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Thread: 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

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    Literary Wanderer
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    Exclamation 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

    This thing's got political agenda written all over it.

    Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police

    ©2014 las vegas REVIEW-JOURNAL

    Two Las Vegas police officers were killed Sunday in what appears to be a politically motivated ambush in a pizza restaurant that spilled over to a nearby Wal-Mart, where the two shooters committed suicide after killing a woman in the store.

    Details are sketchy, but Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists.

    Sunday night, Metro homicide investigators and FBI agents cordoned off and were searching a small apartment complex at 110 S. Bruce St., about four miles from the shooting scene. A resident of the complex said he had spoken with a man who lived in the apartment being searched. He said the man appeared “militant,” and often talked about conspiracy theories.

    An explosion was heard at the apartment complex at about 9:30 p.m., but no information was immediately available Sunday night.

    Sheriff Doug Gillespie said officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, were shot while they ate lunch at CiCi’s Pizza, 309 N. Nellis Blvd., at about 11:20 a.m. Sunday. In a late afternoon news conference he said no motive for the attack has been determined.
    “It’s a tragic day,” the sheriff said. “We have lost two officers with young families.”
    Beck was a senior patrol officer who had taught Advanced Officer Skills Training and at the Metro academy. He was hired by Metro in 2001 and had a wife and three children.
    Soldo has been a Metro officer since 2006 and had a wife and baby. Both were uniform patrol officers assigned to the Northeast Area Command.

    A law enforcement official who has been briefed on the incident said an officer — unconfirmed reports indicate it was Soldo — was refilling a soft drink when the female shooter approached him from behind and shot him in the head, killing him instantly.
    The woman then shot the other officer several times as he drew his pistol. Gillespie said the officer was able to return fire but it was unclear if he hit anyone.
    One officer was reported dead at the scene, while the other died later in surgery at University Medical Center.

    Witnesses told police one of the shooters yelled “This is the start of a revolution” before shooting the officers. Gillespie later said he could not confirm that.

    The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

    The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.

    The shooters left the pizza parlor and headed into the Wal-Mart across the street at 201 North Nellis. Witnesses at the scene reported hearing shots fired in quick succession inside the Wal-Mart.

    At a news conference at about 1 p.m. Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the male shooter, described as a tall white man, yelled “everyone get out” before shooting.

    One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.

    A woman was shot and killed just inside the front doors of the Wal-Mart. Her name has not yet been released.

    As Metro officers entered the front and back doors of the store they exchanged gunfire with the shooters, Gillespie said.

    The female shooter then shot her accomplice at least once before shooting herself in the head, a law enforcement official said. The wounded man then shot and killed himself. Their identities have not been released by police.

    Both shooters were reportedly carrying large duffle bags, and a bomb squad was called to the scene. It’s unclear what, if anything, was found in the bags. A fire department official said the bomb squad response was “a precaution.”

    Hector Garcia was shopping in Wal-Mart’s arts and crafts aisle toward the back of the store when he encountered a man brandishing a gun. He looked like he was in his 20s, was wearing camouflage and had a duffle bag draped over his shoulder.

    He said the shooter appeared calm when he pointed the gun at him and said, “Don’t run.” The gunman, Garcia said, continued walking to the back of the store. Garcia said that store employees were evacuating customers through the back of the store.

    After the gunman walked out of sight, Garcia walked out of the store. Garcia said he was shaken up and couldn’t remember what kind of gun the man carried.

    The shooters were a married couple thought to be in their late 20s who were new to the Las Vegas Valley, according to a law enforcement official close to the investigation. Police are looking into their links to the white supremacy movement and found swastika symbols during their initial investigation.

    Residents of the Bruce Street apartment complex gathered outside the building to talk about the couple whose unit was being searched.
    Several neighbors identified the man as Jared, while one called the woman Amanda.
    Like many of the neighbors contacted, Krista Koch said she didn’t know the couple’s last names. She described them as “militant.” They talked about planning to kill police officers, “going underground” and not coming out until the time was right to kill.

    Brandon Monroe, 22, has lived in the complex for about two weeks. He said the man who lived in the apartment that was being searched often rambled about conspiracy theories. He often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer. A woman lived with him, Monroe said, but he didn’t see her as often.

    They were weird people, Monroe said, adding that he thought the couple used methamphetamine.

    The man told neighbor Jessica Anderson, 27, that he had been kicked off Cliven Bundy’s ranch 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas while people from throughout the U.S. gathered there in protest of a Bureau of Land Management roundup of Bundy’s cattle.

    Reached Sunday, the rancher’s wife, Carol Bundy, said the shooting and the April standoff against the federal government were not linked.

    “I have not seen or heard anything from the militia and others who have came to our ranch that would, in any way, make me think they had an intent to kill or harm anyone,” Carol Bundy said.

    Las Vegas police have not said whether they believe the attack was more than an isolated incident, but the department asked for any available off-duty officers to work Sunday afternoon.

    Patrol squads were doubling up so each officer would have a partner, sources said. Metro officers usually patrol solo, but Gillespie said they would continue to ride with partners in the coming days while the investigation continues.

    “It’s a very, very difficult day,” Gillespie said, “but we still have a community to police, and we still have a community to protect.”

    FBI officials would say little about their involvement in the investigation.

    “We will not comment on specifics at this time,” FBI spokeswoman Bridget Pappas said. “The FBI is working closely with LVMPD and our law enforcement partners to determine the facts of this tragic incident.”

    Late into the afternoon dozens of bystanders were standing outside police tape, watching the investigation. Wal-Mart employees and shoppers cried and hugged before police took them to be interviewed in a nearby store. After talking with witnesses, officers took them to one of several buses waiting in the parking lot.

    A grandmother who was shopping in Wal-Mart with her two teenage granddaughters said they crouched in a makeup aisle when they heard shots. She prayed out loud, but the girls asked her to keep quiet so the shooters wouldn’t find them.

    When they peeked around the aisle and couldn’t see the shooters, they ran out of the store.

    Marlene Buck works at the Denny’s on Nellis across from Wal-Mart. She said she was impressed with Metro’s quick response.

    “It took less than fifteen minutes,” she said.

    As police patrol cars cordoned off the street, Buck said restaurant customers crowded against the windows and started to rush outside.

    “I did everything I could to keep everyone inside,” she said, adding it looked like a war zone and making a machine-gun gesture with her hands.

    Reporters Francis McCabe, Mike Blasky, Wesley Juhl, Annalise Porter, Ricardo Torres, Keith Rogers and Jeff German and photographer Erik Verduzco contributed to this report.

  2. #2
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Agreed, this is very odd. Condolences to the officers' families...

    These kooks sound like avid Alex Jones listeners.

    Two things I guarantee will not get widespread mention in the news:

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    The man told neighbor Jessica Anderson, 27, that he had been kicked off Cliven Bundy’s ranch 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas while people from throughout the U.S. gathered there in protest of a Bureau of Land Management roundup of Bundy’s cattle.
    Folks there realized what a nutter this guy was and sent him packing. Watch the libs try and tie him to the events there simply because he went there, ignoring he was given the boot.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.

