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Thread: World War Three Thread....

  1. #501
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    US Muslim Calls for Barack Obama and his Family to be Beheaded

    Tim Brown

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    Last Friday, the Sunday Express reported that British jihadist Abu Rashash Britani called for the beheading of Prime Minister David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May, tweeting, "I think when we establish khilafah (a Muslim state), a battalion of mujahadeen shud head to UK and capture davidcameron & theresamay n behead them both." On Sunday, a US Muslim Jihadist targeted Barack Obama and his family, calling for their beheading.

    Timothy DeTillio tweeted, "Obama your days are numbered. You have nowhere to hide. Your family is first on our list. We will find you and remove your filthy heads!!"

    He had previously tweeted out, "Soon Dawlat-al Islamiya fi'l 'iraq wa'sh-sham will encompass the entire world."
    Keep in mind that in both the Obama administration, as well as the Cameron government, they have deceitfully presented Islam as a "religion of peace," not wanting to offend anyone, but Islam is having none of it. They want a caliphate. They want the guns, the weapons and the bombs, and now they are more vocal than ever.
    According to Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch:
    This clown's Twitter account is still active. Twitter only seems interested in closing the accounts of those who oppose jihad terror. But anyway, here again we see a convert to Islam turn against his nation and people, and cheer on their subjugation. Which mosques in the U.S. are teaching against the idea that Islamic law should encompass the world? Why, none of them. None at all.
    However, a quick search of his Twitter handle, at the time of this writing, resulted in a page declaring "Account Suspended."
    DeTillio apparently lives in Vermont and he continued to blast America before his account suspension tweeting, "Dawlah has defeated all comers. Especially those arrogant Ameriki's."

    "The West and their lackeys need to come to the realization that khilafah is here to stay and bring about law and order," he added.
    DeTillio also tweeted, "desperately need to make hijrah but I need help and guidance."
    According to Islam, dawlah means, "country or state" and khilafah is another form of the word caliphate, which is the Islamic state, headed by Muslims.
    The irony in all of this is, as I've pointed out before, that Barack Obama's own DHS advisor Mohamed Elibiary has said the US is an Islamic country with an Islamic compliant Constitution and that the best antidote to terrorism is Islam. The only way he could reference that is if he believes Obama is a Muslim. Now, couple that with how things work in the Middle East. Muslims are not only at war with Christians and Jews and Buddhists, but they are at war with each other. Thus, as our friend and fellow contributor David Woods has pointed out, since Obama is actively involved in overseeing the troops in Muslim lands, he has made himself a target, by those that oppose him.
    Personally, though I believe Barack Obama is guilty of treason and should be tried and if found guilty executed, I do not believe such threats as these being made are anything but lawless animals spewing bile, who need to also be tried and then executed if found guilty and eliminated from the world. DeTillio is not after bringing "about law and order." He's about establishing the demonic, political, quasi-religious caliphate of Islam; nothing more, nothing less.
    I wonder if targeting Mecca and Medina (two of the most holy cities in Islam) with nukes and issuing a demand that if jihad doesn't immediately stop, we will utterly destroy it would work (h/t Tom Wise). Probably not, but we should seriously give it a try.

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    Sounds like the Muslims will indeed be the final catalyst to end the human race on this planet.
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    U.S. prepares for awkward military engagement with China in Hawaii

    June 24, 2014 Qronos 16 Leave a comment Go to comments
    The amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu transits the San Diego Bay on Tuesday on its way to Hawaii, where it will participate in the multi-national Rim of the Pacific exercise. For the first time, China’s navy will have a significant presence at the event. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenan O’Connor)
    The U.S. Navy has dispatched numerous ships to Hawaii as it prepares for Rim of the Pacific 2014, the world’s largest international maritime exercise. It will involve 49 surface ships and six submarines from 23 countries this year, but the inclusion of one — China — will get an inordinate amount of attention.
    The People’s Liberation Army of China will participate in the exercise for the first time, sending ships that include the missile destroyer Haikou, the missile frigate Yueyang, the oiler Qiandaohu and the hospital ship Peace Ark. The Chinese were invited to join two years ago by Adm. Samuel Locklear, the chief of U.S. Pacific Command, and will do so now as Chinese President Xi Jinping pushes an overhaul and expansion of the Chinese military.
    But the engagement, which starts June 26, comes at an awkward time following a series of controversial moves by China within the last year. That could complicate an already highly unusual level of engagement between China, the United States and U.S. allies at RIMPAC, even if senior military officials in China and the United States have had discussions for years.
    Earlier this month, Japanese and Chinese leaders traded barbs over how close Chinese jets flew to a Japanese aircraft over the East China Sea. Japanese officials said that two Chinese SU27 fighters had buzzed Japanese planes, flying as close as 30 meters away. Beijing rejected that, releasing video that it said showed Japanese planes deliberately flying close to the Chinese jets.
    “China strongly opposes and protests Japan’s act of ignoring the facts, shifting the blame onto the victim, aggressive slandering and hyping the so-called China threat,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a statement.
    The close call came in an area where China unexpectedly and unilaterally established an air defense identification zone in November, a diplomatic show of aggression that rattled Japan and other countries in the region. U.S. officials expressed disapproval for the way in which it was sprung, but ultimately signaled a willingness to allow China to keep it as long as it backed off a demand that all aircraft traveling through it must check in first.
    China also has been locked in a heated disagreement with Vietnam, a growing U.S. friend, over whether a Chinese oil rig should be allowed to operate near the Paracel Islands, in the South China Sea. Vietnamese officials say the rig is operating too close too Vietnam, while China contends that the company is simply doing its job. Both sides have hurled accusations that there has been boat-ramming on the scene. President Obama called for China and its neighbors to find a peaceful solution to the problem on Friday.
    China also has been accused repeatedly of stealing military secrets from the United States, using both computer hacking and espionage as it builds its own military.
    But it appears Washington is still pinning its hopes on China’s rise remaining peaceful. In a trip to several Asian countries in April, the president said flatly that the United isn’t interested in containing China, while warning that it must avoid aggression against Japan and other U.S. allies.
    “We’re interested in China’s peaceful rise and it being a responsible and powerful proponent of the rule of law,” Obama said, while adding: “In that role, it has to abide by certain norms.”
    Chinese’s inclusion in RIMPAC looks like an attempt to bring the Chinese to the table, but it also giving U.S. military officials a rare window into what weapons they are developing. Locklear has raised concerns about both China’s lack of transparency and attempts to stifle movement in international waterways, but said there is plenty on which the two nations can collaborate militarily.
    “If you take a look at our relationship as nations, I would say there is a majority of places where we converge with China on issues, the admiral said to me in an interview with Foreign Policy this spring. “Not a vast majority, but a majority. But, there are a number of key areas where we diverge, and that divergence can potentially cause friction. And so the question is, how will that friction be managed.”
    UPDATED: June 23, 4:05 p.m.: This post has been updated to clarify the United States’ relationship with Vietnam. There is not a treaty alliance between the countries, but there relationship has been deepening for years and they conduct military exercises together.
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....


    Posted on 06, 24, 14 by boudicabpi
    WTF is up with our “government with Osama Obama and a congress with their heads up their asses? Osama errrrr….Obama is the greatest threat to our country today. We are at war with Islam PERIOD. Not “radical Islam” Islam, wake the fuck up. This is a war declared upon us by Muslims on the name of Allah. Not a war of our choosing but you will either stand and fight, submit to Islam or die!
    Islam the death cult and Muhammad are depicted where they properly belong, Islam dead and Muhammad’s head on a woman’s spear.

    MaKaElectric·197 videos

    Published on Jun 24, 2014
    VR To – OBJ WARNING 06/13…

    WASHINGTON — The well-organized army of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, claims it has access to nuclear weapons and a will to use them to “liberate” Palestine from Israel as part of its “Islamic Spring,” according to a WND source in the region.

    Franklin Lamb, an international lawyer based in Beirut and Damascus, said the move is part of the ISIS aim of creating a caliphate under strict Islamic law, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Iraq.


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    Israel Warns U.S. That Militant Threat in Iraq May Serve Iran’s Nuclear Aims

    By Calev Ben-David Jun 24, 2014 4:26 AM MT

    Israeli officials are meeting with American counterparts to urge them not to let Iran benefit from the battlefield successes of an al-Qaeda offshoot in Iraq, an aide in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said.

    The aide provided no details and spoke yesterday by phone on condition of anonymity to discuss confidential diplomacy.
    In his first public remarks on developments in Iraq, Netanyahu underscored Israel’s concern that the U.S. might soften its stance on the Iranian nuclear program to seek Shiite Iran’s cooperation in rolling back gains of Sunni Muslim insurgents in Iraq.

    “When your enemies are fighting each other, don’t strengthen either one of them. Weaken both,” Netanyahu said June 22 on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program. “I think by far the worst outcome that could come out of this is that one of these factions, Iran, would come out with nuclear weapons capability. That would be a tragic mistake.”

    Israel has urged the U.S. and its allies to keep pressuring Iran with sanctions until it agrees to end any nuclear enrichment, a process that has both civilian and military applications. Iran and world powers are trying to reach a final nuclear deal by July 20, and are due to meet again in Vienna next week. The Iranian government denies it seeks to produce atomic weapons.
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    Nuke Attack On Israel & US Imminent?

