‘ North Korea Fires Short-Range Rockets into the Sea in Violation of a UN Resolution Ban ‘

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#AceWorldNews – NORTH KOREA (PYONGYANG) – July 02 – North Korea fired short-range rockets into the sea off its east coast on Wednesday morning, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.

A South Korean Ministry of Defence official, however, was not able to confirm exactly what kind of weapons were launched but said they were assumed to be 300mm rockets launched from one of North Korea’s many Multiple Rocket Launchers.

Pyongyag tested two short-range missiles on Sunday in violation of a UN resolutions, that prohibit North Korea from procuring and using ballistic missile technology, but short-range rocket launchers are not included in the ban.

New tests came one day ahead of a state visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Seoul. Pyongyang is likely to be high on the agenda when Xi meets his South Korean counterpart, Park Geun-hye, Reuters said.