    A woman was shot and killed just inside the front doors of the Wal-Mart. Her name has not yet been released.

    As Metro officers entered the front and back doors of the store they exchanged gunfire with the shooters, Gillespie said.

    The female shooter then shot her accomplice at least once before shooting herself in the head, a law enforcement official said. The wounded man then shot and killed himself. Their identities have not been released by police.
    This sounds like yet another mass shooting stopped by an armed citizen! I had heard earlier on the radio a report that made it sound like the CCWer was shot and killed, not a woman was killed and the CCWer engagement was separate. No idea which is the more up-to-date report. I haven't had a chance to get read up on this.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    This happens to come just in time for this...

    Holder Announces Task Force On 'Homegrown' Terrorists

    June 2, 2014

    Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder, Jr. on Monday announced the creation of a task force within the Justice Department to combat an “escalating danger” from “homegrown” terrorists within the United States.

    The Justice Department, in a news release accompanying Holder’s weekly video address, cited a Congressional Research Service report last year that said domestic terrorists were responsible for more than two dozen incidents in the U.S. since 9/11.

    Holder, in the video, cited the Boston Marathon bombings last year and shootings at Fort Hood in 2009 and 2014 as examples of “the danger we face from these homegrown threats.”

    The FBI was criticized for its decision not to share information with local law enforcement agencies about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the brothers authorities say were behind the bombings.

    The task force will chiefly comprise leaders from the FBI, the Justice Department’s National Security Division and U.S. Attorneys. Called the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee, it is a recreation of a task force formed by former Atty. Gen. Janet Reno after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The task force fell into disuse after 9/11.

    Though the original task force, which was little known, focused mainly on right-wing zealots, Holder’s version is aimed at U.S. citizens or visitors radicalized via the Internet. Holder said the government will continue to fight terrorists abroad.

    “But we also must concern ourselves with a different type of threat. We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders,” he said.

    “Horrific terror incidents like the tragic shootings at Fort Hood and last year’s Boston Marathon bombing demonstrate the danger we face from these homegrown threats,” Holder said in the video posted on the department’s website.

    “Now -- as the nature of the threat we face evolves to include the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet -- it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home,” Holder said.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    More information has come out about the CCWer. I've highlighted it below with my comments after the piece.

    Shooters Carried Arsenal, Supplies Into Sunday Rampage

    June 9, 2014

    Jerad and Amanda Miller left their downtown apartment Sunday morning loaded for a long fight.

    A law enforcement source familiar with the investigation said the Millers had a small arsenal and survivalist gear in two bags when they entered a northeast Las Vegas Wal-Mart Sunday.

    The Millers entered the store with one shotgun and four handguns, including the two they took from the Las Vegas police officers they ambushed and killed at a nearby CiCi’s Pizza. Their bags also contained about 200 rounds of ammunition, knives, first aid supplies, camouflage clothing and military-issued rations known as MREs.

    Investigators have security footage of both the shootings at CiCi’s and Wal-Mart.

    Both Jerad, 31, and Amanda, 22, appeared to be “cool and calm” during the shooting spree, the law enforcement source said. There was no indication yet that they were using drugs that day, though a toxicology report is being done.

    During a news conference late Monday morning, senior police officials called the attack an isolated incident, but said officers will take extra precautions as they patrol the valley in the coming days.

    The couple may have been planning a larger attack on an unidentified court building, but police said Monday the two appeared to be working alone and not part of a larger plot.

    Jerad and Amanda Miller had been staying with a friend at a small apartment complex at 110 South Bruce St. They had rented their own unit there, but had to move out.

    Kelley Fielder lived next door to the Millers and called them her “best friends.” She said she didn’t know they were “that crazy.”

    She was holding documents for the couple that included detailed plans to take over a courthouse and execute public officials. The file box full of documents, along with three empty rifle cases and an empty box for handcuffs, were confiscated by investigators during a search of Fielder’s apartment.

    The Millers simultaneously executed two Las Vegas police officers Sunday, according to a police official with knowledge of the investigation into the rampage that left two officers and a citizen dead, and the suicides of the Millers.

    Officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, were in their seats at CiCi’s Pizza, 309 N. Nellis Blvd., at about 11:20 a.m. Sunday when shooters identified Jerad and Amanda Miller entered the rear of the restaurant.

    The police official said neither officer had a chance to return fire. The entire attack was caught on surveillance video, police said Monday.

    Jerad Miller then covered the officers with the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me,” and placed a manifesto with a swastika symbol on one officer’s body.

    The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden, a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.


    The couple had left their Bruce Street apartment about 4:30 a.m., telling neighbors they planned to murder cops, police said. They were armed with several handguns and a shotgun, and carried several hundred rounds of ammunition.

    “He knew he wasn’t going to survive that day,” an official with knowledge of the investigation said. “Cops were going to die, and he was going to die.”

    After the shooting, the couple headed toward a nearby Wal-Mart, where Jerad Miller was confronted by Joseph Robert Wilcox, 31, of Las Vegas. Wilcox was legally carrying a concealed pistol. Wilcox was unaware that Amanda Miller, who was pushing a shopping cart, was involved in the incident and “lying in wait,” the official said.

    She slipped behind Wilcox and shot him at close range.

    “He had no idea the wife was walking behind him,” the police official said of the slain man. “This guy (Wilcox) was not some idiot with a gun. To me, he was a hero. He was trying to stop an active shooter.”

    Police said this morning that Wilcox was killed without firing a shot.

    Officers exchanged gunfire with the couple in the store’s automotive section. Oil and antifreeze spilled onto the floor creating a messy scene.

    In the last moments of their lives, Jerad and Amanda turned and faced each other and spoke, though it is unclear what they said. She then shot him several times before shooting herself in the head. Jerad made some movements afterwards but died there. Amanda was showing signs of life and was taken to a hospital, but died soon after.


    The official said both Millers went to the Bundy Ranch near Bunkerville in April, hoping to join a militia standoff with federal agents who were trying to remove Cliven Bundy’s cattle from federal land.

    Miller on Facebook said Bundy’s ranch was “under siege,” and he hoped to help save the rancher “and his family from Federal Government slaughter.”

    Reno television station KRNV interviewed Miller, who they identified as “Jarad Miller,” near Bundy’s ranch.

    He told the station: “I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come here and try to push around or anything like that. I really don’t want violence toward them but if their gonna come and bring violence to us, well, if that’s the language they want to speak, we’ll learn it.”

    Miller was dressed in camouflage and wearing a T-shirt advertising Gordon Martines for Clark County Sheriff. Martines is a former Metro detective who claims on his campaign Facebook page to be a lifetime member of the Oath Keepers, a patriot group that rallied to Bundy’s side during the standoff.