    24 Tuesday Jun 2014
    Posted by Mary W. in Attacks, False Flag Operations, ISIS, Israel, Nuclear, Terrorism, Tyrannical Government, United States, Videos, World At War

    Understand I am NOT comparing anyone to Hitler or the Nazis when I say this, but making the point that when madmen threatens to annihilate a group of people, the world should take note and make the appropriate preparations to deal with the possibility that the madmen will carry through their threats, especially those that have already proven how brutal they are.

    According to multiple reports, the group ISIS, which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, claim to have access to nuclear weapons and are threatening to a nuclear strike on Israel.

    “Do you think that we do not have access to nuclear devices?” Lamb quoted the ISIS member as saying. “The Zionists know that we do, and if we ever believe they are about to use theirs, we will not hesitate. After the Zionists are gone, Palestine will have to be decontaminated and rebuilt just like areas where there has been radiation released.”

    ISIS access to nuclear weapons could come from Sunni Pakistan, which is home to more than 30 terrorist groups. Pakistan possibly has transferred nuclear weapons to the chief bankroller of its nuclear development program, Sunni Saudi Arabia, as WND previously has reported.

    The Saudis, who also have provided billions of dollars to ISIS, have threatened to acquire nuclear weapons if Iran were to develop its own.

    Read more at Wake Up America
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Chinese EMP Attack and Nuclear Drone Strike on U.S. Imminent

    Posted: March 2, 2014 in Breaking News, California Terror, China, Cyber-Terror, Drone Terror, EMP Terror, Nuclear Terror, Space Terror, Terror Alerts

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    David Chase Taylor

    March 2, 2014

    SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that international intelligence agencies have once again green-lit a Chinese-based nuclear attack on the United States of America. With a recent poll finding that China is now America’s top enemy and revelations that a new U.S. versus China cold war is imminent, the pretext for a “Digital Pearl Harbor” has quietly been established.

    The impending Pearl Harbor-like surprise attack will likely commence with an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack on U.S. satellites and defense systems in the Pacific theater, ultimately rendering U.S.-based radar and electronic warning systems useless. Shortly thereafter, autonomous drones armed with nuclear weapons will likely be launched from Chinese ships and nuclear subs in the Pacific Ocean. Although targets are always subject to change, twin nuclear drone strikes against the West Coast cities of San Diego and San Francisco, California are the most likely attack scenario.
    READ: China’s World War III Doomsday Plot Exposed

    Although reports in respect to China’s EMP program have been public since 2011 (see below), it was revealed on January 30, 2014, that China’s EMP weapons are an “ace” against U.S. defense systems and that the Chinese military is looking to use an EMP attack as part of a “one-two punch to knock out – literally within seconds – all defensive electronics”. The one-punch being the EMP attack followed by a two-punch nuclear attack. The notion that China plans to target the U.S. with an EMP strike was reiterated in the February 3, 2014, report entitled “U.S. Evaluates China’s EMP Threat”. Predictably, the Department of Defense (DOD) publically stated that they are “unaware of any increase in the threat of a deliberate destructive use of an EMP device”.

    As depicted in the January 8, 2014, report entitled “Strategic Military Satellites Vulnerable to Attack by China in Future Space War”, U.S. satellites are no match for a space-based Chinese cyber-attack. The notion that U.S. computers could suddenly be rendered useless by an unseen and undetectable force such as an EMP strike was recently highlighted in a February 25, 2014, report which revealed that the first contagious airborne Wi-Fi computer virus has now been detected. Unbeknownst to most, digital backdoors, which allow for “Zero Day Attacks”, have been built into all military software to specifically allow for EMP and cyber-like attacks.

    READ: Red Dawn Scenario: Chinese Attack On America Imminent

    Back on November 19, 2013, it was reported that retired U.S. Navy Captain Mark Hagerott warned that sonic computer viruses launched by hackers could “jump the air gap” and target military systems that are not connected to the Internet. In other words, Chinese computer viruses could theoretically attack U.S. military defense systems (even those not connected to the internet), ultimately rendering them useless.

    Despite growing evidence that nuclear bombs likely do not even exist (see: February 4, 2014 report) U.S. President Barack “O-Bomb-A”, (i.e., Barry Soetoro) is without a doubt the anointed nuclear doomsday president. Therefore, until Obama is ousted from public office, the world will be under the threat of state-sponsored nuclear terrorism. In the aftermath of a Chinese or Iranian nuclear attack, Obama will institute martial law and declare himself dictator. This was all but confirmed in the February 27, 2014, Fox News report which stated that Obama is about ready to make a “government unto himself“, a Hitler-like move if there ever was one.

    Chinese Nuclear Attack

    The notion of a Chinese nuclear attack on the U.S. was openly flaunted on October 31, 2013, when the Chinese government released nuclear blast map projections for the U.S. cities of Seattle and Los Angeles after they were struck by Chinese nuclear warheads. A few weeks later on December 17, 2013, a Chinese space rover advert showed Europe being nuked, another ominous sign that a Chinese nuclear strike against the West is imminent. According to a report published on February 6, 2014, new Chinese-based submarine patrols have put Hawaii and Alaska within nuclear attack range, further foreshadowing a West Coast nuclear attack by China. Four days later on February 10, 2014, China reportedly showed off its new mobile ICBM on the internet, suggesting that China will soon be using her nuclear weapons in a mobile and offensive manner.

    Chinese Space Attack

    In order to attack U.S. satellites and defense systems, the Chinese government had to first prove to the world that they are smart enough technologically-wise to do so. This was all but confirmed on December 14, 2013, when China allegedly became the third country to land on moon. Roughly 2 weeks later on December 29, 2013, a report entitled “NASA Beware China’s Red Space Storm Rising” sounded the alarm in respect to China’s offensive space program. A month later on January 29, 2014, defense experts warned that China has boosted its space warfare capabilities. Although not yet confirmed, it does appear that China’s “Jade Rabbit” moon rover is military cover for the EMP-attack program which will take out U.S.-based military satellites and defense systems.

    Chinese Drone Launch

    Should Chinese drones nuke U.S. cities, they will most likely takeoff from Chinese ships in or near U.S. waters. According to a February 11, 2014, report published in respect to two Iranian warships off the coast of the U.S., the Pentagon stated that they may sail wherever they like, a reckless gesture at best. Four days later on February 15, 2014, a North Korean ship which had previously transported illegal weapons to Cuba returned to the island, unabated. A few weeks later on February 26, 2014, it was reported that a Russian spy ship was docked in Havana, Cuba, just 90 miles off the coast of America. These reports were published in order to: a) show that enemy war ships are sailing just off the coast of America, and b) that Chinese ships will be able to get close enough to U.S. shores in order to launch their nuclear drone strikes.

    The “Invisibility Cloak

    In order for China to pull off a “stealth” nuke attack on America, they will have to, at least theoretically speaking, employ some sort of technology which renders America’s defenses useless. Coincidentally, on November 12, 2013, it was reported that the University of Toronto demonstrated an active invisibility cloak for the first time. Predictably, less than a month later on December 9, 2013, it was revealed that Chinese scientists are upbeat about the development of an invisibility cloak that would, in theory, allow the Chinese military to hide objects from view and make them “disappear”. In other words, if and when the Chinese attack America, they may do so with the aid of superior technology which in will in essence have allowed their military equipment to become invisible to American defense systems (e.g., radar, satellites, sonar, etc.).

    Asian Sneak “Attack” Propaganda

    Prior to a high-profile Asian based West Coast attack on the United States, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way of showing that yes, it can happen. “Red Dawn” (2012) is a film (see trailer) in which the United States is the victim of a red-dawn surprise attack by military aircraft from North Korea. “Battleship” (2012) is another film (see trailer) in which the U.S. Navy and the State of Hawaii are the victims of a surprise attack, by transformer-like machines. “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) is a film (see trailer) in which Washington D.C., is ambushed in a surprise attack by an ex-North Korean terrorists who employ military aircraft, suicide bombers and cyber-attacks in a bid to overthrow the U.S. government. On July 12th, 2013, the film “Pacific Rim” (2013) (see trailer) was released which features a story line in which the U.S. is attacked by monster-like machines from deep under the Pacific Ocean. According to the trailer, their first 3 attacks target San Francisco, California, Manila, Philippines, and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. If and when this Hollywood terror programming will manifest in reality is unknown, but the precedent for a surprise attack on the West Coast of America definitely has been set.


    1.1: China’s EMP Quest

    In a January 8, 2011, report entitled “China’s Quest For Dominance In Electro-Magnetic Warfare”, it was revealed that “China’s continued advancement in their air defense sector has continued to raise more concerns” and that “the Dong Feng 21D, a land-based anti-ship ballistic missile that officials now say has reached its initial operating capability. Which analysts have said the new Chinese missile leaves U.S. aircraft carriers vulnerable to [an EMP] attack”. The article also quotes Vice Admiral Jack Dorsett, the deputy chief of naval operations for information dominance and the service’s intelligence director, as stating that China is trying to dominate “in the electro-magnetic spectrum, to conduct counterspace capabilities, and clearly to conduct cyber activities.” China has already been set-up as the EMP terror scapegoat much the same way that it has been set-up as the cyber-terror scapegoat. If the reports are to be believed, China is currently developing EMP weapons and could use them against U.S. aircraft carriers in a future conflict. If and when an EMP attack strikes America, there is a high probability that China will be ultimately scapegoated and attacked, so long as the American military is able to function post-EMP attack.

