Di$info Jone$ and the Stansberry Society Fleecing Event – Brought to you by a convicted fraudster and T. Boone Pickens

Posted on May 5, 2014 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
The flock’s wallet is getting a little shaggy. Time for another fleecing.
Alex is jumping on-board with the likes of Frank Porter Stansberry, T. Boone Pickens and Julian Assange to promote a rarefied opportunity to separate you from the contents of your wallet. Namely, $450 bucks.
Di$info Jone$ is lending his “LIBERTY” street cred (and his dwindling numbers of true believers) to yet another scam, this time one involving a guy who has a long sordid history of scamming his own customer base out of millions he put in his own pocket.

Forget the Wal-mart Tangy Tangerine pyramid scam, this one promises big returns in a short period of time all validated by former hedge fund managers and other well respected, three-piece suit wearing grifters.
The Stansberry Society event promises to grant it’s paid participants all the info they need to make money the old fashioned way: easy.
However, you have to read the disclaimer:
“Any performance results of our recommendations prepared by S&A are not based on actual trading of securities but are instead based on a hypothetical trading account. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. Your actual results may vary.”
If it’s that “theoretical dollar” market you are looking to corner, the Stansberry Society is your kinda adviser.
As far as real dollars are concerned, you may wish to consider a different investment for your 450 bucks. Just sayin.
Meet Frank Porter Stansberry. In 2003 the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint against him for peddling false information to subscribers of his financial newsletter. The name of his company at the time was Pirate Investor.
According to the SEC, Stansberry told email subscribers that if they paid $1,000, he would provide a hot investment tip based on inside information from a “senior executive inside the company.” He encouraged customers to purchase stock, promising they would “make a fortune.”
The man who supposedly provided Stansberry with the information denied ever doing so, and many investors lost thousands of dollars by acting on the fabricated information.
The SEC complaint declared that Stansberry “engaged in an ongoing scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters.” Daily Caller
In his defense, Stansberry claimed the SEC targeted him because he was telling too much “truth” to the people.
Back in 2012, Mr. Stansberry predicted that oil prices would soon drop below $40 per barrel. That didn’t work out, did it?
His 2010 “End of America” video claims the country we all live in is going to disintegrate due to the dreaded “deficit monster”
He has another hour long video from 2013 in which he claims the ‘deficit monster” is gaining on us and as a side note, that Barack Obama will serve another term in the White House.
For the low low price of $49.50 per year, you can get a subscription to his newsletter that will tell you everything you need to know about how to protect your wealth from the coming onslaught of the takers.
“But a legal disclaimer at the bottom of the page notes that the firm’s work “may contain errors.””
The Stansberry Society event though “sold out” still has tickets available… at 25% discount.(?)
Here’s a little taste of the wealth of “opportunity” that awaits you there all for the low low price of only $450 (which includes a seat, a light breakfast and lunch! and an email sent to your very own computer):
“You see, a handful of renegade oilmen have discovered a whole new way to find oil deposits…. And Porter’s team has been working hard to determine which companies are best positioned to exploit this trend.”
” T. Boone Pickens is a legendary oil and gas entrepreneur who has become the nation’s most notable energy expert… and one of the world’s richest people. Mr. Pickens is on a mission to enhance U.S. energy policies to lessen the nation’s dependence on OPEC oil – a reliance that he views as the greatest threat to America’s national security and economic well-being. T. Boone will deliver the keynote speech: Powering America’s Energy & Economic Future”
Last year, Jullian Assange was there telling conference members how they too can set up their own fake leak site and turn a profit from the gullible masses.
For instance, at the last conference in Miami, one of the speakers was Julian Assange, of WikiLeaks fame. Assange joined us via Skype from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Ecuador has given him political asylum… But he can’t leave the embassy.
Porter had a 45-minute conversation with Assange about WikiLeaks, pervasive government spying around the world, Assange’s personal situation, and the future of WikiLeaks.
Assange described what it’s like to be in the business of enforcing the First Amendment and thwarting powerful institutions’ attempts to censor the historical record.
So rush right out there and get one of those sold out tickets so you can see Di$info Jone$ shillin for the likes of T. Boone Pickens and a guy who predicted $40 barrels of oil and Obama’s third term in office only a few years after fleecing his own customers to the tune of 1 million dollars.
Of course, don’t forget your checkbook and debit card. There will be tons of “investments” at those little tables in the hallway. Stock up on your Tangy Tangerine while you’re at it.
Di$info needs CASH Bitches!
Pimpin ain’t easy, don’t ya know.