    On his Google+ account, Jerad Miller said he was shunned by the Bundy Ranch group for being a felon. He posted that he and Amanda “sold everything” they had and quit their jobs to go to the ranch.

    “As far as I am concerned my government is a fascist enemy,”…. “My family has bled for this nation and our freedoms and I will not let their sacrifice go unanswered without my own sacrifice.”

    Ammon Bundy, one of Cliven Bundy’s sons, initially told The Associated Press that it is possible the Millers were at the ranch during the standoff with federal agents, but that “we have not found anybody that recognizes them.”

    He later told AP that Jerad and Amanda Miller were there but were asked to leave after a few days because they were “very radical” and did not “align themselves” with the protest’s main issues.

    “Not very many people were asked to leave,” Bundy said. “I think they may have been the only ones.”


    Jerad Dwain Miller had a lengthy criminal history dating back at least to 2000 that saw him in and out of jail on felony and misdemeanor charges in both Washington and his home state of Indiana.

    In 2010 and 2007, Jerad Miller was convicted of drug dealing and possession charges related to marijuana.

    In between those criminal cases he married Amanda Miller in September 2012, Lafayette, Ind., court records show.

    Jerad Miller also was arrested in 2009 on a battery charge by Tippecanoe County, Ind., police. He was later found not guilty.

    In February 2011, he was arrested on a strangulation battery charge in Dearborn County, Ind., though the result of that case is unclear.

    Jerad Miller also was no stranger to police in Benton County, Wash. District Court records there show he was convicted of obstructing a public officer and DUI in August 2002. In April of that year he was found guilty of assault with intent to cause injury.

    In June 2001, he was convicted of third-degree malicious mischief. In February 2001 he was convicted of third-degree theft. In 2000, he was convicted of third-degree malicious mischief.

    In 2001, he was convicted in Benton County Superior Court of taking a motor vehicle without permission and harassment.

    An apparent relative of Jerad Miller with an address in Richland, Wash., did not answer calls Monday.

    A man who answered the phone at the home of one of his relatives in Lafayette, Ind., said “at this time there is no comment.”

    Amanda Miller does not appear to have a criminal history. In a post on her Facebook page from May 23, 2011, she writes: “to the people in the world…your lucky i can’t kill you now but remember one day one day i will get you because one day all hell will break lose and i’ll be standing in the middle of it with a shot gun in one hand and a pistol in the other.”

    Someone who answered the phone at her family home in Lafayette quickly hung-up on a reporter.

    The two were known to dress up as comic book characters and pose with tourists on Fremont Street. They can be seen in photos made up as the Joker and his girlfriend, Harley Quinn, from the Batman series.

    James Holmes, suspect in the 2012 murder of 12 people in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, told reportedly police after the shooting that he was the Joker.


    In January the Millers were interviewed by federal law enforcement officers after they threatened to “shoot up” a Department of Motor Vehicles office in that state.

    On Jan. 1 Amanda Miller posted on Facebook that “Today’s the big day” for a move to Las Vegas.

    Jerad Miller’s Facebook page, peppered with several pro-gun rights posts, showed a growing distaste for government.

    In early May, Jerad Miller posted a statement foreshadowing the shooting.

    “There is no greater cause to die for than liberty. To die for that cause is easy, to live for it is another matter. I will willingly die for liberty. Death, in a sense is freedom from tyranny. Death, is the easy way out. Most notably is the “suicide by cop” routine. Yes, standing before despots is dangerous and most likely does not end well for you. I know this, my wife knows this. Soon they will come for us, because they don’t like what we think, and what we say. They don’t like the fact that we, simply will not submit to fascist rule. We don’t have much, but we are willing to sacrifice everything…….for you, for your freedoms. Even if you wouldn’t let us have ours. We know who we are and what we stand for, do you?”

    On June 3, after Attorney General Eric Holder announced the creation of a domestic terrorism task force, Miller posted “Well if you have been waiting for the thought police, here they are.”

    Jerad Miller’s last post on the social media website, time-stamped at 4 a.m. Saturday reads “The dawn of a new day. May all of our coming sacrifice be worth it.”


    Local pastors and community leaders have scheduled a candlelight vigil for 6 p.m. today to honor the three men shot and killed Sunday.

    The vigil will be held on the corner of Stewart Avenue and North Nellis Boulevard, Troy Martinez, senior pastor at East Vegas Christian Center said. The event is expected to last until about 8 p.m.

    Las Vegas police have set up an officer down fund at for the families of Beck and Soldo. Anyone interested in donating to the can send funds to Wells Fargo account 8754899923 or Nevada State Bank account 905202081.

    The "hidden" second shooter is ALWAYS a distinct threat whether it is an officer or armed citizen confronting an active shooter. This is why good training will teach you to engage the first shooter and keep an active watch for secondary shooters.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Wilcox told him to freeze and drop his gun which is when Amanda Miller shot him. Let that be a word of warning to any CCWers that are going to engage an active shooter! You aren't a police officer and aren't required to give the shooters a chance to surrender. Just shoot to stop the threat and keep an eye out for secondary shooters, any warning is purely optional and will result in you giving up the element of surprise. Of course this is something one must weigh in the heat of "battle".

    RIP Joseph Wilcox. I'm glad the police community is appropriately recognizing his sacrifice.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Hmmm... In reference to my above article about Holder's task force:

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Conflicting information on Mr. Wilcox engaging the shooter. No idea how accurate this report is.

    CONFIRMED: Concealed Carrier Engaged Shooters In Las Vegas

    June 9, 2014

    Thanks to an inside source at Las Vegas Metro Police Department, we have confirmation that a concealed carrier exchanged fire with the two shooters yesterday.

    For those unaware of the story, two LVMPD officers were shot and killed by a couple while eating lunch at CiCi's Pizza. One of the officers was attacked from behind while refilling his drink and died instantly. The second officer was then engaged by the woman and suffered multiple gunshot wounds while returning fire.

    The killers stripped the officers of their weapons and ammo and calmly left the restaurant toting large black bags. While walking past a witness stated said they just killed two cops and crossed the parking lot toward Walmart to continue their rampage.

    "We saw when the man was walking, he was shouting, yelling bad words, and suddenly he had a gun," she told the station. "It was terrible, it was terrible. That man was crazy," said Pauline Pacheco who fled the Wal-Mart with her father after seeing the gunman.

    As the man and woman approached Wal-Mart they were confronted by an armed citizen - Joseph Robert Wilcox. Wilcox drew his handgun and exchanged gunfire with the man. The woman managed to sneak behind Wilcox and shoot him at close range. It is unclear if Wilcox was able to wound the man during the exchange of gunfire.

    What is clear is that Wilcox slowed the couple's entry to the store giving police additional moments to arrive, saving an untold number of lives inside.

    According to Las Vegas Sheriff Doug Gillespie said Wilcox "died attempting to protect others."

    When police did arrive, the couple briefly shot at them before fleeing into the store. Authorities dispatches two SWAT teams to enter the store from the front and rear exits of the store.