    1.2: Chinese EMP Attack?

    Back on November 10, 2010, it was reported that a satellite monitoring the western coast region of North America detected an “EMP anomalous event” when a Chinese sub allegedly fired an EMP weapon on November 8, 2010. According to the report, the Chinese Navy attacked the U.S. based cruise ship entitled the “Carnival Splendor” with an EMP missile, resulting in a “catastrophic crippling” that left 4,500 passengers stranded and its crew “dead in the water”. Later that day on November 8, 2010, a mysterious missile was caught on video flying off the coast of California near Los Angeles, California. Although the U.S. government denied that they were responsible for the missile, a Russian report later stated that the missile was in fact a BGM-109 (Tomahawk) subsonic cruise missile launched from a U.S. Navy Ohio-Class submarine operating off the coast of California. What exactly happened that day is not clear, but apparently the U.S. and/or the Chinese military attacked the “Carnival Splendor” with an EMP missile.

    Evidently, the U.S. Navy sent up a Tomahawk cruise missile as a decoy to distract people from this unprecedented EMP missile attack on an American cruise ship. Conversely, it is also possible that the mysterious missile caught flying off the coast of California was in fact the U.S. EMP missile responsible for the “catastrophic crippling” of the Carnival Splendor.


    2.1: U.S. Vulnerable to Chinese Cyber Attack

    Aside from the fact that Chinese hackers reportedly crashed Federal Election Commission website on December 19, 2013, recent reports in respect to cyber-security (or lack thereof) suggests that cyber-attacks against U.S. governmental institutions are imminent. For example, on February 4, 2014, it was revealed that a U.S. Senate report found that federal agencies often fail to take basic preventive cyber-security measures. That same day, it was also reported that “password” is the password on many U.S. government computer accounts, furthering the notion that feds are an easy target for hackers. A day later on February 5, 2014, a U.S. government report found that 4 in 10 government security breaches go undetected, suggesting that cyber-attacks are much more prevalent than originally thought. Needless to say, these propaganda reports have been disseminated with the goal of making the American public believe that the U.S. government is highly vulnerable to a cyber-attack, possibly emanating from China.

    2.2: Cyber Doomsday

    Since June of 2012, numerous propaganda articles have stated that a cyber-terror doomsday is imminent and that when it happens, all hell will break loose in America. Headlines such as “‘End Of The World As We Know It’: Kaspersky Warns Of Cyber-Terror Apocalypse”, “Former FBI Cyber Cop Worries About A Digital 9/11”, “Retiring Rep. Norm Dicks Warns Of ‘Cyber 9/11′”, “Panetta: Cyber Threat Is Pre 9/11 Moment”, “Defense Secretary Warns Of ‘Cyber-Pearl Harbor’”, “Threat Of ‘Spectacular’ Cyberattack Looms” and “U.S. Homeland Chief: Cyber 9/11 Could Happen “Imminently“, all indicate that an unprecedented act of state-sponsored cyber-terror upon the United States is imminent. Exactly how a cyber-Doomsday will manifest itself is unknown, but a Chinese-based EMP strike followed by twin nuclear attacks appears to be the working terror scenario.

    2.3: China & Cyber Terror

    As previously reported, the nation of China has been systematically accused of hacking and has been linked to numerous acts of cyber-terrorism. China, more than any other nation, is sure to be scapegoated in the aftermath of a cataclysmic cyber-terror attack against the United States. On October 5, 2011, U.S. lawmakers publically accused China of cyber-terror and demanded that China stop its “pervasive” cyber-espionage campaign against America. A few weeks later on October 28, 2011, it was reported that Chinese hackers may have interfered with two U.S. satellites on four separate occasions. A week later, a U.S. government report stated that it can expect more aggressive efforts from China to collect information through cyber espionage in areas such as pharmaceuticals, defense and manufacturing. In March of 2012, a U.S. congressional report stated that China’s strengthening cyber capabilities will complicate U.S. efforts to defend itself against industrial espionage. Despite the alleged cyber-terror threat from China, Chinese joint ventures with U.S. manufacturers in hardware, software and telecommunications have created a “potential vector” for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to exploit and compromise American security. In what appears to be cyber-war political posturing, Chinese police arrested over 10,000 suspects and 600 criminal gangs during its latest crackdown on cybercrime while U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently stated that after several years of escalating diplomacy and warnings, the U.S. is making little headway in its efforts to clamp down on aggressive Chinese cyber-attacks against American companies and the U.S. government. On October 8, 2012, a report from the House Intelligence Committee warned that American companies should avoid doing business with China’s telecom companies because they poses a national security threat to the U.S. and that “China has the means, opportunity, and motive to use telecommunications companies for malicious purposes”.

    READ: Chinese “Live TV” Cyber-Hijack With “Live” Nuclear Detonation

    2.4: Cyber-Related Nuclear Terror

    Prior to a high-profile EMP attack followed by twin nuclear attacks, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Based purely on research conducted to date, the marriage between cyber-terror and nuclear terror was first made on February 19, 2013, when a CNN headline entitled “Former CIA Official: Cyber War ‘More Sinister Than Nuclear Age’” first paired the terms “cyber” and “nuclear” together in the same sentence. Roughly a month later on March 22, 2013, the propaganda film entitled “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) was released (see trailer) in which Washington D.C., America’s capital is attacked by an ex-North Korean terrorist who wants to hack the White House computer network and detonate American nuclear warheads while in their respective missile silos. Exactly a month later on April 22, 2013, the Wall Street Journal ran a headline entitled “China: Cyberattacks Are Like Nuclear Bombs”, ultimately linking the words “China”, Cyberattacks” and “Nuclear Bombs” in the same sentence. Roughly two months later on June 28, 2013, another propaganda film entitled “White House Down” (2013), was released (see trailer) in which Washington D.C., America’s capital, was attacked by hackers attempting to breach the U.S. Department of Defense’s computers to access the “Nuclear Football”, the briefcase used by the President of the United States to initiate nuclear war.


    3.1: China’s Drone Attack

    China is building one of the world’s largest drone fleets aimed at attacking the United States in the event of a war. According to the report, “The Chinese military envisions its drone swarms scouting out battlefields, guiding missile strikes and overwhelming opponents through sheer numbers. China’s military-industrial complex has developed homegrown drones to accomplish these goals, according to the report released on March 11, 2013, by the Project 2049 Institute. “The PLA now fields one of the world’s most expansive UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] fleets,” said Ian Easton and L.C. Russell Hsiao, researchers at the Project 2049 Institute and authors of the new report. The Project 2049 Institute report warned that China could consider “plausibly deniable” drone attacks blamed upon mechanical failure or cyberhackers. The Chinese drones could act as decoys, use electronic warfare to jam communications and radar, guide missile strikes on carriers, fire missiles at U.S. Navy ships, drop nuclear bombs, or dive into U.S. ships like kamikaze robots.

    READ: Chinese “Kamikaze” Done Attack On Pearl Harbor Hawaii Imminent

    3.2: China’s “Stealth” Drones

    If and when Chinese drones execute nuclear strikes against American cities, the drones will have to be stealth drones in order to circumvent U.S. aerial defense systems (in the event that they are not disabled due to an EMP attack). Another possibility is that the Chinese may cyber-hijack (commandeer) U.S. drones and arm them with Chinese-made nuclear weapons in order to get them past U.S. defense systems. Based on the following reports, both drone scenarios are possible, at least theoretically speaking. On March 11, 2013, Easton and L.C. Russell Hsiao, researchers at the Project 2049 Institute, stated that “The PLA [China] now fields one of the world’s most expansive UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] fleets” and that China could consider “plausibly deniable” drone attacks blamed upon mechanical failure or cyberhackers. The drones could act as decoys, use electronic warfare to jam communications and radar, guide missile strikes on carriers, fire missiles at U.S. Navy ships or dive into ships like kamikaze robots. Project 2049 went on to state that China is developing drones such as the rumored “Dark Sword” stealth drone that have low radar profiles to escape radar detection and that Chinese engineers have even begun working on drones that have the software brains to fly in formation, do aerial refueling and takeoff and land autonomously. The report cautions the U.S. military to prepare for the worst-case scenario by hardening its existing air bases in Asia. On March 13, 2013, it was reported that China is building one of the world’s largest drone fleets aimed at attacking the United States in the event of a war. As of November 22, 2013, it was reported that China’s first stealth combat drone has taken its maiden flight.


    4.1: Red China Rising

    Aside from the fact that China openly called for the world to be “de-Americanised” on October 13, 2013, it was revealed on December 12, 2013, that a group of U.S. defense analysts told a prominent House subcommittee that the U.S. military needs a more focused war plan specific to China, especially after China’s declaration of an air defense zone over the East China Sea. A week after this shocking revelation, Chinese hackers reportedly crashed Federal Election Commission website on December 19, 2013, a direct attack on the U.S. and its democratic form of government. As of February 19, 2014, China cut its U.S. Treasury holdings the most since 2011, an ominous sign that a Chinese attack is imminent. After all, China holds most of America’s debt and therefor a nuclear strike against America may be a sign to pay up.

