian soldiers in Chechnya.
    The Russian indictment says he tortured captive Russian soldiers in the 1990s, when Moscow was trying to crush Chechen separatist guerrillas. Muzychko denied the allegations. Reports say he led a group of Ukrainian nationalists who fought alongside the Chechen rebels.
    Crimea withdrawal In the Ukrainian parliament on Tuesday, MPs appointed Gen Mykhaylo Koval as the new defence minister, after approving the resignation of his predecessor, Ihor Tenyukh.
    Mr Tenyukh had offered to leave the post following growing criticism of his response to the Russian annexation of Crimea. Many deputies had described that response as indecisive.
    Gen Koval has served in the country's Border Service, and was briefly detained by pro-Russian forces during their takeover of Crimea.
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    The BBC's Mark Lowen reports from the last police base in Crimea controlled by Ukraine

    Mr Tenyukh said he had received requests to leave Crimea from about 6,500 soldiers and family members. That means about two-thirds of the 18,800 military personnel and relatives stationed there are staying on the peninsula, the Associated Press news agency reports.
    Earlier, a senior Ukrainian armed forces officer, Oleksandr Rozmaznin, was quoted as saying nearly half of the Ukrainian military staff based in Crimea had opted to stay there and some of them were joining the Russian military.
    Meanwhile, a toughly-worded statement from the G7 group of industrialised countries, condemned both the Crimean vote to secede and Russia's annexation of Crimea. The G7 called Russia's actions a "clear violation of international law". Russia has now been excluded from what was the G8.
    Moscow initially reacted scornfully to the G7 snub, saying "the G8 is an informal club" which "can't purge anyone by definition".
    But later President Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said "the Russian side continues to be ready to have such contacts at all levels, including the top level. We are interested in such contacts".
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    Barack Obama says Vladimir Putin has a choice to make whether to abide by international law or face "disruptive sanctions"

    Also on Tuesday, US President Barack Obama addressed the crisis during a joint news conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, saying that Russia was "threatening some of its immediate neighbours, not out of strength, but out of weakness".
    He expressed concern about the possibility Russia would encroach further on Ukrainian territory and about the large numbers of Russian troops massed on the border.
    Mr Obama said he hoped the International Monetary Fund would quickly finalise an aid package for Ukraine, adding that it was important to help Ukraine hold successful elections in May.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  17. #457
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Muzychko was wanted by the Ukrainian and Russian authorities

    A Ukrainian ultra-nationalist leader has been shot dead in what officials describe as a special forces operation.

    Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, died in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine, the interior ministry said.

    He was a leader of Right Sector, a far-right group which was prominent in the recent anti-government protests.

    This guy-i've seen him before. He was a piece of garbage who reveled in the use of language of killing 'Moscovites' and Jews. He made the other more secret Neo Nazis running things in Ukraine look bad, and so had to be eliminated.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Rumsfeld: If Obama Was A 'Trained Ape,' U.S. Diplomacy Would Be Better

    By David March 25, 2014 8:59 am - Comments

    Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Monday blasted President Barack Obama's diplomacy, saying a "trained ape" could do a better job.

    Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Monday blasted President Barack Obama's diplomacy, saying a "trained ape" could do a better job.

    In an interview with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, Rumsfeld complained that relations with Afghan President Hamid Karzai had gone “downhill like a toboggan” under the current president, even though the Bush administration's ties with the Afghan leader had been "first rate."

    "Take for example that we have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world," the former secretary of defense ranted angrily. “This administration, the White House and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement."

    "A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement," he added. "It does not take a genius."

    Rumsfeld said he also understood why Karzai backed Russia's takeover of Crimea.

    “I personally sympathize with him to some extent,” he explained. “Nobody likes to hear a foreign leader side with Putin on the Crimea the way he has. But I really think it’s understandable, given the terrible, terrible diplomacy that the United States has conducted with Afghanistan over the last several years."

    [Photo credit: National Constitution Center/Flickr]
    (h/t: Politico)

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    New headline:

    Obama not a very well trained ape.
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    I see what you did there...

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