    Officers then parked a patrol vehicle against a rear fire exit, preventing the couple from escaping when the man tried to blast his way through with the shotgun. The killers exchanged gunfire with the cops at several points as the officers moved in, and both were eventually wounded by officers.

    One officer got to the store’s security area and used the video surveillance system to help the others corner the killers, who used items from the store to form a defensive barricade. They continued trading shots with cops until Amanda the woman then shot the man before turning her gun on herself, ending their "revolution".

    The officers bodies were escorted by motorcade and met by an honor guard en route to the coroner's office. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of Officer Alyn Beck and Officer Igor Soldo and to the entire Las Vegas Metro Police Department.

    Our prayers also go out to the family of the Joseph Wilcox and his family and friends.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Jerad Miller's Facebook "Likes". The press is going to have a field day with them. Not surprised by one...

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Some YouTube vids of Jared Miller. Guy was a nut for sure...

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

    From Sipsey Street...

    The Las Vegas Shooters and the Bundys

    June 9, 2014

    Just got off the phone with Jerry Delemus, the head of the outer security operation the day that these folks were turned away. These people looked to me like the couple we turned away and Jerry confirmed it. He is positive on the ID. Based on the first images i saw, I was initially hesitant to make a positive ID, although they looked a lot like the folks I remembered. But both Jerry and Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers got a better look the pair of them than I did and while I haven't been able to reach Stewart, Jerry is convinced.

    Thus, although they had been down below at the "fruits and nuts" camp for a couple of days (at least since the 14th) and had been interviewed by the media, the interview was done on the property (not owned by the Bundys) below the outer security area where we were a couple of days later when they ventured up to volunteer. The important thing, since the media are already tarring the Bundys with the "association" is:

    a. The two of them never got on the Bundy property (not even the outer security camp was on Bundy property).

    b. To my knowledge they never met the Bundys.

    c. On my recommendation, they were turned away by both Jerry & Stewart.

    If the media wishes to make the "Bundy connection" with that set of facts, they are simply parroting a regime narrative absent reality.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Uncle Mourns Nephew Killed While Trying To Stop Shooting Spree

    June 9, 2014

    Joseph Robert Wilcox wasn’t one for the limelight.

    And yet the 31-year-old Las Vegan is being heralded as a hero for giving his life while trying to stop Jerad and Amanda Miller in the midst of their shooting spree in the northeast valley late Sunday morning.

    After executing two Las Vegas police officers at a CiCi’s pizza, Jerad Miller entered a nearby Wal-Mart, at Nellis Boulevard and Stewart Avenue, fired a round in the air and ordered everyone to leave, setting off a panic.

    It was at that point, instead of running, Wilcox approached Jerad Miller from behind.

    Law enforcement sources said Wilcox, who had a concealed weapons permit and carried a handgun, was ready to “end it” when Amanda Miller, who was behind Wilcox, shot and killed him.

    Wilcox’s family has been devastated by what happened, his uncle John Wilson said Monday.

    “He wasn’t political,” Wilson said. “But he definitely believed in the right to bear arms and the right to defend yourself and others.”

    Wilson choked back tears and emotion — “It comes and goes,” he said — while speaking about his nephew.

    “He basically… he heard the threat to everyone and he was trying to stop it,” Wilson said. “He wasn’t trying to be a hero. He was trying to do what he thought should be done. “

    Wilson paused, reflected on his nephews actions, and admitted through tears, “I’d rather have him here alive.”

    Wilson described his nephew as a mostly quiet guy who had an ironic sense of humor.

    Wilcox was between jobs at the time of the shooting, but was always applying for work. He was trying to gain employment as a web designer, Wilson said.

    Years ago, Wilcox applied to join the Metropolitan Police Department, but didn’t make it, Wilson said.

    While dealing with their grief, Wilson said, Wilcox’s family members have the added burden of trying to find the financial means to provide a proper burial for Wilcox.

    This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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    Man Killed At Wal-Mart Called A Hero

    June 9, 2014

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    The man who was killed when he attempted to stop Jerad and Amanda Miller from taking more lives in the Wal-Mart store is being hailed as a hero.

    Joseph Wilcox, 31, was legally carrying his own concealed handgun when he was shot.

    "To the family of Joseph Wilcox, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department sends our deepest condolences. He died trying to protect others. His death is completely senseless," Sheriff Doug Gillespie said during a Monday news conference.

    Wilcox was at Wal-Mart when Jerad Miller entered the store and fired a shot announcing "this is a revolution." Police say, Wilcox told his friend he was going to confront Miller.

    "He had his gun on him. He worked his way towards the gunman and next I hear, I start hearing gunshots," said Jeremy Tanner, Wilcox's friend.

    What Wilcox didn't know is that Amanda Miller was behind him with her own gun.

    "He did not realize Amanda Miller was with Jerad Miller and passed her directly. As soon as he began to confront Jerad Miller, Amanda Miller removed her firearm and shot him one time," Sheriff Gillespie said.

    "I don't even think he ever saw it coming," said Debra Wilcox, his mother.

    Amanda Miller shot Wilcox in the chest before he could fire any shots.

    The family is mourning the loss of a young man who loved his family and is being hailed by police as a citizen hero.

    "No one has to tell me that. He wanted to be a police officer. I begged him many times, don't do it," said Debra Wilcox who feared if her son became a police officer, he could die in a shooting.

    Wilcox's sister, CJ Wilcox, said the family is still trying to process what happened. She called her brother brave.

    "I'm proud of him and I also wished he hadn't done it cause he'd still be here."

    Definitely sounding like he may have tried to issue verbal commands instead of simply engaging the shooter and that was when Amanda Miller shot him from behind.

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    ‘Just Realized I Interviewed Vegas Cop Killer In April,’ Says Reporter; ‘Political Views All Over The Map’

    June 9, 2014

    Al Jazeera America correspondent Melissa Chan says she just realized that she had in April interviewed Jerad Miller, who with his wife Amanda reportedly shot two police officers and a third victim in Las Vegas Sunday.

    We spent half the morning with Jerad Miller in mid-April outside Bundy Ranch. He had an AK-47 and .9 mm Smith & Wesson.—
    Melissa Chan (@melissakchan) June 10, 2014

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    I haven't seen mention of a memorial fund for Joseph Wilcox yet but when I do, I'll post it here. I'm going to send some money the family's way. It sounds like things are financially tight for them.

    I'd send some money the officers' families way as well but there's not a lot of extra in the budget at the moment and I know the department and LEO funds are going to be helping them out.

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    Default Re: 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

    I heard for the first time this morning that these assclowns were at Bundy's Ranch and WERE ASKED TO LEAVE by the militia groups there "because their agenda didn't jive with that of the protectors".
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    Ryan, I posted something about that about 2 weeks ago here on this site. This thing has been in the works for a few days prior to this. My thinking here is that the FBI had information on these two, they were tracking them and KNEW they were about to do something like this, so they put together a whole idea of tracking domestic terrorists (their words, not mine) to launch this thing when this couple did their thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    This happens to come just in time for this...