    READ: China vs. Japan War Plot Exposed—Attack on Iwo Jima and Okinawa Imminent

    4.2: U.S. Versus China

    Inflammatory war propaganda, rising diplomatic tensions between the U.S. and China along with unprecedented U.S. propaganda against China indicates that World War III scenario between the United States and China is on the horizon. On June 4th, 2012, it was reported that the Australian government’s Defense White Paper published in 2009 contained a “secret chapter” that assessed “Australia’s ability to fight an air-sea battle alongside the United States against China”. A few weeks later on June 27th, 2012, Chinese Maj. Gen. Peng Guangqian stated that a future conflict with the United States is coming as a result of U.S. “containment” policy. Guangqian was then quoted as saying, “The United States has been exhausting all its resources to establish a strategic containment system specifically targeting China” and that “The contradictions between China and the United States are structural, not to be changed by any individual, whether it is G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush or Barack Obama, it will not make a difference to these contradictions”.

    4.3: U.S. Military Vulnerable to Attack

    Prior to an unprovoked and unabated attack by China against the West Coast of America, the public must first be led to believe through propaganda and alleged whistleblowers that U.S. military equipment and weapons systems are vulnerable to Chinese cyber-related espionage. That way, in the aftermath of a Chinese invasion whereby U.S. defense systems such as missiles, planes and radars are suddenly rendered useless, the narrative of a Chinese cyber-attack can be floated to the American public and military as the reason for the deadly attack which will surely take America to war. If the following reports are to be believed, Chinese hackers have gained access to U.S. weapons secrets, stole blueprints from Australia’s intelligence agency, stole a number of the latest U.S. weapons, hacked the NSA chairman’s accounts, targeted U.S. missile systems, hacked the Obama campaign, and hacked the head of the Nuclear Security Agency. The notion that the Chinese military is “smarter” than the U.S. military and therefore vulnerable to an attack was basically confirmed on January 16, 2014, when it was reported that a U.S. admiral conceded that the U.S. is losing dominance to China.

    Chinese Espionage Headlines:
    1. March 29, 2013: Report: China Gained U.S. Weapons Secrets Using Cyberespionage
    2. May 27, 2013: Chinese Hackers Steal Australian Security Intelligence Blueprints
    3. May 28, 2013: Pentagon: The Chinese Stole Our Newest Weapons
    4. May 28, 2013: Chinese Infiltrated Top U.S. Weapons Systems, Confidential Report Claims
    5. May 28, 2013: Report Lists U.S. Weapons Compromised By Chinese Cyberspies
    6. May 29, 2013: Pentagon Aircraft, Missile Defense Programs Target Of China Cyber Threat
    7. May 29, 2013: China to Hold Digital War Games
    8. May 31, 2013: Hagel Says Chinese Cyberthreats Pose ‘Stealthy’ Danger To US
    9. June 5, 2013: China Claims ‘Mountains Of Data’ On Cyber Attacks By US
    10. June 6, 2013: Chinese Hacked Obama, McCain Campaigns, Took Internal Documents
    [Does not purport to be a complete list of events of headlines]

    4.4: U.S. Weapon Systems Compromised by Chinese Hackers

    Based on multiple reports, Chinese hackers have compromised numerous U.S. military weapons systems, ultimately making U.S. military personal and equipment vulnerable to a Chinese attack. According to a May 28th, 2013, report by the Washington Post, the following is an “expanded partial list” of compromised DOD system designs and technologies:

    I. U.S. System

    Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, Patriot Advanced Capability-3, Extended Area Protection and Survivability System (EAPS), F-35, V-22, C-17, Hawklink, Advanced Harpoon Weapon Control System, Tanker Conversions, Long-term Mine Reconnaissance System, Global Hawk, Navy antenna mechanisms, Global Freight Management System, Micro Air Vehicle, Brigade Combat Team Modernization, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System, USMC Tracked Combat Vehicles, Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), T700 Family of Engines, Full Authority Digital Engine Controller (FADEC), UH-60 Black Hawk, AMRAAM (AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile), Affordable Weapons System, Littoral Combat Ship, Navy Standard Missile (SM-2,3,6), P-8A/Multi-Mission Aircraft, F/A and EA-18, RC-135 Detect./Collect, and the Mk54 Light Weight Torpedo.

    II. U.S. Technologies

    Directed Energy, UAV video system, Specific Emitter identification, Nanotechnology, Dual Use Avionics, Fuze/Munitions safety and development, Electronic Intelligence Processing, Tactical Data Links, Satellite Communications, Electronic Warfare, Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Radars, Nanostructured Metal Matrix Composite for Light Weight Ballistic Armor, Vision-aided Urban Navigation & Collision Avoidance for Class I Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), Space Surveillance Telescope, Materials/processing technologies, IR Search and Track systems, Electronic Warfare systems, Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch, Rail Gun, Side Scan sonar, Mode 5 IFF, Export Control, ITAR, Distribution Statement B,C,D Technical Information, CAD drawings, 3D models, schematics, Software code, Critical technology, Vendor/supply chain data, Technical manuals, PII (email addresses, SSN, credit card numbers, passwords, etc.), and attendee lists for program reviews and meetings.

    About the Author

    David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the 2014 global bio-terror pandemic. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on 50+ state-sponsored terror plots, including the man-made comet ISON hoax, the drone strike on “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker, and he was the first to expose Alex Jones’ links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to prevent terror attacks by drawing unwanted global attention to these terror plots prior to their fruition. State-sponsored terror alerts, warning, assertions and forecasts made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility they could theoretically occur based on the cited date. Historically, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot), the terror plot is immediately canceled or postponed. State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the true perpetrators of terror. By first identifying and then connecting the dots of the terror related paper trail, has successfully blown the whistle on numerous terror related plots. Please spread the word in helping make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Missing Flight MH 370 Hijacked for Nuclear Terror Strike on America?

    Posted: March 16, 2014 in 9/11-Style Terror, Airplane Terror, Breaking News, Cyber-Terror, Flight MH 370, Hijack Terror, Iran Terror, Live TV Terror, New York City Terror, Terror Alerts, U.S. Landmark Terror

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    David Chase Taylor
    March 16, 2014

    SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Recent reports now confirm that the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 was an “act of piracy”, that the plane’s communication system “was disabled before it disappeared”, and that “it is conclusive” that the commercial jetliner was hijacked. Who is responsible for this brazen hijack and what kind of terror-related event this plane will be used for has remained a mystery—until now.
    READ: “Live” Iranian Nuclear Attack Planned for New York City During Super Bowl XLVIII
    Based on breaking news and events, it appears that Flight MH 370 was hijacked by the country of Iran for use in a 9/11-style nuclear strike on America—most likely New York City. Since international intelligence agencies were unable to execute the Iranian nuclear terror strike on New York City during Super Bowl XLVIII, they hijacked the Boeing 777 specifically in order to fly an Iranian nuclear bomb into one of the four following New York City skyscrapers.
    NYC Nuclear 9/11 Targets:
    1. One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower)
    2. Four World Trade Center
    2. Empire State Building
    3. U.N. Building
    When the hijacked Boeing 777 will appear out of thin air in order to execute its kamikaze nuclear strike is not known, but it will likely happen just prior to or right after the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands which is scheduled for March 24-26, 2014. As evidenced herein, headlines and events in respect to Iran’s nuclear program and their role in disappearance Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 are trending, which is to be expected just prior to a 9/11-style nuclear strike by Iran.
    READ: Hijacked? Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 May Be Used In Chinese 9/11-Style Attack On U.S.
    In order for America (possibly the entire world) to witness the 9/11-style nuclear terror attack “live” on television, Iran must first execute an unprecedented cyber-attack in order to electronically hijack American television stations in order to show the nuclear attack on “live” television. This particular angle is a redux of a recent Chinese nuclear terror plot as depicted in the June 30, 2014, report entitled “Live TV Cyber-Hijack With “Live” Nuclear Detonation”.
    READ: Malaysian Flight MH 370 Hijacked for Islamic Terrorist Invasion of America?
    The plot to use Flight MH 370 as a vehicle for a nuclear terror attack only adds to the growing skepticism over whether or not nuclear weapons even exist. In short, large amounts of explosives (e.g., C4) are needed to create a massive explosion and subsequent fireball in order to convince the public that they just witnessed a nuclear explosion. Since ALL fireballs tend to mushroom, the bigger the explosion the greater the perceived nuclear attack. Evidently, a Boeing 777 can be packed with enough explosives in order to convince humanity that it just witnessed a nuclear attack.
    Iranian Hijack
    Evidence linking Iran to the hijacked Flight MH 370 was first identified on March 10, 2014, when it was revealed that the 2 stolen passports used to board the missing plane were used with 2 tickets purchased by an Iranian man who: a) bought the tickets at the last-minute, b) paid cash, and c) only purchased one-way tickets—All three of which are red-flags for terrorism. Three days later on March 10, 2014, it was reported that the mystery fake-passport holders on missing flight were in fact Iranian, ultimately confirming Iran’s hand in the hijack of the plane. A day later on March 11, 2014, Iranian lawmaker blamed the U.S. for the plane’s disappearance, an ominous sign that Iran is attempting to shift the blame of the hijacking onto the U.S. However, since exposed the Iranian terror angle on March 10, 2014, intelligence officials quickly declared on March 12, 2014, that there was no Iranian terror link in respect to Flight MH 307. On any other day, Iranian nationals using stolen passports to board a plane which has since been hijacked would be construed as terrorism, but not in this case. Evidently, the real terrorists orchestrating this particular terror plot want the Iranian based 9/11-sytle nuclear terror strike to be a complete and utter surprise.
    Iran’s Nuclear Bomb
    While Iran was attending meetings in Switzerland over its nuclear program, numerous reports were leaked which suggests that Iran already has a nuclear weapon. For example, on January 6, 2014, Fox News reported that an Iranian cleric stated that “Having a nuclear bomb is necessary to put down Israel”, a comment obviously directed at the United States. Roughly 2 weeks later on January 19, 2014, World Net Daily reported that Iran is “2 to 3 weeks” away from nuclear bomb. A week later on January 26, 2014, it was reported that an Iranian official confirmed that the country sought to build nuclear weapons. Predictably, 3 days later on January 29, 2014, the Times of Israel cited U.S. intelligence sources which found that Iran can now build and deliver nukes. On February 1, 2014, a day prior to the planned nuclear strike on New York City during Super Bowl XLVIII, an Iranian commander stated that “We have targets within America”, further confirming that an Iranian nuclear strike in the U.S. is imminent.
    Iran Trending
    Aside from headlining the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit, Iran’s nuclear program has been trending as of late. For example, on March 1, 2014, it was reported that the U.S. is pushing Israel to stop assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists, a report designed to show a vibrant Iranian nuclear program. A day later on March 2, 2014, it was revealed that Obama and Netanyahu held a meeting to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal which happened to coincide with the 2014 AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C. Although impossible to confirm, it is likely that this particle terror plot was hatched at the AIPAC conference as events began to unfold shortly thereafter. Ten days later on March 12, 2014, it was reported that Iran and Russia are now discussing adding nuclear plants. Most recently on March 15, 2014, it was reported that Iran prevented sabotage at their nuclear facility. The latter incident was likely fabricated specifically so that Israel can tell the world in the aftermath of a nuclear terror strike on New York City that they tried to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program but it was too late.

