Parents shocked when school features 4-year-olds pole dancing to Disney tunes

June 20, 2014

Victor Skinner
SWANLEY, England – Parents of students at Crockenhill Primary School in Kent, England are fuming over a school-sanctioned pole dancing demonstration that featured performers as young as four years old.

“One of the ladies that was performing it was wearing a crop top with one of the shoulder sleeves missing – it was quite revealing,” according to one several parents who stormed out of the event at the school’s summer fete Sunday. “The shorts they had on showed more than they should and a lot of people were leaving as a result of it.”

“I don’t think it would have been as bad if they had been more appropriately dressed,” the father told the Daily Mail. “If it was a leotard, fair enough, but for what they were wearing, and having their faces all made up, it just wasn’t right.

“I felt like I was entering something quite unsavory.”

Officials with the school and local Revolutions Pole Academy arranged for the performance at Crockenhill’s summer school festival as a way to encourage physical fitness. Officials contend the routine, which also featured Disney music and adults dressed as characters from The Lion King, was perfectly acceptable, the Daily Mail reports.

“We had the dance company come along and they were involved in aerial skills and it’s run by someone in our community,” Crockenhill’s headmaster, Sarah Warshow, told the news site.

“There was one performance by the teacher and some of the children. It’s great for the children to keep fit and it’s fun as well,” she said. “We felt it was good to support it – there’s nothing sleazy about it.”

Revolutions owner Cat Ledbetter performed a pole dance at the event to the Disney tune Let it Go, from the movie Frozen. She said some parents are just over-reacting.

“The children involved all had a fantastic time and have benefited greatly from their lessons,” she told the Daily Mail. “It’s fun and it’s keeping them fit.”

Ledbetter added that “the pole workout is one of four or five workouts they do and a staple part of my business.

“To separate it and tell them they can’t do it would be putting a stigma on it. I’m very sad for the school and it’s quite upsetting for the children to hear these comments.”

Oddly enough, nobody seems to be more upset about the whole situation than LaToya Jackson.

“This is so disturbing to hear. What are we teaching our girls? Look at society. What are we doing here?” Jackson told Dr. Drew during a guest appearance on Dr. Drew on Call. “It so disturbing … the message that you are giving them that it’s ok to do that, to grow up and do this. I’m just, I’m just so upset about this.”