    Holder Announces Task Force On 'Homegrown' Terrorists

    June 2, 2014

    Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder, Jr. on Monday announced the creation of a task force within the Justice Department to combat an “escalating danger” from “homegrown” terrorists within the United States.

    The Justice Department, in a news release accompanying Holder’s weekly video address, cited a Congressional Research Service report last year that said domestic terrorists were responsible for more than two dozen incidents in the U.S. since 9/11.

    Holder, in the video, cited the Boston Marathon bombings last year and shootings at Fort Hood in 2009 and 2014 as examples of “the danger we face from these homegrown threats.”

    The FBI was criticized for its decision not to share information with local law enforcement agencies about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the brothers authorities say were behind the bombings.

    The task force will chiefly comprise leaders from the FBI, the Justice Department’s National Security Division and U.S. Attorneys. Called the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee, it is a recreation of a task force formed by former Atty. Gen. Janet Reno after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The task force fell into disuse after 9/11.

    Though the original task force, which was little known, focused mainly on right-wing zealots, Holder’s version is aimed at U.S. citizens or visitors radicalized via the Internet. Holder said the government will continue to fight terrorists abroad.

    “But we also must concern ourselves with a different type of threat. We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders,” he said.

    “Horrific terror incidents like the tragic shootings at Fort Hood and last year’s Boston Marathon bombing demonstrate the danger we face from these homegrown threats,” Holder said in the video posted on the department’s website.

    “Now -- as the nature of the threat we face evolves to include the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet -- it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home,” Holder said.
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    Default Re: 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

    Apparently the Sheriff was involved in some... interesting things.

    Editorials · Our Point of View

    Sheriff Candidate Martines’ brake line was tampered with

    • March 15, 2014

    Las Vegas Tribune has learned that this past week some hateful and malicious person tampered with the brake line of former detective Gordon Martines’ vehicle, probably with the desire to see him go to the hospital or the morgue. Martines was on his way to visit his elderly mother in[...]

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    Sheriff caught in middle of Nevada rancher feud


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    Sheriff caught in middle of Nevada rancher feudWhile the feud between the Nevada rancher and federal authorities over rangeland rights has cooled for the moment, the f...

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    April 12, 2-014: Rancher Cliven Bundy (2nd L) greets Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie in Bunkerville, Nevada.Reuters

    The family of the Nevada rancher in a simmering feud with the federal government over rangeland rights is refocusing attention on the local sheriff, claiming he could put the standoff to rest with a wave of his hand.
    "He could stop this right now, and he knows that," Bailey Logue, daughter of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, recently told Fox News' "On the Record."



    Logue claimed all the sheriff has to do is say "no" to federal authorities who for years have gone after Bundy for unpaid grazing fees. "He has more power than all those feds do in this county. This is his county, he runs it. He has got full control over this county. If he says no, they have to back down," Logue said.
    Other supporters have made similar comments, suggesting Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie can tell the federal Bureau of Land Management to high-tail out of Nevada.
    Gillespie backed federal agents who seized close to 400 head of cattle from Bundy over his refusal to pay more than $1 million in grazing fees over the past two decades.
    The sheriff now appears to be caught in the middle of a broader battle between landowners and the federal government -- a battle not just over grazing rights, but the basic authority of federal officials. Despite the family's claims that the sheriff could kick out the feds in an instant, Gillespie has told media outlets he is simply following the law.
    The Nevada state Constitution would appear to underscore federal authority, as it allows the federal government to "employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority" if people try to secede or "forcibly resist the Execution of" federal laws.
    Gillespie, who was elected sheriff in 2007, has more than three decades under his belt with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. As Clark County's top law enforcement official, he oversees more than 4,700 sworn officers and civilian employees and is responsible for the safety of nearly 2 million Vegas residents as well as 40 million visitors to America's party capital each year.
    Gillespie's office has not made the sheriff available for an interview despite repeated requests by
    Before the ranch standoff, Gillespie's reputation was relatively unsullied. Earlier this year, Gillespie was named by the National Sheriff's Association as the winner of the Ferris E. Lucas Award as Sheriff of the Year for 2014. The award has only been given to 18 people since 1995 -- and there are 3,080 sheriffs in the country.
    Gillespie, though, surprised local residents when he announced late last year he would not seek a third term, instead saying he would finish out his second term through the end of 2014.
    Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., also presented Gillespie with a Congressional Proclamation for being selected Sheriff of the Year. Gillespie's closeness with Reid has recently made him the target of vitriol-laced accusations by Bundy's supporters, who have called him a turncoat.
    Reid fanned the flames further Thursday when he referred to Bundy backers as "domestic terrorists" during an event sponsored by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Reid also indicated that Gillespie continues to play an active role with the feds -- Reid, according to the Review-Journal, said Gillespie is working with federal officials on putting together a task force to deal with the Bundy family.
    "Clive Bundy does not recognize the United States," Reid said. "The United States, he says, is a foreign government. He doesn't pay his taxes. He doesn't pay his fees. And he doesn't follow the law. He continues to thumb his nose at authority."
    Officials tell that it's likely they'll renew their efforts soon, though they declined to say when a new push against Bundy would take place.
    For the Bundy family, it's a decades-old, legally complicated fight between the federal government and a family that has ranched the area since 1877. Last week's dustup ended Saturday with federal land managers backing down during a standoff with Bundy after hundreds of states' rights protesters and armed militia members showed up in support of Bundy and in protest of government officers seizing his cattle.
    But the feud dates back decades, and this isn't Bundy's first time at the rodeo.
    The dispute started in March 1993 when the Bureau of Land Management designated hundreds of thousands of acres of federal land for strict conservation efforts.
    That meant eliminating livestock grazing and imposing strict limits on off-road vehicle use in protected tortoise territory in Nevada.
    The BLM purchased grazing rights from cattle ranchers who had previously used BLM land. It was then when the Bundy family, who had a ranch in the area in 1877, accused the government of a "land grab," and said they wouldn't sell.
    The Bundy family has maintained they do not recognize federal authority on what they say is their land.

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    Be aware, the Left is spinning this stuff as fast as they can.

    Vegas police killer decried government on YouTube


    Updated 6:36 am, Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    • Steven Carver cries while attending a vigil near CiCi's Pizza Monday, June 9, 2014 in Las Vegas. The vigil was held to honor two Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers and a bystander who were killed on Sunday. Photo: John Locher, AP

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — His face painted to look like the comic book villain the Joker, a man who would months later gun down two police officers and a good Samaritan punctuates his political rant with manic glares at the camera. In another online video, Jerad Miller warns that police can't be trusted.

    "What better way to kill and rape, after all, if you're wearing a badge," he says. "When law enforcement and government are the criminals, they will fear an armed and educated people."