    Jewish Leadership of Iran
    In the event that Iran is successful in attacking the United States with a nuclear weapon, it is imperative to remember that the leadership of Iran is not Iranian but rather Jewish. According to a Telegraph report dated October 3, 2009, former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a Jewish past. Roughly 4 years later on September 19, 2013, the current President of Iran Hassan Rouhani took a Jewish member of parliament to the United Nations when Iran was brokering the historic nuclear deal with the West. Most recently, on February 7, 2014, it was revealed that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani donated $400,000 to a Jewish hospital in Tehran, a gesture only done by someone of Jewish ethnicity. These reports further confirm that international intelligence agencies just play country off of country to the detriment of all mankind.
    Pakistan Disinformation
    Although Iran is the most likely country to use Flight MH 370 in a 9/11-style terror attack on America, there is always the possibility that Pakistan could be primed for the same role. After all, Pakistan was to be implicated in the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot of February 6, 2011, and therefore cannot be ruled out in future nuclear-related attacks on America. Interestingly, on March 14, 2014, billionaire Rupert Murdoch tweeted the following message: “World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden”. Evidently, Murdoch didn’t get the memo that bin Laden was reported dead in Afghanistan on December 26, 2001. Whether he knows it or not, he is acting as a disinformation agent, possibly with the goal of camouflaging the impending Iranian 9/11-style nuclear terror attack.
    New York Trending
    Prior to an unprecedented nuclear terror attack in New York City, the American public must be led to believe though fabricated headlines and staged event that yes, it can happen. Starting on March 11, 2014, when President Obama made an inexplicable shopping stop at the New York Gap, the Big Apple has been trending in a major way. A day later on March 12, 2014, a deadly explosion caused 3 buildings to collapse in Manhattan killing at least 8 people. New York Congressman Charlie Rangel stated that the massive explosion was “Our community’s 9/11”, an ominous sign that the explosion was executed in order to set the pretext for an impending 9/11-level terror event in New York City. Two days later on March 14, 2014, after years in retirement, legendary NBA basketball coach Phil Jackson signed a deal with the New York Knicks. A day later on March 15, 2014, New York reportedly stole London’s mantle as world’s top financial center. Also on March 15, 2014, it was reported that Al-Qaeda has called for “car bomb” attack on American Cities, one of which was New York City. Needless to say, most of these events have been staged or timed in order to bring unprecedented media attention to the city of New York just prior to an Iranian nuclear terror attack.
    U.S. Vulnerable to Cyber Attack
    Prior to an Iranian cyber-attack on the U.S: government and its various media outlets (e.g., CNN, Fox News, CSPAN, etc.) the American public must believe that the U.S. government is highly vulnerable to a cyber-attack. Aside from the fact that hackers reportedly crashed Federal Election Commission website on December 19, 2013, recent reports in respect to cyber-security (or lack thereof) suggests that cyber-attacks against U.S. governmental institutions are imminent. For example, on February 4, 2014, it was revealed that a U.S. Senate report found that federal agencies often fail to take basic preventive cyber-security measures. That same day, it was also reported that “password” is the password on many U.S. government computer accounts, furthering the notion that feds are an easy target for hackers. A day later on February 5, 2014, a U.S. government report found that 4 in 10 government security breaches go undetected, suggesting that cyber-attacks are much more prevalent than originally thought. Roughly a week later on February 13, 2014, Iran’s supreme leader told Iranian students to prepare for cyber war, an ominous sign that an Iranian cyber-TV hijack may be imminent. Most recently on March 16, 2014, the Ukrainian CyberBerkut terror group allegedly took down NATO websites, another clear sign that the West is vulnerable to a cyber-attack. After all, if NATO can be hacked, so too can a corporate television stations.
    About the Author
    David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2014. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the man-made comet ISON hoax and the drone strike on “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot), it is immediately canceled or postponed (e.g., 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    ok, the connection is now made.

    Missing Malaysian Flight. Possible Nukes available to the ISIS terrorists.

    I keep saying that plane was moved to the Middle East somewhere. All those people were simply murdered. The pilot - will be flying it again, soon enough, into Tel Aviv, or somewhere else.
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Screenshot: ISIS taunted U.S. about plan to take American weapons from Al Maliki [pic]

    Posted at 8:26 pm on June 12, 2014 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

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    Go look at some of al-janabi's tweets. @azelin @BiasedGirl

    ed moore (@cannoneerfour) June 12, 2014
    Reports and pictures coming out of Iraq this week show ISIS jihadis taking U.S. supplied weapons from Iraqi Security Forces. Was that their aim all along?
    A screenshot posted by Aaron Zelin would suggest so.
    For those still skeptical that ISIS didn’t have a plan or weren’t aiming for anything. From two months ago:
    Aaron Y. Zelin (@azelin) June 12, 2014
    The account is now suspended, but if the screenshot is genuine, in a tweet dated March 20, 2014 this Al Janabi character was clearly taunting the U.S. with a plan to take the weapons.

    @azelin @instapundit apparently neither State nor CIA was monitoring the #USA hashtag.—
    Aaron Ammerman (@AmmerTime) June 12, 2014
    Or they were monitoring but no one decided to act?

    @azelin epics @AbuBakrAl_Janab
    سعد ابن معاذ (@Ibn_Muadh) June 12, 2014
    @azelin Face. Palm.—
    Janelle Elise (@FindingHumanity) June 12, 2014
    What a mess.
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    I guess that imminent attack in March got postponed.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Yeah... well, the stuff I've posted today is recent, in the last few hours.

    The stuff from March was related to the Chinese anyway. I'm not sure about that site I took the information from, but they have a lot of cites in their articles and I went through a few of them to check to see that it wasn't coming from say, Alex Jones or someone like that. Doesn't appear to be.
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Sounds like the Muslims will indeed be the final catalyst to end the human race on this planet.
    Close to end anyway. It's amazing how Islamic prophesy seems to match Christian prophesy; except that their Madhi seems like the Christian Antichrist.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Ok, take with a grain of salt, original source is Alex Jones' Infowar's site. But, posting it for informational purposes.


    Tuesday, June 24, 2014 0:36

    (Before It's News)
    Not many words can better describe it than this. World War 3 is coming, the Russians are already in our country waiting to attack us from within. This has been planned since day one of their agenda planning. Once the nuclear attack commences, all chaos will break out in both Russia and the US. There are many reasons as to why we will be going to nuclear war with Russia, but there is one that fits best. They are running out of time to start this war, and they will kick it off with a loud bang, also known as the “shot heard around the world part 2″. Most think it is with a bullet, but it is with something far worse, a nuclear weapon. On the other hand, others think there will never be a full blown thermonuclear war, this is also true. There will never be a full blown nuclear war because of the face the powers that be do not want to destroy the land. They want to inherit it. Does this mean that a nuclear weapon will never go off? Certainly not, there is a very high possibility of a nuclear bomb going off to begin their process of bringing about the New World Order. With that, a lot of theories and research are pointing to the fact that Russia is planning for a nuclear attack, done by none other than the USA. This is where we see the proxy war blow up. These preparations being done by Russia are epic. Not only are they making a statement to the world, but they are making a statement to us, that the time is drawing near. For more information specifically about Russia’s preparations please visit The Global Research website, or you may watch Crusaders2127 video.

    Russia preps for a nuclear attack done by the USA.