    Investigators in Las Vegas are studying those videos and a range of other social media posts by Miller, 31, as they try to untangle what led him and his 22-year-old wife to gun down two police officers and a civilian before taking their own lives.

    Capt. Chris Jones of the Las Vegas Police Department's Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center identified Miller as the man in the videos, which decry what Miller sees as a tyrannical American government.

    The couple left a swastika and a "Don't tread on me" flag on the body of one of the two officers they killed and promoted an ideology shared by "militia and white supremacists," including the belief that law enforcement was the "oppressor," authorities said Monday.

    Their views were apparently too extreme for anti-government protesters who faced down federal agents earlier this year at a Nevada ranch.

    The Joker videos were posted on YouTube with a time stamp just before the 2012 presidential election, a few months after Jerad and Amanda Miller married.

    Authorities believe they came to the Las Vegas area in January. This spring, they went to the ranch of Cliven Bundy, who along with armed supporters thwarted a roundup of Bundy's cattle by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which wants to collect more than $1 million in grazing fees and penalties.

    Militias at the ranch kicked the Millers out after a few days, according to Ammon Bundy, one of the rancher's sons.

    "They were very radical, you know, and did not align themselves with the reason that the protesters were there," Ammon Bundy said. "Not very many people were asked to leave. I think they may have been the only ones."

    On Sunday, the two police officers were having lunch at a pizza buffet in an aging strip mall about 5 miles northeast of the Las Vegas Strip when the Millers fatally shot them. The attack at a CiCi's Pizza killed officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, both of whom were husbands and fathers of young children.

    About 100 people attended a candlelight vigil for the slain officers at CiCi's Pizza on Monday night, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

    According to Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill, this is how Sunday's events unfolded:

    The Millers left a neighbor's apartment where they had been staying around 4:30 a.m. and walked for hours until they reached the strip mall about 5 miles away.

    Around 11:20 a.m., the Millers went into the restaurant, where the two officers were sitting in a booth. Jerad Miller fatally shot Soldo; as his partner tried to react, Miller shot Beck in the throat. Amanda Miller then pulled her own gun, and both shot Beck several times.

    Police believe that while the Millers wanted to target police, the choice of Soldo and Beck was random.

    The couple took the officers' guns and ammunition and left on Beck's body a yellow flag featuring the phrase "Don't tread on me." The flag, with its roots in the American Revolution, is a symbol for anti-government groups. Police said they believe the material with a swastika printed on it that was also left on the body was intended to paint police as Nazis.

    The couple went next to a Wal-Mart across the street, where Jerad Miller entered, fired one round and "told the people to get out and this was a revolution and that the police were on the way."

    In the frenzy, shopper Joseph Wilcox decided to confront Jerad Miller. Wilcox, 31, went from the returns area to Miller and pulled his concealed firearm. But before he could fire, Amanda Miller shot him in the ribs and Wilcox collapsed.

    By now, police had arrived, and two five-officer teams entered the massive store.

    As police closed in, Amanda Miller shot her husband several times with a handgun, killing him. She then shot herself in the head.

    Police found hundreds more rounds of unspent ammunition in bags the Millers carried.

    Jerad Miller had been convicted of felony vehicle theft and other offenses in Washington state between 2001 and 2003, according to a Washington State Patrol database. He also had a criminal record in Indiana.

    Although police believe the shootings were an isolated act, not part of a broader conspiracy to target law enforcement, Sheriff Doug Gillespie said Monday he was pairing officers together for safety. For now, 300 will be on patrol at any given time — twice what is normal.

    Asked about worries that more officers may be targeted, he responded: "Is that weighing? Sure, there's no doubt about it."
    Last edited by American Patriot; June 10th, 2014 at 14:09.
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    Las Vegas cop-killing couple left swastika-stamped manifesto on officer's body, previously warned of Columbine killing: report

    A neighbor of accused cop-killers Jerad and Amanda Miller claims the couple openly spoke of carrying out a 'Columbine' attack before police say they armed themselves with 'hundreds of rounds of ammunition' and killed three people before killing themselves Sunday.

    BY Nina Golgowski , Joe Kemp
    Published: Monday, June 9, 2014, 8:09 AM
    Updated: Monday, June 9, 2014, 5:42 PM

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    Facebook Photo shows Jerad Miller dressed as infamous comic book villain The Joker, and his wife, Amanda, dressed as Harley Quinn, the Clown Prince of Crime's femme fatale.

    The married couple accused of fatally shooting two Las Vegas cops and an innocent bystander before killing themselves left a swastika-stamped manifesto on a slain officer's body and warned neighbors of their planned attack days before, it was reported Monday.
    A neighbor of suspected killer Jerad Miller claims the 31-year-old openly spoke of his plans to carry out a "Columbine" attack against police before cops say he and his 22-year-old wife, Amanda, armed themselves with "hundreds of rounds of ammunition" and killed three people.
    "They were handing out white-power propaganda and were talking about doing the next Columbine," Brandon Moore told the Las Vegas Sun of Jerad Miller’s alleged forewarning.
    A second neighbor has also since claimed hearing similar threats from the couple.
    “They were going to kill as many officers as they can, and then they were going to do away with themselves,” Krisa Koch, told KTNV. They said "they just wanted to get rid of as many of them as they can."
    AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Enlarge
    Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department via Getty Images Enlarge
    Jerad Miller, 31, is suspected of fatally shooting two Las Vegas police officers with his wife, Amanda Miller, 22, over the weekend. A Walmart shopper who heroically confronted Jerad was also killed, according to police.

    In addition to openly sharing plans to kill, Jerad Miller allegedly boasted of his gun collection and having recently attended the armed standoff between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management, which put militia members and federal agents precipitously head to head.
    On Facebook Jerad allegedly wrote that "one of the reasons why he was kicked out of the Bundy ranch was because of his criminal history and background," according to Asst. Sheriff Kevin McMahill at a press conference. That criminal history, said McMahill, was a vehicle theft offense in Washington state.
    McMahill said they are now looking into the Millers' connection to that standoff and whether Jerad Miller "told a neighbor that they were going to go out and kill police officers" — claims, apparently not reported to police.
    The suspects had some kind of ideology of "anti-police and anti-government," said McMahill.
    Amanda Miller seen in a photo posted to her Facebook page.

    "We don’t necessarily believe that they were white supremacists,” he said. Instead, "they believed that law enforcement is the oppressor" — like Nazis.
    After Officers Lyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, were fatally shot while they were eating at CiCi's Pizza on their lunch break, their bodies were pulled from their booth and onto the ground, said McMahill.
    Both were then covered with their own yellow Gadsden flag, which features a coiled snake and the words, “Don’t Tread on Me” — a symbol most recently adopted by the Tea Party movement in 2009.
    McMahill said Jerad Miller also placed a note featuring a swastika on Soldo’s body, “that basically said that this is the beginning of a revolution.”
    LVMPD Officers Lyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, were fatally shot while eating at CiCi's Pizza in Las Vegas.