    Link to Atricle

    Even with what I said above, I'm finding other links talking about this... and all of them are "missing" when I get there. What's happening?
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Washington is beating the war drums


    By Paul Craig Roberts

    I wish I had only good news to bring to readers, or even one item of good news. Alas, goodness has ceased to be a feature of US policy and simply cannot be found in any words or deeds emanating from Washington or the capitals of its European vassal states. The Western World has succumbed to evil. In an article published by Op-Ed News, Eric Zuesse supports my reports of indications that Washington is preparing for a nuclear first strike against Russia. US war doctrine has been changed. US nuclear weapons are no longer restricted to a retaliatory force, but have been elevated to the role of preemptive nuclear attack. Washington pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia and is developing and deploying an ABM shield. Washington is demonizing Russia and Russia's President with shameless lies and propaganda, thus preparing the populations of the US and its client states for war with Russia.

    Washington has been convinced by neoconservatives that Russian strategic nuclear forces are in run down and unprepared condition and are sitting ducks for attack. This false belief is based on out-of-date information, a decade old, such as the argument presented in "The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy" by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press in the April 2006 issue ofForeign Affairs, a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization of American elites. Regardless of the condition of Russian nuclear forces, the success of Washington's first strike and degree of protection provided by Washington's ABM shield against retaliation, the article I posted by Steven Starr, "The Lethality of Nuclear Weapons," makes clear that nuclear war has no winners. Everyone dies.

    In an article published in the December 2008 issue of Physics Today, three atmospheric scientists point out that even the substantial reduction in nuclear arsenals that the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty hoped to achieve, from 70,000 warheads in 1986 to 1700-2200 warheads by the end of 2012, did not reduce the threat that nuclear war presents to life on earth. The authors conclude that in addition to the direct blast effects of hundreds of millions of human fatalities, "the indirect effects would likely eliminate the majority of the human population." The stratospheric smoke from firestorms would cause nuclear winter and agricultural collapse. Those who did not perish from blast and radiation would starve to death. Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev understood this. Unfortunately, no successor US government has. As far as Washington is concerned, death is what happens to others, not to "the exceptional people." (The SORT agreement apparently failed. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the nine nuclear-armed states still possess a total of 16,300 nuclear weapons. )
    It is a fact that Washington has policymakers who think, incorrectly, that nuclear war is winnable and who regard nuclear war as a means of preventing the rise of Russia and China as checks on Washington's hegemony over the world. The US government, regardless of party in office, is a massive threat to life on earth. European governments, which think of themselves as civilized, are not, because they enable Washington's pursuit of hegemony. It is this pursuit that threatens life with extinction.The ideology that grants "exceptional, indispensable America" supremacy is an enormous threat to the world. The destruction of seven countries in whole or in part by the West in the 21st century, with the support of "Western civilization" and the Western media, comprises powerful evidence that the leadership of the Western world is devoid of moral conscience and human compassion. Now that Washington is armed with its false doctrine of "nuclear primacy," the outlook for humanity is very bleak. Washington has begun the run up to the Third World War, and Europeans seem to be on board. As recently as November 2012 NATO Secretary General Rasmussen said that NATO does not regard Russia as an enemy. Now that the White House Fool and his European vassals have convinced Russia that the West is an enemy, Rasmussen declared that "we must adapt to the fact that Russia now considers us its adversary" by beefing up Ukraine's military along with those of Eastern and Central Europe. Last month Alexander Vershbow, former US ambassador to Russia, currently NATO Deputy Secretary General, declared Russia to be the enemy and said that the American and European taxpayers need to fork over for the military modernization "not just of Ukraine, but also Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan." It is possible to see these calls for more military spending as just the normal functioning of agents for the US military/security complex. Having lost "the war on terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan, Washington needs a replacement and has set about resurrecting the Cold War. This is probably how the armaments industry, its shills, and part of Washington sees it. But the neoconservatives are more ambitious. They are not pursuing merely more profits for the military/security complex. Their goal is Washington's hegemony over the world, which means reckless actions such as the strategic threat that the Obama regime, with the complicity of its European vassals, has brought to Russia in Ukraine. Since last autumn the US government has been lying through its teeth about Ukraine, blaming Russia for the consequences of Washington's actions, and demonizing Putin exactly as Washington demonized Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Assad, the Taliban, and Iran. The presstitute media and the European capitals have seconded the lies and propaganda and repeat them endlessly. Consequently, the US public's attitude toward Russia moved sharply negative. How do you think Russia and China see this? Russia has witnessed NATO brought to its borders, a violation of the Reagan-Gorbachev understandings. Russia has witnessedthe US pull out of the ABM treaty and develop a "star wars" shield. (Whether or not the shield would work is immaterial. The purpose of the shield is to convince the politicians and the public that Americans are safe.) Russia has witnessed Washington change the role of nuclear weapons in its war doctrine from deterrent to preemptive first strike. And now Russia listens to a daily stream of lies from the West and witnesses the slaughter by Washington's vassal in Kiev of civilians in Russian Ukraine, branded "terrorists" by Washington, by such weapons as white phosphorus with not a peep of protest from the West. Massive attacks by artillery and air strikes on homes and apartments in Russian Ukraine were conducted on the 25th anniversary of Tiananmen Square, while Washington and its puppets condemned China for an event that did not happen. As we now know, there was no massacre in Tiananmen Square. It was just another Washington lie like Tonkin Gulf, Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, Assad's use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, etc. It is an amazing fact that the world lives in a false reality created by Washington's lies. The movie, The Matrix, is a true depiction of life in the West. The population lives in a false reality created for them by their rulers. A handful of humans have escaped the false existence and are committed to bringing humans back to reality. They rescue Neo, "The One," who they believe correctly to have the power to free humans from the false reality in which they live. Morpheus, the leader of the rebels, explains to Neo: "The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." I experience this every time I write a column. Protests from those determined not to be unplugged arrive in emails and on those websites that expose their writers to slander by government trolls in comment sections. Don't believe real reality, they insist, believe the false reality. The Matrix even encompasses part of the Russian and Chinese population, especially those educated in the West and those susceptible to Western propaganda, but on the whole those populations know the difference between lies and truth. The problem for Washington is that the propaganda that prevails over the Western peoples does not prevail over the Russian and Chinese governments. How do you think China reacts when Washington declares the South China Sea to be an area of US national interests, allocates 60 percent of its vast fleet to the Pacific, and constructs new US air and naval bases from the Philippines to Vietnam? Suppose all Washington intends is to keep taxpayer funding alive for the military/security complex which launders some of the taxpayers' money and returns it as political campaign contributions. Can Russia and China take the risk of viewing Washington's words and deeds in this limited way? So far the Russians, and only the Russians (and Chinese), have remained sensible. Lavrov, the Foreign Minister said: "At this stage, we want to give our partners a chance to calm down. We'll see what happens next. If absolutely baseless accusations against Russia continue, it there are attempts to pressure us with economic leverage, then we may reevaluate the situation." If the White House Fool, Washington's media whores and European vassals convince Russia that war is in the cards, war will be in the cards. As there is no prospect whatsoever of NATO being able to mount a conventional offensive threat against Russia anywhere near the size and power of the German invasion force in 1941 that met with destruction, the war will be nuclear, which will mean the end of all of us. Keep that firmly in mind as Washington and its media whores continue to beat the drums for war. Keep in mind also that a long history proves beyond all doubt that everything Washington and the presstitute media tells you is a lie serving an undeclared agenda. You cannot rectify the situation by voting Democrat instead of Republican or by voting Republican instead of Democrat. Thomas Jefferson told us his solution: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure." There are few patriots in Washington but many tyrants.
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Ok, here's one that isn't missing.

    Russia Prepares for an Expected U.S. Nuclear Attack

    Posted on June 24, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

    Eric Zuesse
    In response to the Obama Administration’s Ukrainian coup that replaced the democratically elected pro-Russian President of Russia’s neighboring country by a regime that is seeking to join NATO and become a base for U.S. nuclear missiles, Russia is girding for America’s expected attack.

    BurkoNews, an organization of journalists who live in Crimea, headlined on 22 June 2014, “Why Is Russia Preparing for the Nuclear War?” and reported: “From the middle of May to early June 2014, the Russian Federation [i.e., 'Russia'] undertook two large command-staff exercises testing the realization of a local nuclear attack. According to military experts there were never such dense and extensive testing scenarios of nuclear war even in the Soviet Union. … The 12th General Directory of the Ministry of Defense, which is the most secret department, was involved in the exercises.”

    Previously, the present reporter had headlined “Why Ukraine’s Civil War Is of Global Historical Importance” and explained the connection between America’s coup in Ukraine in February 2014 and America’s re-start of the anti-Soviet Cold War. The U.S. coup in Ukraine cannot be understood outside the context of that country’s being able and willing now to allow the U.S. to place nuclear missiles right next door to Russia, close enough for a first-strike against Moscow to prevent any retaliation by Russia. Our missiles would destroy Russia within ten minutes of launch — too short a time-window for Russia to be able to respond.

    Another recent report was headlined, “Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear Attack Against Russia,” and it described NATO military exercises and anti-Russian propaganda to prepare for a U.S.-led nuclear attack against Russia. In other words: this new “Cold War” is actually preparation for a nuclear war that is being not just planned but now actually being practiced in military exercises. One cannot understand U.S. President Barack Obama’s propaganda campaign against Russia if one does not understand what it is heading towards.

    And, another article was headlined “How and Why the U.S. Has Re-Started the Cold War (The Backstory that Precipitated Ukraine’s Civil War).” It explained in even more depth the reason why Obama has been doing this.