    It spoke about "tyrants" and "suicide," a law enforcement source told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
    Armed with "hundreds of rounds of ammunition" in one backpack alone, police said the twisted couple then marched across the street to a Walmart as though "ready for a lengthy gun battle."
    There Jerad "told people to get out and that this is a revolution and that the police are on the way," said McMahill.
    That's when 31-year-old customer, Joseph Wilcox, who was standing near the checkout area with a friend, pulled out his legally registered pistol and "told his friend he was going to confront the suspect," said McMahill.
    Jerad and Amanda Miller sans makeup. The couple are believed to be responsible for the deadly shooting of three people in Las Vegas, including two police officers.

    "He immediately and heroically moved into a position,” McMahill described. Unfortunately, he didn't realize Amanda was with Jerad.
    “Amanda shot him in the ribs area, where he immediately collapsed,” said McMahill. Wilcox didn't fire off any shots at either of the suspects.
    The couple then went deeper into the megastore, where one witness recalled a frightening encounter with the gunman.
    The witness, Hector Garcia, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he was shopping in an arts and crafts aisle when a man dressed in camouflage and carrying a duffle bag suddenly pointed a gun at him.
    Authorities respond to reports of two officers and one civilian shot in Las Vegas on Sunday.

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    REUTERS/Las Vegas Sun/Steve Marcus
    “Don’t run,” the gunman calmly told Garcia before walking to the back of the store.
    Garcia fled the store with several other shoppers who were inside during the rampage. Meanwhile police said they were just paces behind the suspects, whom on several occasions they conversed with while exchanging gunfire.
    Once the suspects made their way to the back of the store, with Jerad Miller carrying various items from the store with him, "the sergeant at the scene made the determination that they had the suspects contained," said McMahill.
    Officers surrounded the couple who had built a kind of "tactical" fortress around themselves with store items. Amada Miller, who had suffered a gunshot wound at some point, was protectively moved behind her husband, said police.

    Facebook A posting found on Jerad Miller's Facebook page dated prior to Sunday's deadly shooting.

    But the spree ended a short time later when police say Amanda Miller "fired several rounds into Jerad" before turning the gun on herself.

    Police said she was still breathing when they got to them. She was transported to the University Medical Center for treatment, but died from her self-inflicted wound.
    The couple recently moved to the area from Indiana, but neighbors said they were too spooked to get to know them.

    Jerad was often spotted outside the couple’s Bruce Street apartment wearing camouflage when he wasn’t dressed as Peter Pan to go to work as a street performer, and he typically ranted about conspiracy theories.

    The shooters reportedly covered the officers' bodies with a Gasden flag.

    He and his wife also dressed as the comic book villains Joker and Harley Quinn, neighbors said.

    Brandon Monroe, 22 — who also moved to the complex in the past few weeks — told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he avoided the couple, who were in their late 20s, because they usually appeared to be high on methamphetamine.

    Krista Koch told the paper that the couple talked about a plan to kill police officers and "going underground" until the time to attack. But she never took their remarks seriously.

    After the shooting spree, police raided the apartment and found swastika symbols amongst other white supremacist paraphernalia.

    Statements regarding Sunday's deadly shooting of Vegas police..


    Statements issued related to the deadly shooting Sunday morning that killed two Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's officers and one civilian.

    "We can hope for peace," reads a June 2 message on what appears to be Jerad's Facebook page. "We must, however, prepare for war."
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    Default Re: 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

    The spin is getting faster....

    Las Vegas cop-killing couple's message of hate



    by Marisol Bello and Rick Jervis, USA TODAY
    Posted on June 10, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    Jerad Miller and his wife, Amanda, loved super villains.

    They walked about their Las Vegas apartment complex dressed as Batman villains, the Joker and his vampy sidekick Harley Quinn. Amanda Miller's Facebook profile photo shows the pair in their Joker costumes.

    Police say it was a window into the couple's troubled lives. Underneath their painted faces, they were a homicidal rage against authority.
    The couple opened fire Sunday in a Las Vegas pizza restaurant and killed two police officers, draping one body with a "don't tread on me" flag and a swastika. On another, they pinned a menacing note, authorities said Monday.

    Then the couple fatally shot another man in a nearby Walmart before officers cornered them. At that point, police said, Amanda Miller, 22, shot her husband and then herself.

    As the public reacts with horror, investigators are trying to piece together details on how the couple graduated from anti-government rhetoric to murder.

    "To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed," Jerad Miller, 31, posted on Facebook on June 2. "I, however would rather die fighting for freedom, than live on my knees as a slave."

    The couple's social media postings serve as an anatomy of their anti-government, pro-gun beliefs. Jerad Miller was particularly prolific about his hate against the government and police authority, often going on screeds against President Obama and gun restrictions.

    The couple were part of a growing far-right, anti-government movement that has exploded in followers in recent years, said Mark Potok, senior fellow of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

    The center was not monitoring Jerad and Amanda Miller specifically. But through the couple's Facebook postings and clues left at the bloody scene, it's clear they adhered to the anti-government "Patriot" movement," Potok said.

    Watch an AP video report on the shooting investigation

    The Patriot movement, which was the name given to the militia trend of the 1990s, has seen its numbers soar from about 150 known groups before 2008 to more than 1,000 last year, he said. The election of President Obama in fall 2008 was a main catalyst for the rise of anti-government conspirators, Potok said.

    "These are groups that believe the federal government is involved in a plot to impose martial law, take away people's weapons … and ultimately force the United States into becoming a socialist country," he said.

    According to an analysis of Jerad Miller's Facebook postings by the center, the social media page was littered with signs of his allegiance to the Patriot movement: He cited Patriot guns right activist Adam Kokesh. He "liked" Three Percenter Nation, a Patriot group headed by a former Alabama militiaman, and his profile picture shows two knives and the word "Patriot," with a stars and stripes motif.

    Also, the Gadsden flag left at the pizza parlor by Jerad Miller is an emblem of the Patriot movement, Potok said.

    Patriot members today constitute one of the most dangerous threats monitored by the center, he said.

    "The only terrorist threat we face is not just jihadist," Potok said. "We have a homegrown terrorist movement that poses a very serious threat."

    Witnesses say the couple shouted, "this is a revolution" when they walked into the pizza restaurant. And they had sprinkled ominous warnings about their impending spree in the days – and hours – before their anti-government attack.

    "The dawn of a new day," read a post on Jerad Miller's Facebook page from June 7. "May all of our coming sacrifices be worth it."

    On the morning before they left home with a shopping cart of weapons and 100 rounds of ammunition, they had warned neighbors of their intentions, NBC News reported.

    "We gotta do what we gotta do," Jerad Miller told Kelly Fielder, adding that he and his wife, Amanda, were departing for an "underground world." Amanda Miller then embraced the neighbor and said, "I am so sorry."

    Fielder said she had heard Jerad Miller make anti-government statements in the past — including a desire to overthrow the government and President Obama and kill police officers — but was not alarmed by them, NBC News reported.