    This reporter has also explained why all U.S. news media (with very few exceptions) have refused to publicize these unquestionable realities; U.S. media have refused to publish any of those news-reports that place these current events into historical context. For example, one of my news reports was titled “Videos Americans Didn’t Get to See on Our Nightly News,” and it opened:

    “While the U.S. media obsess with the Iraq War that we created 11 years ago and can’t stop, and that we aren’t really causing right now, they’re covering-up our current invasion (overseen by our CIA and former Blackwater mercenaries), which Obama and more than $5 billion of U.S. taxpayer money started in February, and which has been reported only via amateur videos uploaded to youtube and linked-to by Pravda and other ‘Russian propaganda’; so, here’s what U.S. ‘news’ media don’t want us to see, because it’s ‘only Russian propaganda’: it’s what we’re doing (through our own Ukrainian agents, our ‘heroes of Maidan’), right now.”

    I shall continue trying to get the U.S. media — both its major news-media, and the smaller-circulation “alternative news” media — to report to the American people what Obama is doing to Ukraine, and why; because, if this media-blackout continues, we’ll continue straight into a U.S. nuclear attack against Russia, even though that would destroy human civilization worldwide. Though that doesn’t seem to make sense, it’s true. Unfortunately, the current U.S. President has other priorities than the public (and so do the U.S. press), as I have documented in the articles that I have just cited here, which the U.S. press has refused to publish.

    Here are just a few of my articles about

    If this matter does not become a major issue during the upcoming Democratic Presidential primaries, which will start next year, then there will be no way to avert nuclear war, because Hillary Clinton shares Obama’s plan 100%, and was part of its operation while she was U.S. Secretary of State; and no Republican U.S. Presidential nominee will oppose an operation to “win a nuclear war.” Any contender in Republican Party Presidential primaries who would oppose it wouldn’t stand a chance to win that Party’s Presidential nomination, because being “strong on defense” is the biggest rallying cry to that Party’s voters: the people who actually vote in Republican Party primaries and so determine its nominee.
    Consequently, the available time-window for the U.S. press to change its tack on this and to start informing the American public on this matter that they’ve been hiding from the public, will soon become closed.
    If there are only few reader-responses to this news report, as to those previous ones, then one can reasonably expect that there will be a nuclear war. At least until the present time, the public has not responded to the news-stories that have been published concerning it. Thus, news editors could always say, “The public just don’t care about this.” Maybe they’re right. We’ll soon see. But time has become short.
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....


    June 23, 2014 tatoott1009 2 comments

    In response to the Obama Administration’s Ukrainian coup that replaced the democratically elected pro-Russian President of Russia’s neighboring country by a regime that is seeking to join NATO and become a base for U.S. nuclear missiles, Russia is girding for America’s expected attack.
    BurkoNews, an organization of journalists based in Crimea, headlined on 22 June 2014, “Why Is Russia Preparing for the Nuclear War?” and reported:

    “From the middle of May to early June 2014, the Russian Federation [i.e., 'Russia'] undertook two large command-staff exercises testing the realization of a local nuclear attack. According to military experts there were never such dense and extensive testing scenarios of nuclear war even in the Soviet Union. … The 12th General Directory of the Ministry of Defense, which is the most secret department, was involved in the exercises.”

    Previously, the present reporter had headlined “Why Ukraine’s Civil War Is of Global Historical Importance” and explained the connection between America’s coup in Ukraine in February 2014 and America’s re-start of the anti-Soviet Cold War.
    The U.S. coup in Ukraine cannot be understood outside the context of that country’s being able and willing now to allow the U.S. to place nuclear missiles right next door to Russia, close enough for a first-strike against Moscow to prevent any retaliation by Russia. Our missiles would destroy Russia within ten minutes of launch — too short a time-window for Russia to be able to respond.
    Another recent report was headlined, “Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear Attack Against Russia,” and it described NATO military exercises and anti-Russian propaganda to prepare for a U.S.-led nuclear attack against Russia. In other words: this new “Cold War” is actually preparation for a nuclear war that is being not just planned but now actually being practiced in military exercises. One cannot understand U.S. President Barack Obama’s propaganda campaign against Russia if one does not understand what it is heading towards.
    Yet another article was headlined “How and Why the U.S. Has Re-Started the Cold War (The Backstory that Precipitated Ukraine’s Civil War),” and it explained in even more depth the reason why Obama has been doing this.
    This reporter has also explained why all U.S. news media (with very few exceptions) have refused to publicize these unquestionable realities; U.S. media have refused to publish any of those news-reports that place these current events into historical context. For example, one of my news reports was titled “Videos Americans Didn’t Get to See on Our Nightly News,” and it opened:
    “While the U.S. media obsess with the Iraq War that we created 11 years ago and can’t stop, and that we aren’t really causing right now, they’re covering-up our current invasion (overseen by our CIA and former Blackwater mercenaries), which Obama and more than $5 billion of U.S. taxpayer money started in February, and which has been reported only via amateur videos uploaded to youtube and linked-to by Pravda and other ‘Russian propaganda’; so, here’s what U.S. ‘news’ media don’t want us to see, because it’s ‘only Russian propaganda’: it’s what we’re doing (through our own Ukrainian agents, our ‘heroes of Maidan’), right now.”
    I shall continue trying to get the U.S. media — both its major news-media, and the smaller-circulation “alternative news” media, to report to the American people what Obama is doing to Ukraine, and why.
    If this matter does not become a major issue during the upcoming Democratic Presidential primaries, which will start next year, then there will be no way to avert nuclear war, because Hillary Clinton shares Obama’s plan 100%, and was part of its operation while she was U.S. Secretary of State; and no Republican U.S. Presidential nominee will oppose an operation to “win a nuclear war.” Any contender in Republican Party Presidential primaries who would oppose it wouldn’t stand a chance to win that Party’s Presidential nomination, because being “strong on defense” is the biggest rallying cry to that Party’s voters: the people who actually vote in Republican Party primaries and so determine its nominee.
    Consequently, the available time-window for the U.S. press to change its tack on this and to start informing the American public on this matter that they’ve been hiding from the public, will soon become closed.

    The non-violent revolution begins July 5.
    Celebrate the 4th like its the last one ever. Then … Saturday and Sunday, you stay home.
    No gas station, no supermarket, no spending…..NONE.
    Corporations are designed to make money off us…. the GOVERNMENT became an ‘inc.’ in 1871….
    TO ABOLISH THE ACT OF 1871 Where Democracy was born , we the do won’t a democratic repubic of 1776
    not a Democracy
    From this point forward… we all must push for the abolishing of the corporation which is literally a MONOPOLY.
    July 5th (saturday), July 6th (sunday).
    Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.
    The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London ) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.
    With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution – the United States’ secret second constitution.
    The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City”
    The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law). When congress passed the act of 1871 it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens.
    POTUS Obama at the Vatican Corporate headquarters
    POTUS is the Chief Executive (president) of the Corporation of the United States operating as any other CEO of the corporation — governs w/a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators/Congress) Obama as others before him is POTUS — operating as “vassal king” taking orders once again from “The City of London” through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs). The Illuminati (founded by the The Society of Jesus or Jesuits, the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope) created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths).
    What did the Act of 1871 achieve? The ACT of 1871 put the United States back under British rule (which is under Vatican rule). The United States people lost their independence in 1871.
    THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government.
    Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.
    As of 1871 the United States isn’t a Country; It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the people” believed was a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC , but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed “the people” all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty]
    The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. The U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony. King James I, is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.
    After America declared independence from Great Britain, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783 was signed. That treaty identifies the King of England as prince of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America“– completely contradicting premise that America won The War of Independence.
    Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to Britain.
    It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons of any other decription shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail. And that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states that the estates, rights, and properties, of such last mentioned persons shall be restored to them, they refunding to any persons who may be now in possession the bona fide price (where any has been given) which such persons may have paid on purchasing any of the said lands, rights, or properties since the confiscation.
    And it is agreed that all persons who have any interest in confiscated lands, either by debts, marriage settlements, or otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in the prosecution of their just rights.
    It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another.
    Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the U.S. Constitution has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a façade to deceive and placate the masses. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government – created with the illegal passing of the Act of 1871. It still, for the most part, operates in secret, because its control is not secure. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which this country is supposed to represent.
    When the president takes the oath of office he is swearing to defend the Constitution of the District of Columbia, the INCORPORATED government. He isn’t promising to preserve, protect and defend the original Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. See for yourself – “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” It doesn’t state – “Constitution for the United States of America” which was drafted for “We the People of the United States”.
    It is for this reason that Obama never got a declaration of war from Congress for Libya. He didn’t need one. Under the corporation constitution, the Constitution of the United States, Obama is the CEO and master of his corporate domain called the United States. His loyalty is to the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government which is financially controlled by London and their Federal Reserve bankers, which is controlled by the Vatican. Obama is president of corporate America – looking out for its corporate interests.
    When the International bankers (London) wanted more money they had their banks Goldmen Sachs and Bank of America (taken over by Bank of Italy in the 1920s) falsely declare $billions in losses. The first ever GAO(Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve revealed that London has received more than $16 trillion in U.S. funds under the guise of government bailouts. $16 trillion had been secretly given out to US banks and corporate interests and international bankers everywhere from Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, the UK, and Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and September 2011, the Federal Reserve had secretly laundered out over $16 trillion to international banks, corporations, and on the take governments.
    If the American people want to know where their money went take a look at the Vatican. The Vatican bank is where most of that $16 trillion went to. Their vaults hold secret numbered accounts (Roman numerals of course) for George W Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George HW Bush, Barack Hussein Obama, Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel (born Angela Dorothea Kasner). Look also at Citigroup – that bank is used to money launder $billions to the CIA (Knights of the Holy See) for arms dealing, drug trafficking and covert terrorist operations against the United States people – CIA code named al Qaeda. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner ignored President Barack Obama’s order to consider dissolving Citigroup because it is the CIA’s financial pipeline.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Nuking London: Russian Planes Can Deliver Nuclear Strike On London From Belarus

    June 26, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in Britain, CIA, DIA, Europe, foreign policy, Intelligence Community, military history, national security, NATO, Nuclear, Russia, US Military · Leave a comment
    Alesin: Russian Planes Can Deliver Nuclear Strike Even At London From Belarus важная новость?
    16:11, — Army

    Alesin: Russian planes can deliver nuclear strike even at London from Belarus

    Russian aviation in Babruisk and Barabavichy poses a threat to entire Europe.

    Military observer Aliaksandr Alesin said it to commenting on possible stationing of Tu-160 Russian strategic bombers in Belarus.

    – To what extent is it possible that these planes will be sent here?

    – If we take only military arguments, it is not reasonable. Tu-160 is an intercontinental strategic bomber. Its range, to put it mildly, is 10,000 kilometres, but it can fly around the world with several in-flight refuellings. So, it doesn’t matter where they are stationed. Taking into account that the plane’s speed is more than 2,000 kilometres per hour, Belarus with a perimeter of 650 by 550 kilometres is the least comfortable place for it. Besides, Russia’s unfriendly countries lie to the west, to the north and, to all appearances, to the south of the country. The plane has no place to fly except for the east. It even cannot perform normal practice flights.

    – Do you mean it is more convenient for the planes to perform combat tasks from Russia?

    – Yes. They are stationed on the Volga River, near the town of Engels. There’s a long-range aviation base known from the Soviet times. If they arrive here in Belarus and probably take part in the parade, it will be a propagandist step to demonstrate Russia’s readiness for decisive actions.

    – Sending such planes that consume a lot of fuel only for the participation in the parade is not cheap, is it?

    – The matter is that nobody counts money during the war. I think Russia can afford it to back its oral threats in case of opening NATO bases in the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine. From the military point of view, it is enough to station Tu-22MZ long-range planes in Belarus which were designed for the European theatre of war. Russia also has new perfect Su-34 fighter bombers that have excellent electronics and can carry various weapons. From the military point of view, it would be more reasonable to station these aircraft here. In my opinion, Su-34 planes are an excellent tool to threaten Polish aerodromes, potential air defence systems in Poland and so on. Anyway, I think even the regiment of Su-27SMZ equipped with 300 km range missiles, which will be stationed here, will be more than enough to perform the tasks of containment and deterrence.

    Moreover, they also can carry tactical nuclear weapons. They can fly about 1,500 kilometres without refuelling that is enough to threaten Berlin and even London.
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    Posted on June 26, 2014 by Land & Livestock Interntional, Inc.
    Conscription is slavery simply because it can’t possibly be anything else. — jtl, 419

    [Editor’s Note: The following post is by TDV contributor, Wendy McElroy]

    California Assembly Bill 2201 is indicative of a quiet but growing trend. The US is not only militarizing its police departments to handle a “national emergency” but it is also making certain it can conscript the civilian population at will.
    AB 2201 is entitled “Selective Service and Drivers License for Vehicles.” Almost every male between 18 and 26 years old who applies for a driver’s license or for a renewal at the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) would be automatically registered with the federal Selective Service System (SSS).
    If the applicant is 16 years old, then his information would be automatically forwarded to the Selective Service upon his 18th birthday. Females are excluded.
    Registering with the SSS is mandated by the federal Military Selective Service Act, and it includes all documented or undocumented male immigrants. Names of ‘eligible’ males are collected and maintained by the SSS in order to facilitate a military draft or a civil conscription in times of “national emergency.”
    The SSS stated its mission in a 2005 Annual Report to the Congress of the United States which seemed to clearly mix military and civilian conscription. The agency claimed to serve “the emergency manpower needs of the military by conscripting untrained manpower, or personnel with professional health care skills, if directed by Congress and the President in a national crisis.” Civil conscription refers to using draftees to address domestic problems such as a natural disaster or civil unrest. Compelling civilians to fill the domestic needs of the state during peacetime may sound alien to Western ears but it has deep roots in European feudal tradition. To make it work, however, compliance must be high.
    100% Compliance Necessary for a Draft to be ‘Fair’

    An effective strategy to hike the registration rate is to link it to the ‘privilege’ of possessing a driver’s license. Being able to drive is an employment and lifestyle necessity for many young men. Bill Galvin, a conscientious objector at the Center on Conscience, suggests that young men simply “not apply for a driver’s license until they turn 26 years old.” But many cannot afford to follow his advice.
    The linking of DMV-SSS is slowly spreading across the country with dozens of states forging a mandatory sharing of information. On its website, the SSS makes a misleading claim. “As of October 25, 2013, 40 states, 4 territories, and the District of Columbia have enacted driver’s license laws supporting SSS registration.” In fact, many of the states offer registration as an option to applicants rather than as a requirement.
    And so the SSS is pushing for 100% compliance. Its website states, “Maintaining a high compliance rate is of concern to officials because it means that any future draft instituted…would be fair and equitable.” Its website trumpets, “in May 2002, the state of Delaware, which enacted driver’s license legislation in 2000, became the first state to reach nearly 100 percent registration compliance since the Agency began compiling this data. In that same year, seven other states increased their compliance rates by 3 percent or more after enacting similar driver’s license legislation.”
    Actually, what is amazing is that compliance rose only 3 percent even when attached to the ‘privilege’ of having a driver’s license. This is a defeat, not a triumph.
    The situation in California is particularly significant because the state is a bastion of resistance to registration. At least five bills similar to AB 2201 have been introduced and defeated…in one way or another. In 2011, for example, SB 251 was approved and the amended version died a lingering death on an appropriation’s committee table.
    California also has one of the highest non-compliance rates for registration; an estimated 42 percent of 18-year-olds do not comply. Allowing a huge state to flaunt the SSS would complicate conscription and cause a political backlash.
    California Cannot be Permitted to Hold Out
    The California DMV currently shares the personal information of applicants with the SSS, which is then used to mail out registration cards. That’s not enough. Through automatic registration at the DMV, the SSS could skip the step of mailing out cards and the risk of their non-return.
    How exactly would AB 2201 change the process? When a state links the two agencies, all license or renewal applications typically declare that a signature on the form constitutes automatic consent to registration. A data-sharing agreement then gives the SSS immediate access to the information, including social security numbers.
    On May 27, AB 2201 passed the California House with strong bipartisan support and it is currently before the Senate where it awaits a hearing by the Transportation and Housing Committee. Passage is likely.
    The Carrot and the Stick
    The bill is painted in humanitarian terms as a measure to help precisely the people it targets for oppression: young men. Republican Assemblyman Rocky Chávez, who sponsored the measure, declared, “AB 2201 will ensure that young men can take full advantage of educational grants and job opportunities available to them. At a time when tuition and unemployment rates are on the rise, I am happy to see this bill move forward.”
    “Tuition” and “job opportunities” are stressed for a reason. Two federal laws currently withhold educational grants and federal employment from males who do not register with the SSS. Almost every state has followed suit with state funds and jobs. .
    And, yet, close to half of California’s young males still refuse to register. The SSS needs more than the carrots of money and jobs. It needs a stick. But the attack cannot be an overly aggressive one such as throwing young men in jail. That would be a poor way to win the ‘youth vote’ in November elections. Instead, the SSS prefers the stick of punitive measures that make it seem as though people are choosing for themselves by accepting the terms of a driver’s license.
    California’s attempt to count young men as though they were inventory on a government shelf is being opposed. Unfortunately, the counter-attack does not proceed from principles but from technicalities. For example, the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) declared, “AB 2201 would make the state an active partner in gender discrimination. The Dept. of Defense no longer excludes females from most military jobs, yet Congress has continued to require only males to register for a possible future draft. AB 2201 would make the DMV an active participant in such discrimination.”
    Such technical objections have worked in the past but they are weak tea to those opposed on principle.

    COMD raises the word on everyone’s min: “draft.” Why else the push for registration? Personally, I think the return of a military draft to the United States is unlikely; there has not been one since 1973 and it is a political grenade. But civil conscription is increasingly likely. Last year, President Obama delivered a speech in praise of what he called “national service” – “a new civic rite of passage for all young Americans.”
    And it could be authorized by his signature under the rubric of “national emergency.
    Bottom line: it doesn’t matter whether a gun or a shovel is forced into a young man’s hands. The result is still state-slavery.
    [Editor's Note: Historically in the US one of the main reasons individuals have left the country was to avoid war. The Vietnam War is a good example of this with many would-be soldiers fleeing north. In the globalized world such an option is not available. You have to prepare in order to survive and prosper, and preparation starts now. For more information on living a freer, happier life, start here. To get out of dodge now with no reservations, click here.]
    Libertatem Prius!

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