    "I thought he was just all talk," Fielder, who described herself as Amanda's "best friend," told NBC Los Angeles.

    It was talk the couple was not shy about sharing. They could be heard spewing racist and anti-government opinions, another neighbor told the Las Vegas Sun.

    The duo told people they planned to commit a mass shooting, Brandon Moore, a resident of the complex, told the newspaper.

    "They were handing out white-power propaganda and were talking about doing the next Columbine," Moore said.

    The couple married in 2012 and lived in Lafayette, Indiana, where Amanda Miller's parents live. After they were evicted from their apartment, they moved to Las Vegas in January.

    Jerad Miller had a troubled history that included a long record of arrests and convictions for drug offenses going back to 2007.

    On Facebook, he professed support for Cliven Bundy, the cattle rancher cited for grazing his cattle on public land without a permit. He boasted of spending time at Bundy's ranch during a recent standoff there between armed militia members and federal government agents.

    He railed against the landlord who evicted the couple in Indiana and against the prison system for incarcerating him.

    "He was just weird, really weird," said Connie Kennedy, a neighbor in Lafayette. She said the first time she met Jerad Miller he rambled on about rampant pollution and America becoming a communist nation.

    In July 2013, Jerad Miller posted teary videos on YouTube to his wife before he was sent back to jail for violating an in-house arrest.

    "I wish the world was perfect and we could live happily without all this crap," he said.
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    Default Re: 2 Las Vegas Police Officers Killed

    And the COMMIE NEWS NETWORK strikes again....

    Right-wing extremists strike again

    By Peter Bergen and David Sterman
    updated 7:55 AM EDT, Tue June 10, 2014

    Police and firefighters on the scene of the shooting at a Las Vegas Walmart, on Sunday, June 8. Two gunmen shot and killed two police officers eating lunch and then killed a third person at the Walmart. The gunmen then killed themselves.


    Shootings in Las Vegas




    • Peter Bergen: Shooters in Las Vegas murders had extremist, anti-government views
    • It's far from the first instance of extreme right-wing terrorism in the U.S.
    • Since 9/11, more have died in far-right violence than Islamic terrorism, Bergen says
    • Bergen: Authorities should pay more attention to the threat posed by homegrown extremists

    Editor's note: Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a director at the New America Foundation and the author of "Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden -- From 9/11 to Abbottabad." David Sterman is a research assistant at the New America Foundation. This is an updated version of an article originally published in April.

    (CNN) -- On Sunday, Jerad and Amanda Miller, a married couple, allegedly killed two police officers in an ambush at a Las Vegas pizza restaurant and then murdered another person in an adjacent Walmart. During the attack, the couple reportedly stated that their attack was part of a "revolution," according to Second Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill.
    The Millers appear to have been motivated by extreme far-right views. The couple left a flag at the scene of the crime with the words "Don't Tread on Me," a Revolutionary War symbol used by some anti-government extremists.
    They also left a swastika at the scene, though McMahill cautioned to reporters, "We don't necessary believe that they are white supremacists or associated with the Nazi movement. We believe that they equate government and law enforcement ...with Nazis."
    Peter Bergen

    McMahill added an assessment of the Millers' ideological roots saying, "There is no doubt that the suspects have some apparent ideology that's along the lines of militia and white supremacists."
    McMahill also confirmed that Jerad Miller had written on his Facebook page that he had been ejected from the Bundy Ranch, the Nevada site where armed ranchers as well some with anti-government militia ties held off federal officials at gunpoint in April. However, McMahill was not able to confirm Miller's actual presence at the ranch. (Cliven Bundy's son Ammon said that "state militia members" told him the Millers had been at the ranch, but were asked by a militia member to leave because of "their radical beliefs.")
    The attack in Vegas is far from the only incident of violence by the American far right. According to data collected by the New America Foundation, right-wing extremists have killed 37 people in 16 violent incidents, in the United States since the 9/11 attacks. That number is more than the 21 people killed by militants motivated by al-Qaeda's ideology in the United States in the post-9/11 era.
    Although a variety of left wing militants and environmental extremists have carried out violent attacks for political reasons against property and individuals since 9/11, none have been linked to a lethal attack.
    Profiles on the 3 shooting victims
    As we pointed out in this space less than two months ago, a man shot and killed a 14-year-old boy and his grandfather at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and then drove to a nearby Jewish retirement community where he shot and killed a third person. Police arrested a suspect, Frazier Glenn Cross, who shouted "Heil Hitler" after he was taken into custody.
    Cross, who also goes by Frazier Glenn Miller, is a well-known right-wing extremist who founded the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
    A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.
    Page is not, of course, the only right-wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison.
    Also in 2009, Scott Roeder murdered Dr. George Tiller, who ran an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas. In 2010 Roeder was convicted of first-degree murder. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Roeder not only had ties to the extreme anti-abortion movement, but he also had been pulled over while driving with a fake license plate bearing the markings of the Sovereign Citizens, a movement of individuals who deny that the government has authority over them.
    Of course, the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil prior to 9/11 was the Oklahoma City bombing, which was masterminded by Timothy McVeigh, a man with deep ties to far-right militant circles. McVeigh killed 168 people when he bombed the Alfred P. Murrah federal building on April 19, 1995.
    Despite the history of deadly violence by individuals motivated by political ideologies other than that of al Qaeda, it is jihadist violence that continues to dominate the news and the attention of policy makers. Some of this is quite understandable. After all, on 9/11 al Qaeda's 19 terrorists killed almost 3,000 people in the space of a morning. Since then al Qaeda's branch in Yemen tried to bring down -- with a bomb secreted on a passenger -- an American commercial jet flying over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009 and al Qaeda's branch in Pakistan tried to launch bombings on the New York subway system a few months earlier. Luckily those plots didn't succeed, but certainly if they had, the death toll would have been on a large scale.
    Yet the disparity in media coverage can have serious consequences. McMahill told reporters that he had heard reports that the Millers had spoken to a neighbor about their plans adding "You know we have the 'see something, say something' campaign," and urged that, "We need to hear about those times when individuals or groups of individuals are talking about going out and committing acts of violence -- whether it's against the police or anybody else in our community."
    Indeed, in a report on countering radicalization in Muslim communities, the Muslim Public Affairs Council emphasized the need to inform law enforcement when an individual is ejected from a community for being extreme.
    Countering violent extremism cannot simply be a demand placed on Muslim communities to prevent jihadist violence. In the decade since 9/11 right-wing extremists have demonstrated their ability to be just as deadly as their homegrown jihadist counterparts.
    Moreover, killings like the ones of the two police officers in Las Vegas on Sunday demonstrate the need to move beyond the view that the only threat of terrorism or extremist violence comes from radicalized Muslims.
    A promising development to that end is that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced last week that he is reconstituting a Justice Department task force on domestic terrorism, focused on anti-government plots and racial violence. The task force was originally launched after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
    Libertatem Prius!

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